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Give KPD a weapon that can kill


Level 115
Neutral, +1 if we can work out something better

I'm all for letting cops slay the day away, not just with bears but with normal civilians as well, it puts an extra threat and risk level to everything which, i do not see why not. But I feel like there are better solutions.

Like infi mentioned, when it comes to bears, KPD could tranq the bears and transport them out of the city in a different forest within Karakura, forcing the bear to switch characters etc. This kind of fixes the problems when it comes down to bears, as EMS can put the bears down if necessary. And we should not make KPD total killer machines to animals, as I feel like anyone would opt to transport the animals elsewhere than murder them if not completely necessary

In general, I think going a route with what Cam said would be best. Teaching cops how to do lethal injection for animals and/or civilians. I feel as higher-up KPD officers should carry a syringe with a lethal dosage of a chemical on them, 1 time use only. AND have the ability to load this into their tranq-gun for a more serious approach to crowd control for armed and/or dangerous crowds. (via action of course).


Level 75
Instead of finding a way to kill (which glocks were removed because of cops being able to kill civilians shouldn’t be allowed by Minecraft’s EULA), a better solution would be to tranq the bear and “relocate it” ICly. This would work by tranquillizing the bear and putting it in the back of the police cruiser, then driving it out of the city. The bear would be otherwise forced to change characters.

If the issue only lies in bears, there are better options than giving police the ability to kill again.

AGREE this is actually a really good idea only issue is the tranq doesn't last long enough for us to even move into the cave and get someone out without the bear waking up, we're stuck standing there and constantly shooting the bear. MAYBE instead of adding a lethal way for officers to handle things maybe instead adding another kind of dart that makes people pass out for longer? or just upping the tranq timer...


Level 19
just getting silly here would it be possible to just put lethal injection into a tranq shot? like replace the traq dart with a lethal injection and BOOM
This was already suggested to Yonio shortly after the tranquilizers were implemented but he denied it


Level 19
I feel like a new rule could be added about bears feeling drowsy or something for x amount of time after being tranquilized x times because realistically bears aren't just going to wake up and get straight back to their aggressive behavior after being tranquilized like 5 times. It just gets frustrating to deal with sometimes


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

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