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Accepted ghiblixi | Doctor Application


Level 15

IGN (In-Game Name):
ghiblixi (applying on)
Zoey159 (main)
bmblxbee (alt)

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I’d like to consider myself quite active within the server, if we’re ranking this on a scale from one to ten I’d consider myself around an 8. I’m a college student and work, so I’m certainly not on 24/7, but I’m also not inactive… I hold a student-faction position, and put quite a lot of time into my duties surrounding that. I have to be active!

~9:30am - ~11:00pm
9:00am - 4/5:00pm
4/5:00pm - 11:00pm
11:00am - 4:00pm
4:00pm - 11:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
6:00pm - 11:00pm
1:00pm - 4:00pm
4:00pm - 11:00pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
12:00pm - 11:00pm
~9:30am - ~11:00pm

Above is my general, week-long schedule; I may not always be available during this freetime, but often am. If I plan to take a break, that will be submitted to the faction lead.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:

List your current roles on the server:

  • Primary - [College][President] Euterpe Crane
  • Secondary - [Grade-11] Tala Fonseca
  • Secondary - [Grade-12] Bee Maisel
  • Secondary - [Grade-8] Chiha Nekotani
  • Secondary - [Grade-8] Placeholder Spot!
  • Primary - [Grade-12] Nami Amenomori
  • Secondary - [Grade-12] Isaac Teruya
  • Primary - [Grade-7] Ieshige Kamibayashiyama
  • Secondary - [Grade-7] Millie Czerny

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have an awful lot of experiences… That’s putting it mildly.

I’ve roleplayed in just about every corner of minecraft possible: servers, realms, PC, console, pocket edition. You name it, I’ve probably been there. I’ve experienced a variety of different servers, but none have stuck as much as SRP.

I’ve been roleplaying on SRP for a couple of years now; I think it’s drawing close to three, or at least it will be in a couple months. Throughout all of this, my focus has been on the student side of the server… It is SchoolRP, after all! But this isn’t to say I haven’t experienced different forms of roleplay. While most of my time recently has been spent on SRP, I’ve engaged and roleplayed within smaller communities, often private/friend only. Within these communities, I’ve had the opportunity to play a variety of roles: teaching positions, medical positions, storefront owners, the like. The only one that’s really worth expanding upon, though, is my experience within the medical side. While I’m certainly no expert (I guarantee I have a lot to learn!), I do know my way around the field enough to get by.

As for SRP itself, I’ve held a student councillor role for just over two years now; happy anniversary to me! I could say a lot of things about the faction, all positive, but I think the main thing I want to mention is how versatile it is; both the faction itself, and the role. You get to roleplay as a student, and within that experience many different things. But you also get to touch on that employee-esq role… A chance to have a bit of responsibility without diving too far into it. I’ve also held a higher-up role for over a year now, and know all of the possible ins and outs. That in itself adds a whole new level of responsibility!

That all leads to now; I’m now looking for new experiences within the server, ones a tad different than what I’ve previously experienced.

What is your motivation for applying?
Quite frankly, I need to experience something different on the server.

I’ve been an active player on SRP for a couple of years now, and throughout my entire time playing, I’ve solely focused on the in-school aspects of the server. StudentRP, academics, the like; when it comes to something outside of the school, it’s relatively untouched for me. I want to change that. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the student faction I’m currently a part of! But I just need more, you know? Something different, something new.

I’ve been on both ends of the MedicalRP spectrum: multiple characters of mine have wound up in the hospital at some point in their existence, receiving varying degrees of care, and I’ve acted as a doctor/doctor-adjacent role in outside RPs. So it’s not like I’m going into this faction completely blind. In a way, it’s incredibly familiar to me; the idle RP moments, writing up blocks of medical actions, participating in larger events… But at the same time, it’s something totally new! I get to interact with different sides of factions I haven’t seen before, I get to be on the doctor’s end when it comes to doctor-patient activities, and I get to share special moments with players (both familiar and unfamiliar) in a way I haven’t quite gotten to just yet.

Alongside that, the EMS faction is one I’ve found myself drawn to as of recently. Before, I never really thought of myself within it; I think I was a tad intimidated by the faction itself, honestly… It wasn’t until recently that I actually got to understanding what goes on behind-the-scenes. It really isn’t the stressful, every-man-for-himself battle that, for some reason, I had concocted up in my head (sorry not sorry). Getting back on track, I find myself drawn to it. There’s a lot of interesting research that often goes into each action you do, and while I’ll never find myself in the medical field eye-are-ell, it’s kind of fun to just know something to know it, you know? I think the faction itself will offer me a different way to connect with people, too. There’s a lot of people within the student-led factions, but when you find yourself within and focusing on one for too long, it starts to feel a bit secluded. Restricted, isolated; I’m not sure which best describes the feeling. When you start branching out in this way, you’re introduced to a ton of new people that you get to interact with everyday. I’m a bit excited about that, I can’t lie.

I think I’ve yapped enough, now… Really, I just need a bit of a change of scenery. I do think this faction could offer that; it’s demanding, exhilarating, every day there’s something new.

Which role are you applying for?
I’m applying for one of the Doctor slots!

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
Throughout my time on SRP, the roles have changed a variety of times – that being said, bear with me if any knowledge I currently have is outdated!

To my knowledge, this faction only has three branches within it: Doctor, Psychiatry, and Paramedics. Though the Paramedic role is not one you can apply for, you have to work your way up through time and effort.

Doctor Dept.
Doctors handle your average doctor-y things. Got a broken bone? You see a doctor. Interested in a check-up or diagnostic procedure? Doctor! Have a horrible run-in with a gang and need surgery? You guessed it, DOCTOR! I hope we’re seeing a trend here… If you’re injured, you see a doctor. Simple as that.

Psychiatry Dept.
As for psychiatrists, well… They work in the psychiatry field! If your character needs to have a therapy session, you book one with a psychiatrist. If they need to have a diagnostic session for abnormal psychology, a psychiatrist is your go-to person. I believe psychiatrists can also handle minor injuries (minor burns, bruising, bleeding, etc) as long as a doctor isn’t online… Would love a fact-check on that, though!

Paramedic Dept.
Paramedics run the emergency department and are the ones who go patrolling around town looking for injured characters to pick up and fix up. If you call 110, paramedics are the ones sent to the scene. If you’re having an emergency medical-wise, paramedics are the first line to get you patched up enough for transport. Assuming nobody is online, I believe they can also fill in for both positions above, too, providing minor therapy or fixing you up if you have a minor injury. Again, fact-check please.

Everybody has the opportunity to participate in recoveryRP!

Outside of that, there’s a variety of ranks within each department! Doctors + psychiatrists follow a similar ranking style; paramedics are a bit different, which I’m assuming is because you cannot apply for the role outright, instead having to work your way into the department.

D + Psych:

  • Clinical Lead
  • Clinical Supervisor
  • Attending Role
  • Senior Resident
  • Resident
  • Trainee
  • Chief
  • Deputy Chief
  • Advanced
  • Paramedic
  • Trainee

To my knowledge, the Clinical Leads/Chiefs are those who oversee that particular department; the boss, if you will. The Clinical Supervisors/Deputy Chiefs seem to be second-in-command. Those in the Attending/Advanced status are those who have been here for a while; they know their stuff, and have earned their position/have seniority. Senior Residents have also been here for a while and have some seniority, but haven’t worked their way up quite yet. Residents/Paramedics are those who’ve passed their training, and Trainees are, well, those in training!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Absolutely! I'm excited for training.

Character’s Full Name:
‘ My name is Ieshige Kamibayashiyama. ‘

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
‘ I was born male and identify as such; he/him feels right. ‘

Character’s Age (if accepted):
‘ At the time of applying, 28. ‘

Character’s Academic Background:
‘ I graduated with my Masters… I may continue on to my Doctorate one day, though I’m currently uncertain. Attached are my respective degrees. ‘

KYUSHU UNIVERSITY | Bachelor’s, 4 Years

  • Biology + Life Sciences, MD

Character’s Nationality:
‘ I was born and raised here in Japan… I am Japanese. ‘

Character’s Marital Status:
‘ Single. ‘

Character’s Religious Denomination:
‘ I practice Shintoism. ‘

Character’s Spoken Languages:
‘ Japanese... I'm looking into night classes to broaden my horizons. ‘

Character Backstory (Optional):
‘ I’ll tell you a secret: my life is not my own. ‘

Raised in a small town in the Chiba prefecture, Ieshige’s story was written for him before he’d even inhaled the sweet air of life. HIs parents were–are–proud, sometimes too proud, to have graced the Earth with a son like him. A doctor.

He didn’t come from much and it was his duty to his family to change that.

As a child, he was ordinary. A little shy, yes, not often found socializing, but ordinary. He got good grades, attended festivals, participated in clubs… Lived life. But he was always aware that his path was already set for him. Other kids had the freedom of wanting to be a teacher one day, a superhero the next; not him. For his fourth birthday, he got a stethoscope – for his tenth, a spot in a ‘future doctors of Japan’ camp. Ieshige never had the backbone to think differently. When you’re raised to go down a certain road from such an early age, it becomes difficult to, no?

He breezed through school; it went by far too quickly for him. Ieshige worked hard to get the grades that he got, receiving constant reminders that he’d need the very best grades to go far. It wasn’t easy. He’s never been a good test taker, you see, often finding himself in a pit of anxiety when it comes time. Hours spent studying just to blank mid-exam. Despite this, he made it into med school, fulfilling the fate that’d befallen him; a fate the stars destined. While he didn’t graduate on top grade-wise, he did phenomenal in each simulated scenario he found himself placed in... Surely that’s something to boast about, no? Ieshige was placed in his first residency: four molasses-slow years. Was it the hospital itself? His coworkers? Or was it the lack of desire deep down?

Onto his Master’s; he couldn’t stay in that place any longer. He took his time, savoring the time spent in school. It didn’t last. He found himself graduating once more, looking for a new place to call his home. Ieshige stumbled upon Karakura. While the city itself leaves much to be desired, the hospital couldn’t be so bad, right?

His life is not his own; Ieshige will never find his calling.

Will Karakura spark something within him?

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
‘ Family medicine. ‘

A specialty not chosen by him. If Ieshige had his way, he’d have done something far more interesting with his time: aerospace medicine, focusing on the effects zero-gravity has on the body, or genetics where he could pinpoint certain mutations that cause X, Y, and Z. But the choice wasn’t for him to use, it rarely is.

No, something far more versatile would get him placed easier… And besides, it was a noble thing to pick, right? The world needs more doctors who focus on the patient, and he’s good at that. Building bonds with different individuals and families, being the first practitioner called up when a child just isn’t feeling well, aiding generations upon generations from the same family lines. Family medicine is a noble choice. One day he’ll realize that.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
‘If my residency is counted, I do; attached below are my previous placements. ‘

From the ages of 18 to 22, Ieshige worked on his bachelor’s degree, as noted earlier on in this application. For the next four years (ages 22 to 26), Ieshige was placed in his first residency program.

SANAIKAI KIMIZUKA HOSPITAL – Mobara, Chiba, Japan | 4 Years

While this would have found him a wonderful position, he found himself thrust into the world of schooling again, in search of his Masters. And now, here he is, applying for Karakura’s local hospital.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
Ieshige Kamibayashiyama is simply a man. A man thrust into the medical world by no fault of his own; if he had had the option, would he have chosen a different path? He fits in with a large portion of Japan’s population: olive-y skin that’d been just barely kissed by the sun, a dark mass of hair that flows down his shoulders and past his hips – though he much prefers it to be up, and brown eyes. Kind eyes, there’s no doubt about that, but bored; what could catch his interest here? Ieshige is good at what he does but it's clear that his heart isn’t in the hospital; where is it? You see, the medical field was far from his first choice of careers, but it wasn’t like he had the opportunity to choose his own path. No, it was carved for him by a too-proud set of parents, more keen on parading their doctor son around (Look at our son! Isn’t he just lovely, saving lives? Your son could never.) than setting him on the path he’d always dreamt about. Perhaps that in itself is what makes him unique. He’s not there because it’s his calling, he’s there because it was chosen for him. Perhaps that’s what Karakura Emergency Hospital needs. A man who’s simply a man; a man who knows when to do what and when to not.

Despite this, Ieshige is kind; there’s not a mean bone in his body. He often found others drawn to him during med school, seeking the warm solace his heart brought during the trials of exams and work-studies.He’s not overly social, either, often found by himself instead of engaging with groups – scratch that; he does find himself in the presence of others quite often, but he isn’t very chatty… No, he’s happy with observing rather than engaging.

How does your character act around the hospital?
During idle time, Ieshige is one to be tending to the building. Organizing the magazines in the waiting room, the medications on the pharmacy shelves, dusting if everything else is nice and tidy… Idle things, no? On rare occasions, he may be found within the break room, enjoying a cup of tea and observing the conversations around him. He’s an observer.

While it isn’t necessarily a switch, he’s certainly a tad different when he’s with a patient. Ieshige is attentive, offering his full, undivided attention. He notices when a patient isn’t quite sure how to answer a question, when they look to the side and lie about a symptom, downplaying and up-playing. He’s always kind, he’s a kind man, and rules the exam room with an amiable hand. Your ankle hurts when he applies pressure? That’s no good, his next touch is lighter than a feather. Need something to keep your mind occupied while your blood is drawn? Worry not, he always has a good question in mind to keep you thinking. Those lucky enough to be treated by him never have to worry.

Hard calls are easy for him. He knows when it’s worth it to keep going, and knows exactly when something is a lost cause. He will never push just to push; could something change that?

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Certainly by himself; he finds it easier to think and to breathe, is all. When he’s able to function with his lonesome, answers and possibilities come easier to him. There are less voices speaking over his own. Now, this isn’t to say he cannot work with others! If group work is required, he’s happy to oblige and will certainly pull his weight.


Level 277
Hospital Lead
Model Coordinator
Firstly, thank you for applying to the Hospital Faction, and we appreciate your interest. We hope you're excited to hear that you've been accepted as a Doctor! You will be contacted in regards to setting up your roles shortly.

In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles. You will also be contacted over Discord in regards to receiving an introduction to all of the information you will need as a worker, your duties as a Hospital Worker and receiving the necessary equipment to follow through with said duties.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - @6Pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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