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gooberbleh | KPD Application


Level 7
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
2500 (main) | [Grade-12][Volleyball-Captain] Louise Fellton / [College][M] Mila Groenewald
gooberbleh (applying) | [Grade-7] Luo 'Camera' Nobuyuki / [Bird] Banksy​

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
CET - Europe/Amsterdam​

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
I allocate a good amount of hours to SRP daily, both on the server itself as well as related discord servers. I find it important to be active and representative for my sports team as captain. I have kept this activity up for well over a year at this point and don’t plan to decrease it much anytime soon. My school work is lenient enough to allow me to be very active pretty much all the time, especially during the server’s peak hours which is in the evening for me. There’s no set schedule for me, I just play when I feel like it- which is more often than I’d like to admit.​

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying has not changed much since my last application. It mainly boils down to personal interest in police roleplay scenarios and some much needed branching out from the regular school-based situations. Another big driving factor is the recent internships that were hosted in the KA discord allowing me to experience some cadet training and KPD duties first hand with a character which I didn’t think would be a great fit before- somehow working out quite well. Overall, this internship allowed me to get a decent beginner level understanding of the KPD and make new friends, as well as allowing me to interact with existing friends. I believe these things make for a great foundation, and drove me towards being even more motivated to apply.​

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of police work mostly stems from interest in the field through games and media. Acquiring random bits of knowledge here and there. I familiarised myself with the KPD info and rules, Police work in SRP appears to be fairly similar to the stuff I am already used to, with a few differences of course. I am already familiar with the various radio codes from experience on a previous police roleplay server. The first couple weeks of being an officer (cadet) are all about showing competence and proving your worth initially, followed by an examination to check if you are capable. Following this, you’ll become a full fledged part of the faction; with new duties to fulfill.. Here’s a few​
  • Desk duties such as handling reports, interviewing, answering questions and dealing with bails or visitors.
  • Patrolling the city, typically in a group. Keeping an eye out for crime that doesn't bring itself to the station.
  • Performing arrests or detains on individuals suspected of a crime.
Each officer in the KPD is part of either the main; or detective division and carries one of the following ranks, ordered lowest to highest.​
Main division: Cadet, Patrol Officer (PO), Corporal (CPL), Sergeant (SGT), Lieutenant (LT), Captain (CPT).​
Detective division: Detective Constable, Detective Sergeant, Detective Inspector, Detective Chief Inspector, Detective Superintendent.​
The Commissioner is the highest rank in the KPD, and oversees both divisions.​

Lastly, the KPD have access to a whole arsenal of various items. Some physical, some ItemRP exclusive- Here's a few top picks.​
Physical items
  • Police radio - Used for communication between on-duty officers.
  • Handcuffs - Used to detain suspects
  • Stun Blaster / Taser - Used to immobilize targets that flee or pose serious danger to others for up to 60 seconds.
  • Police Baton - Used in close quarters combat against armed suspects, dealing two KO points per successful hit.
  • Pepper spray - Used to temporarily blind a target for up to 60 seconds, no effect after three uses or against individuals wearing a gas mask.
  • Riot Shield - Used as a defensive tool capable of negating any frontal attacks, off-hand carry allows use of other weapons but offers no offensive use itself.
  • Crowbar - Tool used to crack open doors and locked containers. Requires Corporal rank or higher to use.
  • Tranquilizer - More potent variant of the Stun Blaster that also works on animals. Able to knock targets unconscious for up to 120 seconds. Requires Sergeant / Detective Inspector rank or higher to use.
ItemRP items
  • Body camera - Waterproof device that continuously records and live-streams to the station from the officer's point of view. Able to be destroyed, but not taken off.
  • Luminol spray - Spray that uncovers blood on weapons or masks.
  • First aid kit - Grants an extra 5 minutes to a target's bleed-out timer, for use when EMS isn't available.
Additionally, there are some other more specialized, self explanatory pieces of equipment worth noting in rapidfire.
  • Gas Mask, Disposable gloves, Breathalyzer, Fingerprint scanner.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The police faction is important to the server for a multitude of reasons. In my opinion, the most important reason is to offer realism and necessary balance. Although not every player involves themselves in roleplaying as a criminal, the KPD still manages to reach into every corner of the community in at least some way and create their own narrative to follow surrounding it. For example, the KPD is almost always available or present for many of the events around Karakura. Even if nothing sinister happens there, the illusion of immersion is still there. This is a powerful tool to make characters feel more realistic and adds a lot of value to them. Additionally, police are not only essential for the crime faction to even exist, but are also the reason why it isn't bigger than it needs to be. A preventative measure to make sure that CrimeRP stays reasonable. Without the presence of KPD on the server, criminality would likely go out of control- and become stale quickly due to the lack of risk involved.​

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I'll make sure to attend training while I am online.​

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Mila Groenewald​

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
25 years old.​

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female, she/her preferred.​

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Masters Degree in Sociology.​

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
English and Afrikaans (Haven't applied for it yet. .)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Mila presents herself as a laid back and simple minded young lady. A subtle grin of mischief permanently sat under her wild natural blonde fringe. Her faint green eyes would only be noticeable after a lasting staredown. Her sun tanned skin seemed well kept, merely a few nicks and scratches covered her rigid cheeks. These marks perfectly complement her toned and solid build. Exercise. . A vital part of Mila’s routine and there’s only been a handful of days she can recall going without it. Being used to the warmer climates of her home country of South Africa, this extrovert feels perfectly at home during Karakura’s summers, while feeling more withdrawn and modest during the winters. Mila communicates very directly, not afraid to gabble out her thoughts; often to mixed results. .​

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Mila cares a lot about punctuality, there’s a meeting at two 'o'clock?! “Show up at least fifteen minutes beforehand, brush your teeth and wash your face- make sure your makeup is flawless and your hair is silky smooth. You must always be honest, hold the door open and greet your superiors appropriately.” Lessons taught to her by her parents early on in life, clearly hoping she’d maintain those values down the line. . . *KA-CLANGG* "What's that?" That’s the sound of discipline and a straight back being thrown out the window as soon as she’s off the clock. Suddenly, hanging out with friends, pigging out and binging films become her new hyper-fixation. Perhaps something she could SHOULD work on, though it doesn’t seem to affect her professional life too much.​

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
During her youth, Mila was immediately subjected to having to work together with her younger sibling Isla, having to care for her during school hours, and assisting her wherever possible, often acting as a personal tutor to her. It was also in school; where she first picked up an interest, followed by a love for sports. Rugby stood out to her in particular, requiring strong coordination and near symbiotic teamwork to function well. Mila’s fully accustomed to the idea of pulling her own weight in a team and assisting those around her, through pepping them up or whatever additional support is necessary. Working in a team runs through her blood.​

What's your character's backstory?
Mila Groenewald was born on the 25th of September 1999, barely able to call herself a nineties kid as she grew up in the South African town of Stellenbosch, not far from Cape Town. Her mother, Johanna, worked as a travel advisor, while her father, Stefan, was out and about serving justice as a constable in the police service. A strict head of the family, he set the rules- and stood out as Mila’s biggest role model growing up. This sense of discipline and unspoken rules ran through the family household early on. And although work tasks were never out right brought home, they still managed to linger around.​
Few odd years later, the family would be surprised with a new daughter, Isla. By this time, Mila’s academic career had already kicked off. And expectations for the sisters were as high as they grew older. It didn’t take long for Mila to learn about the importance of becoming independent, her father would often be away from home for long stretches of time- and her mother was occupied with the new child. This meant that Mila would have to seek companionship elsewhere, whether it be in the neighbourhood or at school. Mila quickly grew and showed her capability and interest in physical activity, vastly outpacing her peers and exceeding expectations. Things were looking well, and they would continue to do so.​
In the year 2011, just before Mila would turn twelve- she received the news that she would be enrolling into a boarding school to the west of Cape Town. Although this meant more time away from home, Mila saw it as a great opportunity to expand her horizons and develop herself more, while keeping close contact with her family during the holidays. One mandatory requirement for the new school was involvement in either culture or sports. Without any hesitation Mila decided that she would try to become a part of her school’s female rugby team, she was not unfamiliar with the rules and had proven her competence before. Her tall appearance and ignorance of danger allowed her to quickly become the squad’s go-to number 8, the storm ram of the team. She would continue to compete and learn, eventually being joined at this school by her younger sister Isla, who wouldn’t hear the end of it.​
Unfortunately her rugby career would be forced to take the back seat following a severe concussion sustained during an important match. Despite the setback, Mila didn’t let her injuries define or hold her back. She would still remain on the team, though now on the bench as a substitute, proving her worth as a mentor to her younger teammates and continuing to involve herself in strategising.. In a way; she suddenly had a lot more time on her hands, perfectly fit to allocate towards her curricular activities. As she closed in on turning eighteen, things were about to change in her life yet again. After graduating high school, Mila took the time to prepare herself and move back home with her mother and father in Stellenbosch. Here, she would be able to remain at home after getting accepted into a nearby local university to study social sciences. The same field that her father had taken all those years ago, with an ambition to create a world where she could make a meaningful difference.​
Mila’s interest was piqued when she discovered that the university offered an exclusive programme which would allow her to study abroad in Karakura. The idea of stepping into a whole new and unknown world thrilled her to grasp this rare opportunity, brimming with cultural and academic enrichment. Fueled with this passion, she quickly took on intensive training, in an attempt to learn the basics of Japanese so she’d be able to survive. Now in her early twenties, Mila spent roughly a year in Karakura- following classes, earning credits towards graduating from her masters and further assimilating herself within the culture and language of the people living there. Picking up a side hustle here and there in order to stay afloat. While studying at Karakura, Mila discovered her passion for the specialised study of criminology. Understanding the process that drives people to break the laws, but also the fundamentals to which they are created. Following in her father’s wake and enforcing the law itself only briefly crossed Mila’s mind in the past, but eventually it became a genuine possibility.​
Sooooo, as soon as Karakura College announced they were holding internships into a selection of occupations available on the island Mila didn’t hesitate for a moment to send in her application to run along with and shadow the Karakura Police Department for a little while. Mila met new friends here, and participated in the scheduled activities. Shadowing Detective Inspector Asogi as she performed routine desk work and attended various interviews. Kicking off the internship was a thorough introduction into the main division of the police, learning about the intricate tools used by the police to effectively serve justice. Actively engaging in scenarios, learning new techniques and getting to know the other interns. It wouldn’t be a full experience without dabbling into the detective division either, performing a full fledged investigation on. . . Hatsune Miku the weapons dealer. . Gathering evidence by taking to the streets undercover, recording her findings and even performing a successful arrest! Followed by a report stating all the details regarding the investigation. On their final day, the interns were challenged to use all the newly acquired techniques in a town-wide manhunt, chasing officers-in-disguise around time and performing mock arrests.​
The end of the internship marked the temporary end of Mila’s stay on the island, returning briefly to South Africa to share her experience and collect her Masters degree in sociology. Her goals and ambitions were clear to her, she would permanently leave for Karakura after turning 25. Excited to see familiar faces applying for the police force.​

General knowledge (Answered In-Character)

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"Absolutely not, the only places in this town where knives are acceptable are in the kitchen- And that isn't even the right type of knife! If I were to catch someone carrying around a pocket knife like that I'd charge them for possession of an illegal weapon and seize it from them."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
"That don't require one? Reading glasses for when you have trouble seein' up close come to mind first. . Paracetemol's invaluable for those horrible headaches. . Then we've got melatonin, multivitamins, eyepatches and hearing aides! Was that five? I lost track. ."

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"I assume in this context the attack is fully unprovoked. . ?" - "Right, I absolutely wouldn't just stand by idly. First things first, I need to check if there's any nearby cameras, and that my own body-cam is up 'n running. I can't let this result in a situation where it's my word against theirs, especially if a higher ranking officer is involved. Once ready, I'd radio in that there's an assault ongoing, likely at the station. Then; I'd try to intervene in the matter, create space between the two with my rubber chicken- STUN BLASTER! drawn prior. . You never know who might be armed, dangerous or unpredictable enough to suddenly jump you. Once backup arrives following my earlier radio call I can start to look into the future, who's seriously injured and who's getting charged with assault."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
"My natural instincts would tell me to immediately interject and rush in like Rambo, but that sounds like a terrible idea. I think very similar to the other situation, gathering the right evidence is more important than running in guns-blazing. Unlike the inmate however, I can count on my fellow officer to be trained and more resilient to a brawl. My camera must be rolling at all times, and I'll make sure to notify other on-duty officers over the radio and stand at a safe distance, with my Stun Blaster drawn. A case like this would likely have to be brought up to some sort of Internal Affairs, and must therefore be documented properly. If either of the officers decides to draw dangerous weapons though, I believe it is everyone's best interest for me to discourage the assailant by revealing myself, with my taser ready to end the confrontation."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
"We don't have those, do we? Undermining this department is despicable. If I were to discover one of my colleagues is corrupt, I'd tread very carefully. Once more, I'd make TRIPLE sure that my body-cam is recording, with audio! This is bound to become a very intricate investigation, so I must tread carefully and slowly. If the corrupt officer were to find out someone's onto them they might become erratic and cause a lot of trouble within the department. Over time, I'd gather as much evidence as I possibly can, my case must be doubtless and watertight. Once I believe I have collected enough evidence I'd take it to a higher-up, presenting my findings in a neatly written report."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"Accepting a bribe would make you no better than that bloody crook. I don't care about their money, I care far more about my job than any sum of dirty money. I'd compose myself to remain professional and straight faced, although I'd be furious inside. If I'm feeling particularly lenient, they'd be let of with a stern warning- otherwise I'd hand out a citation for bribery."
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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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