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Give KPD a weapon that can kill


Level 27
IGN: DisgracedMeows
DATE: 10/8/2023
I believe that we should give KPD a weapon that can kill similar to Glocks that we had before, I'm aware it got removed due to EULA reasons but if we could change the taser design and name to make it fit the EULA I'm sure we could do something similar for Glocks, Currently the tranq is great and I love it but there are some situations where it just doesn't fit where the Glocks would have. The first situation is similar to what EMS and KPD are having a huge issue with causing mass inactivity bears we have no way to put them down without EMS which due to bear calls already making them not want to log on means usually there isn't enough EMS on to allow us to kill the bear but with something that could kill them would allow KPD to handle a bear call quickly without many people getting injured. Another situation this would help with is big calls involving gang wars where sometimes the tranq isn't the best option a weapon with more shots than the tranq and can kill would be useful to some calls where it's better to kill than arrest if they are as an example trying to injure an officer.
This will benefit KPD because the lack of a weapon that can kill has made bears have 0 fear and caused them to act not like bears before I remember when we had Glocks there were rare calls about bears ever since we lost it I see at least 3 bear calls every day due to bears not acting it out properly ex. kidnapping people. This will also benefit normal people because I'm sure most people are tired of getting kidnapped and majored by bears for 0 reasons other than the fact that bears can't die anymore unless EMS is there. This benefits EMS because they have had a decrease in motivation from all needing to treat the bear victims constantly.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Instead of finding a way to kill (which glocks were removed because of cops being able to kill civilians shouldn’t be allowed by Minecraft’s EULA), a better solution would be to tranq the bear and “relocate it” ICly. This would work by tranquillizing the bear and putting it in the back of the police cruiser, then driving it out of the city. The bear would be otherwise forced to change characters.

If the issue only lies in bears, there are better options than giving police the ability to kill again.


Level 29
I do believe that giving police characters the ability to kill bears would be neat and better for us as a whole, but, giving us more gear is not needed, and having a new "weapon" simply to kill bears is just excessive. Rather there are other ways around this.


Level 12
Neutralish/leaning +1

similarly but not quite; mini suggestion

If not a weapon that can kill, then something that can incapacitate players the way glocks did. Because in reality, even with tranqs, they just pass out for 1 minute (which is not a lot of time to be able to deal with crowds that form around bears/etc) and then they get right back up and start attacking again. If making a new weapon for KPD is not viable, then make adjustments to the tranquilizer to balance it out more. The tranquilizers are meant to knock people out for 2 minutes, but they don't, which I guess might be a bug...

For example, glocks were able to incapacitate players when shot by disabling their arms/legs or knocking them unconscious and preventing them from returning to a combat situation because of it. This enabled us to be able to handle situations more efficiently, whereas with tranqs, they get knocked unconscious for a period of time before getting back up with no limitation to being able to return to combat. It gives us very little time to deal with situations, especially when having to deal with crowd-control as well.


Level 27
Thread starter
When I say give a weapon that can KPS that does not mean completely do what they did for tasers with Glocks even just a long-range weapon that can kill that isn't a gun would work as a simple way to kill bears without needing EMS.


Level 105
I think we can literally just bring back the glock, then remodel and rename it. Restrict it to higher-ups only, boom. Problem solved


Level 5
IGN: DisgracedMeows
DATE: 10/8/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I believe that we should give KPD a weapon that can kill similar to Glocks that we had before, I'm aware it got removed due to EULA reasons but if we could change the taser design and name to make it fit the EULA I'm sure we could do something similar for Glocks, Currently the tranq is great and I love it but there are some situations where it just doesn't fit where the Glocks would have. The first situation is similar to what EMS and KPD are having a huge issue with causing mass inactivity bears we have no way to put them down without EMS which due to bear calls already making them not want to log on means usually there isn't enough EMS on to allow us to kill the bear but with something that could kill them would allow KPD to handle a bear call quickly without many people getting injured. Another situation this would help with is big calls involving gang wars where sometimes the tranq isn't the best option a weapon with more shots than the tranq and can kill would be useful to some calls where it's better to kill than arrest if they are as an example trying to injure an officer.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This will benefit KPD because the lack of a weapon that can kill has made bears have 0 fear and caused them to act not like bears before I remember when we had Glocks there were rare calls about bears ever since we lost it I see at least 3 bear calls every day due to bears not acting it out properly ex. kidnapping people. This will also benefit normal people because I'm sure most people are tired of getting kidnapped and majored by bears for 0 reasons other than the fact that bears can't die anymore unless EMS is there. This benefits EMS because they have had a decrease in motivation from all needing to treat the bear victims constantly.


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
Teach cops how to give a lethal injection to certain dangerous animals and give them a syringe, boom. Problem solved.


Level 29
ems already kill any animal that draws blood (atleast I do, im him)
but yeah +1, let cops slay again..!


Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
just getting silly here would it be possible to just put lethal injection into a tranq shot? like replace the traq dart with a lethal injection and BOOM


Level 174

The bears are a massive problem. Everyone dreads when we get bear calls because they're so frequent and so annoying to deal with. Bringing glocks back but remodelling them an renaming them might made the current situation better, but I think what might be better is having longer lasting tranqs as aslaniy said.


Level 63
IGN: DisgracedMeows
DATE: 10/8/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I believe that we should give KPD a weapon that can kill similar to Glocks that we had before, I'm aware it got removed due to EULA reasons but if we could change the taser design and name to make it fit the EULA I'm sure we could do something similar for Glocks, Currently the tranq is great and I love it but there are some situations where it just doesn't fit where the Glocks would have. The first situation is similar to what EMS and KPD are having a huge issue with causing mass inactivity bears we have no way to put them down without EMS which due to bear calls already making them not want to log on means usually there isn't enough EMS on to allow us to kill the bear but with something that could kill them would allow KPD to handle a bear call quickly without many people getting injured. Another situation this would help with is big calls involving gang wars where sometimes the tranq isn't the best option a weapon with more shots than the tranq and can kill would be useful to some calls where it's better to kill than arrest if they are as an example trying to injure an officer.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This will benefit KPD because the lack of a weapon that can kill has made bears have 0 fear and caused them to act not like bears before I remember when we had Glocks there were rare calls about bears ever since we lost it I see at least 3 bear calls every day due to bears not acting it out properly ex. kidnapping people. This will also benefit normal people because I'm sure most people are tired of getting kidnapped and majored by bears for 0 reasons other than the fact that bears can't die anymore unless EMS is there. This benefits EMS because they have had a decrease in motivation from all needing to treat the bear victims constantly.
aint no way bears are worse now than before lmaoo. Bears can kidnap now??? what the actual fuck


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
the reason we removed glocks was because Minecraft’s EULA would have been against police officers killing civilians. Not just because they have glocks, rather the way they were used. Which is probably why KPD won’t get the chance to kill civilians ever again, and civilians won’t ever kill cops again.

Like I said there are better alternatives than giving police a “glock with a different name”. Such as relocating the bear ICly (the player will have to change characters permanently), or euthanization (giving KPD a special drug that harmlessly puts down hostile animals)

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