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Exam rework


Level 1
What's your Minecraft Username?: Wpke
What's the title of your suggestion?: Exam rework

What's your suggestion?:
More exams! Or an automated system for hosting them. Or completely rework them to be less exclusive and more available to all time zones.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I have 16 weeks on the server and 3 years of experience and not once has an exam been in a convenient time for me. I would say that this is my fault but I've been a member of multiple sports teams and factions. Considering that I'm very active in the community I feel it's a bit unfair that certain players gain advantage and a more positive experience on the server. This implication would allow the adult faction to be more relevant as many players would be adults but are unable to be promoted due to unfair scheduling. While I would like to say that scholarships would also be a good alternative, they are generally shunned for some reason. And many adult factions that give gateways to new opportunities are often highly exclusive and based on previous faction experience which is very difficult to obtain.


Level 163
SLT have to monitor the exams. Having an automated system for hosting them will not be possible because the SLT make new exams. There will always be more opportunities if you miss an exam. It's not the end of the world, it's a block game. If you miss out on this opportunity wait until the next one is hosted. I get that the waiting time can become frustrating and annoying but SLT and other players on the community have a real life too. Not everyone plays on a block game 24/7. The best thing you can do is hope you're available when the time frame is posted.


Level 95
-1, Exams (From what I know) are planned weeks maybe even months in advanced. You have to remember that they need to get a date where the majority of SLT that help out with the exams are available. Sometimes this time may be good for you and sometimes it may not. Sadly that's just how it is. However I'm sure they do plan to get exams out more as it was stated during last exams that it would be every 3 months and the last exams was about 4 months ago!


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team

SLT(staff) have lives outside of SRP and exams take time to make and set up. I understand that exams are supposed to be 2-3 months apart but things happen that take more importance than a video game.


Level 116
heavy -1

like what with everyone said, the exams are the most time-consuming, the most server-heavy events on SRP. staff plan these months in advance and so that's why it takes a bajillion light years to have one, but that's because they're doing their best to keep it organized and also figure out ways to stop the entire damn playerbase from crashing the server in one fell swoop (referencing the december exams). staff are not going to cater to one person in particular but to the entire community the best they can, and if they were automated it would probably cause even more chaos since they HAVE to monitor it. all in all, the most i can really say is that being patient will get you far, and also this is minecraft, not a real life exam.

Ocean Man

Level 50
Making the exams be often makes it less challenging. The reason why It took them so long to host an exams;
- SLT needs to be available during the exams and mentioned by DarkEclipic, they have lives too.
- Each question on the exams has to be originally redone.

As for issues that could arise, they have already resolved it before by doing a google forms-esc style. This is due to how many players were on during the event of the exams. Which I believe it was 400+.


Level 1
Imagine being on SRP for more then 6 years and cant get into college cause you are busy during every weekend D:


Level 57
I have tried the latest SRP exam.
I admit, it was much harder than the earliest exams.
I’m thankful that I got my top degree early.


Level 35
Community Team

Aside from the fact that all the exams are hand written and moderated months in advance, exams on SRP have come to be a really good "event" for the server in terms of drawing back players. This is supported by the many that have referenced the previous 500+ exam, in which we also experience a temporary boost in player activity after the fact, until people settle down into their new roles.

As a result, I believe automating the main college exams at this point may have a negative effect for the server. Whilst yes, they may not exactly be at the most convenient of times for everyone, and could probably do with being spread across a week long period, there is however also ample warning given before each exam for people to prepare time wise.


Level 1
Thread starter
Just for a little clarification, the server wouldn’t crash every exam due to crowding if the entire playerbase was rushing to get exams, knowing that they happen 1-2 times a year. With automated exams, it wouldn’t be as massive of a deal. And it would make it infinitely less stressful for staff.
What's your Minecraft Username?: Wpke
What's the title of your suggestion?: Exam rework

What's your suggestion?:
More exams! Or an automated system for hosting them. Or completely rework them to be less exclusive and more available to all time zones.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I have 16 weeks on the server and 3 years of experience and not once has an exam been in a convenient time for me. I would say that this is my fault but I've been a member of multiple sports teams and factions. Considering that I'm very active in the community I feel it's a bit unfair that certain players gain advantage and a more positive experience on the server. This implication would allow the adult faction to be more relevant as many players would be adults but are unable to be promoted due to unfair scheduling. While I would like to say that scholarships would also be a good alternative, they are generally shunned for some reason. And many adult factions that give gateways to new opportunities are often highly exclusive and based on previous faction experience which is very difficult to obtain.


Level 104
This was suggestrd countless times before but i do agree that they need to happen more. They did promise more exams a year and we were said to get one in october after the first batch. If it's this hard to get exams done then why make a promise for more in the first place?

Maybe pre-set dates and deadlines you have for them so everyone can know what's coming up and prepare to be free that weekend


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We're currently working on a new exam solution to improve the system and make it easier to create and host them in future.​

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