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GrassBlock356's Librarian Application


Level 3
OOC Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am fairly active! I typically lean towards getting on around 6-7PM EST daily, and spend a few hours at a time playing a variety of characters. However, I can get on earlier if need be. If I am chosen for the role of librarian, quota will not be a problem for me to reach. My weekends are typically available as well.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge that inactivity can lead to demotion and removal from the faction.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
A librarians role in the school is to serve as the overseer for the library. Maintaining a safe and comfortable environment for those who seek refuge within the gutter of a good book. Handing out library cards, keeping the library tidy, and making sure students are behaving are merely some of the responsibilities a librarian carries out. They are also expected to be available and ready to assist at any given moment. Giving recommendations and educating students are some of the other responsibilities a librarian carries out.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have a few years of roleplay experience under my belt. Majority of which is out of SRP, spanning from roleplay forums to D&D like settings. Over the course of my time roleplaying, I have luckily been able to learn and grow to be a better writer. Although I will not claim to be the most literate, and believe I can surely improve - I am an avid fan of DetailRP, and roleplay overall. Hoping to continue improving and seeing this as a chance to grow as well. Although I have surely grown rusty as of late due to a recent break away from SRP - I will do my best in this faction.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
For some time now, I have desired to do something more in SRP. Whilst I do enjoy the current roleplay I get to experience, joining the School faction would present even more roleplay opportunities. Not only that, but It would allow me to play a new role that I am not accustomed to. Allowing me to broaden my skills and participate in the faculty side of roleplay. The School faction itself has always been something that interested me personally above the other factions, as I believe it would cater more towards my style of roleplay.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Swedish: [ACCEPTED]
2nd Swedish: [ACCEPTED]
German: [ACCEPTED]
Spanish: [ACCEPTED]
Korean: [ACCEPTED]
Height Authorization: [ACCEPTED]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade 12 and College Bachelors.


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Amaryllis hardly pays the insults any mind, too tired to actively care for it. Besides, verbal insults are the bread and butter to a member of the faculty. If any, Amaryllis could count on six hands how many times this exact situation has occurred from the source of an unruly student. He would approach the situation calmly, starting the student off with a warning for their behavior. Before, sternly instructing them to be more wary of how they speak to members of the faculty, and others around them. If the behavior were to persist, he would give the student detention.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Amaryllis would approach the two and immediately snap into action. Putting focus into separating the two before any more punches could be thrown. He would hardly have to hear the instigation that sparked such a scene before handing them both detention slips. Amaryllis would give them a stern lecture to reflect on their actions, and, if the situation calls for medical aid; Amaryllis would direct them to the nearest employee to whisk them to the Nurse’s office. Such instigations leaving the librarian, typically with a headache.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Some may take initiative and make an attempt to stop such behavior - yet that is simply not Amaryllis. Taking an “Not my circus, not my monkeys” approach to the ordeal. At most, he would give a clear, verbal disdain towards his co-workers actions, before going about his day. Trusting that they would see the idiocy behind their actions “with the logic they have left” in his words. However, if such behavior were to persist and actively affect work performance, he would immediately contact a superior to report them.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Amaryllis tends to stick to himself. Perhaps ironically given his choice of profession, with his head nestled into the gutter of a book. Cup of coffee in hand, as he would attempt to enjoy the few moments of peace he could be satiated with. Some may find him unapproachable, with the ever-present frustrated and irritable expression he adorns; Although really, he’d prefer it that way. Given the state of exhaustion he constantly finds himself in with caffeine being the main thing fueling his blood stream; he’d certainly prefer to be left to his own devices.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me (Amaryllis Kida) The tall, and lanky figure would be sat behind the confines of the library desk. Per usual. His glasses reflecting the dim light of the screen as the quiet clicking of a mouse could be heard. How many times has he checked the library’s database? Perhaps a dozen or so by now. Dark circles around the man’s sunken eyes. Yet that was simply his role as librarian. A role that Amaryllis took seriously, perhaps so that he did not notice the approaching presence until a click later. “… Oh-? Have you come to check out a book?”

/me (Amaryllis Kida) would wander the library in lengthy strides. Placing, and re-placing, and placing again. Books that had been thrown awry by both curious, and unruly students alike. This was his typical routine when it came to tidying up the library. One that he would continue on until the library was once more, as pristine as he last left it.

/me (Amaryllis Kida) The man’s brow twitched as he approached the students who had been running amuck in the library. “You two—” He’d begin. A gruff, yet stern voice meeting the two. “This is a library, not a Zoo. If you are adamant on treating it like one, you two may leave.” He’d do a gesture towards the nearest exit to the library in question. Practically eyeing the students down, or does he simply always look that irritated? Either way, he’d make his way back to his desk. Placing himself down with a huff before getting back to work filing the most recent library cards into the system.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

"Amaryllis Kida."

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree: Major(s):
“Library Science.”

“Philosophy, and Literature.”


Known Languages:
“I of course know Japanese, along with Korean, and.. bits and pieces of Spanish.”

Snow fell the night Amaryllis Kida came into the world in the middle of December. A product of two very loving individuals, Hwa Mun-Hee,his Father, and Uno Kida, his Mother. He was smaller than most, and only weighing a handful of pounds or so. Yet Mun-Hee and Uno couldn't have loved him more, often spoiling him however they could during the course of his adolescence. Although, Amaryllis did not share a common interest others his age did. Rather, instead of toys, he would always be fond of books. Hardly ever touching the toys his parents had bought for him.

Due to this, Amaryllis would struggle socially compared to his peers, more apathetic than what was typical. Often having trouble making friends, if any at all. Instead, taking to his studies and stretching his love for reading into writing as well. By the age of 12, he'd had read just about 100 books, and more. With his mind taken up with dozens of stories and characters of his own design. Some could call this period of his life lonesome. With no friends to spend time with, yet Amaryllis would personally find this to be the peaceful period of his life. Up until the passing of his Father.

Mun-Hee would be killed in the line of battle during his mandatory military service. Breaking the family in half, and with no way to properly support Amaryllis, Uno would move back to Japan with him for aid from her family. This period would serve as a turning point for him, as no longer did his mind run rampant with far off dreams and multitudes of worlds. Instead, a blank slate. His focus turning away from books, to his Mother. Despite how young he was, he was adamant to take care of her. Eventually, as all things come to pass, did this pain as well as he aged. Hardening, and turning into a sense of responsibility to his Mother.

He'd do odd jobs here and there to support them, and would even get back into the habit of reading. At the age of 18 would be when he'd encounter what he believed, to be the love of his life. Aster Decastro, a girl who came from Latin America. Aster would share the same fondness that Amaryllis held for literature, even opting to be a librarian someday. This would introduce Amaryllis to the prospect of becoming a librarian as well, it being a shared dream between them to open their very own library.

Their love was much akin to a roller coaster, marrying young, and even coming to have a child. Everything was moving fast, and the sky seemed to be the limit - at least, that was what Amaryllis thought. Yet day by day, did he find himself feeling less and less for Aster. He didn't understand why, being 20 at the time. Things were going well, they had a healthy daughter. So why wasn't he happy? In fact, rather the opposite. Upon trying to communicate these feelings to Aster, would be where their relationship would spiral. Arguments, attempts to 'spark' their love again, and another child coming to be on the way.

Balancing his family life whilst also delving into his studies would bring a great deal of stress upon him. As at the time, he was studying to be a librarian. Holding onto a dream that felt fleeting by now, yet never did his love for literature leave him. By the age of 25, Amaryllis would manage to successfully become a librarian at KHS. Although Aster, now living out of town and taken majority custody over their kids, he still does his best to support his family, along with himself.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
“My motivation for joining KHS stems from, well my simple life long appreciation for literature. For the philosophies and thinking authors put into their works. Admittingly, I have always felt more at home in the space of a library, or in a book. So I truly feel as though being able to work in such an environment - will allow me to feel right at home. Another motivation stems from.. my family. I want to support my kids however I can, and doing something that I enjoy would assist in such.”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“I personally see myself as someone who is very reliable. I want to get the job done, and do it right. This is what I’ve studied for after all. And I simply find that some others lack the appreciation that I do when it comes to these subjects. Literature is an underrated art form, and being a curator for the works that authors push to put onto shelves and out into the world is a role that I would personally take in stride. I could go on really but won’t to waste time. At the end of the day, I hope to push my personal love towards literature to the students however I can, and educate them into the vast world it offers.”



Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?:
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