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Denied Governor | RewindRP SchoolRP Application


Level 1

In-game Name: RewindRP

Discord Tag: lilripx47

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, but its very grainy and low quality

Timezone & Country: Eastern Time zone, United States

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): On old account can not find

Describe your activity on the server: I would describe my activity on the server as mostly online. Weekends is the time im the most active on SRP. Weekdays are always a mystery for me due to my homework and cleaning, but I am usually online during the week for about 2-4 hours, for the weekends its maybe 2-8 hours.


What position are you applying for?:

What is your motivation for applying?: My motivation for applying for governor is that I have been on SchoolRP for about 2-3 years. I have been having the urge to join/apply for the Karakura Government Faction for about a year and a half, the reason for this is because I want to become part of the government community and when a governor is needed at the front desk, I could get there quickly.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?: Yes.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
  • Help Karakura become a better place​
  • Help more businesses become known​
  • Help people get I.Ds so they can verify their age at bars and authenticate their identity​
  • Become a person who is looked up when thinking about joining the faction​

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government: The work of a governor involves the handing out of I.Ds to residents, watching, documenting, announcing, and documenting trials, giving public speeches and setting up verified businesses. This is all important because it contributes to the cities life and creates more opportunities for income and economic growth.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?: Yes.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?: Yes.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?: Yes.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?: Yes.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?: Most weeks are a yes.


Full name:
My name is Haneul Senova

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.): If being formal is required it will be Mr Senova, but if it is not required Han, or Haneul will be perfectly fine.

Current age: 25

Date of birth: 1-21-1998

Gender: Male

Academic Degree: Bachelor's Degree

Major(s): Language Arts, Art, and Business

Minor(s): Math, Science, and History,

Work experience: Worked at a shop in Korea as a manager.

Political background:
I'm new to this field, but I've been watching trials and talking to people in similar roles to learn more about what they do. I'm really passionate about this role and I'm fully committed to doing my best. As I learn and join the faction, I will pick up more of the political knowledge.

Nationality & born location: Korean, Born in Busan, South Korea

Fluent languages (Underline your native): Korean, Chinese

Criminal record: No criminal record, and I plan on keeping it that way until I pass away.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?: I work very fast and take my job seriously. I also plan on being at the front dsk most of the day waiting for someone to come in and ask for help.​


Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more, we appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any point in the future.​

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