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GangRP Suggestion


Level 72
DATE: 5/25/23
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: We need to get new rules with how people use discord and gangrp at the same time.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: When People gangrp they use discord, which is fine but all they do is meta game. This happens since there is no supervision or anything in vcs. I have seen it before and continue to see it. This makes roleplay super unrealistic since people screen share and give out locations in the vc. This has happened in many gangs I have been in and no punishment has gone through, since staff do not monitor the gang discord vcs. They sometimes monitor chat but that is it. There needs to be some type of new method for meta gaming in vcs. Another thing is, it never gets reported since its a gang vc and no one in the gang is gonna say something to staff. People like to say what to do in the vcs and not say it icly. For example "guys surround him". This is so unrealistic since your not saying it icly but oocly. Then everyone does what the person says. Basically if one gang member is screen sharing a situation in discord, the whole gang looks at the screen share to see where that person is. This happened a couple weeks ago. We need to find a new way to stop meta gaming in vcs. Its getting very bad to this point and people are taking advantage of no staff monitoring vcs. Something needs to be done and I hope this suggestion has some positive reviews and people who actually understand what I am getting at.


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
Since there is no way for us to watch back or monitor VCs 24/7, we must rely on player report and witness for this, as much as this would be nice, it’s just not possible without having eyes on everything at all times


Level 72
Thread starter
Since there is no way for us to watch back or monitor VCs 24/7, we must rely on player report and witness for this, as much as this would be nice, it’s just not possible without having eyes on everything at all times
Yeah, I get it, its a frustrating thing to deal with. Example could be like you are majoring someone. That person is screensharing and his whole gang pulls up and majors you. And theres no way to tell to. Thats the other frustrating part.


Level 146
It's especially tedious when you're clearly on the receiving end of this, just having an encounter with one person and suddenly their group of friends shows up to aid them. The unfortunate part is that you really can't prove with absolute certainty that they are rmetagaming, so there really isn't anything that can be done about it.

Personally, I'd say it's an issue with SRP's gang culture, which the community itself would have to solve by changing its collective opinion on how group combat should work.


Level 121
You cant solve this issue because most players are friends and they wouldnt tell on their gangrp buddies groupchats resulting in them getting punished, if staff were to tell the person to share their screen, person could just leave the groupchat.

Heres what you can do, stop getting in voicechats and suggest others not to do it since you cant force people not to use VC, they'll just use it anyways if they want to because roleplayhub is a server, not owners of discord.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead

- This sadly isn't an issue we can solve, if you catch players breaking the rules, please report them to staff. Verified/Unverified gangs are monitored actively by the Gang Lead and the Staff Team.

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