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Felons joining teams


Level 104
You can still develop your gangrp/crime character, no ones forbidding you from that.. it just shouldn't happen on sports teams

felons realistically aren't allowed at schools, why put them on sports teams? That makes no sense
How about you give a properly written response/reason why it makes no sense insteae of repeating the same thing over and over, you needa convince poeple here cmon man


Level 11
everybody who disagrees has irrelevant opinions, also felons. . are still humans, they are all allowed to enter school, get an education and go to sports. .

anyways +1 I believe that everybody deserves a second chance ^-^


Level 200
Community Team
Lore Team

IF the felons have a good rep among their peers and attend classes, and don't cause any problems(Next to no or very few Detentions). I do not see why we shouldn't give them a second chance at going for a sport. Of course, this will be up to the Sport SLT and Captains to see if they will allow a character with a felony to be on a team.

Otherwise, I do not think we should allow Felons to be on teams.


Level 75
Thread starter
My counter response to everyone on the edge about this suggestion would be, if you cant agree to let people with felons (or certain felons) on teams then my next suggestion will be for the town faction to make a "court of appeals" where people can attempt to get their records cleared of felons by proving they have changed as a person!

But this is more complicated since it would involve KPD and Town having to communicate to clear records/keeping track of all that

꩜rios .ᐟ

Level 60
My counter response to everyone on the edge about this suggestion would be, if you cant agree to let people with felons (or certain felons) on teams then my next suggestion will be for the town faction to make a "court of appeals" where people can attempt to get their records cleared of felons by proving they have changed as a person!

But this is more complicated since it would involve KPD and Town having to communicate to clear records/keeping track of all that
I see that working out pretty well!


Level 8
Obvious +1 from me. Sports team members already can't gangRP/crimeRP (or they cannot use majors/weapons at the very least). In a sense, it is character development for a felon and I've already noticed a few ex-criminals becoming team members.


Level 138
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
+1 | As a member of KPD, and former SLT, criminal records are rarely ever given out. KPD and the school do NOT communicate much, so the school knowing the criminal records of 300+ students (many people have more than 1 character, many who may have criminal records) is absurd. I haven't seen or heard of them running background checks on people participating in sports. It makes sense to do a background check on people joining a working faction, but students trying out for a team is pretty far, considering how many students and teams there are, and SLT rarely watches the tryouts to know who's participating.

If you have a felony upon trying out, you should be allowed on, which is what Eco is suggesting. If you COMMIT the crime afterwards, you are subject to removal, and I would push for a blacklist on sports (On said character), though that may be a bit difficult to keep up with and note down.

Give people a chance to use a character they are attached to and will be more active on, than force them to make a new character just to play a sport.


Level 163
People can change if they try, I believe if a character that had existing felons and they joined a sport team I think that'd show they want to change and carve a new path. Seeing how majority of the teams- or even all- don't allow gangrp/criminalrp of any kind, if a character that had a felon were to join a team they'd most likely already know the rules beforehand and know they can't be involved with that side anymore. I believe everyone deserves second chances and I believe this is a great opportunity for this to be implemented. If for some reason this suggestion gets denied then I also agree with the second suggestion provided by Eco in the comments of adding a "court of appeals".


Level 8
massive -1

You can continue developing your criminal characters outside of a sports team, you don’t need a tag for it. Keep Gangrper characters outside of sports
As someone who's a captain on a team, and has been a criminal.

I'm not against the idea of felons joining - on the condition that they're not longer committing crime - or being used for that kind of thing! Two-three weeks clean of gangrp n' crime, and I see no issue.

Captains are intended to lead by example after all, to help their team grow as people n' as players of the sport; that can definitely help someone who was once a criminal reform into a proper citizen of Karakura.

+1 to the suggestion
-1 to the message replied to

Additional comment; as someone who's been on teams since before the no criminal rule - it does help develop your character! Majorly! :thumbs_up:


Level 8
+1 | As a member of KPD, and former SLT, criminal records are rarely ever given out. KPD and the school do NOT communicate much, so the school knowing the criminal records of 300+ students (many people have more than 1 character, many who may have criminal records) is absurd. I haven't seen or heard of them running background checks on people participating in sports. It makes sense to do a background check on people joining a working faction, but students trying out for a team is pretty far, considering how many students and teams there are, and SLT rarely watches the tryouts to know who's participating.

If you have a felony upon trying out, you should be allowed on, which is what Eco is suggesting. If you COMMIT the crime afterwards, you are subject to removal, and I would push for a blacklist on sports (On said character), though that may be a bit difficult to keep up with and note down.

Give people a chance to use a character they are attached to and will be more active on, than force them to make a new character just to play a sport.
THIS!!! ^^^


Level 89
+1 not allowing them just seems like an excuse to be mean to gangrpers who want to move the character by doing some redemption arc


Level 2
love this! it encourages players to make more developed/complex characters, which inevitably leads to more depth. the idea of creating a whole new character just to get the opportunity to be on a sports team when you can simply develop one you already have sounds like a hassle that people could easily get tired of. obviously, if the privilege isn't respected and another crime is committed while said character is actively on the team, then sure, kick them off. otherwise, let the lads join


Level 2

Team members are meant to represent the school.. And I don't think felons are great representatives. (COMING FROM SOMEBODY WHO LOOOVES HER FELON CHAR).


Level 8

Team members are meant to represent the school.. And I don't think felons are great representatives. (COMING FROM SOMEBODY WHO LOOOVES HER FELON CHAR).
However, reformed students are. Someone who has turned their life around would make a great represenitive for the school.

Student of the year has been criminals on MULTIPLE occasions; I see no difference here. Both do as you said, act as representatives

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