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Ezequiel Kurono | character biography


Level 22

[ Ezequiel Kurono ]
"but I can't see what time it is, or dilate my irises
only what I look at, and I'm looking at myself."

older zeke.png
- art by me -

- please refrain from using any information listed here that you didn't discover IC -
- this whole thing is still subject to change based on how his story develops -

ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ [ Masquerade ]
0:46 ——◦————— 3:13
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[ Basic Information ]

First Name: Ezequiel
Surname: Kurono

Molly (by old.. friends)

male (cis)


180 cm | 5'11

68 kg | 150 lbs

lean, skinny, slightly malnourished looking

Skin Color:

Eye Color:
olive green

Hair Style:
layered shoulder length, messy

Hair Color:
dark brown black

second hand, comfortable clothes
retro, vintage styles mostly


Date of Birth:
6th October xxxx

Place of Birth:
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Japanese-Puerto Rican


Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

Political Beliefs:

[ General Appearance ]

Ezequiel is a tall and thin man, rough around the edges. Often described as 'scruffy', he carries a strange aura with him. He is rather nondescript and blends into crowds well. He often sticks his hands in his pockets to hide his tremor. His piercing eyes are contrasted by dark circles under them. His facial features are sharp, and uninviting at first glance. However, when smiling, his features soften and his docile personality shines through.

Ezequiel is non-confrontational, stepping down often to prevent conflict. He keeps to himself most of the time and doesn't talk to many people - they tend to not notice him anyway. He is artistic at heart, seeking new aesthetics daily for his photography. He rarely ever talks about himself, instead focusing on observing people and studying them. As mentioned before, his nature is quite docile, really only seeking his niche interests.

essential tremor disorder

Character Voice:
Ezequiel's voice is coarse, quiet, and quite slow.
[ Voice Claim ] Javier Escuella (RDR2)

[ 1 ]
[ 2 ]

He carries an old polaroid camera, a cheap flip phone, and large quantities of polaroid film.

He is most often seen wearing an old white T-shirt paired with a second-hand flannel shirt. He wears high-waisted pants with an old leather belt, as they are too wide for him. Often a sobriety symbol pin is located somewhere on his clothes, displaying it proudly and using it as a white lie.

Ezequiel can often be seen taking photos of nature, strange aesthetic areas, or random people in cafés and on the street. This hobby mixes with his passion for urban exploration, often depicting decrepit and ruined buildings or sewers.

Ezequiel is rather stubborn, going off on his own. He keeps to himself, causing him to isolate himself.
He tends to ignore advice and take on things he maybe shouldn't stick his nose in.
His non-confrontational personality makes him a pushover.

He is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, especially when exploring new areas of the Karakura sewers.
He has been battling drug addiction for several years, specifically hallucinogens - he never mentions this unless caught or pressed hard enough about it.

Zeke has an eye for art, able to catch the most picturesque moments in any photo he takes.
He has an exceptional, almost photographic memory, able to remember details about situations from weeks back.

Family & friends:
Ines Salazar (mother)
Ayumu Kurono (father)

Juno McConaughey (more than a friend?)
Ridley Akiyama (a contact, or friend?)
Reiko 'Raye' Onodera (friend)
Iki Saitō (do I know you?)

[ Backstory ]
Ezequiel was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to two very hard-working parents – Ines Salazar and Ayumu Kurono. His early childhood was mostly sunny-filled days and trips to the docks. The only consistent memories from these years are the gentle sea breeze and the gorgeous skies. However, at 4 years old, his father received a work offer back home in Japan, prompting the humble family to move to Karakura. As scary as it was for them, they loved Ayumu enough to follow.

The move was rough and rocky, shattering plenty in the family. For one, Zeke’s mother only knew very basic Japanese, nowhere nearly enough to communicate properly, and she was leaving her entire family back in her hometown. On top of that, it shattered her heart that the few Spanish words her son knew soon faded from his vocabulary. She turned away from the two, closing in on herself and becoming a shut-in. She rarely went outside, having next to no friends and refusing to learn the language out of some strange principle. Zeke couldn’t communicate with her most of the time – and even if he could, she probably wouldn’t want to. She became increasingly dependent on glasses of wine in the morning, and soon enough throughout the day as well. She was swallowed by depression and ignored her husband and son for the better part of a decade.

Zeke’s father on the other hand was ecstatic about moving back home. He picked up the job full-force, doing his very best to provide for the family. However, as time went on, he quickly became consumed by the workload, working until the late hours of the night. He insisted – and still does – that he loves the job, and he wouldn’t give it up for anything. This led to countless arguments between the parents, never turning violent, but enough to scar their only child for life. Zeke’s father, similar to his mother, turned to his work for escapism, leaving the boy to fend for himself in the world.

With this sudden shift in family relationships, young Zeke was hit the hardest. Though not obvious in the first couple of years, he developed a quiet timid personality. He learned to despise confrontation and yelling, and he prayed he’d never become like either of his parents. He turned to art to fantasize about better days, drawing as a child and shifting towards photography as a young teen. He found peace in capturing happy moments, covering every inch of his tiny room with his creations and inspirations.

At around 14 years old, Zeke fell in with a bad crowd. He became more angsty as puberty hit, often spending his days anywhere but his home. He was desperate to find anything at all to take his mind off the tension in his life, and he did the mistake of turning to drug use. He developed a fascination with all things psychedelic and yearned to live in a world as bright and euphoric as the trips caused by hallucinogens. However, it was only his way to cope with this terrible habit. After ending up a mess after each subsequent trip, he grew sick of the illusory euphoria and stopped to the best of his ability. The addiction only served to further mess up his mind, causing his tremor to worsen and leaving long-lasting effects on his mental health. It disgusted him that he got into something like that at such a young age, and vowed to be better. He never went longer than a few months without relapsing, as it was his only way to cope with his reality, but as time went on he learned to cope in other ways and stayed clean for much longer.

Funnily enough around the same time as his rock bottom, he attempted to fix what was broken due to guilt and depression. He felt bad for what the move did to his mother, and thusly attempted to re-learn Spanish to help his mother adapt. Better late than never, right? It took years, but with her pitching in to help, their relationship got more stable once again, even pulling Ines out of the worst of her alcoholism. The family wasn’t fixed, but he could at least share a word or two with someone other than himself for once.

At 16, while recovering from his addiction, he stuck around a select few folks that he could handle. One of them was Reiko Onodera, in his opinion an incredibly capable lady. He supported her endeavors in law, as much as he didn’t understand a single thing. During this time he caught wind of urban exploration, and the hobby gripped him immediately. He ventured deep into the Karakura sewers, searching for any and all mysteries within the dark halls.

At 18, he met an American exchange student, Juno McConaughey. She was a breath of fresh air in school, but her strong attitude and bright personality scared him away at first. It came as a surprise to him that she took a liking to him, becoming his best friend and partner in crime. While a polar opposite, Juno became an important part of his life, teaching him confidence and offering a surprising amount of support to him. Their relationship only strengthened when during a silly stroll around town at night they were jumped by gang members. Barely handling the situation and getting out scot-free due to lucky timing with a friend of Juno’s, they ran away and hid in Reiko’s apartment for a couple of days. After the heat died down, their relationship began to evolve, though Zeke wasn’t quite sure into what.

Due to being almost mugged under his own bedroom window, he became incredibly anxious for weeks and experienced a terrifying relapse when he got lost in the sewers during exploring. A week later he found himself out of there, with an insatiable hatred towards his lifestyle and a faint bit of hope to clean up his act. Despite his best efforts, the paranoia and depression caught up to him and set him back to square 1 on the road to addiction recovery.


His future remained a blurry mess, but he was hell-bent on fixing habits and becoming a stronger better person. His unsavory encounters with the illegal side of the fence left him with a burning passion to stop standing aside and becoming another face in the crowd.
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