[OOC Section]
IGN (In Game Name):
Previous bans:
My most recent ban was for I believe trolling which was a 2 day ban but got put to 1.
Describe your activity on the server:
Well, my activity on the server I believe is pretty active most of the time unless for school then that would be a reason I am not active but for the most part I am active on both the servers forum page. I am pretty active in SchoolRP as I try to play everyday and just have fun with others even if we are not doing anything specifically. Usually I am just random when I roleplay.
Do you have Discord?
Of course I have discord, IclyRP#1723
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I do I use it very rarely but I do at times when needed.
List your current and past applications:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/iclyrps-college-application.30059/ Accepted
Officer Secretary
https://schoolrp.net/threads/emotionalities-office-secretary-application.31603/ Denied
https://schoolrp.net/threads/hfgh-spanish-application-attempt-2-even-better.31405/ Accepted
College Application:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/snitchrps-college-application.27705/ Denied
College Application:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/smhrps-college-applicatin-re-apply.26732/ Denied
College Application:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/k43_s-college-application-attempt-2-2.24007/ Denied
College Application:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/smhrps-re-apply-2.26792/ Accepted
College application:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/snitchrps-re-apply-for-college.27708/ Accepted
Height application:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/emotionalities-height-application-for-main.31630/ Accepted
Janitor Application:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/skindexians-janitor-application-for-alternate-account-1.31674/ Accepted
Height Application
https://schoolrp.net/threads/skindexians-height-application.32319/ Accepted
Office Secretary Application
https://schoolrp.net/threads/emotionalities-office-secretary-application.31603/ Denied
Police Application:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/emotionalities-police-application.31573/ Denied
Korean Application:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/emotionalities-korean-application.31710/ Accepted
French Application:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/emotionalities-french-application.31711/ Accepted
Spanish Application:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/skindexians-spanish-application-for-my-alt.31547/ Accepted
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is mostly because being a news reporter/journalist seemed like fun so I was like I might as well give it a shot and apply and see where I can go with it. Another reason I am motivated in joining is because I asked Aania about it and she said she was looking for people so that also made me want to attempt to get to where I need to be in order to show my motivation as I really don't have anything to do so I want to try something new for once!
What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?
I recently got demoted for slapping a teachers cut as you shouldn't do that..
Ever since I "was" a Journalist I learned a lot about how to work as a journalist from the beginning, to the ending of me being demoted. I learned how to make professional REPORTS about like team based stuff to even being Interviewing cops..
Journalist play a big role in getting news around the internet or even making out notes for teachers just whatever your mind comes to.
Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?
These reporters are important to SchoolRP because if we didn't have them how would anyone get any updated news on what is going on in the town/city. Reporters are also important because they can make sure we as people see what is going on in Karakura that maybe you didn't know about. They take Icly stuff to the forums where they write out stories. Ever since I was a Journalist I was able to make some reports and learn the basics of it meaning even though I got demoted doesn't mean I can't redeem myself..

[IC Section]
Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:
Sugiyama Sustrai would be a young French male, with a height of 7'5". Sugiyama would have dark black hair which would be a "PERM", he would have a bright warming smile. Sugiyama was born with ADHD which he still has but it is not as bad as it was before. Sugiyama on the job would be seen roaming the schools for anything that he can find interesting taking notes on it; he would also mainly play volleyball when not in school as he wants to be a pro volleyball player in his future. At the moment Sugiyama is mainly an independent person he does not like to be a follower he rather be the one doing the leading but he knows he will need to work with others and he likes doing that as he is a talkative person!
[Suits/School Attire]
View attachment 16807

[Everyday attire]

[Off work attire]
View attachment 16078
Sugiyama was born in the year of October 3rd, 2001. He was born and raised in small town in France which is where he had obtained his first views in the world and learned to speak French.. Sugiyama and his parents we're really close together, When they had made the decision that they wanted Sugiyama to be a school employee when he grew up he always thought of what it would be like as a school worker. His family had moved to Karakura when he was around 13-14 years of age when they had arrived they were greeted with a beautiful scent of trees and the scenery had them all in aww. Later when they had gotten all settled in their home. Sugiyama had began school at the Karakura Highschool for his few years in Highschool he had made multiple friends.. Sugiyama had been amazed by the size of the school and was thinking how the heck he would be able to get a job here from just the mass in size he had been given a schedule for each class which most of the classes were things he was good in. Later in time, Sugiyama is now 19 and he is moved out of his home when he had gotten a call from the cops that they had found his parents dead in the sewers.. This experience had held Sugiyama down for a while as he was so depressed he wanted to die but he had pushed his way through the pain by taking his time to do things he loved doing. But when Sugiyama reached college he began studying Journalism as he wanted to be one of the Karakura High Schools Journalists.
[SECTION 1: Personal Details]
Full Name:
Sugiyama Sustrai
Sugiyama would be in College
Given Name(s):
Sugiyama, Sugi, A friend nickname Sugma
Preferred Name:
Sugiyama or Sugi
Sugiyama or Sugi
Sugiyama would be in his early 20s
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Korean and French
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
Phone Number:
Just some Additional Character Feature:
Sugiyama would have an athletic build. He would be a rather strong individual, as well as sportsmen like. He would be a tall and a medium set build.
Hair Style?:
Sugiyama would have a perm, having his hair swayed to the front, and curly.
Sugiyama would be in his early 20s
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Korean and French
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
Phone Number:
Just some Additional Character Feature:
Sugiyama would have an athletic build. He would be a rather strong individual, as well as sportsmen like. He would be a tall and a medium set build.
Hair Style?:
Sugiyama would have a perm, having his hair swayed to the front, and curly.
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