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Denied Governor Application | Oletz.

lamby :3

Level 39
Community Team
Event Team


In-game Name:

(Alts, YWTC, CTWY)

Previous bans (include appeal links):

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I do have a working microphone and am willing to speak to others using it.

Timezone & Country:
Wales, BST+0

Links to any current & past applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
I have been on the SRP server for 5 years, religiously I became more obsessed with the game and now you can see me spend around 10-11 hours a day on the server depending on which day it is alternating between my two current accounts, I would describe my activity as flourishing as I’m progressively getting more active due to my holidays and my lack of college classes for this term.
My activity on the server currently is very high, as I’m free most of the week. I tend to play SRP in my free time, when I am not in college. Also having received roles, I tend to boost my activity within the server. I’m also very social among the servers so I like being online to be around those I feel comfortable with. If I had to describe my activity on a scale of 1-10 it would be around 9/10. If I obtain the role as Governor I can guarantee that I will not only enjoy the role but I will be on constantly as the role is a massive priority on the server due to it being one of the main factions.


What position are you applying for?:

Today, I will be applying for the position of Governor.

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation to join the Law faction in the server is because having the role of Governor can open multiple doors towards unique role play which can expand on my knowledge within SRP. As well as the role of Governor is not just a normal job and it is one of the most important roles on the server as it’s a beneficial faction that brings realism into role play, Instead of having a role of a basic grade-12 it would be intriguing to have a role within the city tab, having many roles within the server on my 5 years of playing I have enjoyed the majority of my roles but now I think it's time to do something I’ve always wanted to do within the server and that is apply for the role of Governor from my past jobs I have gained the motivation to apply for roles with more responsibility.

I have spoken to many people who have either been or still are within the faction I have heard their perspective of the job and the responsibilities and I am personally willing to dedicate my time and focus towards this role, I have a few friends within the faction at this moment in time which I trust and are already good at working with them as a team which I think is a beneficial factor to have as well as co-operation and trust. I will be able to get to experience a new type of SeriousRP and role play in general while I can be counted on to get on during emergencies as backup and put all my dedication towards the role.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

Yes, I do have a clear understanding of Karakuras Laws and Constitutional rights, If I am unsure about one I would ask one of my colleagues about it, I have roleplayed with them with others beforehand so I have to say I have a lot of experience with Karakura’s law and Constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I have to admit, my main goal for my character with this role is to overall express my love for detailed role play - I think I’d focus on that aspect due to the fact I want to learn new vocabulary through a more well known role which adds more depth and realism within the role play, I’d want my character to socialize with the population of Karakura as I’d want them to have a positive outlook on the city itself. I personally want my character to have a cosy environment with their colleagues as well due to the fact that if the bond between colleagues is strong it’ll improve our work environment and push us into a better work atmosphere.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

During my time on SRP interacting with Governors I have discovered a Governor is a respectable person with a nice view upon someone who will be a positive public figure, either interacting with the population of Karakura, Hosting speech with stores or other businesses and help help with setting up the official businesses of Karakura, Governors also have a position of handing out I.Ds to the population of Karakura so the KPD can identify them or fine them if they do not carry I.D on them.
Another aspect of the Government faction I enjoy about them is that they can act as a Bailiff for court cases which I find fascinating within the faction and a really nice way to halt a court from being biased, a second opinion, as well as documentors if court was in session, A documentors job within the court is to record all that is said within the courtroom word for word so if needed they can go over what had been said.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I do acknowledge I am subject to being removed from the faction at any time for whatever reason.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

I can Guarantee I will be dedicated towards this position since the faction came out. I was hesitating whether to join but I finally decided to do it after gaining more confidence from previous applications.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Yes, I am aware it will result in punishment but I believe

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Yes, I find them perfectly reasonable and I agree to follow the Government Faction rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

Yes, I am able to attend if it’s within a reasonable time.


Full name:

Ose Harumi

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):


Current age:


Date of birth:

July 2nd, 1987.



Academic Degree:

Bachelor's Degree in Sociology and Criminology.


Political Science
Political, law and social thought.



Work experience:

“Within my years of life, when I first removed back to Karakura (4-6) I had assisted my father within his new shop.. Although it was a minor job for me it had assisted me in learning valuable skills such as teamwork, dedication and brought me to a higher level of understanding and a sense of relief after I was done.. I believe I was brought into the workforce pretty early for my age but I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed it, before I relinquished it due to my fathers untimely demise.”

“When I was briefing my angst years.. My adolescent years I had come across an advert for a paper girl. I have to be honest and say I wasn’t the fittest of children (13-15) So.. Everyday after school I would bust myself around to commit to the errands I was given it was brutally hard but eventually I got used to it, this job taught me about resilience and that I could do whatever I wanted if I put my mind to it, it really was a major turning point in my life.”

“Finally, when I was 15 I had found out I could apply for much bigger jobs which would give me a more equal pay which I was more than pleased, it was working in a family friends shop, the name of the shop was joyoung (16-20) This was the workplace I had appreciated the most, my final blossoming into a mature young adult before going into an actual position, Aoi Masuo was lovely to me and I adored working in her store I learnt more about teamwork and how I could broaden my horizons about how hard work pays off, and I have to admit it DID! I was learning how to become stronger, more resilient and how to deal with more awkward social situations..”

“When I was racing into my young adulthood I had found a small job around the beach selling merchandise which was a very nice business. It was like a business by myself, it was difficult, I had to restock.. Learn taxes.. Values I had to admit my business plans to my superiors which verified whether I could sell that item.. Give them my tax report how many times I had opened so I met my quota.. But I did enjoy it and my favorite experience was when people started to like entering my store.” (21-30)

Political background:

“As a child my father was deeply involved within politics due to his love for it, it wasn’t due to the actual possibilities and rights, I believe he just liked watching two parties fighting against each other for control.. Me on the other hand when I was first introduced to politics I was genuinely intrigued and indulged myself within the world of politics.. Although I had multiple jobs within my lifetime I’ve always wanted an in-office job where I would be assisting citizens for rights, or genuinely to help them with what they need, but I must admit when I was a young child around the age of 10 my entire life plan was a child's dream.. Become a fairy princess.. Saved by a knight never did I think I would be something helping others.. I buckled down throughout high school since my father met his demise and wanted to become something that could help others.. I dedicated my life to learning Japanese law and constitutional rights, I sat through anthropology and Political science and I fell in love.. Ever since I’ve been dedicating my time towards becoming what I’ve always wanted to do.. A governor.”

Nationality & born location:

“I’m originally Japanese, Karakura but I was born in Germany, Rüdesheim and moved back to my hometown Karakura, in 1991.”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, German”

Criminal record:


What makes you a good candidate for this job?

“Well, I have to admit I was socially declined throughout my high school years but when I came into College I became really popular among others which boosted my reputation along with my Social abilities to start conversations throughout the years I must boast about how confident within Language I am, I have multiple qualifications which will prove my worth towards working within my dream workplace as an Acting governor for Karakura. - I’m very resilient and always put my mind towards whatever job or goal is given to me. I will see it through that I come on top each time.. I won’t take no for an answer which is why I must be honest.. Some people find me.. Annoying. . . But I never take mean words to heart. I believe in what my pa said to me ‘One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.’ The quote itself was from one of his Idols, and I pledged myself to never let someone take Advantage of me. If I become a governor for Karakura I will increase the town's image and see it through 100% that I will show this town the fullest extent of what it can be. - Following the laws of Karakura and citizens rights.”




Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I've decided to DENY this application

We really liked the application, However we are currently full on governor spots, once the position opens back up again in future, we implore you to re-apply!

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