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Good Evening (it's literally morning), I'm praxor!


Level 1
I know one day someone's gonna ask "Who's this praxor guy I hear of?", so I'll just write it on the forums!

If you didn't know already, I am praxor! An American, (currently) 17-year-old casual RPer who plays on SchoolRP actively. You might know me in-game as "Morioka Satoshi" or "Kawamoto Raiden". As a casual RPer, I have intermediate skills in actual roleplay, so I may not know a lot of terms or mechanics when it comes to this seemingly advanced form of roleplaying, but I'd be happy to learn! Even though my talents in roleplaying are new, that shouldn't deny or ruin the fact that I am actually a pretty decent writer in my spare time. I believe it's a good hobby to have! I enjoy writing stories about random stuff in my free time, such as the beauty of sunflowers for example. Also, I can get exceptionally creative at most times, which is the main reason that I started roleplaying. I also consider myself to be a talented musician, and I am also very helpful when it comes to technology. I also have done some small VA work on the side, but that's not all that interesting. Trust! Oh, and if you're curious about my crazy cool technology skills, I've made a website that you can check out and rate, that is, if you can find it! It's one of my best demonstration of my talents and abilities so far, and I enjoy it! Well, it doesn't have some of my music on there, but that's fine.

Well, other than that, I don't really have anything else special going on about me, except for the fact that I am cracked at rhythm games, study multiple languages, cracked at math, goated with the sauce, go outside, love the color purple, eat the same grass I touched, and play Roblox. Oh, I make some good jokes every now and then too. I guess I'm somewhat of a comedian. Anyways, I do hope this helps anyone truly understand "what a praxor is" and "why I'm in your walls"!

Here's a Pinterest image I found that describes me:

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