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Accepted gncme | 2nd Lore Team Application


Level 124
Community Team
Lore Team
IGN: gncme

List your discord: (Please note, communication and discord access is vital, and not having access to the site is a dealbreaker for the team)
gncme - main
vincenoli - alt
biggestswiftieol - alt

Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?
Yes, I do have a microphone and can speak via Discord.

Your time zone and current country of residence:
GMT+4, Dubai, UAE

Link any previous community team applications if applicable:
#1 Lore Team Application (

Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?
Yes, I do recognize that.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.
Work comes my way in the morning, but that shouldn’t be a hassle. As for the evenings, I am usually free with my schedule as it is flexible, aside from my common visits to badminton games and hitting the gym.

What makes you passionate about writing?:
The last time I answered this question, my answer was about expression. That remains true. As a creative individual who has worlds and dimensions scattered across his brain, I project my ideas in the form of words and sentences, allowing people to take in what I wrote and form their own creative images in their heads. When it comes to my passion for writing in SRP, I adore it, especially with the numerous developments I have written and innovated across the years. Adding onto that development with my writing is what makes me enjoy the lore team. Writing is not only a way of expression but a way of escape, as I get to enter another realm of my own creation, one where I get to make the rules and dictate what is and what is not. It is the ultimate weapon, and that is the pen of a writer.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:
I have written a major chunk of the lore scattered across SRP, from family lore to my own characters’ lore to the official history of Karakura itself. My largest lore piece and favourite is the parody of ‘Mother of Karakura’, or Tsugumi Takagi, the lady that haunts Takagi Hut. Other experiences outside of SRP are my participation in writing stories with my friends and creating realms and worlds where I've also taken major inspiration from and implemented them into SRP.

In your own words, give your definition of lore:

Lore is the historical events, background, build-up, explanation, and all information that comes together and forms what something is. That ‘something’ could be anything from characters to places. While the Event Team focuses on the present and future of Karakura, the Lore Team focuses on the past of the city.


  1. You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.
  2. There is a 300-1000 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.
  3. The effort and quality of both prompts will be taken into consideration when we accept applications.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

Katsuhito’s steps crunched every fallen summer leaf he came across as he strolled underneath the towering pine trees of the Ochiba forest. With his blue, serpent notebook underneath his arm, he pondered on what artefact he may come across next.

A short Bobcat cheerleader, accompanied by a bear, disrupted the scion’s path abruptly, with the fury friend taking great interest in him based on his behaviour. San Thorne had been dressed excruciatingly immodestly, but clothing choice had never been a factor Katsuhito took in to judge a person, not immediately, at the very least. The Saiky arched his brow, questioning the reason his stroll had been interrupted with mere facial gestures.

Fearful of the dominating aura of Katsuhito, San opted to remain in his place. The bear, however, chose differently and took a step forward toward the former doctor. Saiky-Akihito furrowed his brows, loathing the fact that he had been stopped right in his tracks when San hadn’t been direct with his request. The bear glanced upwards toward Katsuhito, and just then, a voice whispered into his ear.

“I know what you are.”

Despite having met numerous characters of the paranormal realm, from Tsugumi Takagi to the souls of Himitsu no Tamishi, Katsuhito had never met a talking animal, not one haunted by Kodama. And while he was in Kodama’s domain, the two swore not to cross paths, a promise that Katsuhito would soon break once he was able to find the secret to seal the spirit of Ochiba. He wondered if the bear was talking to him telepathically; a new note he should be adding to his serpent notebook.

“A talking bear?” He inquired, arching his brow yet again.

San Thorne’s hair stood. The rumours of Katsuhito being a mental man had always existed, but he never knew that they could actually be true. Was Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito under the impression that the bear was speaking to him? “What do you mean?”

Katsuhito showcased distaste across his visage. He may have lacked sleep and only heard his mind speak until the voice echoed in his head. The bear remained in his place, staring up at him with a mixture of fear and curiosity, much like a feline.

“You don’t know how to hold your relationships, do you?”

Then and there, the scion’s face relaxed, coming to the realisation that it was no bear or San Thorne that spoke to him, but a spirit. The entity’s identity is unknown, and based on Katsuhito’s knowledge, it was no sibling of the ‘Things’. They were sealed mostly in Himitsu no Tamishi, with others scattered across ponds, wells, and heirlooms such as fans. He had his fair share of hauntings, and a mere voice whispering into his head could not instigate something as easily as it wished. It required a more powerful entity than a voice.

“You need more than that to penetrate my mind, Spirit.” He spat out a whisper. San made notice of Katsuhito’s whispers and came to the conclusion that the rumours were true about him—the bear, on the other hand, advanced inch by inch.

Katsuhito’s eyes were stolen from the bear and San Thorne, for he caught a drunken Ezio DeLuca looming in the distance with a child who resembled Ezri Akai. He noticed the two and assumed the child belonged to the Akai family.

“What are you doing there, Hito?” The drunken man called out.

The Saiky despised the name; he only allowed people to use his title for Dr. or his first name. Hito was a name only Takaharu Furukawa would ever dare to pronounce. “My name is Dr. Saiky-Akihito, Ezio.” Not only was the name grotesque to Katsuhito, but his face scrunched up ever-so-slightly at the drunk man—he loathed alcohol and its drinkers. It was chaos at this point: San Thorne and a bear approached Katsuhito for no reason, drunken Ezio DeLuca and an Akai child were observing from a distance, and a menacing voice whispered in his ear. He only wished to have a tranquil stroll in the forest without interruptions.

Ezio remained standing in the background, daring not to approach, while San Thorne became preoccupied with his phone, texting. His hands trembled with uncertainty, and the bear continued to step forward. Katsuhitio’s attention returned to the animal, and wishing it would stop, he threw a can of cat food for the bear to investigate.

“What about your cousin, the blue-haired one?” The voice returned.

“You speak of Itaru. He is doing fine. Quit instigating, creature.” He whispered yet again.

“Are you going insane there, Hito?” Ezio taunted.

Loathing all these distractions, Katsuhito marched away to converse with the spirit, wondering whatever information it held about him. His figure disappeared into the forest, leaving San Thorne and the bear behind. The reason why the cheerleader approached him in the first place was unclear, but Katsuhito was never one to inquire about others. He was, after all, a narcissist. Ezio and the Akai watched as he left, and he certainly knew that Ezio had a flame of investigation burning inside, wishing to pluck information out of him.

One thing was clear. Katsuhito despised the drunkenness Ezio was in as if he loathed alcohol and its effects

Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

No scroll stored in Takagi’s attic or a history book written by Hashirama could tell one about the secrets of a pearl of Karakura. Name forgotten by all of Karakura, Shinjukeiro Park falls in the centre of Motokawa and is rarely visited by anyone except for a few older women who stroll around the area in the early dusk.

Tales tell of the contractors attempting to remove the tori gates, only to find them immobile and without a possibility of destruction. Whenever an alteration or damage is caused to the holy structure, it is regenerated right before the causer’s eyes, marking the place as spiritual protection. But why is it that this specific part of Karakura is unchanged and is protected by the Yokai when all the other districts have undergone numerous changes, including the ancient Itsbyoshi district?

They say that Lady Misaki Tenoshison endeavoured every morning to walk from Shizukanamichi to a specific plot of land in Motokawa to enjoy the serene rivers of the area with the company of her attendants, ladies of families that resided in Kaigan. After whispers of her morning strolls leaked to her husband, Lord Kandaimaru Tenoshison, he ordered a small garden designated for her, prepared with affection and compassion. Misaki relished her new garden, often visiting it at different times of the day. While the rest of the Tenoshisons resided in Shizukanamichi and Hokuseibu, she sought refuge in the silent waters of Motokawa with the company of the Mizukawas after constructing a hut near the garden.

All was well for Misaki; she lived a tranquil and silent life, cherishing the gardens surrounding her abode. On a fateful night, however, Karakura saw itself in demise when Ochiba caught itself on fire, resulting in chaos across the island. The fire spread into inner districts such as Itsbyoshi and Hokuseibu, but the worst of all, Motokawa. The fire trails found their way into the entire district, with none able to exit or enter. None could check on Misaki to ensure her safety, forcing the main household into a panic. The Tenoshisons attempted their best with the power bestowed to them by the gods, but none worked, even Kazenotome Kaseya's grace was insufficient.

When the fire was put out, a miracle had been discovered. Misaki’s garden had remained intact, and not only was it not affected by the fire, it was much more lush. However, the lady was nowhere to be found. Her hut had burnt to ashes, and even when her remains were searched for, they were lost, gone for good or that is what many believe. Misaki had disappeared along with the fire, even though her garden had blossomed.

Kandaimaru visited the gardens, weeping in sadness at his wife's disappearance. Knowing she had burnt along with the rest of the buildings and foliage, he crumbled onto the stone floors of the Shinjukeiro. As he wept into his hands, Kandaimaru was haunted by a voice—the voice of his late wife, Misaki.

"Don't weep my darling, for I am here."

Kandaimaru investigated, his eyes rapidly scanning the blossoming garden for any signs of his wife, but to no avail, Misaki was not present. He thought to himself that he had gone insane, but again, the voice spoke.

"I am still here, with you."

"I will always be with you."

"For I've become one with the garden."

Misaki Tenoshison's soul resonated in Shinjukeiro, forbidding any from altering it. It had remained there for centuries, witnessing the city change around it while remaining an ancient plaza for lost souls.


Level 112
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
After discussing with the team, you have been chosen for the Lore Team. Please DM rexypoo on Discord to get your roles set up.
Congratulations, and welcome to Lore’s Court.​

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