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Finch 'Lizzie' Amagai || Biography


Level 4
[Finch Amagai]
(Made By SaltyPebble In Sims 4)

Full Playlist: Finch Vibes - YouTube ✩°。⋆⸜

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Basic Information☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

First Name: Finch
Surname: Amagai

Dead Name: Emoiko
Alias: Lizzie

Onrain: @ThatLocalBird

Gender: Non-Binary

Pronouns: They/It

Age: 18

Height: 5’9” (174cm)

Weight: 158 lbs

Body Build: Ectomorph

Body Shape: Triangle

Skin Color: Olive

Eye Color: Black (Wears yellow colored contact in one eye)

Hair Style: Jellyfish cut

Hair Color: Black with a red stripe


Date of Birth: Mar. 26

Place of Birth: karakura, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Race: Japanese-Arabic

Sexual Orientation: Demi-Sexual / Poly

Religious Beliefs: Omnistic

Political Beliefs: ???

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽General Appearance☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
Appearance: Standing at 5’9”, [Finch] has a long black hair with a red stripe, styled in a wolf cut. They have freckles and a lower lip piercing on the right side of their face. Their eyes are big and bug-like with dark circles under them, giving Finch a very innocent look. Their body is ectomorphic triangle shaped and they weigh 158 lbs. There are two snakes surrounded by red flowers on both of their thighs reaching up to their hips. Lastly, they have a deep gentle voice and wear yellow contacts in one eye. [Smells of burnt toast]

Personality: They are a very loving and giving person. Their love language is touch meaning they like to give people head pats and hugs. Other than that, they speak in an 'odd' manner almost sounding very formal or stiff at times. Really, they are just a kind spirit that doesn't want their friends to be upset or in harm.

Distinguishing Marks: There are two snakes surrounded by red flowers on both of their thighs reaching up to their hips.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Made by StinkySouup
(They are a really good tailor, I recommend them if you need anything. [Link])
Current Skin:
(Base By Toxicized)

Triggers: Loud Sounds (Screaming, Gun shots, etc.)

Character Voice: It's a lot like Willow Smith's (They aren't able to sing like her though)
(Made By SaltyPebble In Sims 4)

Equipment: Cane

Clothes: They wear a small, form fitting t-shirt that is mainly gray with a red heart on it. Along with black short-shorts and one red/black arm warmer. Lastly, they wear two gray leg warmers, black platforms and one thigh high red sock.

Hobbies: Reading, Sewing, People-watching, spray painting, Taking polaroid's (You can view these on their Onrain account [Link]) Playing in a band called White Rabbit Revival

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Has osteoarthritis in their knee (i.e. they have little to no cartilage around that joint) making it painful to put weigh upon that leg, meaning they have to use mobility aids. At the moment that is a cane. Also suffers from minor depression/dysphoria, and insomnia.

[Hopeless Romantic]
even though Finch isn't very sure what their sexuality was they have always believed in that someone that will make everything bright. Like a spark will go off and the curtains pulled away from their eyes... just like what their parents have.
[Low Self Esteem]
as touched on Finch suffers from Dysphoria though one of the things it does to how they act is that they tend to not come up to people they knew when they are with others. Scared they'll scare away their friend's friends. They don't what to be seen as someone close to others in case it might hurt the others image. This originates from feelings of being sinful and being called a demon, possessed, and ungodly by their family (dad/brother mainly)
They tend to want to mother their friends, wanting to make sure they'll okay and watching over them from a distance.

Skills: Sewing

Bio Mother | Alive | Non-Player
Bio Father | Alive | Non-Player
Bio Brother | Alive | Non-Player

Tsuyu Amagai | Alive | nohannahs
Autumn Amagai | Alive | nethercat1112
Rose Amagai | Alive | emeraldsword
Elora Amagai | Alive | strcssed
Hikari Amagai | Alive | FlameBurstStudio
Zack Amagai | Alive | Dreamynothere
Jake Amagai | Alive | WeirdCreatives
Hiroshi M. Amagai | Alive | DontKnow
Myles R. Amagai | Alive | Comedones
Astorias K. Amagai | Dead | Bloodmoon95220

Friends/People They Know:
Kotori Park [ Close Friend ] Alive
Gold Midnight [ Close Friend ] Alive
Eri ??? [ Close Friend ] Alive
Mei Aizawa [ Close Friend ] Alive
Soul Park [ Close Friend ] Alive

Kou ??? [ Friend ] Alive
Somun ??? [ Friend ] Alive
??? 'Gin' ??? [ Friend ] Dead
Ayanna ??? [ Friend ] Unknown
Yamaha ??? [ Friend ]Unknown
Shoya Aizawa [ Acquaintance ] Alive
??? 'Kai' ??? [ Friend-of-Somun ] Unknown
Sajang ??? [Friend-of-Kotori?] Unknown

Mention of dead naming/using wrong pronouns, suicide, Religion trauma, Dysphoria (most of this isn't outright stated)
The Baba household has always been described as a put together Christan family. Their father having grown up in Korea, and mother from Syrai. Both immigrated to Japan at different stages of life, Mother in her late twenties and Father in his early thirties, but both looking forward to the future and starting a new life. Of course, this couple faced difficulties coming from different cultures from each other and the people around them, but they learned to lean onto each other for support.

For lack of a better term, they were a blue-collar family. Working just at the cost of living and weren't financially ready for a kid, but still the two buckled down and were blessed with a son. He was the light of their life for twenty years, showering with love and affection. Trying to provide all they could for him even in their rough financial state. Finch on the other hand was unplanned. By the time they were born, their brother had already taken up a job while going to college. The family was more stable money wise, but now the couple were hitting retirement age and with the arrive of another child that plan didn't look possible.

As where their first child was showered with love, so was Finch but there was a constant reminder of the lack of preparation that went into their birth and the ever-growing struggle of keeping a job as the people who worked beside them retired or were fired for being too old. Slowly the money the family was able to accumulate disappeared and Finch took up a job the moment they were of an age allowed too legally. This put a heavy burden on their showers, being looked as an adult in the eyes of their family seeing as they were one of the providers. You could almost say that Finch's childhood was cut short.

At the start of High School Finch came out to their parents as being non-binary, explaining their preferred pronouns and name wish they would like to be called by. It didn't go over very well. A good thing is that the couple didn't believe in disowning their child, but that didn't mean Finch lived a happy life after that. No, the family liked to continue to misgender them and dead name them to the point in which they became numb to it and now fear for telling those in higher standing (i.e. adults, bosses, etc.) about this. The family also tried sending them to church camps and other rehab centers, many of them trying to treat their identity as a mental issue and all of this was sure giving them one. A cloud of darkness seemed to loom over them as each day grew dark and darker. They worked and studied almost none stop in order to just not have to stay in the house for too long.

At least Finch had a strong friend group to lean on, well until that friend group went through their own troubles and Finch swallowed what they went through. Who were they to talk about their woos when those around them were in more suffering, no they told themselves to suck it up and keep strong. At times Finch couldn't even look in the mirror from how much they had changed, it wasn't them staring back or maybe it never was. They still get the feeling if they star for too long, their eyes are too big, nose was too long. Everything wasn't right and there is no way of changing that.

Age 18 and Finch booked it out of the family house, taking up residences with friends who also moved out at age 18. This lifted some stress of their shoulders, but they still felt pressured to send money back to their parents and so they did... though they did completely cut off communication with their dad. He was the one who felt the strongest who the 'sins' Finch was committing and if it wasn't for their mother, they'd move likely have been thrown out of the house sooner. With all of this sleep became more and more difficult, maybe they had some form of insomnia, they weren't sure...
In all honesty it is kinda a miracle Finch hadn't tried to run away or even off themselves... haha- they are just trying to live.

Recently they got adopted into a new family and now have taken on the last name Amagai. They are very excited for this new chapter of their life.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Last edited:


Level 41
[Emoiko Baba]
View attachment 40788
(Made By SaltyPebble In Sims 4)

Playlist: wip

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Basic Information☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

First Name: Emoiko

Surname: Baba

Preferred Name: Finch

Sex: Female

Gender: Non-Binary

Pronouns: They/It

Age: 18

Height: 5’9” (174cm)

Weight: 158 lbs

Body Build: Ectomorph

Body Shape: Triangle

Skin Color: Olive

Eye Color: Black (Wears yellow colored contact in one eye)

Hair Style: jellyfish cut (wears the longer back in two low pigtails)

Hair Color: Brown

View attachment 40789

Date of Birth: Mar. 26

Place of Birth: Karakura, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Race: Korean-Arabic

Language: Korean, JSL

Sexual Orientation: ???

Religious Beliefs: Omnistic

Political Beliefs: ???

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽General Appearance☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

Appearance: Standing at 5’9”, [Emoiko Baba] has a jellyfish haircut with long brown hair. The long parts are tied back into two low pigtails. They have freckles and a lower lip piercing on the right side of their face. Their eyes are big and bug-like with dark circles under them, giving Finch a very innocent look. Their body is ectomorphic triangle shaped and they weigh 158 lbs, they also have freckles all over them. Lastly, they have a gentle high pitched nasally voice and wear yellow contacts in one eye. [Smells of burnt toast]

Personality: They are a very loving and giving person. Their love language is touch meaning they like to give people head pats and hugs. Other than that, they speak in an 'odd' manner almost sounding very formal or stiff at times. Really, they are just a kind spirit that doesn't want their friends to be upset or in harm.

Triggers: Screaming

Character Voice:
High pitched nasally voice that comes out quiet at times giving it a gentle feel.
[Voice Vibe] BlazeBlue: Cross Tag Battle - Linne Voice Clips {ENG DUB}

View attachment 40790
(Made By SaltyPebble In Sims 4)


Equipment: Cane

Clothes: They wear a small, form fitting t-shirt that is mainly gray with a red heart on it. Along with black short-shorts and one red/black arm warmer. Lastly, they wear two gray leg warmers, black platforms and one thigh high red sock.

Hobbies: Reading, Sewing, People-watching, spray painting

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Has osteoarthritis in their knee (i.e. they have little to no cartilage around that joint) making it painful to put weigh upon that leg, meaning they have to use mobility aids. At the moment that is a cane. Also suffers from minor depression/dysphoria, and insomina.

Skills: Sewing

Mother | Alive | Non-Player | Little Contact
Father | Alive | Non-Player | No Contact
Brother | Alive | Non-Player | Little Contact

Kotori Park [ Close Friend ] Alive
Soul Park [ Close Friend ] Alive
Gold Midnight [ Close Friend ] Alive
Eri ??? [ Close Friend ] Alive
Somun ??? [ Acquaintance ] Alive

Mention of dead naming/using wrong pronouns, suicide, Religion trauma, Dysphoria (most of this isn't outright stated)
The Baba household has always been described as a put together Christan family. Their father having grown up in Korea, and mother from Syrai. Both immigrated to Japan at different stages of life, Mother in her late twenties and Father in his early thirties, but both looking forward to the future and starting a new life. Of course, this couple faced difficulties coming from different cultures from each other and the people around them, but they learned to lean onto each other for support.

For lack of a better term, they were a blue-collar family. Working just at the cost of living and weren't financially ready for a kid, but still the two buckled down and were blessed with a son. He was the light of their life for twenty years, showering with love and affection. Trying to provide all they could for him even in their rough financial state. Finch on the other hand was unplanned. By the time they were born, their brother had already taken up a job while going to college. The family was more stable money wise, but now the couple were hitting retirement age and with the arrive of another child that plan didn't look possible.

As where their first child was showered with love, so was Finch but there was a constant reminder of the lack of preparation that went into their birth and the ever-growing struggle of keeping a job as the people who worked beside them retired or were fired for being too old. Slowly the money the family was able to accumulate disappeared and Finch took up a job the moment they were of an age allowed too legally. This put a heavy burden on their showers, being looked as an adult in the eyes of their family seeing as they were one of the providers. You could almost say that Finch's childhood was cut short.

At the start of High School Finch came out to their parents as being non-binary, explaining their preferred pronouns and name wish they would like to be called by. It didn't go over very well. A good thing is that the couple didn't believe in disowning their child, but that didn't mean Finch lived a happy life after that. No, the family liked to continue to misgender them and dead name them to the point in which they became numb to it and now fear for telling those in higher standing (i.e. adults, bosses, etc.) about this. The family also tried sending them to church camps and other rehab centers, many of them trying to treat their identity as a mental issue and all of this was sure giving them one. A cloud of darkness seemed to loom over them as each day grew dark and darker. They worked and studied almost none stop in order to just not have to stay in the house for too long.

At least Finch had a strong friend group to lean on, well until that friend group went through their own troubles and Finch swallowed what they went through. Who were they to talk about their woos when those around them were in more suffering, no they told themselves to suck it up and keep strong. At times Finch couldn't even look in the mirror from how much they had changed, it wasn't them staring back or maybe it never was. They still get the feeling if they star for too long, their eyes are too big, nose was too long.Everything wasn't right and there is no way of changing that.

Age 18 and Finch booked it out of the family house, taking up residences with friends who also moved out at age 18. This lifted some stress of their shoulders, but they still felt pressured to send money back to their parents and so they did... though they did completely cut off communication with their dad. He was the one who felt the strongest who the 'sins' Finch was committing and if it wasn't for their mother, they'd move likely have been thrown out of the house sooner. With all of this sleep became more and more difficult, maybe they had some form of insomnia, they weren't sure...
In all honesty it is kinda a miracle Finch hadn't tried to run away or even off themselves... haha- they are just trying to live.
Cute bio!!


Level 4
Thread starter
[Finch Amagai]
View attachment 44060
(Made By SaltyPebble In Sims 4)

Full Playlist: Finch Vibes - YouTube ✩°。⋆⸜

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽Basic Information☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

First Name: Finch
Surname: Amagai

Dead Name: Emoiko
Alias: Lizzie

Onrain: @ThatLocalBird

Gender: Non-Binary

Pronouns: They/It

Age: 18

Height: 5’9” (174cm)

Weight: 158 lbs

Body Build: Ectomorph

Body Shape: Triangle

Skin Color: Olive

Eye Color: Black (Wears yellow colored contact in one eye)

Hair Style: Wolf cut

Hair Color: Black with a red stripe


Date of Birth: Mar. 26

Place of Birth: karakura, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Race: Japanese-Arabic

Sexual Orientation: Demi-Sexual / Poly

Religious Beliefs: Omnistic

Political Beliefs: ???

⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽General Appearance☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅
Appearance: Standing at 5’9”, [Finch Baba] has a long black hair with a red stripe, styled in a wolf cut. They have freckles and a lower lip piercing on the right side of their face. Their eyes are big and bug-like with dark circles under them, giving Finch a very innocent look. Their body is ectomorphic triangle shaped and they weigh 158 lbs. There are two snakes surrounded by red flowers on both of their thighs reaching up to their hips. Lastly, they have a deep gentle voice and wear yellow contacts in one eye. [Smells of burnt toast]

Personality: They are a very loving and giving person. Their love language is touch meaning they like to give people head pats and hugs. Other than that, they speak in an 'odd' manner almost sounding very formal or stiff at times. Really, they are just a kind spirit that doesn't want their friends to be upset or in harm.

Distinguishing Marks: There are two snakes surrounded by red flowers on both of their thighs reaching up to their hips.
View attachment 40923
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
View attachment 49770
Made by StinkySouup
(They are a really good tailor, I recommend them if you need anything. [Link])
Current Skin:
View attachment 49769
(Base By Toxicized)

Triggers: Loud Sounds (Screaming, Gun shots, etc.)

Character Voice: It's a lot like Willow Smith's (They aren't able to sing like her though)

View attachment 44061
(Made By SaltyPebble In Sims 4)

Equipment: Cane

Clothes: They wear a small, form fitting t-shirt that is mainly gray with a red heart on it. Along with black short-shorts and one red/black arm warmer. Lastly, they wear two gray leg warmers, black platforms and one thigh high red sock.

Hobbies: Reading, Sewing, People-watching, spray painting, Taking polaroid's (You can view these on their Onrain account [Link]) Playing in a band called White Rabbit Revival
View attachment 44132

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Has osteoarthritis in their knee (i.e. they have little to no cartilage around that joint) making it painful to put weigh upon that leg, meaning they have to use mobility aids. At the moment that is a cane. Also suffers from minor depression/dysphoria, and insomnia.

[Hopeless Romantic]
even though Finch isn't very sure what their sexuality was they have always believed in that someone that will make everything bright. Like a spark will go off and the curtains pulled away from their eyes... just like what their parents have.
[Low Self Esteem]
as touched on Finch suffers from Dysphoria though one of the things it does to how they act is that they tend to not come up to people they knew when they are with others. Scared they'll scare away their friend's friends. They don't what to be seen as someone close to others in case it might hurt the others image. This originates from feelings of being sinful and being called a demon, possessed, and ungodly by their family (dad/brother mainly)
They tend to want to mother their friends, wanting to make sure they'll okay and watching over them from a distance.

Skills: Sewing
View attachment 40881
Made for themself, it took them a long time and they love this outfit very much.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
View attachment 40879
Originally made for Kotori, they ended up having to make themselves one too at the blueberries request.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
(They are not a tailor, but if you are a friend, they'll happily make you one.)
(Old Skins)

Bio Mother | Alive | Non-Player
Bio Father | Alive | Non-Player
Bio Brother | Alive | Non-Player

Tsuyu Amagai | Alive | nohannahs
Autumn Amagai | Alive | nethercat1112
Rose Amagai | Alive | emeraldsword
Elora Amagai | Alive | strcssed
Hikari Amagai | Alive | FlameBurstStudio
Zack Amagai | Alive | Dreamynothere
Jake Amagai | Alive | WeirdCreatives
Hiroshi M. Amagai | Alive | DontKnow
Myles R. Amagai | Alive | Comedones

Friends/People They Know:
Kotori Park [ Close Friend ] Alive
Gold Midnight [ Close Friend ] Alive
Eri ??? [ Close Friend ] Alive
Mei Aizawa [ Close Friend ] Alive
Soul Park [ Close Friend ] Alive

Kou ??? [ Friend ] Alive
Somun ??? [ Friend ] Alive
??? 'Gin' ??? [ Friend ] Dead
Ayanna ??? [ Friend ] Unknown
Yamaha ??? [ Friend ]Unknown
Shoya Aizawa [ Acquaintance ] Alive
??? 'Kai' ??? [ Friend-of-Somun ] Unknown
Sajang ??? [Friend-of-Kotori?] Unknown

Mention of dead naming/using wrong pronouns, suicide, Religion trauma, Dysphoria (most of this isn't outright stated)
The Baba household has always been described as a put together Christan family. Their father having grown up in Korea, and mother from Syrai. Both immigrated to Japan at different stages of life, Mother in her late twenties and Father in his early thirties, but both looking forward to the future and starting a new life. Of course, this couple faced difficulties coming from different cultures from each other and the people around them, but they learned to lean onto each other for support.

For lack of a better term, they were a blue-collar family. Working just at the cost of living and weren't financially ready for a kid, but still the two buckled down and were blessed with a son. He was the light of their life for twenty years, showering with love and affection. Trying to provide all they could for him even in their rough financial state. Finch on the other hand was unplanned. By the time they were born, their brother had already taken up a job while going to college. The family was more stable money wise, but now the couple were hitting retirement age and with the arrive of another child that plan didn't look possible.

As where their first child was showered with love, so was Finch but there was a constant reminder of the lack of preparation that went into their birth and the ever-growing struggle of keeping a job as the people who worked beside them retired or were fired for being too old. Slowly the money the family was able to accumulate disappeared and Finch took up a job the moment they were of an age allowed too legally. This put a heavy burden on their showers, being looked as an adult in the eyes of their family seeing as they were one of the providers. You could almost say that Finch's childhood was cut short.

At the start of High School Finch came out to their parents as being non-binary, explaining their preferred pronouns and name wish they would like to be called by. It didn't go over very well. A good thing is that the couple didn't believe in disowning their child, but that didn't mean Finch lived a happy life after that. No, the family liked to continue to misgender them and dead name them to the point in which they became numb to it and now fear for telling those in higher standing (i.e. adults, bosses, etc.) about this. The family also tried sending them to church camps and other rehab centers, many of them trying to treat their identity as a mental issue and all of this was sure giving them one. A cloud of darkness seemed to loom over them as each day grew dark and darker. They worked and studied almost none stop in order to just not have to stay in the house for too long.

At least Finch had a strong friend group to lean on, well until that friend group went through their own troubles and Finch swallowed what they went through. Who were they to talk about their woos when those around them were in more suffering, no they told themselves to suck it up and keep strong. At times Finch couldn't even look in the mirror from how much they had changed, it wasn't them staring back or maybe it never was. They still get the feeling if they star for too long, their eyes are too big, nose was too long. Everything wasn't right and there is no way of changing that.

Age 18 and Finch booked it out of the family house, taking up residences with friends who also moved out at age 18. This lifted some stress of their shoulders, but they still felt pressured to send money back to their parents and so they did... though they did completely cut off communication with their dad. He was the one who felt the strongest who the 'sins' Finch was committing and if it wasn't for their mother, they'd move likely have been thrown out of the house sooner. With all of this sleep became more and more difficult, maybe they had some form of insomnia, they weren't sure...
In all honesty it is kinda a miracle Finch hadn't tried to run away or even off themselves... haha- they are just trying to live.

Recently they got adopted into a new family and now have taken on the last name Amagai. They are very excited for this new chapter of their life.

View attachment 40788
View attachment 40790
(Made By SaltyPebble In Sims 4)
-Added new family
-Updated Description to be in line with new skin
-Added photos of new skin
-Updated status of known people, many were changed to the unknown. (As time goes on I'll remove if not interacted with again.)

Left to do:
-Update Sims photos to match new look.

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