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Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
GraceRp (Alt to Wallflicker- Grade 12, and SuperSparkles11-Professor)

Previous bans: none

Describe your activity on the server?: I am online usually 6 days a week, for atleast two hours.

Which timezone are you in?: EST

Do you have discord? If so what is your tag?: Darlin#2832

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

List your current and past applications: Business Professor Application: ACCEPTED, EMS Application: DENIED

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?: With being on SRP for over a year now I have had several instances where
I needed to detail RP, especially with becoming a professor. I have had to detailrp classes, pain, lectures, detention, gangrp, and etc.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our current team?: My motivation to apply for EMS
is because I have noticed how much I have been online and there's no EMS online, or there isn't enough of them to help out. I can benefit the
team by being online a lot, and through my experiences.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Psychiatrist): Surgeon

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for: I have taken Pre-Med and Medical terminology. I can
detail rp what operations need to be done, and how.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:
The Hospital Director is the head of the hospital and is responsible for the recruitment, selection, and hiring
of the hospital staff. They also coordinate and work with the department heads regarding the salary,
benefits, incentives, and leaves for each employee under their guidance. The hospital director
should also be aware of what's going on between his/her staff, keeping them motivated and in line.

The Clinical Manager maintains responsibility for all administrative aspects of a clinical facility.
They should be expected to manage facility operations, training existing employees, and
communicating with clinic employees.

The Clinical Leads such as Surgeon, Doctor, and Psychiatrist are expected to coordinate and oversee activities of the clinic and clinical
team members to ensure compassionate, effective and efficient delivery of high quality clinical care for patients.

The Head Departments such as Surgeon, Doctor, and Psychiatrist to train and work as their separate leads. Such
the Surgeon Department carrying out effective and correct surgeries that resolve the issue with the patient.
The doctor department carries out the swift and efficient care of patients as they come in the door.
The Psychiatrist department is focused on the mental well being of their patients, getting them
to cope with their misfortunes.

The Attendings for the Surgeon, Doctor, and Psychiatrist oversee their employees, guiding them through
their residencies. They are to keep up moral and carry out their jobs.

The Surgeons are responsible for performing surgeries on patients with injuries or illnesses. Their duties include reviewing patient x-rays and
communicating with the patient about the procedure, preparing for surgery and completing surgeries with the assistance of other Surgeons,
Nurses and surgical professionals and speaking with patients after the surgery to discuss its success and the recovery process.

The Doctors responsibilities are to assess symptoms, diagnose conditions, prescribe and administer treatment.
Provide follow-up care of patients, refer them to other providers, and interpret their laboratory results, collaborate with physician assistants,
nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and other health professionals, and prescribe medication.

The Psychiatrists responsibilities are to refer a patient for psychological testing to determine a diagnosis and its severity, recommending
and designing a treatment plan. Talking to the patients’ about their problems to try to resolve them, exploring the patients’ past experiences to learn
how they affect their current state of mind and behavior, helping patients change their thought processes and behavior.
Prescribing medication that can alter chemical imbalances affecting the patient’s state of mind and behavior

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role? Yes

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished? Yes

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations? Yes

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Dahlia Kaizen is a 5'3 females weighing around 136 lbs., with soft wavy medium-length black hair which is
almost always flowing down her shoulders that pair with her hour glass figure. Her bright sage green eyes
would show the determination, and passion, that loves to pair with the uneven dimples of her cheeks.
At first glance Dahlia would seem very energetic, even optimistic at times. She always seems to be wearing
some form of purple, when asked why it’s always met with ”For my mom.” And that be it.
Freckles dabbled all over her skin, meshing with a few beauty marks on her arms, along with
sprinkles of sunspots all over her arms. A scar runs over the left knee, looks from an old sports injury.
Dahlia's most notable feature would be the Dexcom in her arm, due to suffering from hypoglycemia;
and the tattoo of cornflowers up her forearm. She usually smells of Dior perfume, and citrus.

What are they like on and off the job? On the job Dahlia is efficient and focused. She is
swift and quick to action when under pressure or in critical situations. Dahlia believes every
patient has a chance at life and deserves the best she can provide. Due to being a patient before,
patient care is extremely important to her, making sure she can do everything she can to help them
during their time of need. Off the job Dahlia is very energetic and fun loving. She loves finding
out about new cultures and people, exploring new bounds within them.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future? In Dahlia's eyes respect is a two way street.
as long as her co workers treat her with respect and the patients with respect, she is
content within the workplace. She views each co worker as a friend she just hasn’t met yet
and if they decide they don’t want that? Fine by her! Dahlia knows she does not know everything within
her field, so she seeks opportunities to learn from her colleagues. In the future she would like
to become an attending for Karakura Hospital, and helping the people that suffered like
her mother.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to? Dahlia was
diagnosed with hypoglycemia around 18 years of age.

Dahlia was born on June 1st, 1993 in Berlin Germany.
Her parents, Mihun Kaizen and Oakli Kaizen we’re elated to welcome
their healthy daughter into their family of now five. Dahlia
had two older brothers, Sloane and Myran Kaizen.
Growing up in Berlin Dahlia was always hanging out with
her brothers, causing her to develop communication skills
quickly, since she always wanted to be around them and their friends.
Throughout her academics in school Dahlia focused on getting
good grades and working hard, although at the time she had no idea what she
wanted to do. Dahlia was around 15 when her mom began
to act strange, started forgetting simple tasks or memories,
starting to get irritated over small things. Shortly after these
symptoms arose Oakli was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s at
age 44. Desperate to help her mother Dahlia spiraled into
finding a way to help her mother, from ways to take care of
her mother herself, to praying on her knees every night. Dahlia’s
mother would be hospitalized despite the family’s efforts to delay this,
so everyday after school she would stay with her mother at the hospital
until visiting hours were over, sometimes even later. Within the next two years
Dahlia would spend more and more time at the hospital becoming fascinated
with the doctors work force. Realizing this is finally what she wanted to do
Dahlia finished her senior year of high school, graduating at 17. She
then went to University of Berlin, burying her face in the books,
trying to distract herself from her own medical issues. At 18 she would
have consistent fainting spells, which lead to even more hospital
visits. Visiting these hospitals and doctors made it very clear to her that
there was a need for better physicians within the field. Oakli Kaizen
passed away in 2020, sending Dahlias family into mourning.
When Dalia heard about Karaka’s medical program and studies
centered around Alzheimer’s she knew what she had to do. So
shortly after finishing her fourth year of residency at Berlin Memorial
and packed her bags, saying goodbye to her family moving to

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:
Dahlia Bonny Kaizen

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss): Miss. Kaizen

Characters Given Name(s): Dahlia Kaizen, Bonny

Characters Preferred Name: Miss. Kaizen, Dahlia

Characters Age: 29

Characters Gender: Female

Characters Religious Domination: Eastern Orthodox

Characters Marital Status: Single

Characters Nationality: German/Japanese

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:

Working Experience(s): Berlin Memorial Hospital

Academic Degree: Bachelor & Medical

Year of Graduation: 2014, 2018


Minor(s): Human Health Services

Native Languages: German

Other Languages: Japanese


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game-Name):

Time spent on SchoolRP:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

Which timezone are you in?

In-Character (IC) Section

Characters Full Name:

Characters Age:

Characters Current Medical Knowledge:

Characters IC Phone Number:

Is your character over 2 months old OOCly? (Required):

Is your character affiliated with any gangs or illegal activity?:

Does your character carry a criminal record, if so, what?:

Do you understand the general information regarding interns? (Listed under the #Internship channel in the Karakura Emergency discord):


Level 312
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead


Thank you for taking the time to apply, however I've decided to deny this application. Feel free to try again at any point.​

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