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Feedback | English Language


Level 183



2021 April 29th


I don't believe this is a thing. If it is so, please inform me below.

I understand that the Character Authorization rules stated that the English language is deemed confusing to be added. However, I think we're not at the point of further notice that it has to be added in. I think it's not that confusing for English to be a language, and people understand the languages plugin/or whatever it is enough. If I have an English character I want to be able to speak English you know. Being American, British, or anything alike and unable to speak it. . . I think it'd be more interesting and better if the English is added basically

Hit me with a reply, your opinion matters to me

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Level 87

I think it will still be confusing unless you name the English language as “British” or “British English”. Otherwise I think this may take away the point of having English classes and the English subject as a whole and I donut want dat >;(


Level 77
I feel like it would be confusing for players that are new to the server, and don't necessarily know that Karakura resides in Japan. Especially if for example:

abi [19][College][Cheerleader] Jiya Novak says something in English.
But then, normal text on the server looks like this:
abi [19][College][Cheerleader] Jiya Novak says "I hate it here."
It would just be confusing and quite difficult to grasp, in my opinion.


Level 183
Thread starter
I feel like it would be confusing for players that are new to the server, and don't necessarily know that Karakura resides in Japan. Especially if for example:

abi [19][College][Cheerleader] Jiya Novak says something in English.
But then, normal text on the server looks like this:
abi [19][College][Cheerleader] Jiya Novak says "I hate it here."
It would just be confusing and quite difficult to grasp, in my opinion.

After some thinking, I agree with this. Thank you for sharing your opinion.

Though, I'm still going with the feedback and I think it should be implemented, and what you said isn't a major problem.
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Level 67

Alright so I’m going to state my opinion. I agree with this but for others to take this more seriously come up with a solution how it works and makes sense.
- You would use /Lang English [Text]; it’s not tough to put your head around. It would say in chat “Said somethings in English” then in actual text for someone with the Lang it would read the text you sent in obviously english.
- I get why it would be confusing but it works the same way as other languages, just language is titled differently.
- As someone who was once new, the entire language plugin was confusing to me. I thought for awhile people where just doing /me Says something in [Lang]. So I wouldn’t use that as a reason to not add it, speaking the fact that they might be confised of all of it. If it’s really a big issue just add in tutorial that the server is based in Japan.


Level 67

I think it will still be confusing unless you name the English language as “British” or “British English”. Otherwise I think this may take away the point of having English classes and the English subject as a whole and I donut want dat >;(
The English classes should be consider icly as JLA-(Japanese Language Arts) and not ELA-(English Language Arts)

- I get the concerns but you must understand to your English Classes is the local language icly which is considered Japanese Language Arts and not English.​


Level 231
big major fat gigantic fat +1
A lot of really stupid rules have existed over SRP's past that have been since changed or out right removed due to how idiotic they are in principle (with some examples being the old alt rule "Players are not allowed to use alternate minecraft accounts on the roleplay network" as well as the rules disallowing a female Football team and vice versa with males in Cheer.

This rule was added back during the golden age of SRP when players were very young and not very intelligent, infact RP was very simplicated back then and to be fair it served its purpose with another reason being a lack of a language plugin entirely, but as the ongoing years went fourth and Players got older the excuse given by staff was that it was quote-on-quote "Too confusing for new players" Which is pretty stupid to me as everything on SRP is confusing to new players, god forbid when I joined in 2015 I struggled and it was just plastic and straws when I joined. I cannot imagine the mental gymnastics new players but they learn quickly. I really don't see the harm in adding one more thing to a list that's already gigantic - I mean I don't see anything else on SRP being simplified and hidden away from us like Gollum with the ring?

I mean if something this simple was taken away from the FRP playerbase they'd be in absolute anguish. some old SRP rules need to evolve, the fact that people have been systemically brainwashed into thinking something so simple is going to cause so much bewilderment to a new player is deranged. Players learn pretty quickly.


Level 87
The English classes should be consider icly as JLA-(Japanese Language Arts) and not ELA-(English Language Arts)

- I get the concerns but you must understand to your English Classes is the local language icly which is considered Japanese Language Arts and not English.​
Uh I think it’s there as a foreign language class as the English language is taught in Japanese schools for that purpose. I would agree if they put that there for actually meaning that it’s Japanese Language Arts then I wouldn’t have disagreed with the post on that part but it still may be confusing for new players all on their own. I personally wouldn’t find it confusing but think of the newbies.


Level 183
Thread starter
Uh I think it’s there as a foreign language class as the English language is taught in Japanese schools for that purpose. I would agree if they put that there for actually meaning that it’s Japanese Language Arts then I wouldn’t have disagreed with the post on that part but it still may be confusing for new players all on their own. I personally wouldn’t find it confusing but think of the newbies.

As a newbie I got confused from the whole concept of /language. However, it didn't take me long to understand it, and When I did everything regarding it wasn't confusing anymore. I don't think the "English" is the reason, but the newbies need to take time to understand things around SRP such as /lang. And when they do, they will understand what is "English" in the texts.

If he gets confused from "Josh said something in English. ", he will get confused from "Roman said something in Spanish." until he understands the concept.


Level 87
As a newbie I got confused from the whole concept of /language. However, it didn't take me long to understand it, and When I did everything regarding it wasn't confusing anymore. I don't think the "English" is the reason, but the newbies need to take time to understand things around SRP such as /lang. And when they do, they will understand what is "English" in the texts.

If he gets confused from "Josh said something in English. ", he will get confused from "Roman said something in Spanish." until he understands the concept.
I think people are just fully confused by the whole concept of the server’s actual as they don’t that kind of research before they join believing that the server doesn’t have that strict lore that prevents them from speaking their own native language which is most likely why they’re confused. Even I was confused by it as well thinking I had to speak the language required by the family I had to be in. I don’t fully disagree with the suggestion I just think it will probably be a bit challenging to adjust to.


Level 124
Unfortunately this would cause too much confusion as many new players (and some old players) would be confused as why they cannot understand the English language.

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