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Flexy's Epic P.O Application


Level 5
IGN (In-Game Name):
FIexy (That's an 'I' beside the 'e', I for Infinity War)

Previous bans:
I've been banned thrice on the server, the other bans were made without a valid reason (Basically misunderstanding).
1. I had been banned for reaching the warning limit, 1 year ago. (Cosmetic Abuse, Power Game, Minge Running, Metagaming). @ -Im6
2. I had been banned for AvoidingRP it was a 24hours ban, however, I gotta go off that day. @ -Im6
3. I was also banned for glitching, taking items from the chests which don't belong to me. @ -Im6
I sincerely apologize for my immaturity, and I'm now trying to be professional as much as I can. Some other bans (1 or 2, I guess) are not considered as valid punishments, due to them being given mistakenly.

Describe your activity on the server:
I've been playing SchoolRP for over 1 and a half years now. I've pretty much experienced various ways to Role-Play. I do have College, but I do believe that I have the capability to balance Gaming and Education. Yes, I play on the server pretty much daily for at least 3 hours.

Do you have Discord?
Yes, I do have discord, and I use it often, it is gonna be; flexy#7150

Do you have a microphone?
I don't really have a microphone at the moment. But I'm able to use my phone as the microphone.

List your current and past applications:
Spanish Language Application (Accepted)
Albanian Language Application (Accepted)

School-Librarian Application (Accepted)

P.O Application (Denied) Any screenshots are needed, I'm happy to provide them dm via discord, no link to the SRPwebpage, sorry.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Firstly, I'd like to sincerely apologize for being toxic to the Force. I am truly sorry for acting like that. I had learned a good lesson from my mistakes. I had come to know how hard it is to become a Police Officer.

Coming to the question, I'm willing to become a Police Officer, as it is more enjoyable rather than any other type of Role-Plays. I'm wanting to join the Force because I had never experienced how things would be or work there. Considering the fact that I have been wishing to be apart of the team. Once again my honest apologies to you guys.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I do understand the Japanese Laws and the Basic Conduct.

What are the Police ranks?
The Police ranks are:
Police Commissioner > Police Captain > Police Head Lieutenant >Police Vice Head Lieutenant > Police Lieutenant > Head-Investigator > Police Investigator > Corporal > Patrol Officer > Police Cadet.

Those are the rankings I usually see on SRP. Pretty sure they're correct now.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work.

Police Cadets:
: Taser and a baton.
Police Cadets are the new Police Officers, who are really new to the force. They'll be getting their training from the Captain vice versa. Police cadets are not allowed to leave the station until and unless there's a Higher-up than them to patrol with. Cadets receive a Baton and a Taser.

Patrol Officers:
: Taser and a Baton
Patrol Officers have the same authority and permission as a cadet would have, but he's allowed to Patrol the areas without any Higher-ups.

Police Investigators:
: Taser, baton and a Glock. Access to equip Riot as-well.
Police Investigators investigate the crime on, where it happened, what time it happened, who is involved, fingerprints and other cool stuff like that. They're more likely the FBI team.

Police Lieutenant:
: Taser, Glock and a Baton. Access to equip Riot.
Lieutenants are also known as fully trained officers. They patrol the streets, they help the Police Force for further moves. The same goes for the Vice and Head Lieutenant. But Head Lieutenant is the Head of all the Lieutenants, Vice head works in the absence of the Head Lieutenant.

Police Captain:
: Taser, Baton, and a Glock. All the access to everywhere and the Riot, and the commands.
Police Captain train the Police Officers to level up and rank up. Basically what he does is, improving their current skill to the next level. Besides this, all here goes as well as the Lieutenant.

Police Commissioner:
: Everything in the station because the station belongs to him.
This is the last rank in Police Officers, they would be only 1 Commissioner. He has access to everything in the Station. The Police Force wouldn't be able to run without him.

Very basic Police work ;

If a person is 'masked', we have the right to check them, if they have illegal weaponry on them. We have the right to arrest them for so on so date and so on so fine.

If a person is caught loitering around the station, we have the right to fine them. Failure to pay their fine might lead to an arrest.

If a person is assaulting someone, we have the right to arrest them and jail them.

If a person is causing a nuisance in the public, we have the right to warn them verbally.

If a person is asking us to release someone out of the jail whilst having a lifetime punishment by showing us money if we release them, we have the right to fine them for asking to lower the person's bail.

If a person is below 18 and they're possessing 18+ stuff such as cigarettes and alcohol. We have the right to arrest them for underage possession of alcohol and cigarettes.

Disorderly Conduct is also a good reason to arrest someone.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
There are literally 2 gang role-players in every single room of the apartment when it comes to this. Police are definitely important to the server. As we can see these days Gang violation is more in the Karakura. Police are the only force who could stop this and bring peace to Karakura. For some reason, people stupidly buy weapons and say it's for 'Self-Protection' in the presence of the Police what is the need of buying them? They simply get arrested for a silly reason, this is what I usually see. Coming to the question, gang role players have become strong, they've got all the black market weaponry including the riot gear. Police can possibly stop the crime going on.

IC Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?

Roy Miller would be having a mesomorph build, standing at 5'9. His glamorous and elegant blonde hair would admire everyone. He weighs 152lbs, with a pale brown skin-tone. He would be having a deep voice with a British Accent. He doesn't speak that much to the strangers, keeping everything professional. Although he's watching every single step which is taken by his parents, securing them every single minute, he received many Trophies and Prizes in Swimming, running, games such as Volleyball and Hockey. He has a very good past Navy experience. He can hold his breath up to a long time, around 5 mins. (Thanks to attributes).

What he's like on the and off the job?
When Roy Miller is off his duty, he'd more likely be friendly and also be of a crazy guy to his friends. He'll probably continue exploring places around the city and gain a better knowledge of them. There are reasons for his exploration. When he's on his duty, he'd act extremely professional in a few situations and also a bit unprofessional to be a funny guy. He'd also have that slight craziness to the officers to make them laugh. He'd be more of a funny guy rather than a strict person. But when it comes to seriousness, he knows how to behave in that type of situation.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Miller would sincerely respect and admire his co-worker's words, helping them a lot. He would first gain their trust in him. He would never hide things, he is always free and mature. He was inspired by these words from a book of Thomas Babington Macaulay’s Lays of Ancient Rome,
“To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his gods?" There we go, after that, he decided to spend all his life serving his great service to them. So currently there are no future plans.

Roy Miller was born on the 29th of January in 1992. He has a very good past. He showed up very good results in his academics. Which possibly made his parents very proud. Roy had some hallucinations when he was 8 years old. Roy was the one and only son to his parents, he didn't have any Siblings. His father's name is Richard Miller, his mother's name is Hannah Miller. As time had passed he realized that he was missing something, there is something empty in his Life, besides the health, and wealth. Alongside he was very stressed for his results. 15 year's later. Roy had escaped from his parents for something which he had found out, it was extremely heartbreaking to him at that time.

Later, he moved to Karkura individually. He met many people there, he monitored the behavior of the people, when they're sad, happy, depressed and upset. He finally had received a Job from the School. He worked as a School-Librarian in those days. He also met a gang of few intellectuals who were Dwight, Bozidar, and Eryk. He realized that they're people who put the effort in order to gain knowledge. Then he resigned from his job because he had to go, to meet his mother. She was literally in the critical condition in between death and life whether to live or die, God only could confirm that. He took care of his Mother. He had them secured in England. Later, he moved to Karkura again. He saw a female by the name of Better. He was a bit shy when he first met her in the Police Station. They were out for a date. After a few hours, he met Mr. Martin Sadaki accusing him of something he didn't do. From that day, he had kept a goal to become a Police Officer. He is an intellectual and a calculating person, who's currently turning themselves to become a Police Officer.

SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Roy Miller
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mister
Given Name(s): Encounter, JJ and 'Collateral'.
Preferred Name: Roy.

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Christian
Martial Status: Not in a relationship
Nationality: American
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

Academic Details

Years of Training: 2 Full years
Working Experience: 5 years at ....

Academic Degree:

- Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice

Year of Graduation: 2013
- Criminology
- Psychology

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: English

Other notes:
I do admit that I had a toxic attitude towards the Police Force. Now I can assure you that I have changed and acknowledged the importance of a Police Officer. I sincerely apologise for my previous actions. I'm very sorry.
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
After a vote with all officers, it has been decided that you aren't ready to join the force. You applying and the hard-work you put into your application is appreciated non the less.

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