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Accepted Forensic Science Professor


Level 2

What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:

What is your Discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I'm on every day for 4-8 hours.
Monday 3 pm-8 pm
Tuesday 1 pm-9 pm
Wednesday 3 pm-8 pm
Thursday 1 pm-10 pm
Friday 5 pm-12am++
Saturday noon-12am++
Sunday 12 pm-9 pm

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I have played SRP since 2019-2020. However, I took a 2-year break in early 2022, only returning in October of 2023. Although things have changed a lot I persist in enjoying spending time with friends whom I have created close bonds with through the server. I am eternally grateful for the opportunities this server has given me and for the wisdom shared by others both in character and out. For the last 5 months, I have deeply engrossed myself in the server, taking part in gangrp and everyday actions. I have loads of fun finding new and diverse characters within the server and the chance to be something else.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Unfortunately for this section, I've little to show, I have one main character whom I play, A [Grade-12] Gwayne Aiuchi.

What is the subject you want to teach?:
I would love the chance to teach forensic science! I have taken forensic science and am currently enrolled in classes to become a CSI with a chemistry and biology degree.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

As a kid, I used to always find true crime TV shows interesting, not just the crime but the process of examining and detailing crime scenes. It always intrigued me to watch step by step, process by process, how forensic scientists, CSI, and ****ysts went about solving a crime. Whether it be on the more gruesome side or just everyday mishaps such as a car burglary, or a stolen purse! I think this would be a good chance to improve upon my thought process when it comes to approaching crime scenes in my future job as well as provide an opportunity for others who like many, are interested in true crime, to fully experience and learn about what Forensics is. Not just the crime scene aspect but the technical biology and chemistry side as well.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

  1. Identifying impressions. Have students learn how impressions left on the ground are often overlooked by criminals fleeing a scene and explain the process that CSI goes through to identify and find said impressions. Examples; fingerprints, shoeprints, indentions. Then pass out a book asking what students might do differently to combat the techniques used by police and try to explain how their suggestions might not work!

  1. A murder mystery! Pass students out a book that gives them details on a fake "crime scene" within the class that they must go through the process of solving. Each student would receive a separate book saying if they were a witness, a suspect, or a victim. Students will build up a file of who they think in the classroom did the crime or what had happened alternatively if there is no actual suspect. This will help students improve upon their critical thinking skills as well as teamwork as a collective "CSI force."

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
During this trip around town, I would explain how in different terrains forensic scientists will use different tactics and techniques to help identify parts of a scene. I would have students then ask what-if scenario questions and do my best to explain the process that might follow their scenario for each terrain.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

If my character was in this situation, assuming the bobcat jock was in danger, he would quickly but calmly walk over to oversee and understand the situation. Asking the students to please separate in case the student is injured or in imminent danger to de-escalate the situation. In the situation the student was not in any danger he would advise them to be safe and careful. However, if the student was bullied or otherwise harmed, he would break the student up and make sure the harmed party was okay, signaling in a nurse if needed, and handing the offender detention slips.

Your character would be supervising detention, and one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
In the situation where my character is overseeing detention and a student is disruptive he would attempt to humor the student to incite a feeling of comfort, then politely ask the student to return to the task given to them to avoid any further trouble. On the other hand, if the student continues to be disruptive/rude, he would speak with another colleague on what to do about the student, if the situation becomes severe he would threaten to contact SLT, if that went ignored he would be subject to unfortunately contacting them.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
If there is a group being disruptive, cheerleader or not, he would ask that the group silence their phones and cease disturbing the class out of respect for those who would like to listen to the lecture, letting them know they will potentially be kicked out of the class if they continue being disruptive. They will be warned a maximum of three times before being removed from the class for harassment and disruption.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
If he saw a fight on school premises he would naturally attempt to break up the fight as taught during his training. He would inform them that to fight on school grounds would land them in detention and he would pass out slips, however assuming the students don't break up he would radio for support to break up the fight and inform SLT or another person of higher authority to help in the endeavor.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Hesekiel R. Watanabe was born in Finland. However, was raised in Japan under his grandfather, Haruto Watanabe. Upon a glance, most people would notice his semi-messy black hair, and his greying roots which come from the stress of dealing with the morbid often. His face alone shows what kind of person he is, with his tired and relaxed eyes and his naturally soft smile, one could tell he was a man of peace. Despite his friendly and mature appearance, he's physically apt, both being strong and broad-shouldered, weighing 242 lbs. When it comes to students he tries his best to be patient and humorous, trying to play to a more lax' teaching style. It's in his personal opinion that strict learning isn't learning and that without some leeway there's no room for people or students to grow. As for his colleagues, he highly respects them and their opinions, especially those in a higher power than him. He understands they had worked hard and earned their place so he treats them like idols, always admiring them all in their own right. He plans to settle down and find someone who shares morals with him, someone he can have conversations about the psychology behind criminals with. He plans to use his retirement funds to buy himself a house and use the remainder for donations to the less fortunate students who lack further education.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

As a child, Hesekiel grew up on his grandfather's farm far away from the troubles of large populations. His grandfather, Haruto, was always stern but loving. He taught Hesekiel how to use his eyes, and looking closely at things became a pastime for Hesekiel. He would find anything unique and bring it home to look at under the microscope and chemistry set that Haruto had bought. His interest was always drawn to things that were more difficult to understand, leading to him applying to a college in Japan where he got a degree in Forensic science and criminology.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:
Hesekiel R. Watanabe

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Dr.

Given Name(s): Hesekiel

Preferred Name: Heki, Kiel, Hesekiel

Age: 38

Gender & pronouns: Male, He/him

Religious Denomination: Shinto

Marital Status: Single. . .

Nationality: Finish-Japanese

Current Location: Karakura

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

Working Experience (# of years): 11

Academic Degree: Doctorate

Year of Graduation: 2009 (Graduated Tohoku University)

Major(s): Chemistry & Criminology

Minors: Biology

Native Languages: Finish

Other Languages: N/A

Preferred Teaching Subject: Science/Forensics


Additional notes about your application (if any):
I had a lot of fun typing this and recounting my classes and experiences, this is a character I haven't yet introduced to SRP and would love to as a professor.


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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