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Family Information and Popularity Rankings


Level 2
What's your Minecraft Username?: McGraw88
What's the title of your suggestion?: Family Information and Popularity Rankings

What's your suggestion?:
Heyo! Thank you for clicking on this suggestion! I know that families within Karakura aren't necessarily on everyone's mind, but I also know that there are many fun things that could be done with families! This suggestion includes two different things that could kickstart a more fun side to families making a resurgence within the world of SRP!

When I first joined SRP a few years ago, families were almost as big and important as gangs. My original character was a part of the Monet family (the feeder into the gang known as Kaku-Kai). I know that this family was enormous, and it wasn't the only one like this! However, as time has passed, I feel as if families have begun to slowly fade out of relevance and importance within Karakura. I have run two families myself, being the leader of the Erikson family and am now currently the co-founder of the O'Shea family as Finn O'Shea. As I've been working towards expanding the O'Shea family, I've had so much fun! After thinking about it, I got thinking. Why not try to be the start of a resurgence for families! Well, I wouldn't want my family to be the only one making this push. So, I've thought about something that could be quite fun.

1.) I think a list with all of the known families within Karakura and some information on each would be extremely helpful to those looking to join a family. While I do understand that some families are made through entirely icly means, they could still be published within this list in order to get their name out there. This would allow individuals to try and meet some of these different characters icly and oocly to see if they would be interested in joining!

2.) To go alongside this, I think it would be extremely fun to have a family popularity ranking to see who some of the top families in Karakura are! This would be something voted on by any citizen in Karakura solely based on what they have heard and know. This would give individuals an insight into what families they could try to join if they want a much larger family that is popular within the server vs. one that they could help bring to the top of this ranking!

Both of these could both be implemented into an icly document that is made available say every 2 oocly weeks through the news station or some other source of icly media! If there are any questions in regard to my suggestion, then dm me on discord! My username is McGraw88. And if you have any feedback for me, please respond to this or dm me!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think this would benefit the server and community as a whole because it would provide players with the information they might want/need to potentially join a family, as well as boosting the relevance of families as a whole


Level 187
Community Team
Lore Team
There are some families out there that are Invite-Only. In which case, you would have to either get close to The Family Higherups/Heads or interact more with the family to be invited in. There are many families out there that you can join that have discord links, they are usually posted in Roleplay Documents or people hand out books icly about joining the family with a discord link on the inside.


Level 2
Thread starter
There are some families out there that are Invite-Only. In which case, you would have to either get close to The Family Higherups/Heads or interact more with the family to be invited in. There are many families out there that you can join that have discord links, they are usually posted in Roleplay Documents or people hand out books icly about joining the family with a discord link on the inside.
Thank you for your feedback! And I 100% get where you're coming from. It would certainly be difficult to get information on the invite-only families, but even just having people such as reporters eventually interacting with the higher-ups could get them on the popularity list, as well as the information list if they wanted the family to be on there! My main reason for wanting something like this is because I just want families as a whole to have a more vital role within server. Again thank you for your feedback!
A mix of +1 and -1

As someone who runs 2 families, one being an application family and one being entirely icly i agree with this. When i first joined back to SRP i remember hearing about families such as the Togomis or Takadas, etc.. All big name families and it seems as if the family aspect of SRP has gone quiet. One of my favorite rps and i have a few who agree, is family rp. Personally id love to see family rp go up and see more big name families i think itll be really fun. Plus a list to see just how many would be interesting to see just how many are out there and could help promote smaller families.

Excuse my edits rereading it completely and taking in others feedback. It would be +1 on the promotion factor but a -1 on the fact like dark said could cause ooc issues and it does depend on the family higher ups to promote. Would it be nice to see more promotions on families yes and to see a bigger list of just how many of us running families are out there. I dont think popularity matters just more of the promotion factor and to ensure theres no repeats (not that ive ever heard of this happening) i do think seeing these big names could prevent people using the last names without being in said family. I have had an issue with someone using one of my family names which was resolved but again, popularity is irrelevant.
Last edited:


Level 187
Community Team
Lore Team
Thank you for your feedback! And I 100% get where you're coming from. It would certainly be difficult to get information on the invite-only families, but even just having people such as reporters eventually interacting with the higher-ups could get them on the popularity list, as well as the information list if they wanted the family to be on there! My main reason for wanting something like this is because I just want families as a whole to have a more vital role within server. Again thank you for your feedback!
I usually do not reply back to posts once I post unless I am giving an update. But for this I will. This is a ROLEPLAY server, we have to remember that. So you would have to do your own research and go about it in character. There is no reason for us to have a 'popularity list' as it could cause issues amongst people OOCly and it honestly isn't needed. It would cause more problems than it will help.

As someone who runs 2 families(one is invite-only, RP heavy) and co-run 1-2 families(one is invite-only, RP heavy), This is something the higher-ups of the family to do if they wish to advertise they are wanting more people to join their family. Find ways to get your family more popular like using Onrain and have your family interact on posts or with each other. Or even just having your characters more around town and interacting with people. With addition to that, you can make a Family Post on Roleplay Documents and post your discord invite there to have people join your discord to see how your family runs.


Level 120
-1 I honestly disagree with this but its 1 am, I'll be writing a better response tomorrow.


Level 67
1.) I think a list with all of the known families within Karakura and some information on each would be extremely helpful to those looking to join a family. While I do understand that some families are made through entirely icly means, they could still be published within this list in order to get their name out there. This would allow individuals to try and meet some of these different characters icly and oocly to see if they would be interested in joining!
This is something that the normal player, such as you, can do! Nothing prevents you from scourging for information regarding all possible families that are willing to take more members in. This can be done through a community guide, which I am sure the newer playerbase will appreciate.

2.) To go alongside this, I think it would be extremely fun to have a family popularity ranking to see who some of the top families in Karakura are! This would be something voted on by any citizen in Karakura solely based on what they have heard and know. This would give individuals an insight into what families they could try to join if they want a much larger family that is popular within the server vs. one that they could help bring to the top of this ranking!
This is an in-character process that would have to be planned by people who are willing to go through the hassle to do it. The most viable source would be WhizFeed— a sub faction of the news faction. You can always contact people like Allen, Zan, and Aania in regards to this. You can find the news roster in the Karakura Town server.

Hope this helps, but this isn't really an optimal suggestion. It's good on paper but isn't fit for staff themselves to execute.


Level 38

If families want to become bigger/known they should advertise themselves through giving out books or putting them on auction for super cheap, or through promoting themselves in other family servers like togomi. Family RP only works if the family itself is active so furthermore if a family is dying out it may simply be due to a lack of activity. For example togomi sidorova etc have been long lasting families that have always been active, so because of that the families aren't dead.

Furthermore on high ranking families, families aren't necessarily ranked unless they are like the founding families like Akihito, saiky and heddo, therefore I don't think a family ranking should really be a thing because what would you rank it off? families can have influence through many means than just numbers alone.

In addition to what I think darkecliptic said I think if a family were to be ranked publicly it would cause possibly some OOC reasons for people thinking why is that family number 1 when this family does more has more etc.


Level 113
I think this is defeating the whole purpose of a FAMILY. As someone who’s roleplayed in both huge and small families, I’d have to argue that making a list just for people to join families is flat out stupid. I think the idea of a huge family is also stupid, at least without the proper lore setup. I feel like many families, unlike the big families like Saiky and Akihito, don’t have any pre-built lore to them. That’s what separates an official family and a non-official one. On top of that… what the actual fuck are family applications. Just, what the fuck. You’re applying to become a family member? I think all families should be INVITE-ONLY!!!!

There’s also already a list for recognizable family names in the lore. If you actually read it.


Level 120
I forgot my valid point on this and i was offered multiple shots so I cant think of a valid -1 other than the fact i disagree with this suggestion and that families shouldnt be ranked

You’re applying to become a family member?
Applying for a family isnt bad, it allows people to actually somehow interact with the community and make friends if they dont know how to.

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