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Feedback: A Self-Defense System


Level 37
IGN: Typeicide / Barlocide
DATE: 4/5/2020
I will try to make this a bit brief with bringing up the old SchoolRP when we used to use regular everyday items as weapons to fight. After removing this and making makeshift weapons against the rules, this has left people who unwillingly get into situations involving people getting weapons to face an unfair disadvantage after makeshift weapons were against the rules, it seemed that people who have weapons immediately have the upper hand.

This is where I bring up that there should at least be some sort of self-defense system where people are able to once again use makeshift weapons, not for offense, but for self-defense. In the past, fighting people with weapons used to be fun, because you used to be able to take a stand for yourself and use anything to an extent to defend your life, when now because there is an immense imbalance, there is always some sort of anti-climatic end to your character's life as a result of someone using a simple /me such as /me stabs carotid or /me slices head off and kills him.

An honor system where you are unable to defend yourself seems broken in many ways that are unexplainable by text, and when you lose your only way to defend yourself there simply does not seem a point to roleplay when you have lost a lot of character development as a result of an unfair advantage. So as I reiterate, there should be a system of self-defense where one, you are allowed to use makeshift weapons when your life is truly being threatened or when someone majorly assaults you. A really close individual who is closer than a friend of mine mentioned a lesson in her Tai Kwon Do class that anything should be able to be used as a weapon for self-defense, whether it would be perfume, a pencil, ink pen, etc. She had given me a real-life example of this when her life was being threatened, using the scissors to stab where their fingers met the table, and a sharpie pen to stab their side to get them distracted. This had let her get away from the life-threatening situation and proved that mundane items can really save your life, and though there is a rule against putting everything realistic into RP, this would bring back some sort of balance and perhaps players from the older days who have left because of the imbalance of CombatRP.

Gangrp needs reworking. ples


This suggestion has practically been accepted, now that there is a much fair system with people with no weapons and people WITH weapons.

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Level 13
I mean it makes sense, but think about it people are going to abuse this power using makeshift weapons like real weapons, at least there should be a rule that these items may only be used as a act of self defense, as you can't just go around stabbing people with pencils, and scissors. Also, instead of people actually buying weapons, they would just use scissors as knives, a rule needs to be in place to use these makeshift weapons only if their life feels threatened, or to make it more detailed, when you are getting beat by a weapon you are in the right to pull out a makeshift weapon, scissors, pencils, etc.


Level 37
Thread starter
I mean it makes sense, but think about it people are going to abuse this power using makeshift weapons like real weapons, at least there should be a rule that these items may only be used as a act of self defense

This is where I bring up that there should at least be some sort of self-defense system where people are able to once again use makeshift weapons, not for offense, but for self-defense.



Level 110
I mean it makes sense, but think about it people are going to abuse this power using makeshift weapons like real weapons, at least there should be a rule that these items may only be used as a act of self defense, as you can't just go around stabbing people with pencils, and scissors. Also, instead of people actually buying weapons, they would just use scissors as knives, a rule needs to be in place to use these makeshift weapons only if their life feels threatened, or to make it more detailed, when you are getting beat by a weapon you are in the right to pull out a makeshift weapon, scissors, pencils, etc.
did you read anything he said?


Level 10
I'm going to raise my hand here and say, out loud, that self-defense is indeed legal in Japan.
Numerous characters have been arrested just for protecting themselves.

In real life, I am learning Uechi Ryu, a Japanese karate style used to protect yourself, and if it were illegal in Japan, then I wouldn't been taught it, since it'd be illegal to use it, and therefore would never have been founded.


Level 110
I'm going to raise my hand here and say, out loud, that self-defense is indeed legal in Japan.
Numerous characters have been arrested just for protecting themselves.

In real life, I am learning Uechi Ryu, a Japanese karate style used to protect yourself, and if it were illegal in Japan, then I wouldn't been taught it, since it'd be illegal to use it, and therefore would never have been founded.


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