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Forums Drafts & Post saving


Level 20
What's your Minecraft Username?: MushyRP
What's the title of your suggestion?: Forums Drafts & Post saving

What's your suggestion?:
Today, I've gotten access to my PC again, and went to check if my shrine application was not deleted (it was a draft.). Sad to say, it was deleted. The forums are really annoying with this entire thing, and even refreshing a page destroys ALL the progress you've done from what I understand.

You should make the drafts ACTUALLY save somewhere, as this is quite literally impossible, and why do you even have drafts option, if you can't come BACK to it?! Or maybe, just maybe, make whatever you've been writing SAVE no matter what, as I know it is possible.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will benefit the server in a few ways: If someone has a power shortage, their computer turns off, and they were just about to publish an application to something. All their progress is lost, and they're going to be really unmotivated and annoyed from that. This will only help with a simple issue.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I'm not sure why you guys don't just draft your applications in a google doc then format it on the forums when you're ready. I mean this would be beneficial, but there are incredibly simple and free alternatives like google docs that not only spell check your work but also have additional tools like word and character count, as well as saves your work immediately so you don't lose anything


Level 20
Thread starter
I'm not sure why you guys don't just draft your applications in a google doc then format it on the forums when you're ready. I mean this would be beneficial, but there are incredibly simple and free alternatives like google docs that not only spell check your work but also have additional tools like word and character count, as well as saves your work immediately so you don't lose anything
I understand, yet I haven't thought that anything would've happened to my PC, etc. The thing that makes me annoyed is that there exists a drafts button right here, and yet it only had 2 buttons: Save Draft and Delete Draft. When I had to leave my computer, I clicked Save Draft, and low and behold, I can't access it.


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Level 118
+1 I had tried to make a application to the school faction until I crashed entirely and lost all my progress which taught me to use google doc


Level 72
Neutral. I closed my tab by accident and just re opened my page and my application was still there. I never saved it or anything. So this has never happened to me, therefor I am neutral.


Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team

Yeah this would be helpful and i’m not gonna pretend i know how coding works so i can’t say how easy this would be to implement, but google docs are just objectively better when creating applications. either way i won’t care since id still use google docs


Level 103
I'm not sure why you guys don't just draft your applications in a google doc then format it on the forums when you're ready. I mean this would be beneficial, but there are incredibly simple and free alternatives like google docs that not only spell check your work but also have additional tools like word and character count, as well as saves your work immediately so you don't lose anything
1. Not everyone wants to use Google Docs because when you format your application in Google Docs, copy and paste it into the text box on the forums the format doesn't save and you have to re-format it, it likewise for when you copy-paste an application from forum to google docs, as for spellchecking, others have Grammarly that can easily pop -up in any text chat, like it does forums and other people may not even need spellchecker because they proofread themselves, so you can't say it's not needed just because you already know an easier way around it, you and someone else aren't the sam, so you're both gonna have different ways of doing things

Neutral. I closed my tab by accident and just re opened my page and my application was still there. I never saved it or anything. So this has never happened to me, therefor I am neutral.
2. For closing and re-opening tabs, of course, it's gonna be saved because you just have to re-open real fast, but when you close the tab your browser is gonna reset, regardless of going into your search history and opening that tab again, which has happened to me multiple times and I don't doubt others have had the same if not similar experiences regarding this, some peoples browsers might crash and reset, and after a certain period it just deletes it for no reason because every time you load up a browser all the tabs automatically get reloaded, again, don't invalidate someone's experience because you've had it easier.


Yeah this would be helpful and i’m not gonna pretend i know how coding works so i can’t say how easy this would be to implement, but google docs are just objectively better when creating applications. either way i won’t care since id still use google docs
3. If you don't care then don't give your input on it, simple as that, as for developing this feature I doubt it would be hard to do something like this, and even if it was there are simply YouTube tutorials on how to, not everyone learns something out of nowhere

It would also be good for someone who wants to continue the application on their phone after they get off their computer and for someone who has had to re-write multiple applications over due to this same bug, you can't say someone's experiences aren't valid just because you haven't had the same experience yourself, that's just wrong, if I write a 200+ word a shrine application and closed my browser/tab expecting it to be saved when the feature is there and clearly says save draft, and when I re-open the tab the application isn't there, its been deleted, you can't call me stupid for that because I expected it to save because the feature is there for it to be

It can be demotivating to see something you probably hours on writing deleted and you don't know why, because it says Save Draft when you fully expected it to be saved, don't go saying why didn't you do this why didn't you do that? again, that's just wrong. how would you feel if you found your 200+ word Google doc deleted out of nowhere? you would probably feel demotivated and say something along the lines of "I won't bother applying, I can't be asked to re-write it"


The suggestion is completely valid.


Level 96
I'm not sure why you guys don't just draft your applications in a google doc then format it on the forums when you're ready. I mean this would be beneficial, but there are incredibly simple and free alternatives like google docs that not only spell check your work but also have additional tools like word and character count, as well as saves your work immediately so you don't lose anything
What Infi said. From personal experience making a game-focused email and separating a disk storage with Google Docs is efficient. Not only, can you check the application deck you have, but it is customized mainly with your work and you arrange the library as you need it. You write it in a simple form, copy and paste it to SRP editor and there you can rearrange the font and sizing etc.,

Having drafts may be useful and could refresh Forums as an SRP platform, but again that is a lot of unnecessary coding and storage use. You will mostly face issues like forum plugins clearing stuff in drafts or changing your formats somehow. AND IT WILL HAPPEN because SRP's new plugin implementations always end up jizzled and broken.

if you are lazy to do all this fuss for mere 3rd block game... well it is valid buttttttttt....

NEUTRAL (if that's what gang wants, let it happen - I wish sincere luck to developers)


Level 103
What Infi said. From personal experience making a game-focused email and separating a disk storage with Google Docs is efficient. Not only, can you check the application deck you have, but it is customized mainly with your work and you arrange the library as you need it. You write it in a simple form, copy and paste it to SRP editor and there you can rearrange the font and sizing etc.,

Having drafts may be useful and could refresh Forums as an SRP platform, but again that is a lot of unnecessary coding and storage use. You will mostly face issues like forum plugins clearing stuff in drafts or changing your formats somehow. AND IT WILL HAPPEN because SRP's new plugin implementations always end up jizzled and broken.

if you are lazy to do all this fuss for mere 3rd block game... well it is valid buttttttttt....

NEUTRAL (if that's what gang wants, let it happen - I wish sincere luck to developers)
This whole thing is just ignorant, refer to what i said here
1. Not everyone wants to use Google Docs because when you format your application in Google Docs, copy and paste it into the text box on the forums the format doesn't save and you have to re-format it, it likewise for when you copy-paste an application from forum to google docs, as for spellchecking, others have Grammarly that can easily pop -up in any text chat, like it does forums and other people may not even need spellchecker because they proofread themselves, so you can't say it's not needed just because you already know an easier way around it, you and someone else aren't the sam, so you're both gonna have different ways of doing things

2. For closing and re-opening tabs, of course, it's gonna be saved because you just have to re-open real fast, but when you close the tab your browser is gonna reset, regardless of going into your search history and opening that tab again, which has happened to me multiple times and I don't doubt others have had the same if not similar experiences regarding this, some peoples browsers might crash and reset, and after a certain period it just deletes it for no reason because every time you load up a browser all the tabs automatically get reloaded, again, don't invalidate someone's experience because you've had it easier.

3. If you don't care then don't give your input on it, simple as that, as for developing this feature I doubt it would be hard to do something like this, and even if it was there are simply YouTube tutorials on how to, not everyone learns something out of nowhere

It would also be good for someone who wants to continue the application on their phone after they get off their computer and for someone who has had to re-write multiple applications over due to this same bug, you can't say someone's experiences aren't valid just because you haven't had the same experience yourself, that's just wrong, if I write a 200+ word a shrine application and closed my browser/tab expecting it to be saved when the feature is there and clearly says save draft, and when I re-open the tab the application isn't there, its been deleted, you can't call me stupid for that because I expected it to save because the feature is there for it to be

It can be demotivating to see something you probably hours on writing deleted and you don't know why, because it says Save Draft when you fully expected it to be saved, don't go saying why didn't you do this why didn't you do that? again, that's just wrong. how would you feel if you found your 200+ word Google doc deleted out of nowhere? you would probably feel demotivated and say something along the lines of "I won't bother applying, I can't be asked to re-write it"


The suggestion is completely valid.


Level 118
1. Not everyone wants to use Google Docs because when you format your application in Google Docs, copy and paste it into the text box on the forums the format doesn't save and you have to re-format it, it likewise for when you copy-paste an application from forum to google docs, as for spellchecking, others have Grammarly that can easily pop -up in any text chat, like it does forums and other people may not even need spellchecker because they proofread themselves, so you can't say it's not needed just because you already know an easier way around it, you and someone else aren't the sam, so you're both gonna have different ways of doing things

2. For closing and re-opening tabs, of course, it's gonna be saved because you just have to re-open real fast, but when you close the tab your browser is gonna reset, regardless of going into your search history and opening that tab again, which has happened to me multiple times and I don't doubt others have had the same if not similar experiences regarding this, some peoples browsers might crash and reset, and after a certain period it just deletes it for no reason because every time you load up a browser all the tabs automatically get reloaded, again, don't invalidate someone's experience because you've had it easier.

3. If you don't care then don't give your input on it, simple as that, as for developing this feature I doubt it would be hard to do something like this, and even if it was there are simply YouTube tutorials on how to, not everyone learns something out of nowhere

It would also be good for someone who wants to continue the application on their phone after they get off their computer and for someone who has had to re-write multiple applications over due to this same bug, you can't say someone's experiences aren't valid just because you haven't had the same experience yourself, that's just wrong, if I write a 200+ word a shrine application and closed my browser/tab expecting it to be saved when the feature is there and clearly says save draft, and when I re-open the tab the application isn't there, its been deleted, you can't call me stupid for that because I expected it to save because the feature is there for it to be

It can be demotivating to see something you probably hours on writing deleted and you don't know why, because it says Save Draft when you fully expected it to be saved, don't go saying why didn't you do this why didn't you do that? again, that's just wrong. how would you feel if you found your 200+ word Google doc deleted out of nowhere? you would probably feel demotivated and say something along the lines of "I won't bother applying, I can't be asked to re-write it"


The suggestion is completely valid.
A hundred percent valid.


Level 13
I see people bringing up writing applications in google docs, and while I personally am someone who does that, it is just because it is my personal preference. However, while it is MY personal preference, I am aware that it may not be the preferred method for other people. Not everyone may like using docs, and because of that I don’t think it’s fair to just say things like “write your application in docs.”
Imagine if it was the other way around, and google docs was the one being buggy while forums properly saved drafts, I doubt that you’d like to hear something like, “You should have just written your application on the forums instead.”

We should also take into consideration the people who are new to using the forums, because they are even less likely to be aware that saving drafts can be buggy, which means that they’d have no reason to suspect that writing their application on here could result in them losing all of their progress. That would SUCK, and I don’t know about the rest of you but if that had happened to me back when I was still new, I would have been really discouraged.

With that being said, while it has already been made clear that this doesn’t affect EVERYONE, it would be helpful for the people who it DOES affect, a.k.a, the people who DO write their applications on the forums, and therefore it only makes sense that something should be done to fix it.

Also, in general if something has a save button, it’s normal to expect that it would do what it says that it does and save the project. Otherwise, what is the point of it even being there? If it is not going to do what it is supposed to do, it should either be fixed, or removed, so that this sort of thing doesn’t continue to happen. However, removing it does not seem like a good idea, because some people don’t write their full applications all at once. I just said that as a general statement when it comes to similar scenarios where things don’t do what they’re supposed to.

(Edit: As an extra note, I’m assuming that this might be some sort of bug because if I’m remembering correctly, I believe that drafts used to save properly in the past, although I may have just been lucky, so I’m not fully sure. So, if I’m wrong about that, I apologize.)

Last edited:


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
1. Not everyone wants to use Google Docs because when you format your application in Google Docs, copy and paste it into the text box on the forums the format doesn't save and you have to re-format it, it likewise for when you copy-paste an application from forum to google docs, as for spellchecking, others have Grammarly that can easily pop -up in any text chat, like it does forums and other people may not even need spellchecker because they proofread themselves, so you can't say it's not needed just because you already know an easier way around it, you and someone else aren't the sam, so you're both gonna have different ways of doing things

2. For closing and re-opening tabs, of course, it's gonna be saved because you just have to re-open real fast, but when you close the tab your browser is gonna reset, regardless of going into your search history and opening that tab again, which has happened to me multiple times and I don't doubt others have had the same if not similar experiences regarding this, some peoples browsers might crash and reset, and after a certain period it just deletes it for no reason because every time you load up a browser all the tabs automatically get reloaded, again, don't invalidate someone's experience because you've had it easier.

3. If you don't care then don't give your input on it, simple as that, as for developing this feature I doubt it would be hard to do something like this, and even if it was there are simply YouTube tutorials on how to, not everyone learns something out of nowhere

It would also be good for someone who wants to continue the application on their phone after they get off their computer and for someone who has had to re-write multiple applications over due to this same bug, you can't say someone's experiences aren't valid just because you haven't had the same experience yourself, that's just wrong, if I write a 200+ word a shrine application and closed my browser/tab expecting it to be saved when the feature is there and clearly says save draft, and when I re-open the tab the application isn't there, its been deleted, you can't call me stupid for that because I expected it to save because the feature is there for it to be

It can be demotivating to see something you probably hours on writing deleted and you don't know why, because it says Save Draft when you fully expected it to be saved, don't go saying why didn't you do this why didn't you do that? again, that's just wrong. how would you feel if you found your 200+ word Google doc deleted out of nowhere? you would probably feel demotivated and say something along the lines of "I won't bother applying, I can't be asked to re-write it"


The suggestion is completely valid.
I’m aware I’m not the same as others, I was merely stating that there are other apps that do a better job than the forums probably ever will in saving and correcting work. That said, I’m pretty sure this belongs in bug reports anyways considering there is a save draft button that doesn’t seem to be working!


Level 35
Community Team
heads up, we don't add features to the forums. password resets have been broke for ages since its licensed software we don't maintain


Level 163
Since the draft/save button doesn’t appear to be working and since features can’t be added due to it being a licensed software, if you’re going to post an application either know you’ll have the time to finish it or use google docs. If you don’t use google docs or don’t like writing applications on a separate software to save your progress as a precaution then the best thing you can do is know you’ll have the time to finish it. And let me just say writing applications in google docs or another software like that is very helpful- sure the fonts mess up when you paste it into the forums but it ain’t the end of the world just fix it. Another thing is if you do write applications in google docs you can take your time and not have to worry about not having enough time. Though that’s my opinion when it comes to stuff like this.


Level 121
I had a very long response to this however I refreshed my page and lost 5 hours of response !


Level 199
I dont believe something like this is possible. It may develop different problems regarding storage usage and whatever else it may take up, though I'm no expert with websites. I think it's overall much easier to use google docs than trying to develop a whole new thing in the forums with saving drafts.


Level 75
If its possible to develop I don't see why we couldn't have a quality of life update on the forms :3 I've seen way to many people lose whole applications because forms are buggy from time to time


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We'll look into making something for this, however this isn't currently possible​

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