In-game Name:
lobsterrgod (applying)
lobsterrdog (main)
lobsterrbob (alt)
Discord Tag:
Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes! I’m always ready to hop into a VC if needed or just to chat.
Timezone & Country:
EST, United States
Links to any current & past applications:
Caretaker Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Doctor Application | lobsterrbob [ACCEPTED]
Teacher Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Govenor Application | lobsterrgod [PENDING]
French Language Application | lobsterrdog [ACCEPTED]
JSL Language Application | lobsterrdog [ACCEPTED]
Third Language Authorization | lobsterrdog [ACCEPTED]
Russian Language Application | lobsterrdog [DENIED]
Russian Language Application 2 | lobsterrdog [ACCEPTED]
JSL Language Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Russian Language Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Gaelic Language Application | lobsterrbob [ACCEPTED]
Third Language Authorization | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Gaelic Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Service Dog Application | lobsterrbob [ACCEPTED]
Service Dog Application 2 | lobsterrbob [ACCEPTED]
Height Authorization Application | lobsterrbob [ACCEPTED]
Height Authorization Application | lobsterrdog [ACCEPTED]
Height Authorization Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Caretaker Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Doctor Application | lobsterrbob [ACCEPTED]
Teacher Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Govenor Application | lobsterrgod [PENDING]
French Language Application | lobsterrdog [ACCEPTED]
JSL Language Application | lobsterrdog [ACCEPTED]
Third Language Authorization | lobsterrdog [ACCEPTED]
Russian Language Application | lobsterrdog [DENIED]
Russian Language Application 2 | lobsterrdog [ACCEPTED]
JSL Language Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Russian Language Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Gaelic Language Application | lobsterrbob [ACCEPTED]
Third Language Authorization | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Gaelic Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Service Dog Application | lobsterrbob [ACCEPTED]
Service Dog Application 2 | lobsterrbob [ACCEPTED]
Height Authorization Application | lobsterrbob [ACCEPTED]
Height Authorization Application | lobsterrdog [ACCEPTED]
Height Authorization Application | lobsterrgod [ACCEPTED]
Describe your activity on the server:
As of late, I’d describe my activity as a solid 8/10, clocking in for about 8-10 hours on weekdays and 10-11 hours on weekends. It’s reduced with the start of my first year in college, work piled up to my knees within moments of entering campus. But I always make time for SRP, between my other faction responsibilities that I assure to go above and beyond my quota every month, to the point of achieving 100+ EMS quota every month since I’ve been in the faction, all the way to simply wanting to roleplay with friends. It's hard to keep away from the server for too long. Still, I have real life responsibilities I must attend to. One responsibility includes my religious practices every Sunday, which causes me to either be completely inactive for that day or for my activity to be horrifically spotty throughout the day.
When engaging on the server I am roleplaying on one of 3 accounts, two sporting their own faction tag: paramedic and teacher, while on my main account I use two different characters to CrimeRP and GangRP respectively for each slot. With one being in a gang and the other being a BMDA, Fighter in FC, and a member of security for Ikigai.
Of course, with every faction there is a certain level of responsibility and time dedicated to these roles and I assure that I fulfill these duties each month. With paramedic, there is a little more dedication involved with the faction, the expectation to be online when needed even if my quota has been completed. I don’t mind this as roleplaying in the hospital faction is one of the highlights of my time in SRP to the point I exceed my maximum quota of 40 by miles, going as far to reach about 100+ quota a month, as stated earlier. Faculty is by far the one faction I’ve been for the longest, starting off as caretaker and onto teacher I’ve been in the faction for about seven months all together. The teacher role has a medium amount of time needed to be dedicated to the role, only needing to host about 10 times a month. With how long classes are and how long the school days are, this isnt a difficult feat to accomplish. Crime wise I honestly haven’t done much, mostly tagging along on BMD runs when I can and attending the last Ikigai and FC openings.
Even with these two faction roles and my honesty minimal responsibilities for my criminal characters I’ve been able to maintain a steady stream of activity within each faction along with giving time to dedicate and develop my characters.

What position are you applying for?:
Governor of Karakura
What is your motivation for applying?:
I have two major motivations when it comes to my reasoning for applying for this role. Stress and roleplay. As a member of both school faculty and EMS I get a LOT of interaction from a wide range of all the player base since it’s very likely you will need to come into contact with at least one of these roles during your time in the faction. Because of this, it's very easy to get overwhelmed and over time, stressed. This stress has caused me to shy away from the faculty faction, one I still hold very close to my heart, simply because my other faction role, Paramedic, can also become insanely stressful at times. Any EMS knows the struggles of being alone during rush hour’s having 5-10 people injured or uninjured scattering through the lobby and any teacher or professor knows the struggle of having a class who just doesn’t feel like engaging that day and instead wishing to cause chaos throughout the period. Having two stressful faction roles has made playing on the server much less enjoyable for me, so I've shied away from playing both my characters, EMS and Teacher. I feel as though the Government faction would be a breath of fresh air from this constant chaos. Let me be clear, I adored my time on school grounds as a teacher and caretaker respectively, but I’m in dire need of a change beyond the four walls of Karakura’s center of academia.
What do I mean when I say that roleplay is a motivator for me applying? I mean that I wish to roleplay with more experienced players that populate the cityRP side of the server. As an EMS I’ve interacted with a few in the government faction and to say I'm smitten with their style of roleplay is an understatement. I’ve been craving a more fulfilling roleplay experience for a long time, and I feel confident to say that the government faction is my path to that fulfillment. I hope to make meaningful connections with the other members of the faction along with providing an enjoyable roleplay experience for them in return. I feel as though I've, ironically enough, outgrown my time in the school side of SchoolRP. Roleplaying as an adult outside the confines of the school has always been a delight for me and already having on account trapped there is more than enough. It's a simple motivation, truly, but it's true.
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I understand the Constitutional rights and laws of Karakura. Most of it seems self-explanatory, but I have reread it in preparation of this position.
Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Personally, my goals are to make more connections with the player base in a more unique way then I already have, explore more of the server, and the different factions there are to offer. As a hands-on learner I find the best way to achieve that is by simply joining. I'm always hungry to learn more and delve deep into the server within all the factions I can. Of course, my goals aren’t that simple. Lore and story wise my character and the family he’s from, the Higglebottoms, have a tale I wish to unfold, but I simply don’t believe it can be achieved in the way I intend it to in the position he currently holds as a teacher.
For Ezra, not only does he wish to put his degree to good use, bringing at least a bit more stability and safety in the crime infested town he’s found himself in, but also hopes to find himself worthy of the Higglebottom name. After the fall of HBBI, the surviving Higglebottom children, Graig and Ezra were left in the dust to rebuild their family’s crumbling legacy. With Graig already as a successful doctor it left Ezra to his own devices, looking into the world of Law to assist in reclaiming the Higglebottom’s name from the debris. Simply put, he wishes to bring safety to the town, becoming that of a pillar of safety for its inhabitants. With his position he can keep a watchful eye on Karakura’s laws ensuring it's up to standard for its citizens, offering new laws to ease the growing crime, and be a face the people can trust. Ezra hopes to urge citizens to a more lawful way of seeking out compensation for the wrongdoings done to them, via the legal system, rather than enacting plans of revenge on their own. The legal route allows for the perpetrator to get their just deserts and the victim is compensated in a much more fulfilling way than fueling the cycle of violence. But of course, crime isn't Karakura’s only issue; Ezra also hopes to encourage and expand the arts and cultures throughout the town. In such a multicultural, diverse city, such as Karakura, deserves more art than the spray paint covered cracked walls of alleyways. A community such as this deserves the best and Ezra ensures to commit his time to overall increasing the quality of life all the while rebuilding the Higglebottom’s lost legacy, thus earning the right to bare it proudly.
In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Currently, I am applying as a governor of Karakura, Japan. This position holds a plethora of responsibilities as they hold an important role within the government and community itself. Ranging from simply distributing IDs to the people of this city, to officiating marriages to allow people to love under the eyes of the law, all the way to verifying the businesses of Karakura. As the work behind the trials, Governors are expected to, announce, attend, and document the trials held within the Town Hall’s walls. Governors, the face and voice of the people are expected to give speeches. Whether to soothe the minds of the people during a time of crisis or to simply to bring attention to important matters within the city, a Governor must speak with pride and authority.
Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I understand and accept this fact.
Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand the dedication this role takes, and I'm prepared to give my all if accepted.
Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I won’t display any sort of OOC bias to anyone and I accept any punishment given if I do. Of course, a situation like this would never occur.
Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have thoroughly read through the previous rules and expectations along with the rules and expectations listed within the formatting guidelines. I agree and accept all of them.
Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
As stated in the “Describe my activity” portion of the application, every Sunday I have off due to religious reasons. Any meetings or events held on that day I may not be able to attend. Other than that I am prepared to attend any meetings, ICLY or OOCLY.

Full name:
“My full name is Ezra Featherstonehaugh-Higglebottom, a mouthful I know. You may simply refer to me as Ezra Higglebottom.”
Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
“Refer to me as Mr. Higglebottom or Governor Higglebottom. I’m not picky.”
Current age:
“Thirty-five years old.”
Date of birth:
“The third of August, 1988 is my date of birth.”
“I am a transgender man. Please refer to me with he/him pronouns.”
Academic Degree:
“I received my bachelor's in political science whilst attending Harvard for three years, but my time was unfortunately cut short due to some… Unseen circumstances. Nevertheless, I didn’t allow that to halt my academic endeavors. I continued my studies back in my country of origin, attending University of Edinburgh for two years, achieving my master's in public policy. Even with my current academic based achievements I plan on continuing my studies to achieve my PhD.”
“As I’ve stated, I majored in Political Science and Public Policy.”
“During my studies I took a minor Communication and Education for each of my respective degrees.”
Work experience:
“During my time in America I was able to find myself working under multiple law firms, mostly as a measly intern, my work ranged from fetching coffee to drafting legal documents. I performed all the petty grunt work no one wished to do. But, of course, a job such as that was only temporary with me landing a job as a political consultant among multiple firms after achieving my bachelor's degree. After I departed from America, returning to my home country, I was able to find a job with my…father’s company, a medical industry specializing in creating medicine. Call it nepotism if you will, I've heard it all before, but there I put my political science degree to use dealing with public relations regarding the business as it was in dire need of it. Of course, that didn’t last long with… Certain events leading to me resigning, that company a tumbling tower ready to crumble and I wasn’t going to be their scapegoat. Soon after I found myself in this strange town working as a substitute teacher. My time as a teacher allowed me to see the way my students become the victims of Karakura’s crime issue and with my brother's whining complaints about the state of the criminal world dominating its citizens, patients with missing limbs every single day, I knew I could once again put my degree to good use."
Political background:
"I can say with confidence that my skills and expertise with law and politics are more than enough for this position."
Working under multiple law firms alongside others skilled in the field of law as an intern Ezra has gained a hands-on insight into the way the law works; the ins and outs of the law are no stranger to the man. Not only that, but his job as a political consultant followed by becoming the lead public relations manager for HB Biomedical Industries just before its downfall has given him the much-needed experience when working in a company constantly in and out of courts with the public's watchful eye not too far. This environment was incredibly stressful as he was the one person everyone looked to when things went wrong, but with a leveled head and collected mind Ezra was able to hold his own before leaving to pursue more favorable endeavors.
Nationality & born location:
“I was born and raised in a little town, not too dissimilar to this one, named Coldstream, Scotland. Proudly, I can proclaim myself as a Scottish man.”
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
“Currently, I am fluent in Gaelic, Japanese, Russian, and JSL.”
Criminal record:
Nothing but a clean file.
What makes you a good candidate for this job?
[!] The faint clack of heels harmonized with the thud of a cane, announcing one man’s arrival as he took center stage upon the podium. Pride filled his heart, not a feeling too uncommon for him, as he looked out to the watchful eyes staring and studying his every move. This would be Ezra’s first, and possibly only, chance to give a proper speech to the people. No mistakes.
“I believe that I am not only a good candidate, but an exceptional one. I am thoroughly intent on truly making sure a change is brought to this city, connecting with the people of this town, and rightfully serving the community rather than allowing myself to sit on the sidelines and let things stay like this or, God forbid, get worse. The position of a government official in Karakura isn’t one I will take lightly if seen fit enough to hold such a position. Karakura will bring life to a new era with an iron grip to control and contest the rise of crime along with a colorful, rich culture that thrives on art. Our mayor has done a wonderful job slowing this issue, but I will stop it from its source.”
[!] The pillar of a man paused, only for a moment, using this as not only a chance to catch his breath, but to gauge the audience’s reaction. His eyes examined them just as they did to him. The man continued on.
“My previous position as a substitute teacher blessed me a unique perspective on Karakura's youth, a large population of the city's inhabitants, allowing me a front row seat to the issues they are unfortunately facing and this position would grant me the pleasure of giving a voice to the ones who can’t voice their issues themselves. From all the aggressive fights I've broken up, to the sight of broken bones and countless students with missing limbs it's clear there is an issue that needs to be addressed. And I refuse to allow my degree to collect dust when I know there is something I can better put my skills and dedicated mind to. This city needs help, it needs a Higglebottom to put it back on top. Allow me, Ezra Featherstonehaugh-Higglebottom, to be your governor, Karakura."
Additional Notes: Of course, if accepted, I will be quitting the faculty faction in favor of this one.
All photo credits to M3ll0CH3RRY.
All photo credits to M3ll0CH3RRY.
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