Level 14
What's your Minecraft Username?: ethln
What's the title of your suggestion?: Fix Sprays
What's your suggestion?:
So basically, if you have ever sprayed on a wall before you'll know that you get kicked out of the game after a certain amount of time or the plugin is just completely broken. I believe this shouldn't be the case because it's so damn annoying trying to spray the wall and then being kicked as soon I'm about to write something. I also believe the plugin should be fixed overall due to how broken it is pretty much. I tried spraying a wall once before and I couldn't even do anything.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
This would benefit the server and community by allowing people to actually spray stuff on walls without being kicked or the plugin being completely broken. This would also help GangRP to advertise their gangs, along with normal players advertising their own stuff.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Fix Sprays
What's your suggestion?:
So basically, if you have ever sprayed on a wall before you'll know that you get kicked out of the game after a certain amount of time or the plugin is just completely broken. I believe this shouldn't be the case because it's so damn annoying trying to spray the wall and then being kicked as soon I'm about to write something. I also believe the plugin should be fixed overall due to how broken it is pretty much. I tried spraying a wall once before and I couldn't even do anything.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
This would benefit the server and community by allowing people to actually spray stuff on walls without being kicked or the plugin being completely broken. This would also help GangRP to advertise their gangs, along with normal players advertising their own stuff.
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