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[OOC Section]
IGN (In Game Name):
The account I will be applying on is fatlesbo (My main account is rikayo, another alt tokyovibes)
Previous bans:
Describe your activity on the server:
Most commonly I am active on the server for 6+ hours, on school days and not. I do tend to be active for a longer amount of time during the days I have off (Every day other than Wednesdays and Fridays) however I do try to moderate it under 12 hours.
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I do; my discord tag is rika#6551
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, a rather clear one; however if it ever went out, I could easily use my phone if we were to call and I was needed to speak.
List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
To start this off, I do want to engage in different areas of Roleplay; the Journalism Club being a new addition towards the server, I’ve seen it around frequently which first sparked my interest as well as having a character that could go to fit this role. I’ll be completely frank that this is something brand new to me and I have no doubt I may struggle towards the beginning; however, I’m positive I can adjust to this within a small amount of time.
Secondly, writing is something I can go with for periods of time and still enjoy; of course, I do have my Cheer Account I’m still active on, however, I think I could easily go to balance enough time between the two roles. especially this being something I could see myself enjoying, I have no doubt that I could have enough time on my hands to actively participate and communicate with other members and in general.
I do have many more reasons than this; however, I don’t want to ramble on too much. I overall believe applying would be a good experience to take part in, as well as an interesting aspect of roleplay I could stick to and enjoy taking part of in Roleplay.
What knowledge do you have of journalist Work?
My current knowledge isn’t extremely large for the journalist role in regards to the server, moreover the basics as I’ve tried to search through the discord and documents. From what I have gathered, most will be articles of things related throughout Karakura; from informing about updates around the school to featuring events that have happened with the schools and clubs I believe. Of course, this is something I can inform myself more easily when going to write articles.
Why are Reporters important to SchoolRP?
Personally, I think they have a larger impact than what is usually let on to be. With the new addition of the Journalism Club over the previous News Reporter role, I think it’s sparked much more interest in those who wanted to take part in it however didn’t want to move out of Highschool or the school as of a whole. The new role engages more people into being informed in-character about events happening around the school, as well as the entire city. Especially with the new way to view reports on the forms, it’s much easier to view them and gives them much more exposure.
[IC Section]
Tell us about your character, how do they look, what makes them unique? What are they like on and off the job? Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?:
Mai is a 14-year-old female, having a large family of 13 she’d grown up with outside of Karakura with her grandparents. Being a rather spunky, upbeat child, she tended to naturally gravitate towards people who had matching traits with her. She was raised into being detail-oriented, which seems to reflect when doing any schoolwork or participating in any activities that could go to improve her future or skill. Due to being raised with so many others, she strays to meet and befriend as many people as she possibly can; it’s extremely hard for her to have any ill feelings or hold any possible grudge towards anyone, so she tends to always keep pristine views no matter how that individual has treated herself or those around her, which you could tell through her interactions with her classmates. Mai, with her natural leader-like qualities, has always been interested in possibly having her own popularized band once graduating.. However, her studies have led her more towards becoming a possible Surgeon here in Karakura. Although Journalism is unlikely in her future, it is something she came across in a hurry and would most likely stick with throughout her school years.
Due to her “creative” tendency, or that is at least what she explains it as, she seems to tamper with her appearance frequently. . which would seem to be extremely obvious. Being rather overweight compared to the average in Karakura, she’d stand at the height of 5’1 with a BMI of 26. She’d have a wild mess of hair. . clearly fried due to the amount of dye that’d been surged throughout it, the front of her hair seemingly a mullet cut bluntly, however, the back going far past her lower back-- odd pieces of randomly cut hair sticking out from the sides. Her hair would fade from a Pale Blue that’d be matching to her silverish-something eyes, fading down to pale pink. Her skin would be freckled at the cheeks, her red flush contrasting from her cool-toned pale skin.
Mai was born on June 10th, 2006 in Sendai Japan. Her family shortly moved to an area outside of Karakura after her birth, bringing her 13 siblings along with her. In her early childhood, her father wasn’t present much due to work; her grandmother often would be the one to raise her, introducing her to the Piano and Guitar at a young age. She was usually extremely babied and favored over her other family members, due to being the youngest and the only female; things such as labor weren’t titled to her, however, school and talent were what that spare time was dedicated to. Her interests tended to stray elsewhere throughout her childhood, far from studying and music, however, she soon began to develop a love for the Electric Guitar around the age of 6. Her grandmother didn’t specifically enjoy this, due to wanting to keep to the tradition, however with a further push and talk from her grandfather she became able to develop more skill into this rather than the tradition that she’d been raised into keeping.
She soon became to stray into different interests herself, taking a liking to any sort of art; especially sketched artwork, performing arts, etc. It became clear once she was able to start discovering things for herself her creativity far outweighed her traditional studies and smarts, due to her grades suddenly dropping-- not much, however, rather just satisfactory compared to her consistently aligned straight-A’s. Her family did pressure her into improving these, however once noticing her growing talent in other areas, they did give her enough space and laid back on the constant lecturing she was facing.
After moving into Karakura with one of her sisters on her fathers’ side-- she was introduced to the High School. With her natural creative uptaking, once catching word of the Journalism Club, she’d attempted to take part in this-- not really giving herself any time to adjust to the school environment, however, having a strong instinct it will work out for herself either way.
[SECTION 1: Personal Details]
Full Name:
Mai Amamiya
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Korean, JSL
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
Phone Number:
Other notes:
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