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Accepted governor application | jay


Level 248
Council Lead

In-game Name:
Jaeyla, gotsnapped

Previous bans (include appeal links):

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Timezone & Country:

EST -5, United States

Links to any current & past applications:

Spanish Application

Police Application

French Application

Deuteranopia Application x2

Spanish Application

Korean Application

Italian Application

Event Team Application

Spanish Application

Describe your activity on the server:

I am frequently active on the server due to the responsibilities that I have.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:

I want to branch out my experience on the server and try new things. It's a different aspect on the server that I have not tried and looks fun. Though, my main motivation for wanting to apply is to be more involved with government events or partake in creating them. I feel as though the Government Faction lacks events that and I have also consistently given event ideas to the factions that I am involved with and have many event ideas for the Government Faction.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I have a clear understanding of Karakura's laws and Constitutional rights due to my previous experiences.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

As previously stated, I do have plans to have many events with this role, though for my character; I believe he has a unique insight into Karakura that many do not have. For one, he was previously a detective so he understands what the city actually is behind closed doors. Although he has had a lot of negative experiences, he understands that it is not the fault of the people or the children but instead, the fault of the government and lack of campaigning to educate the young on said issues of the town. Many believe that giving the knowledge of what is right or wrong to the young is a mistake because they will choose wrong or just the fear that they might but statistically, it is better to educate younger individuals on issues they will encounter, instead of just ignoring it. An example of helping the young is when he did classroom visits for the Karakura Police Department Internships and he really got to see the desire students have to learn; they just need the opportunity.

Some opportunities such as this could be fundraiser events at common locations; this would allow the community to interact with each other. Another one would probably be more sponsored job fairs. A lot of the children in Karakura seem as though they do not know what to do with their futures as it seems so uncertain. By pairing that with the high crime rates, it is not questionable why so many are persuaded by criminal organizations or turn to crime as a way to make money. Though hosting a job fair, opens their eyes to not only the opportunities that they can in fact live a life without crime. Another idea could be a small culture fair or festival, there are so many cultures within Karakura, I feel as though it would be negligence to miss an opportunity to celebrate these differences. Also, I believe a more interactive governor is beneficial since it brings the community together but also removes this 'barrier' that is between the government and the people due to recent events.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

In terms of Karakura and not in real life, the Governor is supposed to be the bridge between the people of Karakura to the Mayor. The Governor acts on the creation of new laws while having the best interest of the people. They are supposed to interact with the community and allow their voices to be heard on discussions or issues that they may raise within. The Governor is supposed to be a unbias member of society that is able to not only understand what needs to be done but to actually get it done. Although there are many issues in the town such as high crime rates, high delinquent arrests, and such; It is up to the governor to act on these injustices in their community. A lot of people tend to focus on the law aspect of the government, and while that is important; I do feel like they lack the understanding that as stated before, the governor is the bridge for the people. Being interactive with the community and understanding them is just as important as creating laws because how is one going to pass laws but not actually understand how it affects their people on a daily basis.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I understand.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Yes, I understand.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Yes, I am aware and understand.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Yes, I have read them and indeed will follow them.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I am able to attend weekly meetings and events.


Full name:

Malachi Lee Moralez

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:


Date of birth:
June 7, 1995


Academic Degree:

Bachelor Degree


Criminal Justice


Forensic Science

Work experience:
Malachi had an internship with the Karakura Police Department when he was 19. After graduating from the Police Academy, he transferred to the Karakura Police Department at 25 years old and later on became a detective.

Political background:
When I was younger, at the age of thirteen; my father was arrested on false charges. Though these were brought to light eventually and he was able to continue his life, it brought to light the injustices that were not only established but forced me to understand at a young age that fairness is not something that is granted to you just because it's right but something you must fight for. Although, I did take the alternative path, and followed in my father's footsteps of becoming a detective; I have realized that's not my only passion in life or my purpose. I believe my purpose in life is to bring fairness to all without negating the responsibility it takes. In my years as an officer, I understand what I can do to help this city and I rather assist in creating a community of safety through my words and actions than arresting.

Nationality & born location:

My nationality is North American and I was born in Chicago, Illinois.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Spanish, English, Sundanese, Japanese.

Criminal record:

I have no criminal record.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
' Well to define, a 'good candidate by my definition, is someone who understands that life is not fair but is willing to make it fair for others and advocate for the voices that cannot speak up for themselves. This is someone who can make decisions with a clear conscience and unbiased opinion since their decisions will not only affect them but their community also. I believe what makes me a good candidate for this job is my compassion for others. I have been through multiple situations where the average person would change their morals or their outlook on how they see life, but I have not. In my previous experience as an officer and detective, I have seen how the town truly is not only what it needs but also lacks. The children of this town lack assurance, safety, and guidance, and due to their large population of younger people and the high crime rates that contribute to this, it is concerning that this issue is mainly overlooked when it in fact should be our main focus.

I spent a lot of my time in the Karakura Police Department questioning and interrogating and I have discovered one common factor between all. That common factor is the undying belief that they are doing the right thing or they have no other options. This fault does not fall on one person but on all, we have as members of Karakura, failed to adhere to the guidance leading others on the right path. Through my studies of such individuals, I discovered that many of them do not have access to basic necessities that others take for granted, such as homes, families, or even a safety net to fall back on when they make mistakes; because as children do, they make mistakes. Although the crimes they commit are real and their punishment is fair, I sometimes wonder what their lives would have been like if they were allowed to have a small intervention of guidance onto the right path. '


Level 192
Thank you for taking the time to fill up this application ,after reading through it I've decided to accept this:
  • Very good application, The ideas brought up caught my attention along with your motivation
  • Message me on Discord or start a conversation on the forums in order to get things set up

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