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Level 60
Thread starter
really, he has Adrien to thank for calling her that day- if he didn't, she probably would have never rushed over.

she still cared, she just was having a hard time showing it!! can't excuse her awful behavior, obviously, but maybe she can try to explain it to him sometime- she's more than happy they sorta talked things out..

something she's going to forever do, imagine being able to sit at home.. by yourself and do nothing- ;woman_standing;

ANYWHO, i think yesterday, with the... uh... @The Toobler [tobi].. thing, more than proves her admiration for this man. she'd fight anyone and anything as long as he was happy- no matter how hard it may be.. or how against her normal moral code it is [not that she has many..]


Level 60
Thread starter
[Biography Format Credit: @Gamma Rose ]

" Slam your body down and wind it all around "

[Finneas King]
[Finneas] [King] | [

[ “ I’m as high as mt. Everest “ ]

( @DrainingFeeling )

♪ ♫ [CLICK] S O U N D T R A C K ♫

" We just met and I just fucked you. But I do know one thing though, bitches they come they go. Saturday through Sunday Monday, Monday through Sunday "


[Basic Information]

“ Everyone call’s me that. It has no special meaning to me “

“ My mom used to call me this. I remember how it used to make me smile. She stopped calling me that because i’m no longer a kid “

“ It’s basically my main nickname with a little bit of spice “

" If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give. Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is. Yeah, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want. So tell me what you want, what you really really want. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna. I really really wanna zigazig ah. "

G E N D E R | ♂ Male ♂

A G E | 21

H E I G H T | 5’7

W E I G H T | 121 lbs

B I R T H D A T E | July 5th

Z O D I A C • S I G N | Cancer

P L A C E • O F • B I R T H | Tokyo, Japan

R A C E | Japanese

M A R I T I A L • S T A T U S | Single

L A N G U A G E S | Japanese, French, and Italian

M O R T A L • S I N S | Lust

A L L I G N M E N T | Chaotic Neutral

S E X U A L I T Y | Gay

O C C U P A T I O N S | College Masters Student

" Try not to mistake what you have with what you hate, it could leave, it could leave in the morning. "

P H Y S I C A L • H E A L T H

[ Looks ]

" Here we again, I kinda wanna be more than friends. So take it easy on me. I'm afraid you're never satisfied "

M E N T A L • H E A L T H

[ ??? ]

Finn has these panics when thers movement seen. He can sometimes hallucinate into seeing his past when these hallucinations get triggered which often occur when he panics.

When angered, Finn has a high chance of going into these episodes, they can range from something as just a simple angry yell to getting physically violent. These episodes can sometimes leave Finn sick to his stomach.

It angers Finn that he doesn’t know whats going hon, Day by day, he looses his sanity.

[ Schizophrenia ]

He was diagnosed with schizophrenia by the age of 19. He’d start to show lack of motivation for activities which first was assumed as depression but more signs followed up, being hallucinations and illusionsm, disordered thinking, and flat affect- lack of emotional expression.

Finn’s schizophrenia ended up being passed down from his mothers side of the family, they have a reputation for being a schizophrenic family despite only one person per generation would eventually seem to be diagnosed with said disorder.

" Feeling Hazy, and I'm losing my control, and I can't get out of this hole. And my world is getting cold. And I want you. But I think you might hate me. I tell myself I'm not going crazy "


[Character Descriptions]
Personality Traits

[] + Positive Traits + []

[] - Negative Traits - []
People Pleaser
When desperate for attention, he’s willing to fall back into toxic relation
Closed Off Emotionally

[] • Other Traits • []
Possibly Bipolar
Sex Addict
Drug Addict


Swim Team

“ I have loved the water ever sense I moved to Karakura, god. Being apart of the swim team has only only “

Street Race Driver
“ Growing up, watching those races before my own eyes, I had a goal of becoming one of those racers, and here I am “

K-Pop Idol Group Manager
“ I’m the manager for K-STXRM and I don’t know how that happened “

" Don't you ever take your life out of mine, I'll fucking kill you. Take you out to the bayou in the cabin with the mildew, and I'll leave you there for someone to find, my little angel, in your deepest darkest corners and I'm lovin' every angle "

Physical Description

[The 5’7 Japanese male with red-dyed hair had two dyed black strips that ran from his bangs to the back of his head. He had the following piercings; Industrial, Forward Helix, Orbital, Lobe, Venom, Belly Button, Snake Bite, and a Smiley. A Floral tattoo would sleeve on his right arm. The smell of cotton candy followed the male. Besides the tongue piercing, within his mouth, his tongue would be freakishly long and pointy along with sharp canines. SWIMMER BUILD]

[ @orange#2432 ]

[ @Tat#7777 ]

( @DrainingFeeling but this was posted on my art acc on tikok </3 had to post on twitter for it to work on forms)
View attachment 34144

( @DrainingFeeling )


O V E R A L L: 81 / 130 [Must not exceed 115]
Credit: @Totoro_Sam
S T R E N G T H – 7

P E R C E P T I O N – 10

E N D U R A N C E- 9

C H A R I S M A - 9

I N T E L L I G E N C E - 5

A G I L I T Y - 8

L U C K - 5

H E A L T H - 10

M O R A L I T Y - 3

P R I V I L E D G E - 5

O B J E C T I V I T Y - 2

S A N I T Y - 4

S O C I A L - 4

Base Made by @Luxid

" You text me ' I love you ' and then I fucking ghost you "

Character Voice / Mannerisms

[Some guy on tiktok!?!?!?]

Lowish yet soft and relaxing toned

[Male voice for his voice claim]

" I don't deserve you, you deserve the world . . Though it feels like we were built from the same dirt "


Non-Combat Skills
[ Swimming?!?!? ]

- “ I like swimming “

Combat Skills

“ I don’t like fighting or- combat. . “

" What if, she's fine. It's my mind that's wrong. And I just let the bad thoughts linger for far to long "


[Relationships and History]

" I used to love the rain when I was small. The sound of it would lull me into a peaceful sleep. But, since i've grown older- my feelings have become more- complicated. I still like to listen to the rain today but, whenever I see the storm clouds start to gather . . my heart sinks "

[EX-LOVER] [18] Carlo Makoto [DEAD]
“ Mr.Perfect. I love admiring you, listing to you, and watching you be yourself. It makes me happy being around you. You’ve made me happy. “

“ Please, don’t let this be your end. . please please please- I can’t lose you. I love you. I love you, please don’t die on me. . I can’t lose you. We were going to get married and live our livse together, but we can’t do that if you only have 3-6 more months left to live- . . Carlo please. . stay with me. You know I can’t make it on my own “

“ You died earlier then told. . i’m sorry you died without me by your side “

[EX-LOVER] [18] Adrien Smickers Moloch [ALIVE]
“ Something went wrong. It’s all my fault. I can’t tell if I made a mistake or not when I ended it. I should have worked something out. I should have done better. I kinda miss what we had. It was - different. But a good different “

“ Thing change, people move on. You’ll do great in life! I hope things turn out for the best with you and your partner. As you moved on, I learned to move on as well. That might have been the hardest one yet “

“ I’m here for you “

“ Why’d you say that- .. “

[EX-LOVER] [18] Araki Katsuro [DEAD]
“ You shouldn’t have done that. You really screwed me over. Good fucking job ‘Kiki’ “

[EX-LOVER] [18] Yokoyama Shou [DEAD]
“ I should have done more to you. You didn’t deserve the kindness I left you with “

[EX-LOVER] [18] Takeda Nobu [DEAD]
“ I hope you didn’t feel at peace in your final moments. Asshole “

[Friend] [??] Atorasu ‘Atlas’ Shibata [ALIVE]
“ I made things awkward, i’m sorry. I didn’t want to say anything. I should have just stopped fucking talking. I just- . . . fuck “

[Friend] [20] Nagato Yuki [ALIVE]
“ You are a really good friend. I can trust you with anything. You make feel- safe? Thank you, for- everything you do for me. It means more then you can imagine. I realy needed you when that night happened. Thank you for being there. I’ve never really had that before- so thank you”

[Friend] [20] Ricky Hargeeves [ALIVE]
“ My platonic husband? Fiance, who accepted my hand in marriage via ring pop. The dude is just a good friend of mine, wish I saw hinm more often! He’s pretty chill “

[Friend] [20] Serena Santarossa [ALIVE]
“ She’s like the sister I never had. I’d do anything for her. She saved my life that one day. I’m pretty sure I would have accidentally killed myself if it wasnt for her barging in “

“ I thought better of you. What happened? Why don’t you care for me anymore . . . “

“ You keep me to be more social, thank you for dragging my ass around “

[Friend] [20] Venus Yamada [ALIVE]
“ An exciting being. She speaks her mind, it’s tight “

[Friend] [20] Faera Matsuzaki [ALIVE]
“ She’s fun to hang out with and super fun to mess around with. “

“ You introduced me to Nylu and Tobias, thank “

[Friend] [20] Cassiopeia Helvete Marie [ALIVE]
“ She’s going to do great things in live. I have no doubt about it ”

“ Ex Pink women! She no longer pink. RIP THE PINK. .. FUCK “

[Friend] [20] Sefu Y. Tanaka [ALIVE]
“ Cool person ! the only one who calls me Finneas LOL “

" Hit me~ "

[Friend] [20] Caspian Avia [ALIVE]
“ You seem really nice. I wish to get to know you better “

[Friend] [20] Nylu Kurishiyro [ALIVE]
“ I’d love to befriend you, you seem fun! We need to hang out more “

“ You’re dating a friend of mine lol “

[Friend] [20] Blitz Chinatsu [ALIVE]
“ I’m not your personal seat- I swear to god. “

[Friend] [20] Daisuke ‘SUKI’ Miyazaki [ALIVE]
“ You were the first person I met, and my introduction towards Adrien. Thank you. You’re good people “

[Friend] [??] Emiri ‘Em’ Miura [ALIVE]
“ Legit my best friend, such an amazing person “

[Friend] [18] Tobias O’Leary [ALIVE]
“ He asked me out, so we’ll see how that goes. He was the last person i’d expect to do such after telling me I wasn’t his type so this could be interesting “

“ I like kissing you “

" i hope things go well for you and him. "

[Platonic-Lover] [20] Jebediah F. Koijin [ALIVE]
“ Acts awfully sus when its just the two of us. But I don’t mind. It’s rather entertaining, funny even “


“ you sus ong LOL "

" Thank you for shopping at walmart "

[Friend/Surrogate] [20] Akina Hara [ALIVE]
“ BIRTHING MY CHILD!??!? Via surrogate. Swim team buddy “

[Aquantance] [16] Miyashiro Tsukumo [ALIVE]
“ We stare at each other “

[Orange Giver] [18] Janice Brady [ALIVE]
“ she gave me an orange. Also Jeb said he cheated on his fake wife serena with Janice LOL “

[Aquantance] [20] Roman Popovitch [ALIVE]
" he helped me clean my swim jacket, then it went pink and I had to burn it and steal another members jacket "

[Daughter] [2] Seanna Rain King [ALIVE]

“ you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Thank the stars that you’re healthy “

K-STXRM Group Members

Da-Eun Yoon
Sun-Hee Chun
Sangwoo Oh
Jae-Seok Baek
Ha-Yun Choo
Hae-Won Hwang
Riki Yang

" You tell me that you love me so, you tell me that you care. But when I need you baby. baby you're never there "


Tokyo, Japan. The year 2001. A baby boy was born. He had black hair and the sweetest hazel eyes. The baby boy was named Finneas after his father's brother who had passed recently before Finn was born. Growing up in Tokyo, the three of them lived in a deluxe apartment, staying there for Finn’s whole childhood and teenage years. His family had owned a convenience store below the apartment so growing up, he’d helped his parents. His family was small and stayed small. When Finn was 4 he discovered that one can own an animal so he begged his parents for a dog but during the process of hunting for the perfect dog, the family discovered Finn’s allergy to them. They decided to dig deeper and it turns out he was allergic to most animals but cats. For his 5th birthday, he was given a cat. He was a brown tabby cat to which Finn had named Soup. Finn and Soap had an early bond and connection and weren’t seen anywhere without one another. They were practically inseparable.

Finn’s school life was pretty calm. Not much had happened until year 8. He had been figuring out who he was and once he had hit year 8, he had fully been comfortable with identifying as a gay male. He came out to his family half a year later. They were confused but did their best to support their only son.

During this time, he had introduced his family to his first-ever boyfriend who had helped him figure out his sexuality. Araki Katsuro. The two had been dating for a few years. It was a smooth relationship. Towards the end of it, Araki had grown to some mental issues and tended to lash out at Finn which would send him into these violent episodes. Finn couldn’t wrap his head around why these things continued to happen. It freaked him out.

Araki Katsuro was found
dead a month after the relationship ended.

During the start of his high school career, he had been exposed to street racing. Yes, it’s illegal but the thrill of it caught his attention. He showed up to a few to sit and watch but he quickly got invested. He dreamt of the day he was the one behind the wheel, foot on the gas peddle, pushing it all the way down, taking the car to its max.

In Tokyo, one must be 18 to start driving. With that knowledge, it caused Finn to wait longer than he wanted. At the age of 15 he started to become more social with those who worked around the street racing. He got to meet some of the drivers along with those that scheduled these meets. He had asked them if he could be of help in any way and shared his story of how he got invested at the first show he came to.

At his first show, he met Yokoyama Shou. The two were inseparable. They dated for a full year. Finn thought he had found the one until they reached one of their many fights. But this one was different. It ended in the unresolved
death of Yokoyama Shou for unresolved reasons.

At the age of 16, he was able to start working alongside the racers. He helped with having people pay to come to see the show and cleaning up afterward. People tend to bring food and drinks and throw their trash on the ground which would take up some of Finn’s extra time with the racers before going home.

As soon as Finn turned 18, he learned how to drive, and even paid for his first car with the money he saved up from working at these illegal street race meets. Turns out, it was pretty good money! Finn studied each car he was interested in, especially its horsepower and acceleration. That's all he cared for really.

Once he had received his license, he began to sign up to be a racer himself with his own
cherry-red car. It was all he cared for besides winning and reaching his high with the acceleration peddle.

During these races, it was everything he imagined and more. Being in those cars instead of watching was better. He was completely addicted. His favorite moments would be escaping if they were to get caught by the police of Japan. It was his ultimate high. He loved the chase, the thought of getting caught, and its consequences. He was addicted. Growing up, addiction was something that always caught his interest. If he learned about something new and it caused a sort of addiction, he focused all of his attention on it.

He got introduced to pills and getting high. He was addicted. Simply addicted. Over the years things got better after he was glued to the addiction for a bit. But those addictions still linger within Finn.

In the middle of his 18th year of being alive, he met Takeda Nobu.
Takeda and Finn were college friends, they shared a dorm together. They even grew an interest in each other. The feeling of love was addicting to Finn. He couldn’t get enough of it. The two had dated for a few months before having a horrible breakup. Finn couldn’t handle the heartbreak and seeing
Takeda around anymore. It almost sent Finn to move away but a turn happened a few days after their break up Takeda Nobu would be found dead. Finn tried to learn how these things keep happening, he felt like he was cursed. He went back to racing to distract himself from these horrid thoughts.

When Finn was 19 he was dragged into managing a K-Pop group. He had met Sang-Woo, someone who he had raced against a few times. When Finn and Sang-Woo became friends, Sang introduced him to what K-Pop was. He managed to persuade Finn into managing a group called K-Stxrm. They were new and needed help with managing. This had sent Finn away from Tokyo and moved to Korea for a few years.

When Finn was 21, the group and he moved to Karakura. This was the first time Finn had ever seen an ocean right before his feet. An ISLAND! He was amazed at the water that surrounded him. He started to learn how to swim and put his free time into it. Along the way, he met Adrien Smickers Moloch, who he soon started to date. Adrien had owned a social club where he offered Finn and his group a chance to perform for his little club and Finn took that opportunity quickly.

Within Finn and Adrien dating, Finn managed to join the swim team for the Spartans. Karakura’s College team. As the end of June and the start of July hit. Finn was sent back to Korea for a few weeks which sent him into a stress-filled ball. He had to attend meetings, assign assignments to the idols he worked with, and so on. Along with that, he had to try and keep a relationship up. Every day that Finn returned home to his apartment in Korea after those meetings, he’d be sent off into his episodes, not knowing how to control his stress. This ended up causing Finn to break up with Adrien which was the last thing he wanted but he just got scared things would end up like his past relationships. It always ended in a fight and he didn’t want that to happen with Adrien. Finn was just simply overworked.

Soon after the breakup. Finn learned that Adrien had already moved on and was dating someone else. This did make Finn frustrated but he tried his best to stay out of it, a few weeks later he even found someone of his own! Carlo Makoto who he started to date.

A month into the relation, Carlo had gotten sick which lead up to his
death after 3-6 months. Finneas has been heartbroken ever since, losing the one he had planned on marrying. Shortly before the death, Finneas went to his friend Blitz to just let her be aware of the situation but the female didn't show any care in the world which sent her to make rude comments and send Finneas into an episode that ended up with Blitz having a scar over her left eye. Finneas doesn't recall the situation ever happening as he just saw it as a hallucination. While the event happened, Adrien was a witness to it all.

Once Carlo had passed, Finneas has done nothing but grieve the death of his boyfriend.

A year has passed and Finn had taken the responsibility of a dad! Akina is his surrogate!

Finn and Tobias are in the talking yet KISSING STAGE!??!?!

oh yeah, and Finn's kid was BORN ! how? Akina was his surrogate and recently gave birth!

Finn named her Seanna Rain King,. Serena chose the Seanna part of the name

" why'd you put up with that shit? why'd you go back for that kiss? maybe it tastes like him . . when you've got tears on your lips "

Finneas quotes:

" I think I like you best when you're just with me and no one else. "

" I hope that he, looks at me, and think shit he's so pretty. . . . . who ever that is. . please enter my life soon."

more art was added


Level 163
bro omg I love the biographyyyy!!! Where's my boy Ricky in there- he ring pop proposed to him remember!? LMFAO LOVE THE BIO RLLY!!! LYYY <3333


Level 60
Thread starter
[Biography Format Credit: @Gamma Rose ]

" Slam your body down and wind it all around "

[Finneas King]
[Finneas] [King] | [

[ “ I’m as high as mt. Everest “ ]

( @DrainingFeeling )

♪ ♫ [CLICK] S O U N D T R A C K ♫

" We just met and I just fucked you. But I do know one thing though, bitches they come they go. Saturday through Sunday Monday, Monday through Sunday "


[Basic Information]

“ Everyone call’s me that. It has no special meaning to me “

“ My mom used to call me this. I remember how it used to make me smile. She stopped calling me that because i’m no longer a kid “

“ It’s basically my main nickname with a little bit of spice “

" If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give. Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is. Yeah, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want. So tell me what you want, what you really really want. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna. I really really wanna zigazig ah. "

G E N D E R | ♂ Male ♂

A G E | 21

H E I G H T | 5’7

W E I G H T | 121 lbs

B I R T H D A T E | July 5th

Z O D I A C • S I G N | Cancer

P L A C E • O F • B I R T H | Tokyo, Japan

R A C E | Japanese

M A R I T I A L • S T A T U S | Single?Taken? not sure ..

L A N G U A G E S | Japanese, French, and Italian

M O R T A L • S I N S | Lust

A L L I G N M E N T | Chaotic Neutral

S E X U A L I T Y | Gay

O C C U P A T I O N S | College Masters Student


" Try not to mistake what you have with what you hate, it could leave, it could leave in the morning. "

P H Y S I C A L • H E A L T H

[ Looks ]

" Here we again, I kinda wanna be more than friends. So take it easy on me. I'm afraid you're never satisfied "

M E N T A L • H E A L T H

[ ??? ]

Finn has these panics when thers movement seen. He can sometimes hallucinate into seeing his past when these hallucinations get triggered which often occur when he panics.

When angered, Finn has a high chance of going into these episodes, they can range from something as just a simple angry yell to getting physically violent. These episodes can sometimes leave Finn sick to his stomach.

It angers Finn that he doesn’t know whats going hon, Day by day, he looses his sanity.

[ Schizophrenia ]

He was diagnosed with schizophrenia by the age of 19. He’d start to show lack of motivation for activities which first was assumed as depression but more signs followed up, being hallucinations and illusionsm, disordered thinking, and flat affect- lack of emotional expression.

Finn’s schizophrenia ended up being passed down from his mothers side of the family, they have a reputation for being a schizophrenic family despite only one person per generation would eventually seem to be diagnosed with said disorder.

[ ADHD ]

He was diagnosed with ADHD by the age of 6. He started showing signs of dissociation and small attention spans. It was a concern for teachers and soon pointed it out to his parents who took him in for scanning and noticed

He stopped taking medication for it once college started

" Feeling Hazy, and I'm losing my control, and I can't get out of this hole. And my world is getting cold. And I want you. But I think you might hate me. I tell myself I'm not going crazy "


[Character Descriptions]
Personality Traits

[] + Positive Traits + []

[] - Negative Traits - []
People Pleaser
When desperate for attention, he’s willing to fall back into toxic relation
Closed Off Emotionally

[] • Other Traits • []
Possibly Bipolar
Sex Addict
Drug Addict


Swim Team

“ I have loved the water ever sense I moved to Karakura, god. Being apart of the swim team has only only “

Street Race Driver
“ Growing up, watching those races before my own eyes, I had a goal of becoming one of those racers, and here I am “

K-Pop Idol Group Manager
“ I’m the manager for K-STXRM and I don’t know how that happened “

" Don't you ever take your life out of mine, I'll fucking kill you. Take you out to the bayou in the cabin with the mildew, and I'll leave you there for someone to find, my little angel, in your deepest darkest corners and I'm lovin' every angle "

Physical Description

[The 5’7 Japanese male with red-dyed hair had two dyed black strips that ran from his bangs to the back of his head. He had the following piercings; Industrial, Forward Helix, Orbital, Lobe, Venom, Belly Button, Snake Bite, and a Smiley. A Floral tattoo would sleeve on his right arm. The smell of cotton candy followed the male. Besides the tongue piercing, within his mouth, his tongue would be freakishly long and pointy along with sharp canines. SWIMMER BUILD]

[ @orange#2432 ]

[ @Tat#7777 ]

( @DrainingFeeling but this was posted on my art acc on tikok </3 had to post on Twitter for it to work on forms)
View attachment 34144

( @DrainingFeeling )

View attachment 34221

[ @we2y / @wezy#2871 ]
View attachment 34308
[ @DrainingFeeling ]

" I wish I knew. I wish I knew you wanted me. What you, ooh, uh, what you do? Made a move, coulda made a move. If I knew I'd be with you, is it too late to pursue? I bite my tongue, it's a bad habbit. Kinda mad that I didn't take a stab at it.

O V E R A L L: 81 / 130 [Must not exceed 115]
Credit: @Totoro_Sam
S T R E N G T H – 7

P E R C E P T I O N – 10

E N D U R A N C E- 9

C H A R I S M A - 9

I N T E L L I G E N C E - 5

A G I L I T Y - 8

L U C K - 5

H E A L T H - 10

M O R A L I T Y - 3

P R I V I L E D G E - 5

O B J E C T I V I T Y - 2

S A N I T Y - 4

S O C I A L - 4

Base Made by @Luxid

" You text me ' I love you ' and then I fucking ghost you "

Character Voice / Mannerisms

[Some guy on tiktok!?!?!?]

Lowish yet soft and relaxing toned

[Male voice for his voice claim]

" I don't deserve you, you deserve the world . . Though it feels like we were built from the same dirt "


Non-Combat Skills
[ Swimming?!?!? ]

- “ I like swimming “

Combat Skills

“ I don’t like fighting or- combat. . “

" What if, she's fine. It's my mind that's wrong. And I just let the bad thoughts linger for far to long "


[Relationships and History]

" I used to love the rain when I was small. The sound of it would lull me into a peaceful sleep. But, since i've grown older- my feelings have become more- complicated. I still like to listen to the rain today but, whenever I see the storm clouds start to gather . . my heart sinks "

[LOVER??] [18] Carlo Makoto [DEAD]
“ Mr.Perfect. I love admiring you, listing to you, and watching you be yourself. It makes me happy being around you. You’ve made me happy. “

“ Please, don’t let this be your end. . please please please- I can’t lose you. I love you. I love you, please don’t die on me. . I can’t lose you. We were going to get married and live our livse together, but we can’t do that if you only have 3-6 more months left to live- . . Carlo please. . stay with me. You know I can’t make it on my own “

“ You died earlier then told. . i’m sorry you died without me by your side “

" you- . . you're alive! i missed you so much ..!! "

[EX-LOVER] [18] Adrien Smickers Moloch [ALIVE]
“ Something went wrong. It’s all my fault. I can’t tell if I made a mistake or not when I ended it. I should have worked something out. I should have done better. I kinda miss what we had. It was - different. But a good different “

“ Thing change, people move on. You’ll do great in life! I hope things turn out for the best with you and your partner. As you moved on, I learned to move on as well. That might have been the hardest one yet “

“ I’m here for you “

“ Why’d you say that- .. “

[EX-LOVER] [18] Araki Katsuro [DEAD]
“ You shouldn’t have done that. You really screwed me over. Good fucking job ‘Kiki’ “

[EX-LOVER] [18] Yokoyama Shou [DEAD]
“ I should have done more to you. You didn’t deserve the kindness I left you with “

[EX-LOVER] [18] Takeda Nobu [DEAD]
“ I hope you didn’t feel at peace in your final moments. Asshole “

[Friend] [??] Atorasu ‘Atlas’ Shibata [ALIVE]
“ I made things awkward, i’m sorry. I didn’t want to say anything. I should have just stopped fucking talking. I just- . . . fuck “

[Friend] [20] Nagato Yuki [ALIVE]
“ You are a really good friend. I can trust you with anything. You make feel- safe? Thank you, for- everything you do for me. It means more then you can imagine. I realy needed you when that night happened. Thank you for being there. I’ve never really had that before- so thank you”

[Friend] [20] Ricky Hargeeves [ALIVE]
“ My platonic husband? Fiance, who accepted my hand in marriage via ring pop. The dude is just a good friend of mine, wish I saw hinm more often! He’s pretty chill “

[Friend] [20] Serena Santarossa [ALIVE]
“ She’s like the sister I never had. I’d do anything for her. She saved my life that one day. I’m pretty sure I would have accidentally killed myself if it wasnt for her barging in “

“ I thought better of you. What happened? Why don’t you care for me anymore . . . “

“ You keep me to be more social, thank you for dragging my ass around “

[Friend] [20] Venus Yamada [ALIVE]
“ An exciting being. She speaks her mind, it’s tight “

[Friend] [20] Faera Matsuzaki [ALIVE]
“ She’s fun to hang out with and super fun to mess around with. “

“ You introduced me to Nylu and Tobias, thank “

[Friend] [20] Cassiopeia Helvete Marie [ALIVE]
“ She’s going to do great things in live. I have no doubt about it ”

“ Ex Pink women! She no longer pink. RIP THE PINK. .. FUCK “

[Friend] [20] Sefu Y. Tanaka [ALIVE]
“ Cool person ! the only one who calls me Finneas LOL “

" Hit me~ "

[Friend] [20] Caspian Avia [ALIVE]
“ You seem really nice. I wish to get to know you better “

[Friend] [20] Nylu Kurishiyro [ALIVE]
“ I’d love to befriend you, you seem fun! We need to hang out more “

“ You’re dating a friend of mine lol “

[Friend] [20] Blitz Chinatsu [ALIVE]
“ I’m not your personal seat- I swear to god. “

[Friend] [20] Daisuke ‘SUKI’ Miyazaki [ALIVE]
“ You were the first person I met, and my introduction towards Adrien. Thank you. You’re good people “

[Friend] [??] Emiri ‘Em’ Miura [ALIVE]
“ Legit my best friend, such an amazing person “

[Friend] [18] Tobias O’Leary [ALIVE]
“ He asked me out, so we’ll see how that goes. He was the last person i’d expect to do such after telling me I wasn’t his type so this could be interesting “

“ I like kissing you “

" i hope things go well for you and him. "

[Platonic-Lover] [20] Jebediah F. Koijin [ALIVE]
“ Acts awfully sus when its just the two of us. But I don’t mind. It’s rather entertaining, funny even “


“ you sus ong LOL "

" Thank you for shopping at walmart "

[Friend/Surrogate] [20] Akina Hara [ALIVE]
“ BIRTHING MY CHILD!??!? Via surrogate. Swim team buddy “

[Aquantance] [16] Miyashiro Tsukumo [ALIVE]
“ We stare at each other “

[Orange Giver] [18] Janice Brady [ALIVE]
“ she gave me an orange. Also Jeb said he cheated on his fake wife serena with Janice LOL “

[Aquantance] [20] Roman Popovitch [ALIVE]
" he helped me clean my swim jacket, then it went pink and I had to burn it and steal another members jacket "

[Daughter] [2] Seanna Rain King [ALIVE]

“ you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Thank the stars that you’re healthy “

K-STXRM Group Members

Da-Eun Yoon
Sun-Hee Chun
Sangwoo Oh
Jae-Seok Baek
Ha-Yun Choo
Hae-Won Hwang
Riki Yang

" You tell me that you love me so, you tell me that you care. But when I need you baby. baby you're never there "


Tokyo, Japan. The year 2001. A baby boy was born. He had black hair and the sweetest hazel eyes. The baby boy was named Finneas after his father's brother who had passed recently before Finn was born. Growing up in Tokyo, the three of them lived in a deluxe apartment, staying there for Finn’s whole childhood and teenage years. His family had owned a convenience store below the apartment so growing up, he’d helped his parents. His family was small and stayed small. When Finn was 4 he discovered that one can own an animal so he begged his parents for a dog but during the process of hunting for the perfect dog, the family discovered Finn’s allergy to them. They decided to dig deeper and it turns out he was allergic to most animals but cats. For his 5th birthday, he was given a cat. He was a brown tabby cat to which Finn had named Soup. Finn and Soap had an early bond and connection and weren’t seen anywhere without one another. They were practically inseparable.

Finn’s school life was pretty calm. Not much had happened until year 8. He had been figuring out who he was and once he had hit year 8, he had fully been comfortable with identifying as a gay male. He came out to his family half a year later. They were confused but did their best to support their only son.

During this time, he had introduced his family to his first-ever boyfriend who had helped him figure out his sexuality. Araki Katsuro. The two had been dating for a few years. It was a smooth relationship. Towards the end of it, Araki had grown to some mental issues and tended to lash out at Finn which would send him into these violent episodes. Finn couldn’t wrap his head around why these things continued to happen. It freaked him out.

Araki Katsuro was found
dead a month after the relationship ended.

During the start of his high school career, he had been exposed to street racing. Yes, it’s illegal but the thrill of it caught his attention. He showed up to a few to sit and watch but he quickly got invested. He dreamt of the day he was the one behind the wheel, foot on the gas peddle, pushing it all the way down, taking the car to its max.

In Tokyo, one must be 18 to start driving. With that knowledge, it caused Finn to wait longer than he wanted. At the age of 15 he started to become more social with those who worked around the street racing. He got to meet some of the drivers along with those that scheduled these meets. He had asked them if he could be of help in any way and shared his story of how he got invested at the first show he came to.

At his first show, he met Yokoyama Shou. The two were inseparable. They dated for a full year. Finn thought he had found the one until they reached one of their many fights. But this one was different. It ended in the unresolved
death of Yokoyama Shou for unresolved reasons.

At the age of 16, he was able to start working alongside the racers. He helped with having people pay to come to see the show and cleaning up afterward. People tend to bring food and drinks and throw their trash on the ground which would take up some of Finn’s extra time with the racers before going home.

As soon as Finn turned 18, he learned how to drive, and even paid for his first car with the money he saved up from working at these illegal street race meets. Turns out, it was pretty good money! Finn studied each car he was interested in, especially its horsepower and acceleration. That's all he cared for really.

Once he had received his license, he began to sign up to be a racer himself with his own
cherry-red car. It was all he cared for besides winning and reaching his high with the acceleration peddle.

During these races, it was everything he imagined and more. Being in those cars instead of watching was better. He was completely addicted. His favorite moments would be escaping if they were to get caught by the police of Japan. It was his ultimate high. He loved the chase, the thought of getting caught, and its consequences. He was addicted. Growing up, addiction was something that always caught his interest. If he learned about something new and it caused a sort of addiction, he focused all of his attention on it.

He got introduced to pills and getting high. He was addicted. Simply addicted. Over the years things got better after he was glued to the addiction for a bit. But those addictions still linger within Finn.

In the middle of his 18th year of being alive, he met Takeda Nobu.
Takeda and Finn were college friends, they shared a dorm together. They even grew an interest in each other. The feeling of love was addicting to Finn. He couldn’t get enough of it. The two had dated for a few months before having a horrible breakup. Finn couldn’t handle the heartbreak and seeing
Takeda around anymore. It almost sent Finn to move away but a turn happened a few days after their break up Takeda Nobu would be found dead. Finn tried to learn how these things keep happening, he felt like he was cursed. He went back to racing to distract himself from these horrid thoughts.

When Finn was 19 he was dragged into managing a K-Pop group. He had met Sang-Woo, someone who he had raced against a few times. When Finn and Sang-Woo became friends, Sang introduced him to what K-Pop was. He managed to persuade Finn into managing a group called K-Stxrm. They were new and needed help with managing. This had sent Finn away from Tokyo and moved to Korea for a few years.

When Finn was 21, the group and he moved to Karakura. This was the first time Finn had ever seen an ocean right before his feet. An ISLAND! He was amazed at the water that surrounded him. He started to learn how to swim and put his free time into it. Along the way, he met Adrien Smickers Moloch, who he soon started to date. Adrien had owned a social club where he offered Finn and his group a chance to perform for his little club and Finn took that opportunity quickly.

Within Finn and Adrien dating, Finn managed to join the swim team for the Spartans. Karakura’s College team. As the end of June and the start of July hit. Finn was sent back to Korea for a few weeks which sent him into a stress-filled ball. He had to attend meetings, assign assignments to the idols he worked with, and so on. Along with that, he had to try and keep a relationship up. Every day that Finn returned home to his apartment in Korea after those meetings, he’d be sent off into his episodes, not knowing how to control his stress. This ended up causing Finn to break up with Adrien which was the last thing he wanted but he just got scared things would end up like his past relationships. It always ended in a fight and he didn’t want that to happen with Adrien. Finn was just simply overworked.

Soon after the breakup. Finn learned that Adrien had already moved on and was dating someone else. This did make Finn frustrated but he tried his best to stay out of it, a few weeks later he even found someone of his own! Carlo Makoto who he started to date.

A month into the relation, Carlo had gotten sick which lead up to his
death after 3-6 months. Finneas has been heartbroken ever since, losing the one he had planned on marrying. Shortly before the death, Finneas went to his friend Blitz to just let her be aware of the situation but the female didn't show any care in the world which sent her to make rude comments and send Finneas into an episode that ended up with Blitz having a scar over her left eye. Finneas doesn't recall the situation ever happening as he just saw it as a hallucination. While the event happened, Adrien was a witness to it all.

Once Carlo had passed, Finneas has done nothing but grieve the death of his boyfriend.

A year has passed and Finn had taken the responsibility of a dad! Akina is his surrogate!

Finn and Tobias are in the talking yet KISSING STAGE!??!?!

oh yeah, and Finn's kid was BORN ! how? Akina was his surrogate and recently gave birth!

Finn named her Seanna Rain King,. Serena chose the Seanna part of the name

Carlo is alive.

" why'd you put up with that shit? why'd you go back for that kiss? maybe it tastes like him . . when you've got tears on your lips "

Finneas King's Journal Notes:

Page 1.
Sitting in my room, watching the minutes tick, hearing the on and off commotion outside these walls and no one ever stops to think if something or someone was within these dark consumed walls that are called a house. My mom once told me 'No matter who you are, people's lives will still continue to go on whether you're alive or not.' It's sad but it's true, the world will still turn without you. I personally know what it's like to seem invisible to those around you. It sucks. As I sit in this dark room, I can't help but feel like a spec of dust that has no meaning or purpose. I always hear those inspirational speeches about how everyone has a meaning or purpose but I think it's all bullshit. Another thing that I think is bullshit is when people act as they care but in reality, when you're dead, all that bullshit white lies they tell you and promise you, turn into mist and get forgotten about in a heartbeat. Even after thinking this way, I still find myself staring at my phone hoping for someone to send the first text. I find myself spending so much time thinking what my friends are doing and why. How they are busy and I'm not. I have no reason to care. I mean, in the end, I only want to care about one person. I only want that one person to want me. I guess- that's what most people want too but I don't think they want someone to want them the way I want someone to want me. I want someone to want me but not because they like me or love me, I want someone to want me to the point to where they need me. I want someone to need my affection and attention or they just completely shut down. I want someone to need me the way a murderer needs a target to be classified as a killer. I want someone to need me the way humans need oxygen to breathe. I want to be needed by someone so badly to the point to where I drive them insane when I don't give them any attention. I want to drive someone to complete insanity by simply talking to someone else for a split second or give someone else my attention instead of them. I want someone to only want me to give them my everything. I want someone who would want me to sacrifice all that I have just for their own satisfaction just so they don't go to the brink of insanity. What I've realized after writing this out is that I'm that type of person. I'm the person who needs all the attention from the other and if I don't get it, it drives me insane. I crave it. I crave a lover's attention. I want someone to want me the way I want them.

" I think I like you best when you're just with me and no one else. "

" I hope that he, looks at me, and think shit he's so pretty. . . . . who ever that is. . please enter my life soon."


Changed the 'CLICK' SOUNDTRACK link to be linked to finneas's spotify soundtrack
New art
New section called Finn's Journal, page 1. has been added

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