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FluoxetineRP's Korean application


Level 4
IGN: FluoxetineRP

Language your character knows: Korean

How does your character know this language?:

Nagi Seu Seung was born in South Korea in Seoul and she was in an orphanage since she was very young, she would be learning about the Korean language in a mini classroom that the orphans get taught in with mathematics, French, history, and more and She would spend a lot of time learning on how to speak Korean by reading books or comic books from 6-13 years old.


Level 104

Congratulations, your application has up-to-par with our standards, and has been accepted! You can request for your language to be added on the server through /help, or through direct messaging an Administrator+ on Discord. Good job!

P.S: If you have any questions/inquiries about this application, feel free to message me over Discord!; Knot#2096

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