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Event suggestion


Level 10
August 24th, 2020
It's a pretty simple idea, but for november 1st, I think it would be cool if we could have a special event where one would be able to bring back one of their dead characters, just for that day. You know, because day of the dead and everything.. It would give players a chance to use that character one last time. I think it could also be cool for RP purposes, for example, if a character died without telling their friend goodbye, they could use that day to say their farewells, but to stop people from maliciously using this event in order to get KPS and gangRP, because let's be honest, there are some folks out there... I think bringing a character back for a day should have it's rules.

Rules that could be implemented if the character were to be brought back :
GangRP on that character would not be allowed.
The character would not remember anyone that would be involved leading up to his murder if they were to be murdered.
I also don't think characters brought back should be able to make any major changes to the town, because, even though this might be unrealistic, it would be cool to keep a sense of realism, if a character died, it should appear that way to the rest of the world.



Level 183

- Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately after consulting with the event team lead we've chosen to deny this for the SchoolRP server. It is still however a possibility to have something similar like this occur on the brand new event server which has near enough no limitations.​

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