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Fred's GangRP suggestion


Level 16
Community Team
Event Team
IGN: fredtastic
DATE: 28/05/2023
The removal of the rule: refusal of giving 5k / a mask to someone gives motive to KO someone if they are in powerplant.

As of lately, lots of gangs have been using this easy activity method to make sure their gang is active. In my opnion, it ruins the actual roleplay aspect of GangRP to make it purely PVP. Yes, I do agree that powerplant should be a risky area to be in, as of right now, it'l almost impossible to roleplay in powerplant without ending up being surrounded and knocked out.

This rule ruins the roleplay aspect of powerplant and is purely used by gangs wanting to get a hold of a mask / wanting to get activity. There is no true roleplay interactions behind those fights, and in a way, asking for 5k is somewhat 'Motive' baiting. No one will agree to give their ballistic mask and those interactions will always result in a fight.Gang activity should be involving true roleplay behind it.

I'm not even sure if this is clear, but feel free to let me know of your opinions regarding this suggestion.
Here is how the situations usually look like : 1685312876875.png


Level 63

I dont do gangrp anymore but when i did this was the most annoying, activity-baiting thing that ever happened. Sure, powerplant is a dangerous place and i feel that if someone does talk shit too you or shows aggression you should be able to act on minors, but refusing to give money isn't a good reason and it honestly just allows gangrpers to perm bait, bait activity, and as Fred said it ruins the RP experience really
(also the number of fucking powerplant calls we get because of shit like this is absurd and crazy)


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team

This was previously reviewed, but misunderstood.

Kimi said you need an IC motive, and those are IC motives. Powerplant is meant to be a criminal hang spot, and in other words, a danger zone.

Additionally, I'm pretty sure they have to ask more than once, and if you find anyone making silly/stupid comments (like hicken butt), you should report it because that isn't seriousrp. That goes with the silly "hit hed" action people do as well. But then again, that's not /every/ gangrper ever. My characters hang around there sometimes and it's mostly people ACTUALLY roleplaying the scenarios out with nice detailed actions. In other words, they're seriousrping. (And, in other words, don't let a few bad eggs ruin things for everyone else who's actually roleplaying as they should!)

I do agree that, yes, some people are being a bit excessive with it, but removing this all together is seriously not the way to go, because when that happened, gangrp started to halt, and nearly ceased to come back. People roleplay differently, and forcing rules/forcing people to roleplay a certain way is never a good metric.

LASTLY, I should mention.

There are plenty spots on the map that can be used for criminals to hang around. The skatepark, the garage (it's rarely visited), the large sewer room, etc. If you don't want to get hurt, don't enter powerplant when other people are there with masks. Use what you already have, and make roleplay in other ways without visiting that area.


Level 3
-1 i agree with nylu, theres plenty of spots on the map to go to instead of powerplant. If you don't want to get hurt, don't enter powerplant when other people are there with masks. it states outside of powerplant that its a danger zone.

长卂丅卂尺卂 尸卄丫㔿

Level 120

This was previously reviewed, but misunderstood.

Kimi said you need an IC motive, and those are IC motives. Powerplant is meant to be a criminal hang spot, and in other words, a danger zone.

Additionally, I'm pretty sure they have to ask more than once, and if you find anyone making silly/stupid comments (like hicken butt), you should report it because that isn't seriousrp. That goes with the silly "hit hed" action people do as well. But then again, that's not /every/ gangrper ever. My characters hang around there sometimes and it's mostly people ACTUALLY roleplaying the scenarios out with nice detailed actions. In other words, they're seriousrping. (And, in other words, don't let a few bad eggs ruin things for everyone else who's actually roleplaying as they should!)

I do agree that, yes, some people are being a bit excessive with it, but removing this all together is seriously not the way to go, because when that happened, gangrp started to halt, and nearly ceased to come back. People roleplay differently, and forcing rules/forcing people to roleplay a certain way is never a good metric.

LASTLY, I should mention.

There are plenty spots on the map that can be used for criminals to hang around. The skatepark, the garage (it's rarely visited), the large sewer room, etc. If you don't want to get hurt, don't enter powerplant when other people are there with masks. Use what you already have, and make roleplay in other ways without visiting that area.
What Nylu said. -1 but lowkey good idea


Level 331
There is a hologram in front of the powerplant that states the risks of going in; While yes, we discourage unseriousRP and want to avoid lack of IC motive at all costs, the powerplant is meant to be a dangerous zone you should avoid


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
IGN: fredtastic
DATE: 28/05/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The removal of the rule: refusal of giving 5k / a mask to someone gives motive to KO someone if they are in powerplant.

As of lately, lots of gangs have been using this easy activity method to make sure their gang is active. In my opnion, it ruins the actual roleplay aspect of GangRP to make it purely PVP. Yes, I do agree that powerplant should be a risky area to be in, as of right now, it'l almost impossible to roleplay in powerplant without ending up being surrounded and knocked out.

This rule ruins the roleplay aspect of powerplant and is purely used by gangs wanting to get a hold of a mask / wanting to get activity. There is no true roleplay interactions behind those fights, and in a way, asking for 5k is somewhat 'Motive' baiting. No one will agree to give their ballistic mask and those interactions will always result in a fight.Gang activity should be involving true roleplay behind it.

I'm not even sure if this is clear, but feel free to let me know of your opinions regarding this suggestion.
Here is how the situations usually look like : View attachment 46354
I should note that "hit hed" and "dashed behind frfr" are both actions of unseriousrp. I think if people roleplay those actions properly it'll appear a lot less sweaty


Level 138
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
This rule ruins the roleplay aspect of powerplant and is purely used by gangs wanting to get a hold of a mask / wanting to get activity. There is no true roleplay interactions behind those fights, and in a way, asking for 5k is somewhat 'Motive' baiting. No one will agree to give their ballistic mask and those interactions will always result in a fight.Gang activity should be involving true roleplay behind it.
+1 for this reason. I fully support having a reason for someone to actually fight in powerplant. Right now, the rules in powerplant are not clear, which only hurts those who aren't constantly in contact with staff for this reason.

I understand that powerplant is a danger zone, so there should be caution when entering, but there is 0 roleplay behind current rules. The ONLY interaction is them asking for the money or the mask, and after that, its straight to a fight. If there was some sort of back and forth, THEN its understandable, but as long as you interact with them in general, then they get an IC motive? That's not fair, as it either limits roleplay to your character being knocked out and mugged, or your character ignoring the person attempting to mug you, so they WOULDN'T get mugged. To me, that sounds like its hurting roleplay situations.

This would only work in a world where people knew the exact ways motive was given, but again, its not clear to those who don't constantly get into situations. If this were to stay, then please at least make it public knowledge for what gives motive, since saying anything gives motive enough.


Level 105
it's a criminal hotspot, expect criminals to do criminal things, such as mugging you because they want money or your belongings. think people, think


Level 46
Community Team
Lore Team
There is a hologram in front of the powerplant that states the risks of going in; While yes, we discourage unseriousRP and want to avoid lack of IC motive at all costs, the powerplant is meant to be a dangerous zone you should avoid
As much as I get that there's the hologram in front of Powerplant, but nothing is adding actual roleplay behind their motives. Something such as saying no to giving them an item or 5,000 yen shouldn't just provide an automatic motive to knock out some random person you have no business knocking out.

Say you walked into Powerplant and I told you to give me your mask, but you don't say "no", but you do ask a question in return, it's (from how it was explained to be about an hour ago) still somehow a motive even though you never denied giving them said item or doing as you're told. I don't get how something like that would ever be enough of a reason to genuinely KO somebody over something so tiny.

Summing up the response if none of what I said made any sense; The current rules for Powerplant aren't explained well enough, nonetheless at all. As much as I agree with both plus and minus ones on this suggestion, maybe if clear rules were actually stated and fixed up, it could bring genuine and good roleplay, as well as bring up actual motives other than somebody just saying no to a demand or request and getting jumped by several gang members with bats and ballistics.


Level 0

I fully agree with Fred's statement, about removing the rule about being able to knock other players about because they said "no" after someone walked up to them with this statement, "Give me 5k now!".

I understand that there is a hologram placed in front of the Powerplant that states that it is a danger zone and to be cautious when entering, but it's the fact that you can be there for less than a minute and you are instantly approached by someone of a criminal organization demanding you for money and once you say "no" you're getting jumped by numerous people. From what I've been told staff is trying to move GangRP from just being about acting on "perms" to being a more roleplay-based concept, but keeping the 5k rule in play is just going to do the opposite of what you're trying to achieve.

Also if this rule does stay in play, then please try and make it be implemented into the rule book since there are new and even players who have taken a break from the server and are finally coming back, and don't know that they can be jumped by a criminal organization for deny to give me a certain amount of money.


Level 57
Community Team
Lore Team

I have to stand by what nylu has said here, the points given are fair and backed up by a statement from the owner. The idea in itself is understandable - I'm sure the many powerplant calls we get is exhausting, but it's not always a bad experience when someone gets an item stolen, in or out of the powerplant. Nylu's character managed to sneak his way into getting back a phone and didn't even need the police department's help! The rule takes away an opportunity for extended roleplay with everyone, and so if the rule remains, it can aide inspired players who want to roleplay seriously and create their own adventure, their own story.

That's what the server is about.
(ps. chicken butt)


Level 63
Ima change my opinion to Neutral

Nylu makes a good point yes, powerplant is a danger zone and yes there is so much more spots to hangout out so yes you are risking the fact of getting mugged, BUT I think the rule should be edited a bit.

The fact that they instantly get minors if you say no ONCE is pretty dumb tbh. They should at least ask a few more times before being able to act on minors. minium of 3. It does ruin the roleplay aspect I feel that people use this method to activty bait. I mean even in the ss fred provided it’s so little effort into the actions goes to show how little they care and how they just want the activity really. Most activty I see is just minors and people swarming someone in powerplant with bats lmfao. Also truthfully, what’s stopping you from getting knocked out over and over again? One gang or group can ask for money, you deny and get koed. Than once you wake up before you even leave another group asks for money and knocks you out too before you can even leave! It’s an inefficient method that if you deny it once they get minors

So I agree that the rule should remain that if you don’t give your mask or money they can mug you for it, but the rule should be that you have to warn the person 3 times before being able to act on it
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Level 21
-1, there are consequences to everyone's actions. If you go into a criminal hotspot, you'll should expect to be attacked. Realistically speaking, if you walk into a dangerous area criminals are probably are gonna jump you without even talking to you. The motives for powerplant make sense. It's a criminal's playground, if someone comes in and the criminals don't get what they want, they're going to put up a fight.

Sure there's barely any roleplay involved, but realistically - you'd be jumped from the start. Along with this: powerplant is often watched by KPD. It's highly unlikely people are going to walk around trying to roleplay properly when CCTV is right outside the place, and cops are constantly called there. There's a reason for people's short actions. Yes, more effort can easily be put in a small duration of time. No excuses for /me hit hed. But overall, too much /actual/ roleplay shouldn't be expected there. People aren't trying to be arrested because they wanted to talk more than fight. (Which is the real purpose of powerplant)

There are plenty other places to roleplay / gangrp / criminalrp / etc. Powerplant's current rules are the only reason powerplant makes sense. Without it - It's no longer a 'hotspot' for criminals. It's a dead wasteland of what it used to be.

Overall - Don't wanna get jumped? Don't go into the dangerous part of town.


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
-1, Whilst I can understand why this would be a good idea, the point of the powerplant is to be a danger zone. By that you risk harm to your character when entering even if it's only over 5k.
I agree that a major problem is the unseriousRP that happens when in powerplant, however there are other ways around that then changing how perms in powerplant works.

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