Level 110
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name):
Previous bans:
Edit: I have a ban for exceeding the warn limit. Yes, I was being dumb, it won't happen again.
Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that I am on every day, whether it being only for an hour or many hours.
Do you have Discord?
I do. greehn#5575
Do you have a microphone?
I do. Depending on who you ask, I'd say it's a pretty good one.
List your current and past applications:
Korean Application (Accepted.)
Delivery Man (Private PMs) (Accepted.)
Staff App (You know where to find it.) (Accepted.)
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation comes from a lot of my friends being on the police force and me being interested in this section of SchoolRP.
I have wanted to become a police officer for a while now, as I genuinely thought that doing the work that the officers do, were fun. Stuff like raids and police chases always interested me to the point where sometimes I did help out officers ICly find suspects. I am aware that some of these revolve more around the SAT more than the police force, but I still do think that these would be fun to participate in if I got the chance to. Of course, I will take any of these situations seriously as that is my job as an officer.
I have always been against GangRP, not voluntarily participating in it. For example, when the raid on the police station and various other places, I did not choose to participate. I only sat in front of my delivery company at the time guarding it, waiting for the event to go by. I have however participated in GangRP in the past. I feel I have a strong sense of justice and want to help make Karakura a place without open violence.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
If I'm being honest, I am not greatly knowledged on the Laws and Conduct. However, I do wish to learn these to a great extent if I do get accepted for the Cadet role.
What are the Police ranks?
Head Lieutenant
Vice-Head Lieutenant
Head Investigator
Investigator Trainee
As the question does not ask me to describe these, nor do I have the knowledge to describe them, I will refrain from it.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I don't have much experience in the field. However, I have participated in police work on FiveM (GTA5 RP) where I had to memorize different police callouts to communicate with the other officers. I have participated in different police chases while playing this. In these, I had to work with my officers (being Im6 and a few others at the time) to find a way to efficiently stop the criminals from escaping. I would say this is one example of police work I have done.
Another example would be an Arma 3 Military Simulator. This isn't police work, but it is related in a way. I have learned how to properly clear buildings, how to space myself out while clearing cities, and I have learned how to communicate efficiently, giving proper callouts like the bearing and meters of certain enemies. Of course, this isn't police work as I mentioned, but I feel that I could use this knowledge in my police work.
These examples might not be enough knowledge of Police Work, but I do wish to learn more while on the police force.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SchoolRP because they are the ones who keep everything in order in the town. They make sure that all of the citizens in Karakura are safe and abide by all of the laws put into place. They keep students at school to make sure they are getting the proper education they need to succeed in life. As well as take the criminals out of the street.
GangRP has been at an all-time high this past year on SchoolRP, and it is the Police force's job to make sure this behavior doesn't continue, to make sure that no citizen is hurt or in danger, no illegal businesses or activities take place within the town, and to make sure raids do not happen regularly. Stopping the GangRPers is probably the main focus right now for the Police force, and I wish to be apart of it.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do acknowledge this.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Akira Arika was born abnormally large, being 6'3 at the time of making this. He has very light blonde hair, almost being white and bright blue eyes accompanying his hair. He has a soft, monotone voice, having no emotion in it whatsoever. He doesn't own a phone out of choice, rather being able to talk in person with someone. He is rarely seen smiling but does look like he is enjoying life.
What he's like on the and off the job?
On the job, he is, of course, mature and makes sure to complete any task that has been given to him by the end of the day. He makes sure to show his professionalism anywhere possible. He makes sure he is respected by the people he works around and makes sure he is enjoyable to work with.
Off the job, he is laid back and relaxed, unless around with friends. When alone, he is seen as doing unusual things, such as sweeping the sidewalk and dancing to his music in public. He does enjoy to go out and eat every once in a while and appreciate the good food that is made in Karakura.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
He respects each of his co-workers for the job that they do and treats his superiors with the utmost respect. However, if he does have any problems with his co-workers or higher-ups, he won't hide it. He is brutally honest and makes sure to get straight to the point.
His plans for the future are to make it high in the police force, around the ranks of investigator or Lieutenant. Maybe hoping to get a spot on the SAT team. Outside of police work, he does plan to get married someday but often doubts having kids as they are too much of a hassle to take care of.
Akira was born on December 29, 1999, in Fukushima, Japan. He was born to loving and caring parents and grew up normally and happily. He had an interest in cars, watching shows about them and having small cars. His favourite show, even today is Initial D. Things took a change in the 5th grade for him. His house was unfortunately chosen to be raided by a group of criminals. Everyone was home at the time. The criminals came in and killed both of his parents, while he was kidnapped and brought into the world of Child Trafficking, where he was sold to a man who abused him in many ways for years. This eventually led him into a state of depression, but was still hopeful and chose to keep living. At the age of 13, while the man was out of the house, doing whatever, Akira managed to escape and run to the nearest police station where his house was invaded and he was arrested. This brought him a sense of justice which he would keep forever. This experience still scarred him, however. He rarely shows emotion because of it. He grew up the rest of his life, alone, not trusting anyone after. He decided to go to school again to attempt to regain all of the knowledge he had lost. He was successful in this and graduated with average marks. He has worked in many different types of jobs to earn money and survive. He eventually saved up enough to buy his very own car which he cherishes very much and takes very good care of.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Akira Arika
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Aki
Preferred Name: Akira, Aki.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: None.
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 2 years.
Working Experience: 2 years.
Academic Degree: Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice.
Year of Graduation: 2017
Major(s): Criminal Justice.
Minor(s): Forensics.
Native Languages: Japanese.
Other Languages: Korean.
Additional Notes:
I have been recommended to join the police force by Infold and Ehku.
IGN (In Game Name):
Previous bans:
Edit: I have a ban for exceeding the warn limit. Yes, I was being dumb, it won't happen again.
Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that I am on every day, whether it being only for an hour or many hours.
Do you have Discord?
I do. greehn#5575
Do you have a microphone?
I do. Depending on who you ask, I'd say it's a pretty good one.
List your current and past applications:
Korean Application (Accepted.)
Delivery Man (Private PMs) (Accepted.)
Staff App (You know where to find it.) (Accepted.)
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation comes from a lot of my friends being on the police force and me being interested in this section of SchoolRP.
I have wanted to become a police officer for a while now, as I genuinely thought that doing the work that the officers do, were fun. Stuff like raids and police chases always interested me to the point where sometimes I did help out officers ICly find suspects. I am aware that some of these revolve more around the SAT more than the police force, but I still do think that these would be fun to participate in if I got the chance to. Of course, I will take any of these situations seriously as that is my job as an officer.
I have always been against GangRP, not voluntarily participating in it. For example, when the raid on the police station and various other places, I did not choose to participate. I only sat in front of my delivery company at the time guarding it, waiting for the event to go by. I have however participated in GangRP in the past. I feel I have a strong sense of justice and want to help make Karakura a place without open violence.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
If I'm being honest, I am not greatly knowledged on the Laws and Conduct. However, I do wish to learn these to a great extent if I do get accepted for the Cadet role.
What are the Police ranks?
Head Lieutenant
Vice-Head Lieutenant
Head Investigator
Investigator Trainee
As the question does not ask me to describe these, nor do I have the knowledge to describe them, I will refrain from it.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I don't have much experience in the field. However, I have participated in police work on FiveM (GTA5 RP) where I had to memorize different police callouts to communicate with the other officers. I have participated in different police chases while playing this. In these, I had to work with my officers (being Im6 and a few others at the time) to find a way to efficiently stop the criminals from escaping. I would say this is one example of police work I have done.
Another example would be an Arma 3 Military Simulator. This isn't police work, but it is related in a way. I have learned how to properly clear buildings, how to space myself out while clearing cities, and I have learned how to communicate efficiently, giving proper callouts like the bearing and meters of certain enemies. Of course, this isn't police work as I mentioned, but I feel that I could use this knowledge in my police work.
These examples might not be enough knowledge of Police Work, but I do wish to learn more while on the police force.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SchoolRP because they are the ones who keep everything in order in the town. They make sure that all of the citizens in Karakura are safe and abide by all of the laws put into place. They keep students at school to make sure they are getting the proper education they need to succeed in life. As well as take the criminals out of the street.
GangRP has been at an all-time high this past year on SchoolRP, and it is the Police force's job to make sure this behavior doesn't continue, to make sure that no citizen is hurt or in danger, no illegal businesses or activities take place within the town, and to make sure raids do not happen regularly. Stopping the GangRPers is probably the main focus right now for the Police force, and I wish to be apart of it.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do acknowledge this.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Akira Arika was born abnormally large, being 6'3 at the time of making this. He has very light blonde hair, almost being white and bright blue eyes accompanying his hair. He has a soft, monotone voice, having no emotion in it whatsoever. He doesn't own a phone out of choice, rather being able to talk in person with someone. He is rarely seen smiling but does look like he is enjoying life.
What he's like on the and off the job?
On the job, he is, of course, mature and makes sure to complete any task that has been given to him by the end of the day. He makes sure to show his professionalism anywhere possible. He makes sure he is respected by the people he works around and makes sure he is enjoyable to work with.
Off the job, he is laid back and relaxed, unless around with friends. When alone, he is seen as doing unusual things, such as sweeping the sidewalk and dancing to his music in public. He does enjoy to go out and eat every once in a while and appreciate the good food that is made in Karakura.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
He respects each of his co-workers for the job that they do and treats his superiors with the utmost respect. However, if he does have any problems with his co-workers or higher-ups, he won't hide it. He is brutally honest and makes sure to get straight to the point.
His plans for the future are to make it high in the police force, around the ranks of investigator or Lieutenant. Maybe hoping to get a spot on the SAT team. Outside of police work, he does plan to get married someday but often doubts having kids as they are too much of a hassle to take care of.
Akira was born on December 29, 1999, in Fukushima, Japan. He was born to loving and caring parents and grew up normally and happily. He had an interest in cars, watching shows about them and having small cars. His favourite show, even today is Initial D. Things took a change in the 5th grade for him. His house was unfortunately chosen to be raided by a group of criminals. Everyone was home at the time. The criminals came in and killed both of his parents, while he was kidnapped and brought into the world of Child Trafficking, where he was sold to a man who abused him in many ways for years. This eventually led him into a state of depression, but was still hopeful and chose to keep living. At the age of 13, while the man was out of the house, doing whatever, Akira managed to escape and run to the nearest police station where his house was invaded and he was arrested. This brought him a sense of justice which he would keep forever. This experience still scarred him, however. He rarely shows emotion because of it. He grew up the rest of his life, alone, not trusting anyone after. He decided to go to school again to attempt to regain all of the knowledge he had lost. He was successful in this and graduated with average marks. He has worked in many different types of jobs to earn money and survive. He eventually saved up enough to buy his very own car which he cherishes very much and takes very good care of.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Akira Arika
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Aki
Preferred Name: Akira, Aki.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: None.
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 2 years.
Working Experience: 2 years.
Academic Degree: Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice.
Year of Graduation: 2017
Major(s): Criminal Justice.
Minor(s): Forensics.
Native Languages: Japanese.
Other Languages: Korean.
Additional Notes:
I have been recommended to join the police force by Infold and Ehku.
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