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Governor Application | sapphoimytilene


In-game Name:

Discord Tag: sapphoimytilene

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes

Timezone: AEDT

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I had been playing for about a year and a half regularly, I was inactive for the past 4 months due to irl responsibilities, I have returned to the server recently and usually I am active for 3-4 hours every day if not more. On weekends I am able to be active for 5-6 hours.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
I had played as a teacher for about a month before having to be inactive due to circumstances irl. Now that I have come back I hope to try a different aspect of the server, namely the government faction. Another motivation is for one of my characters to return, since he was a part of the school faculty before being removed and changed to having the Grade 12 role. Being in the government faction would allow me to play him, since he is 57 years old. Additionally, circumstances in my life have changed that would allow me to be more active. I will try my best to do well in my role if accepted.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?: Yes, I have an adequate understanding of Karakura’s laws and regulations, namely felony crimes and misdemeanors, which includes:

  • Finable offences
  • Motor vehicle offences
  • Animal related offences
  • Minor crimes
  • Assault crimes
  • Government crimes
  • Major crimes
  • Murder crimes

I also have an adequate understanding of the Constitutional rights in Karakura, which consists of 17 articles.

What are your goals for being in Government Faction?:

This position will be able to have more and different opportunities for roleplay. I hope to gain new roleplay experiences in a faction I have never been a part of before. This will also help me understand another aspect of Karakura.

In your own words, describe the different roles of the Government Faction:

The governor has a role similar to clerks, offering certain beaurecrafic services to citizens and the government. They are vital for the well-functioning of the government. They have a set of basic responsibilities every month.
  • Hand out ID cards
  • Officiate marriages
  • Attending trials
  • Approve adoption paperwork
  • Perform shop inspections

Lawyers are essential for the town, as they are often involved with criminal trials and a citizen's grievance against another or the government. Similar to the governor, the lawyer also has bureaucratic duties. Their set of basic responsibilities are:
  • Attending trials
  • Attorney calls
  • Client meetings
  • File restraining orders
  • Front desk work
  • Build client lists

A judge usually works in tandem with a lawyer, overseeing trials and making the final verdict; they are essential to the government and the town. They are also more extensively involved with legal matters when compared to the lawyer, likewise, they also have bureaucratic duties, like all positions within the government, as well as a set of basic responsibilities:
  • Attending trials
  • Issuing warrants
  • Reviewing cases
  • Officiating marriages
  • File restraining orders
  • Front desk work
  • Approve adoption paperwork

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?: Yes

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?: Yes


Full name:
Lazarus Komnenos

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.): Mr

Current age: 58

Date of birth: 17/10/1967

Gender: Male

Academic Degree: 1.Bachelor of Teaching 2.Master of Theology

Major(s): 1. Society and Culture 2. Patristic Studies, Canon Law

Minor(s): 1. Secondary Education 2. Pastoral Theology

Work experience: 21 Years, I have worked as a part-time teacher at a primary school in Greece, before moving to Japan after the death of my wife. I was able to find employment at the Orthodox Church in Japan, as a preacher and Sunday School teacher in Oshima. After an accident at the church in Oshima. I turned to seek a job in Karakura, since it was nearby. I moved to the town in the spring of 2020. With my teaching degree and prior experience in different fields of education, I was accepted as a history teacher at the Karakura High School, however I was been removed from my role after a few months due to health complications, which I have since fully recovered.

Nationality & born location: Greek Nationality, born in Istanbul, Turkey.

Fluent languages (Underline your native): Greek, Japanese, Latin.

Criminal record: None

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

I believe wholeheartedly, from my previous experiences in study and work, I would be a good candidate as a governor. As one may be aware, canon law, a field that I have acquired a qualification in, is very similar if not on par with the laws of a government. This enables me to have a familiar grasp on the various duties I will have to perform as a governor. I also believe that my previous experiences of being a preacher and teacher gave me valuable communication skills which would enable me to perform at a higher degree at my proposed position. Namely, the everyday interactions with the citizens of Karakura. At work I am an easygoing and pragmatic person, I do not seek to have conflicts with other members of the government. If someone needs assistance, I will do my best to provide it, if there is conflict or argument, I will do my best to resolve and reconcile. Lastly, despite my age, I would still like to think I have a sharp mind and can keep my wits about me, as I am currently unemployed, if I am accepted, I will feel easier knowing that I am contributing to society.

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