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Gregrp Shrine Application


Level 6


IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your Discord username?:


What is your timezone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I'm usually on for at least 1-2 hours per day, but sometimes far more.

List your current roles on the server:

[Dolphin] Flippers

[College] Kaito Holland

[Grade 12] Hong Hatake Bong

[Grade 12] Natasha Satoshi

Link any previous applications:

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?

Maiden, as It would be a better fit for my current character!

What is your motivation for applying?

Randomly accepted is a magician and guessed 2 :( it's also just a really cool faction to start off in. :)

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?

My current knowledge of Shintoism is fairly limited, but I've done some research on it in the past and hope to learn more as I progress in this role!


Character Full Name:

Ae-Ri Bong

Character Title:


Character Age:

Sleek and slim 79

Character Marital Status:

Ae-Ri was in a loving relationship with her previous husband, Steven Bong, before he tragically died, leaving her with four children, Hong Bong, Tong Bong, Yong Bong, and Jeremiah Bong (the last ones adopted)

Character Nationality:


Degree/Certifications (If applicable):

College Masters in Religious Studies.

College Bachelors in Social Science

College Undergraduate in Religious Education


Chapter 1

Starting, long long ago when Ae-Ri was just a little girl going camping with her father at the Jirisan National Park. Ae-Ri is going off to collect sticks in a secluded little area when an Asian black bear walks up out of a dense set of bushes. A shrill SHRIEK would be heard in the camp, her dad seconds away, sprinting to the clearing only to find. . . A bloody trail led opposite the clearing the camp had picked to set up at. Quickly following the path, her father was terrified for his daughter. He would rush, getting dizzy as he ran. He would finally reach the summit of his journey. . . The mouth of a cave, the blood trail leading inside. . . what would he do? Quickly, without much thought, he would continue forward. The axe in hand previously used for cutting wood may yet serve another purpose. . . The cave had little to no visibility except what was illuminated by the rays of the sun beating in through the mouth of the cave. . . throughout the cave, you could hear the thud. . . Thud. . . THUD of the young dad's heart as he got ever so closer to whatever may be inside this cave. Slowly but surely he got closer, as he heard the light pitter patter of his daughter's breath as it broke against the cold stone walls of the cave. . . With what little light shined in, he could see his daughter Ae-Ri's immense bleeding coming out of her right hand- or no. . . Lack there of hand and behind her an Asian black bear with blood across its maw. Quickly springing into action, the young father pulled his daughter back before readying the axe, placing himself between the animal and his sweet, precious daughter, one he would go to whatever lengths it would take to save. The bear, angry that its food had been taken would roar up on its back legs, ready to lunge at the young father, but alas, the man was quicker; quickly stepping into action, he dropped down into a stupor sprinting towards the bear he would slam the hatchet into the bear's neck, before rapidly retreating away. . . as the bear shuddered in pain and collapsed to the ground the male would quickly grasp his daughter scooping her up into his arms like a princess being carried he would run screaming back to the camp "HEEELP GRAB THE TOURNIQUET FROM THE MEDICAL BOX AND CALL EMS" quickly grabbing the tourniquet he would wrap it two inches above the stub cranking down the Spindale he would seal the wound off slowly stopping the blood flow for the time being at least, as a bit of time went on eventually flashing sirens and lights could be seen cresting the hill, to take Ae-Ri off to the hospital, were they would seal off the wound and stitch it up marking the end of her first major crisis in life.

Chapter 2

The camera would speed through the next set of years, landing on her first semester in college, a blossoming and cheery new student excited for all that would come. Going for her first degree, Ae-Ri would start her course for her Masters in Religious studies. Everything was seemingly normal on this one cold, windy day. However, things would take a . . . Shocking turn of events as the weather turned from bright and windy to dark and stormy; loud clashes of thunder and lightning could be heard and seen from around the classrooms where they were, an audible "BZZZT” would come from their phones as a tornado warning would pop up directing them to all gather in a place and bunker down, swiftly the teachers guided them all to the auditorium where all the other classes gathered. Ae-Ri would begin to pray to Susanoo-no-Mikoto, the Kami of Sea, storms, and fields, hoping to be spared in this violent and dangerous storm. More thunder could be heard as lightning struck the ground nearby, and howling winds slammed against the glass, rattling it against the steel frame of the building. Steven, someone Ae-Ri, wasn't exactly to look so handsome as he did while directing everyone to the middle to hunker together and away from the edges. While gazing at his glory an unfortunate series of events was about to unfold as the wind raged and slammed the glass shutters above one old rusty one would "SNAP" as glass shards came falling onto Ae-Ri, several larger shards slamming into her back, causing her to collapse, her knight her one and only Steven would come running over quickly pulling Ae-Ri away and to safety in the middle of the huddle, quickly pulling the large shards out he would wrap her in bandages tightly compressing the wounds just waiting for the storm to pass, as the time went on and the storm slowly pittered out emergency workers got there and yet again took Ae-Ri to the hospital for the second significant time. Later that same day, Steven showed up with flowers and ended up talking with Ae-Ri for a while. Slowly but slowly, through the years, the two slowly got closer and closer until finally, Steven eventually asked Ae out, which led to some funny little accidents running around their apartment after awhile twins, Hong and Tong. The little monsters invaded the house and even got some more siblings to play with the final biological Bong Yong, then a LONG while later they adopted little Jeremiah around age fifty-five.

Chapter 3

At the end of her degrees and after all of the kids had grown up, Ae-Ri lacked a passion for anything, a motivation to do very much, for this reason, she decided to slowly start getting back into the Shintoism one of the few religions she connected with and enjoyed during her studies, late one night as she was reading a book on Shintoism she heard a knock on her door, slowly she sat up, her glasses tilted down, as she walked over to the door from outside the glass around the frame she could see flashing red and blue lights, as she went to open the door they spoke first, "Hello, are you Misses Bong?" She replied, "Yes, why?" The cop said, "I'm sorry to inform you, but your husband passed away in a car crash about an hour ago." Ae-Ri would gasp, taking a step back and crumbling to the floor. . ."n-no, this cant be happening, " she would mutter frantically "please please no," she would shudder and break down crying on the floor." as she eventually collected herself she and the kids decided to move to a smaller island called Karakura, where Ae-Ri found a new job to apply for that could finally put her skills to use. So, deciding to get that job, she would write up her resume and send in copies of her degrees.


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

Ae-Ri would be extremely careful and cautious to avoid any objects that might end up on her bad luck streak, causing some more injuries and hospital time. Slowly, as she grew more accustomed to her surroundings and co-workers, she would get more relaxed and seemingly at peace, attending to her shrine duties.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?

Ae-Ri would instantly become slightly freaked out careful not to get any loose shingles falling onto her head, she would then start panicking about the kid possibly about to hurt themselves, she would then scream “GET DOWN FROM THERE IT ISN'T SAFE YOU MIGHT GET HURT OR DISTURB THE KAMI” slightly panicked she would attempt to guide them off the roof. If all else fails she would attempt to pull them off whenever they are closest to the ground, then shooing them out of the Shrine Grounds.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?

Ae-Ri, after spending years researching religions, finally found one she liked: Shintoism. After her husband tragically died in a car crash one night, she decided to move to the small island town of Karakura, which luckily had a Shintoism Shrine. She decided to happily apply for it to finally put to use those long years she spent studying religions.​
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Level 49
Shrine Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply but unfortunately we have chosen to deny your application as others stood out more.

You are free to apply again in the future!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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