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Accepted Governor | oZinth's Application


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

In-game Name:

Previous bans (include appeal links):


Discord Tag:


Do you have a working microphone?:

I do indeed!

Timezone & Country:

BST/GMT (South Wales, UK)

Links to any current & past applications:

First JSL application - [DENIED]
First Language Application - [ACCEPTED]
Second Language Application -[ACCEPTED]
Third Language Authorization - [ACCEPTED]
Third Language Application - [ACCEPTED]
First Language Application (Repeat) - [ACCEPTED]
Second Language Application (Repeat) - [ACCEPTED]
Third Language Authorization (Repeat) - [ACCEPTED]
Third Language (Repeat) - [ACCEPTED]
Lawyer Application - [DENIED]
Gaelic Application -[ACCEPTED]
Surgeon Application- [ACCEPTED]
Event Team Application - [DENIED]

Describe your activity on the server:

I believe that I am incredibly active on the server, playing a good 6-7 hours a day pretty much every day of the week, I have been playing SRP for around 6 months now, and I believe I have progressed incredibly in that time. As a member of the only verified gang, as well as an attending Surgeon in the EMS Faction, being active enough to win EMS of the month. So my activity will not be in question, regularly logging on for several hours each and every day.


What position are you applying for?:

The position I am applying for is Governor

What is your motivation for applying?:

I've got a long list of reasons why I'd love to apply for the government faction, specifically the role of Governor, Mainly is because I want to see change in Karakura, albeit not overnight change, and nothing immediate, but progression towards being able to do the right thing for the town. The Government faction is one I've always wanted to be a part of, having spent a large amount of my time, going through "GangRP", and also dealing with the Emergency Faction, I feel the time has come specifically for me to branch off into the Government faction offering my activity and dedication through willpower, being able to support and help other members of the community in any way I can, My activity wouldn't be at question, always striving to be as active as possible, Especially noticing the lack of EU members of the faction, I felt as if now would be the perfect time for me to apply being based in the UK myself.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

I have a fairly large knowledge of Karakura's Laws and constitutional rights, having read over the document several times, and having dealt specifically with them ICly, across my several accounts, even opening my own legal case ICly, against another character, knowing what specifically to charge them for, and the correct way to do so. In addition, my knowledge of the correct punishments for breaking said laws, and the rights of the citizens protecting them from anyone who has ill wishes.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

I have many goals if I was successful to acquire the position of Governor, in both representing the Government Faction as a warm and friendly group, who are well respectful and enjoy helping others to the player base. I'd also love for my character to be well represented as a beacon of Karakura's population, reaching out to those who may not normally even think of getting involved with the Town Faction, and attempting to engage with them on a personal level, allowing my character to fully understand what the citizens want, and whether or not this lines up with what they need.

I'd also love to be able to have collaborations with the other factions in Karakura, potentially having interactions with the school faction having governors, judges, etc. have visitation days educating the children on what they do for work, how they can help us make the town a better place for everyone to enjoy, giving them a chance to give out ideas, and have a greater sense of involvement, knowing that their opinions are being listened to, and taken on board.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

Whilst on SRP, the role of a Governor is quite simple. They are required to be active within the public, helping citizens with issuing IDs among other things. Governors are also the spokespeople and documenters of the trial. They announce the trial and swear everyone in so that the trial can be as truthful and fair as possible. Occasionally, governors will also take part in the jury if there is a shortage of judges. There is typically one governor that documents everything that is going on in the court case, logging everything everyone says word for word. The role of the Governor in Japanese politics is being the highest ranking executives of a prefecture, which is a district in which the Governor oversees. Typically they’re elected into four year terms.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I fully acknowledge this, and completely understand that I could be removed at any time.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

I will offer my full dedication to this role, regularly playing the character, even more-so than I do currently, looking to learn and take in as much information as possible, to become an effective and strong member of the Government Faction

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

I completely and wholly understand this, and will hold steady in the knowledge that no bias will be brought regarding anyone in any situation, as everything done IC, is IC and has no correlation to any sort of OOC circumstances.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

I have fully read over the Government factions' rules, the constitution of Karakura, as well as as much information I've been able to find regarding punishable crimes, and I completely agree to follow these rules to down to the letter.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I will be able to attend practically any/all meetings & events, having a fairly open schedule, so I am able to flex my OOCly activities around events and occasions happening on the server, or in the faction.


Full name:

Kiyoko Midori Akai

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:


Date of birth:




Academic Degree:

BSc in Criminology & Sociology


Political Science


Public Health

Work experience:

"I've had a fair few jobs in my time- When I was young (13-17) I always worked for my father, although unofficially employed, I was a member of the family, and we helped with the business, working amongst the regular employees not in any position of authority, but it allowed me to see a real perspective from both positions, being the daughter of the owner, allowing me to see everything that went on from an administrative point of view, and both participating in the normal work, assisting the tailoring business."

"The second job i had was during my time in Karakura, (18-20) working for a gentleman known as Zheng Tsu, assisting him in managing his home, offering to create clothes, and items of attire for him to wear and sell onto others, with me getting a portion of profits, effectively making myself the leader of my own small business I did well for myself, although this was unfortunately cut short when I had to leave to pursue my studies in China."

"The third job I had was working in a restaurant as their accountant of all things (21-24), working with the owner to associate the takings, and the profit and organising where the appropriate allotments of money were allocated, ensuring the owner had a comfortable salary, whilst also maintaining fair wages for all members of staff, working with the owner if i ever felt anything was unnecessarily spent, or could be better allocated in other areas to improve the experience of others."

Political background:

"Growing up in a small town meant that I was often left to my own devices.. Having to figure things out for my own, which took me to reading, I've always had a great passion for books, reading through the majority of my free-time.. Which got me a lot into Psychology, and how people work, what they think, what they do, this almost directly lead me into politics, I've always been more of a conservative myself, leaning towards keeping what we have, as I had came from a small village, we didn't exactly have a massive amount to go around. Therefore working to do as much as I could with the local council in the town, working together to get better meals for school students, and improvements in our town, adding a small regular organised market on Fridays. Making it easier for the local businesses in town by organising deals with the government to certain outsourced suppliers, doing my best to put Takayama on the map."

"As I got older, I moved over to Japan, to follow my dreams and get myself a good and proper education, having stayed in Karakura for around two years, from 18 through 20, then after realising I'd be able to get a better education for myself in China, I had decided to up and go- having a couple of other exploratory reasons too, I wanted to find myself, and embrace their culture, adapting it into my own beliefs, which is where I studied at University, and made many friends, joining two different debate clubs, working on my political studies in the meantime, as I was majoring in political science, this helped a significant amount with my studies."

Nationality & born location:

"Japanese, Originally born in a small town named Takayama in central Japan."

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

"Japanese, Gaelic & Chinese"

Criminal record:


What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"I believe that I stand out from the others based on my qualifications which I have specifically chosen for a public role, such as this, dedicating my life to helping people and making sure that their rights are upheld whether it be in the workplace or in public, based on how much I've put into the town of Karakura, doing my best to help people whenever I can, whilst maintaining a professional standpoint, ensuring to always be dressed appropriately and to be respectful to others. In addition I believe that I am a great candidate for this job from my unfaltering purpose and drive, knowing solidly in my own mind, that if I set myself a goal, I will achieve it, and in the position of Governor for Karakura, I know with 100% certainty, that I will do right by this town, and make sure, and support that the appropriate laws are passed, and the current rights and laws are being upheld to their fullest extent."


Level 192
Thank you for taking the time to fill up this application ,after reading through it I've decided to accept this:
  • Good application, with all the necessary information listed
  • Message me on Discord or start a conversation on the forums in order to get things set up

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