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Accepted Government Application | TimidZan


Level 47
Community Team


In-game Name:

TimidZan (alt – applying on)
RippedZan (main)

Discord Tag: RippedZan

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I own a microphone and it does work.

Timezone & Country:
EST – United States of ‘Merica

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I would begin to describe my activty on the server as very active, either being online everyday for multiple hours at a time, or missing out a few days while I take a quick break to prevent major burn out. You can see me during my multiple hours online on my main account, RippedZan! While I am active on that account, I do have my alt account TimidZan. I try and play on the account at least once a month to get some activity on it and not leave it to the dust on the shelf. I can always be seen doing some type of shena****ns either with the Reporter faction, on my Adult tag, or one of my many school children, and yes this does include my College tag.

My activity availability:
Morning: ✔
Noon: ✔
Evening: ✘
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What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying thrives in my love for new experiences. During my own time on SRP over the last year and a half, I have taken part of two factions, a few clubs, and a few gangs. Each expereince I have gained has just left me curious for more, looking towards more factions with an intent to learn how they work. I have had a few friends who have been in the Government faction previously who have always talked good things about it, and it is what has inspired me to apply today. My motivation drives me though a lot of things, and I wish for this to be my next large experience in the SRP community. I have absolutely fallen in love with Reporter and Teacher, and I wish to see what will happen with my path into Government.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I do have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
This now makes my 3rd faction application, and my first application to the Government faction, I will be splitting these into two parts, (both In Character and Out of Character) as to make things more neat and organized for the readers.

OOC: I've always looked upon the Government faction with awe, always seeming somewhat invested as I watched the countless trials and Q & As of the Town Hall staff. I have had friends who have been in the faction for long periods of time, having either stayed in or have come back time and time again, and it fuels that desire to learn what all happens behind those closed doors. I wish to dive into the knowledge of the town and faction, learning in depth the constitution and laws that run Karakura more than just on a criminal side of things. I am one who thrives for learning and knowledge, constantly putting my free time to use by learning and discorvering new things, so my pasion to learn is my goals for applying to the faction. My passion has driven me to apply to Reporter and Teacher, leading me to get accepted and now having been in Reporter nearly 1/2 a year, I am driven to learn more and continue my journey in SRP.

IC: Crowley sat in the plush office chair, his left leg placed ever so slightly over his right knee. As he began to speak, a thick Italian accent would be noticable. "Any goals that I have for this role can be made clear. I work for the pride of my family and my future. My education, knowledge, and path in life were obtained due to a mixture of pride of my family as well as putting a challenge to myself." He would place his leg off of his knee, fixing his posture as he continued to speak. "My family has always been my pride and joy. I hold my birth name by pride, wanting it be noticed by all for it's good rather than it's bad. My goals are simple to most, but to me they are my wills and passions. I want to reach for the Sky, going up the steps of the ladder from the bottom just as everyone else. I wish to put my education to use, showing what I am capable of to those who see ill of me from the side-lines." He held his hands together as he spoke, seeming passionate about what he spoke of. "I will not keep you here longer as I do not wish to take up your time, and I thank you for sitting here and listening to me as I speak of my goals. You have a wonderful day Mrs. Akai." Mr. O'Sullivan would stand, giving a quick bow before pushing in the office hair and making his way out of the office, closing the door behind him.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

Leading Trials:
As Judges, we can be seen sitting at the Judges stand, overseeing trials that can range from a multitude of things, one of those being criminal trials. These trials can either be viewed from the public or private from the publics eye. They are the ones who give the final decisions on the trial, being told the evidence from prosecution and defence. Towards the end of the trials, the Judges will gather in the back room, discussion their beliefs while remaining unbiased. Once an conclusion becomes known, they return to the stand, pronouncing their decision before dismissing the court and returning to their chambers.

Desk Work: During certain hours of the day, you can see any of the Town Hall staff sitting at the front desk of the lobby. During these times citizens, KPD, EMS, or other factions may approach for different things, such as giving out IDs or just simply answering questions to those who may approach. During this time allows the Town Hall employees to be more open with the public, despite having some dangerous interactions of those who may enter and set off the metal detector.

Extras: This can include a number of things aside from the main two that some people, especially newer players may not know about. This list would include officiating marriages, granting warrants, and even restraining orders.
- Officiating marriages are when a party of 2 members approaches a staff member of town hall and asks to be married. They will go through a tiny ceremony before being given a certification of their marriage certificate.
- Granting warrants is when they give a file to an officer or detective to search a home of a criminal.
- Restraning orders are protective orders given by lawyers and/or judges to protect someones well being after being put in danger by another person.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I acknowledge that I can be subject to removal at any given time.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand that I am expected to be dedicated to my position upon being accepted.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I am aware that any display of OOC bias towards anyone on the job will result in punishment.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read and agreed to follow the Government Faction rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I am available to attend weekly meetings and events.

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Full name:

My name is Crowley, Crowley O'Sullivan.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Despite having my doctorate, please call me Mr. O'Sullivan. Dr. O'Sullivan sounds too proper, even for me.

Current age:
I am currently 28 years old.

Date of birth:
My birthday is Feb 05, 19xx

I am male, simple as that.

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Academic Degree:
I have graduated from Sapienza University of Rome with my JD, (Juris Doctor) degree.

I have majors in Criminal Justice and Commercial Law.

I have minors in History and Archaeology. Quite strange for a Law major degree, but I am strangly fond of digging for knowledge.. quite literally.

Work experience:
While in college, working on my degrees, I spend some volunteer work at a local law firm. I spend my time learning the ropes, attending court cases as I sat back, taking notes when I could. This would continue until I graduated at the age of 25, were I was offered a job from the lead. I would work there for the next two years until resigning at the age of 27, taking my leave so that I may travel to Japan to rejoin my family in Karakura.

Nationality & born location:
I was born in Rome, Italy.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
I speak Italian as a first language, Japanese, and JSL I learned after moving to Japan.

Criminal record:
I do not possess a criminal record, as this would effect my ability to get an official job.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?:
Despite the educational achievements I have obtained, I will being with my dedication to my job. Having been with the same company for 5 years until leaving to join my family, I have shown I will not abandon my post. I have been passionate about the criminal justice system since I was young, making this my lifes career from the near start. Having as well been in town for now a year, I have seen what can happen around town, and I wish to do something about it. I care for the safety of the citizens and other town employees who live in such a town. Having attended multiple speeches and interactions with the Town Hall, I have noticed the violence that attends to happen or tries to happen. I want to make this town a safer place not only for the citizens, but for the tourists as well, willing to put in the work and hours to make this a possibility.


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Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Thank you for applying! We have decided to accept your application. Please ping oinfi in the town discord help channel to receive your roles.

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