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Denied Governor | TArrozT Application

Sir Hakeoz

Level 8

In-game Name:


Previous bans (include appeal links):
Yes, all a misunderstandings

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yus, I have a microphone

Timezone & Country:
GMT-6 | Mexico

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
Well, I started playing SRP since the beginning of last year and at that time I was on the school staff, and later I left SRP due to school and time problems and returned in January of this year, I'm talking about what I left in October of last year and returned in January of this year, more or less every day I play about 4 hours a day if not more, and the truth is I have good experience in roleplay, also when my character was in college i make all college roles since College Bachelor and I complete it into College Master because then I apply to school staff as librarian and well I never finish college into College PHD


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
There are several reasons why I want to be governor, well the first would be that I would like to work as something different since most of my jobs have been in school and I would like to have new experiences, another reason would be that I would like to learn more about the town , another reason would be to be able to make Karakura a better city than it is and make it progress by giving suggestions and comments and taking them into account (obviously good suggestions), another reason would be that I would like to help the people of Karakura to solve their problems, those are my main reasons for being a governor, there are more reasons that are not main but I would like to mention, because one of these small reasons is that I would like to learn about a different PR that would be the one from TOWN HALL since the only time I have entered there is to see trials, and get my ID, and other little things, well those would be my reasons and motives for being governor

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I understand

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Is there a goal for you or your character with this role?: Yes, there are. one of them would be, as I said before, to change the city for the better and that it is not riddled with corruption, but with an honest and legal government, also, as I mentioned before, it would be to make it easier for the citizens of Karakura to live, for example, help them with whatever you can related to my work, or also something general about the city, also a goal that my character has is to be recognized for being an honest and not corrupt person and that he is a person that you can approach calmly without fear of anything

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Governor, a governor is an administrative leader and head of a polity or political region, ranking under the head of state and in some cases, such as governors-general, as the head of state's official representative, also a governor refers to a member of confederation of governors of a private sector entity who is a shareholder themselves and elected by all of the other shareholders of that private sector entity to be a member of confederation of governors at a private sector entity

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes. I acknowledge it

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I'm aware

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I’ve read the Government Faction rules and i understand it

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I’m able


Full name:

Damien Samael Ketsueki Zalazar

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr. Zalazar

Current age:

Date of birth:


Academic Degree:

Political Science

Nuclear Physics

Work experience:
Well, I had many jobs throughout my life, the first job I was in was with my family when I was 10 years old, it was in the German countryside sowing and harvesting, then when I arrived in Karakura when I was 15 years old I worked in a grocery store souvenirs and I stayed there for three months in which I received honest pay, unfortunately the place closed, then I stopped working until I reached the age of 18, my third job was in a cafe where what they did was serve coffee and food, I remember that a small but nice and friendly place, in that job I lasted 2 months, equal honest pay, then I went to work at a restaurant La Casa Nostra, an Italian very famous restaurant that is at shopping district, a big place but likewise, a very good place there, I lasted 7 months working, in this job you worked harder but even for your hard work you were rewarded honestly, then I worked in several souvenir shops, in one of them it was flowers, it lasted 3 months, another was pure jewelry , No I am going to doubt that this last one was a very beautiful place, also in an electronics store and finally in a toy store, accessories and all that, later I was an event photographer but as I saw that people did not want photos I decided to do it just one hobby and well only people nearby ask me and pay me for photos, after I graduated from high school, and all the time I was in college I worked as a partner with a friend who owned a tower and earned a lot of money for my knowledge of business , then I graduated from university and had to go to the army, there I also graduated as a brigadier sergeant in the British army and also as a member of a special force, unfortunately I can not say the name, after all that I returned to Karakura and how I didn't have almost anyone, so I decided to become a teacher, a neurosurgery teacher, since at the university I studied mainly medicine and law, well that's how I spent 4 months as a teacher and finally I'm here applying for governor

Political background:
My past with politics has been average to be honest, I never got interested in politics until I entered a class at the university and I entered a class about it, I began to like it and I began to investigate the subject, for example the functions of each role of the Town Hall such as the Mayor, Deputy-Mayor, governors, judges and lawyers, and I also began to investigate how the world government worked, then I focused on the Karakura government and so on until I reached mastery and graduated with honors in medicine and political science so I could already practice one of both, but as it was the case I had to go to the army, but to be true when I was in the army and finished my basic training I decided to stay and move up in rank until I was a brigadier general and when I reached that rank I had to strictly relate to the British government, so I have experience with general politics, now that I arrived in Karakura I have had several brushes with the government of this city, as my first I played with them it was my ID and then I went to ask several things about government and finally when I went to see Jamal's recent trial, for now that is my past with politics, I hope to be accepted to have more experiences in politics

Nationality & born location:
German and I was born in Berlin

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
Personally, I think that I am a good candidate since I can be of great use so that the Karakura government can perform better and perhaps in the future be a more controlled city that is not governed by some corruption, I also think that it would be a good candidate since I have a lot of experience with the government and I graduated from the same political science.

I have a phrase that I have always applied in my life "If you are going to do something, do it well, don't leave it halfway, if you are going to leave it halfway, better don't do it" this phrase has been with me since my biological father left and I tell myself before leaving, this phrase marked and will continue to mark my life since this phrase is very right, why do something if we are not going to finish it, it is better to mentalize ourselves and know that we will finish the job or that we will be good at something start to finish, so I think I will be a good candidate since I am very intelligent and I will work hard from the moment I fall asleep until I fall asleep the next day, I will never leave anything pending, and I will always be the best, because why be something if not you will be the best​


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I've decided to DENY this application

Your application was great, unfortunately we decided that others stood out a little more to us. We greatly encourage you to re-apply when more spots become available!

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