Level 115
Neutral, +1 if we can work out something better
I'm all for letting cops slay the day away, not just with bears but with normal civilians as well, it puts an extra threat and risk level to everything which, i do not see why not. But I feel like there are better solutions.
Like infi mentioned, when it comes to bears, KPD could tranq the bears and transport them out of the city in a different forest within Karakura, forcing the bear to switch characters etc. This kind of fixes the problems when it comes down to bears, as EMS can put the bears down if necessary. And we should not make KPD total killer machines to animals, as I feel like anyone would opt to transport the animals elsewhere than murder them if not completely necessary
In general, I think going a route with what Cam said would be best. Teaching cops how to do lethal injection for animals and/or civilians. I feel as higher-up KPD officers should carry a syringe with a lethal dosage of a chemical on them, 1 time use only. AND have the ability to load this into their tranq-gun for a more serious approach to crowd control for armed and/or dangerous crowds. (via action of course).
I'm all for letting cops slay the day away, not just with bears but with normal civilians as well, it puts an extra threat and risk level to everything which, i do not see why not. But I feel like there are better solutions.
Like infi mentioned, when it comes to bears, KPD could tranq the bears and transport them out of the city in a different forest within Karakura, forcing the bear to switch characters etc. This kind of fixes the problems when it comes down to bears, as EMS can put the bears down if necessary. And we should not make KPD total killer machines to animals, as I feel like anyone would opt to transport the animals elsewhere than murder them if not completely necessary
In general, I think going a route with what Cam said would be best. Teaching cops how to do lethal injection for animals and/or civilians. I feel as higher-up KPD officers should carry a syringe with a lethal dosage of a chemical on them, 1 time use only. AND have the ability to load this into their tranq-gun for a more serious approach to crowd control for armed and/or dangerous crowds. (via action of course).