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fqngedreality Shrine Application | Priest


IGN (In-Game Name)

What is your discord username?:

What is your timezone?:
MST (GMT -7)

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m on most days after having returned from a short break, usually in the afternoon and late into the night as most mornings are taken up by OOC activities. I don’t quite have a schedule beyond that, however this logic extends to most days of the week.

Usually in these I rank my activity, which I’d say is a solid 8/10.

I’d also like to note, training and/or events will always have an exception made for them where I will log on unless some form of work stands in the way.

List your current roles on the server:

Link any previous applications

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
(assuming you can’t be a male maiden..)

What is your motivation for applying?
Mainly the desire to bring back an old character and give him something to do that has meaning, and proper continuation of his story. It’s also a faction I’ve yet to experience first hand, and I desperately need something new on this server. I’ve always been more drawn to the story based factions, such as Reporter which I served a short time under, and thus it only feels natural to extend my reach to the Shrine.

Of course I’m here for the experience, not the adult tag. A long-term adventure to help satiate my desire for in-depth roleplay that I simply rarely find on my college and highschool tags. I am not into the fast-paced blink-and-you’ll-miss-it roleplay that tends to surround the school, instead preferring to sit down and write paragraphs both big and short in order to conduct a meaningful experience that extends beyond a single interaction.

There is also, of course, the nature of the roleplay itself. I’ve interacted with the Shrine and its staff numerous times as both a customer and an “associate” (thanks Akihito Clan), so I have plenty of respect for both the “mundane” aspects of it as well as the religious aspects. Spiritual aspects of SRP, from religion to the various canon ghost events, have always drawn me in. Supernatural or spiritual roleplay is something I eat up, and while I’m aware it’s unlikely to ever be the focus, I think it’ll be fun.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
I know about as much as my research can take me. I don’t know how it’s used or interacted with on SRP itself, but I know some of its main beats according to the reading I’ve done both on the forums and its real-life counterpart. I am great at learning and taking notes however.

I know about a few of the things conducted on SRP, such as the torii gates and their significance/function, aspects of their cleansing rituals and a few bits here and there.

As for what I know of its lore, I know it is a polytheistic religion originating from Japan that has been around for centuries, especially in Karakura. While few have shown themselves, multiple kami have been witnessed and worshipped, and have been prescribed titles based on how they are believed to appear. This is due to the religion being nature based, so many kami revolve around animals or plants.

One important and often practiced ritual is purification or “harae” (this is its OOC counterpart word, that is), in order to restore balance between man and nature.

The shrine itself is also seen as the purest of spiritual grounds, as indicated by the many torii gates spread throughout, beginning at the very steps of the mountain it resides in upon Karakura. Torii gates are almost like a portal or gateway into the realm of the kami, hence their occasional appearances on the mountain and the required respect needed by all who scale it.

As for the kami, I’ve heard on SRP there are two who are seen as the originators, though I am only aware of the real life “main” kami, being Amaterasu who is the sun goddess and thus seen as most important for the sun nurtures all.


Character Full Name:
Hyousuke Murakami

Character Title:

Character Age:

Character Marital Status:

Character Nationality:

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Masters Degree
Food Handlers Certification
Forklift Certification (why?? who knows)

Hyousuke was born within a traditional Japanese household two years after his older brother, Asahi. Although the Murakami family were vastly unknown, they still largely had a role in the underground workings of Japan in order to accumulate the money they used to survive with their children, their heirs. This set up their sons to follow in their patriarch’s footsteps, to strive into the underworld and come back out the other side successful unlike any other.

Hyousuke was more enthusiastic about this than his brother Asahi, who went into college for educational studies while his younger brother would quickly enter the life of crime at the young age of eighteen. His first advancement being Red Sector, a measly echo of its former self, a tiny Yakuza that couldn’t even stretch its wings before it fell and died. With its disbandment, Hyou would put his crime life on pause to join his brother in studying, though he would continue to sharpen his combat skills behind the scenes.

For a short period of time, he had friends and a promising “normal” future, yet it made him unhappy. Conditioned from birth to become a crime lord, he yearned to please his parents at any cost. Thus, when the Akihito Clan came onto the scene, he jumped at his chance to join.

Several long years of service shaped him, made him grow. He was a protector and a destroyer, his wrath aimed at all who bore the mask of the devil - those irritating ballistic masks. Harming civilians, exploiting them. The young Murakami didn’t stand for this, so he took it into his own hands to wipe up the mess the KPD weren’t doing so well at.

Hyousuke climbed the ranking ladder quickly, all while attempting to maintain his school life without getting detention. He had to be slick about his routine bullying of his opposition. His line of work being brought to school grounds got Asahi’s attention, and soon they were both in the Yakuza.

The gang wars took a toll on his body, a body that carries few scars - yet what marrs his skin tells enough of the story, all intertwined in an artistic dance with his irezumi tattoo he has finally finished after two decades of work.

Now in his adulthood, and with Akihito behind him after a savage war took down their Patriarch, he seeks a new hearth.


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Although he has had many interactions with shrine staff and the shrine's guests, it has all been.. Confidential business. Almost every shrine visit was for prayer or furthering the goals of the Akihito Clan, something many shrine priests were in on at the time. Respect was always shown, however, as he was both raised and trained to respect everyone, to extend how he would wish to be treated unto others. Thus, he did. Hyousuke would always be respectful and even grateful to the maidens and priests no matter their service or lack-there-of.

As for the guests, his respect was limited at the time, mainly due to how disrespectful they were to those managing the sacred grounds. This, of course, wasn’t the only reason considering his line of work forced him into questioning the intentions of every person around him.

Serving them as guests of the shrine would give him a more composed outlook, a somewhat friendlier demeanor - even if it were fake to veil his contempt for their lack of care all while priding himself in those that make the effort.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Naturally, this great disrespect and disregard for the kami and Japan as a whole would draw Hyousuke’s ire, his wrath. He was always known as a reasonable man, the one you would go to get in trouble with out of all your superiors because of his sympathy and patience. His wrath is calm, still, like a lake - yet just as eager to swallow you whole for going too deep.

A firm yell to solidify his presence, a single command uttered in a raised voice to remove themselves from the rooftop lest he decide to remove them himself via a swift phone call, for he knows better than to lay hands upon a guest even if tempted.

Narrowing those cold eyes of his to watch them with utter judgement until they conceded, ready to listen to what he had to say - an authoritative explanation that the spirits would not take kindly to his disrespect, and at his worst would draw in superstitions to spook them into retaining that respect.

If all else fails, Hyousuke is very liberal with handing out blacklists.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Like most with his background, he is here to busy his old hands. To cover them in blessed water rather than wretched blood, to mend a natural boredom that settling down has caused him. Like a wolf forced into a house, he does not belong - he is a beast, trained to this lifestyle forever. A husk of his teenage self who was so bright eyed. The loss of his found family, the loss of purpose. Without much to fill the void, he seeks the shrine both to hide himself from his violent temptations and to keep that idle mind focused.

When one’s belief system falls, they seek out the next haven. Mike Akihito is dead, which thus marks the end of Hyousuke’s previous chapter - a new chapter has arisen, brewing deep inside him. He must keep going, no matter the difficulty, to scale mountain and mountain in his life. Shintoism and the shrine’s practices will help him achieve the key to his next purpose, he believes.

And that belief is all he needs to harness his desire for joining.​


Level 49
Shrine Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply but unfortunately we have chosen to deny your application as others stood out more.

You are free to apply again in the future!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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