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FingerConsuming | Priest Application | W.I.P


Level 13

IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your discord username?:

What is your timezone?:
Central Standard Time (GMT-6)

Describe your activity on the server:
Describing my activity on the server, I am very active on SRP I typically play for around 5-6 hours during the weekdays, during weekends I am on for around 8-12 hours daily spending most of my day on the server. I enjoy playing SRP as it keeps my writing abilities fresh, it also keeps me dedicated to something. When I am not on it is most likely due to oocly plans, whenever I get the chance to roleplay with someone new it just makes me want to be ever more active, I am going to make a chart for my schedule.
On Sundays I am free for most of the day this includes probably 12pm to 8:00pm and then I have to go back to my moms house to get ready for school again, I get back on at around 10:00pm and then stay on until 3:00am at the latest.Mondays are most likely the day were I will be the least active. Mondays are just rough days in general. I will be on from around 4:30pm to 1:00am.Tuesdays are pretty chill days I get home at 4:30pm on week days and play for most of the day, unless I have homework if I do I end up doing that first then hopping on SRP.On Wednesdays I get home a little later at around 5:30pm I am on from 5:30pm until I feel like I need to go to sleep.Thursdays are the same as Tuesdays just do my homework and get on until I feel like it's time to go to sleep.Some Fridays may vary but I should be getting home at 4:30pm and getting on SRP until around 7:00pm and then getting off for around an hour or more after that I will get back on, somedays this does not happen and I just stay until 3:00am.Saturdays are my most active days, I am on from whatever time I wake up until sometimes going into 12pm on Sundays at the latest.

List your current roles on the server:
I have 4 accounts but only have access to 3 as of right now.
[Main] brycewas [Grade-10] [Hs-Basketball] Go Ito and [M] Jaquez Rizzington
[Alt-1] brycewasnt [Grade-7] Fī Kyŏng [EMPTY]
[Alt-2] brycewasnot [Bird] "Coconut" [Empty slot]
FingerConsuming [EMPTY] [Grade-10] Juroki Inagawa-Kai (ACCOUNT APPLYING WITH)
[Alt-4] brycemaybe [Grade-7]Beau T. Sanbuono [Grade-7] Cody Spence
Link any previous applications:



What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
I'm applying for the priest role.

What is your motivation for applying?
I am applying for shrine because of the simple fact that I want to expand my roleplay experiences. I always enjoyed roleplaying on different characters, and just the thought of me possibly playing a priest excites me it also adds a new challenge for me. It is a very different type of character which will push me to think more creative about how I will interact with the environment and other players. I'm excited to bring new perspectives to roleplay and explore a position in the shrine that is meaningful.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?


Character Full Name:

"Yang Matsukawaizumi"

Character Title:

Character Age:
"Twenty four"

Character Marital Status:

Character Nationality:

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
"Bachelors in Shinto Studies."



How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

In the shrine grounds he finds solitude comforting rather than lonely. Yang believes that the shrine is more than just a place of work, it's his home and what he was meant for. Yang believes he should perform everything with devotion, whether he is sweeping, cleaning, or tending to the torii gates, Yang thinks of tasks as a form of meditation. In Yang's mind keeping the shrine in peak condition is a just as important as performing rituals, it is a way of honoring the spirits. With fellow shrine staff Yang is kind yet reserved. Yang offered blessing with graceful movements. he speaks softly but with authority as well. With outsiders who are curious Yang takes the role of a patient guide, Yang explained the history of the shrine and the importance of its rituals in a way that the guests will understand. Yang's explanations came with an air of mystique, leaving people wondering if there was more to the shrine, drawing them in. Yang has little to no tolerance for those who acted rudely or mock the traditions of the shrine. He never raises his voice or becomes aggressive towards disrespectful guests, but there is a weight to his presence which makes people uneasy. Yang's normally soft eyes become much more piercing, his words take on a sharp warning tone, it's almost as if he knows something that they disrespectful guest doesn't, not to many guests disrespect the shrine twice after meeting his icy stare. To worshippers, he is a serene guide, someone whose presence brings a sense of peace and quiet wisdom, To outsiders, he is an enigma, a man whose words carry a depth that lingers in the mind long after the conversation ends, and to the spirits To the spirits, he is a keeper of balance, someone who neither fears nor controls them but respects their existence and ensures they do not disrupt the harmony of the shrine.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
If Yang saw a guest jumping around on the roofs of buildings and disrespecting the shrine grounds Yang's first response would be disappointment. Yang values the shrine as a place of harmony and spiritual respect, so seeing such disrespect would not sit well with him. Instead of immediately yelling or resorting to force, Yang would handle the situation with a combination of firm authority and a eerie sense of control. Before Yang says a word , he would stand on the ground below, watching the individual with a sharp, piercing gaze. Yang's expression wasn't angry nor was it amused, it was more like deeply unwelcoming. There would be a weight in the air, an unspoken warning that something is watching. Yang would not shout or act frantically. Instead, he would call out in a level of authoritative tone, cutting the air without needing to be loud. "You're being a disturbance to the shrines balance. Please return to the ground immediately." If the guest still refused to follow Yang's orders he would escort them out, though Yang wasn't a fighter, his aura alone would make it clear they had no place here. If they resisted, Yang would call for shrine assistants to help in removing them. If they tried arguing with Yang, he would simply not entertain the conversation responding coldly. "You have no respect for this place. Leave."

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest? What do they wish to achieve?
Yang Matsukawaizumi did not choose to be a priest, it was his role that has been waiting for him all along. When Yang was younger he had a very deep connection with the unseen, sensing things that other didn't. Yang was raised in a family with deep roots to the spiritual world, he spent much of his time wandering the shrine grounds, drawn to the quiet hum of ancient energies that lingered in the air. While other children played without a care in the world, Yang always felt like there was so much more then what then the human eye can see. It wasn't just curiosity that led him on this journey it was responsibility. He saw how the balance between the living and the spirits could be disturbed by foolishness, recklessness, or even malice. His decision to become a priest was not just about honoring the tradition, but becoming someone that was like a bridge between worlds, making sure humans and spirits could exist together.
What are the core values of your character? (OPTIONAL - MORE INFO IN FAQ)

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