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Accepted Governor | KnotAlive’s Application


Level 163


In-game Name:
I’ll be using my main account which is KnotAlive

Previous bans (include appeal links): N/A

Discord Tag: KnotAlive#8433

Do you have a working microphone?: I currently do not have a microphone, as I don’t feel comfortable speaking in VCs due to personal reasons. However, I can join the VCs and listen, while communicating through the no-mic channel. As I don’t know when I’ll be speaking in VCs.

Timezone & Country: My timezone is CST and my residence is in the United States: North America region.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server: If I don’t have to work, have plans, attend school, or anything else that may interfere with my activity on the server. I can be on 5-12 hours a day. If I do have to work, then my activity will decrease due to that. If I have any plans or school then that will also affect it. Overall, I’m a very active person that loves the community very much.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?: I’ve been a part of the SRP community since 2016 and I’ve never really had motivation to expand my roleplay experience out there. Throughout my years, I’ve been a part of the student faction and never really got into anything else. However, I was on the News Reporter faction a while back for a good month or so before returning to the student faction. As I stayed in the student faction my roleplay experiences in this area were: gangrp, crimerp, sportrp, clubrp, and familyrp. With the server now having a variety of different roleplay areas to be in, I’ve gained the motivation to try something new and hopefully learn the knowledge and obtain this experience. As I believe the Government Faction is a very interesting area that grabs my attention. Since I’ve stuck to the dark side of Karakura for some time now.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?: I do have a good understanding of Karakura’s Laws and Constitutional Rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?: I have multiple goals in mind that might have the same mindset as the other governors.

  • Since his arrival in Karakura, Lance wants to make a change for the small island. One of the main goals that he believes every government worker has is decreasing the crime rates. From the knowledge Lance has gained about Karakura he knows there are organizations and crimes that lurk below Karakura. Lance believes the crime rates are high due to the Karakura Police Department and the government's slack. To make a change in the rates, Lance would start with CCSTV areas. Realizing some alley ways, along with other areas that have blind spots which are perfect to cause a crime. Having cameras installed in these areas would hopefully ease the crime. This will help civilians feel more secure and safe knowing this.
  • Another goal of his is to create a better environment. Starting with the sewers, seeing that there was an explosion causing Mayor Koji’s death or that’s what they think, creating safer ways throughout the sewers would need to be enforced. Knowing that there are vacant rooms down there or abandoned, it could be turned into storage, or vaults in case of a gas spill leaking toxicity. Many other things would be in place to change such as, a better lighting source, a possibility of installing CCSTV areas, ect. With these things hopefully in touch this could create a better and safer environment for the small island.
  • Adding on to the environment, seeing that new people arrive on the island the population just keeps growing and growing, making it crowded every day. The majority of the new civilians are usually homeless. To solve this, a community center would be established providing food and resources for the homeless to help keep them secured until they have what they need for a home. The community center can also be used for emergency uses such as weather conditions, health conditions, and more. For example when the tsunami hit the island a while back, the community center would come in use to provide shelter for the ones that lost their homes. This would also help the hospital from not getting overcrowded. Where EMS employees could come to the community shelter to inspect the wounded and treat them. The community center can also be held for events for the society if needed.

  • Continuing on with the environment, to start a better society I’d put in a new Law for the town of Karakura. Even though this should be common sense, every civilian of Karakura must have some sort of ID to be kept in the government and police department files. This should already make logical sense due to a civilian being fined for not having an ID on them if a police officer searched the current civilian. I believe this would help keep civilians in line for keeping up with IDs. Adding on with this, realizing that there isn’t a specific time for governors to be at the front desk. I’d hopefully try to establish some sort of governor schedule so this helps civilians get their IDs and anything else that they might need. That way things can stay in line and keep flowing actively.

  • Moving on with the crime rates in Karakura, to hopefully decrease the percentage I’d enforce a military type system with the KPD only for certain reasons. For instance, when Judge Yui Tsu and their daughter, Fei Tsu, got kidnapped by an organization known as Triad. This is when the military system would come in. Examples of this would be an upgraded and better protection of the Riot/SWAT gear. Better equipment such as implanted radios into the helmets, maybe some night vision goggles implanted into the helmets, and a possibility of tear gas to knock victims out. Overall this system would come in use for incidents similar to this.
  • Adding on to the military system, I would hope to add a similar system known as the FBI field. This would overall enforce protection to the island, higher chances of lowering crime rates, and helping the Detective section in the KPD. Mostly, the FBI would be working on the government side for higher protection in the government faction. Due to past incidents. With the military and FBI systems being implanted for the island this would create a higher security towards Karakura. Making civilians feel more safe and helping the reputation of the government and KPD factions.
  • My next big step would be more towards the vehicles on the island, from my stay in Karakura I’ve realized that most of the drivers out there tend to speed their way around the area. Making it unsafe for civilians that wish to cross over. To make driving a bit safer, I’d like to add in speed limit signs across the area along with stop signs. This would also make sense to add in a Law for speeding, with a fine. After multiple crimes done towards the motor vehicle the person's driver's license may be confiscated for a period of time. This would make the person unable to drive legally. This would act as a striking system as well, for instance I’d make the law state: after 4 strikes placed upon the individual's license it may be confiscated for up to 5-10 OOC days before paying a fine ranging from a certain price depending on the crimes done.
  • Overall the goal for my character is to create a better society, create a better environment, and make a new established Karakura. Along with the help of the rest of the governors and a possibility from the KPD.

  • Now the goals for myself would be: to gain experience and more knowledge in this faction. Meet new people and possible friends. I also want to try to gain some possible ooc knowledge as well. And hopefully to maintain motivation for this area. Overall, I think this will help me develop more professional rp experience and knowledge for this area. Creating interesting scenarios to go through and memories.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government: As a governor one of the tasks that most people know would be the ID cards, if a governor is at the front desk at the town hall they can hand out IDs to civilians who need them. Another task for the governor area is helping the mayor with any tasks they need, like a right hand man. Even though this is part of the Deputy-Mayors job the governors can come in if needed. Governors can also establish new laws, change laws, or even enforce them if they want too. They also oversee the ones below them as well. Once a new Mayor is taken over from the Deputy-Mayor position, an election may occur making Governors run for the current open position. This allows the running Governors to show the civilization what they would do for that position and share their goals. The whole faction overall works alongside the KPD to help with anything. Though the main part of being a part of the government faction is to get the society to be on the government's side and work with them to help establish what's best for the island itself.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?: I understand that at any time my position can be removed.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?: I understand that I’m expected to be dedicated towards my chosen position once being accepted.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?: Yes, I do understand if I show any sort of bias oocly to anyone during my position I can be punished oocly and icly.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?: I agree that I’ve read and I do follow the Government Faction rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?: Depending when it’s scheduled and I don’t have school, work, or anything else that may be planned during the scheduled time I can attend meetings and events when planned.


Full name:
Lance Hara

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.): Mr. Hara

Current age: 38

Date of birth: December 12th, 1984

Gender: Male

Academic Degree: Bachelor's Degree

Major(s): Criminal Justice

Minor(s): Political Science

Work experience: Starting at a young age, my family started a family manufacturing business which is where I was placed. My father was one of the few that started the business and wanted the men to do most of the work. It was a rough start seeing that he wanted everything to be perfect and successful. My position was in the heavy equipment area, which is where most of the hard work was placed. My father told me the only way you’ll get through life's to do good things. Bad things wouldn’t get you nowhere. As I got older, I soon left the business and got a new job in my hometown at a local grocery store. The people were friendly, everyday was normal. Until one day I was working the night shift, a few minutes before closing a civilian walked into the store armed, trying to rob the store. I knew at this point I wanted to make a change in the world. From this event, I went into college studying the Criminal Justice area. Along with Political Science, from research and studying I learned. I knew I wanted to work for the government. Leaving my hometown after graduating college, I went to Karakura, a small island with high crime rates. I noticed they were looking for positions to be filled in the government area. Without any hesitation I applied to be a governor. This was the beginning of my journey to make a change.

Political background: Going back to where a robbery happened in the local store where I had a job, that was the moment that inspired me to make a change. From the fear I was feeling at that exact moment I wanted to create a safer environment to make civilians feel safe and not worry about the horrible people in the world. Now where I stand in Karakura, everytime I roam the streets I can feel the fear from the civilians. I know the government wants this island to be safe, I know they want to decrease the crime rates. Though the only way it can happen is to take action and stop procrastinating. A safer society can be born, from the work of the government and KPD taking action almost immediately. Not only is it for the KPD and government, it's the civilians of Karakura that can help make a safer society. If we listen to the people and see what their reasons are to help make a new Karakura, we the governors can help.

Nationality & born location: Russia, born in Moscow.

Fluent languages (Underline your native): Russian, Japanese, Latin, and Spanish

Criminal record: I have a clean record and will plan to keep it that way.

What makes you a good candidate for this job? I believe I’d make a good candidate for this position with the hard work, responsibilities, and the mindset I have. I know I want to make a change for Karakura, but it needs to start with the pace and that is to have a steady yet fast pace to start the transition. From working alongside my coworkers, we can all make this happen. As I do know that almost every government position has the same goal as I do: changing the crime rates. I believe in just a matter of months, the start of the Karakura society will be in its transition of reborning into better civilians and a better environment. From my mind to the other governors' minds, combining them together we can get work done much faster.

Conclusion: Thank you for reading my application. I wish everyone luck on their applications, and I look forward to see my result and hopefully working alongside the faction. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to dm me on discord. Have a great day.

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Level 192
Thank you for taking the time to fill up this application ,unfortunately I've decided to keep this Pending
  • If you wish to have this denied or taken down, message me on the forums conversations or discord DMs - MikeShotZ#0960


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, I've decided to ACCEPT this application!

Please message me on discord - oZinth#0001 to get started!

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