Level 4
The Streetlight

Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
19 years old
What is your time zone?:
(Swedish time zone)
Describe your activity on the server:
I have a good activity on the server. I have been playing (during the majority of my time on SchoolRP) with an adult role and I am on the server at least 2-3 hours per day. My oocly scheme is very good since I have more time towards the evening/night (the player count is around 190-240~ at that time) on a daily basis. During the weekends I have loads of time to kill besides my job (as mentioned earlier, is very convenient).
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes I am very well aware and also witnessed someone get demoted due to inactivity.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
(I have trouble with my “Yuhn” account. I cannot make any applications or anything with it. So I am using this one if that is okay.)
Account: “Yuhn”
Accepted appeals/applications: Height application [ Thai application [ Finnish application [

( I would list all my applications for shops here, there are a lot. They are under Extra if needed )
Denied appeals/applications: Ban appeal
I was testing boundaries. I have learned my lesson. It was not even worth it. Receptionist application
I had really fun writing this application even though I did not get accepted. I still enjoyed the research.
Account: “Gtohx”
Accepted appeals/applications: Korean application Jin application Third language application“accessible-healthcare-for-all-”-gtohx-ems-application.75793/ EMS application
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
EMS (Psychiatrist trainee) - Account; Ennord
Adult - Account: Gtohx (Applying account)
Shop Information
(The headlines with underlining are self-added)

What shop are you applying for?:
I am applying for any shop or spot that is available.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I have been motivated to apply to be a shopkeeper because of the comfortable environment. I have worked for many shops in SRP. Ever since I made my first character I have worked for SRP shops. I know how everything is run, all the different tips and tricks about icly marketing and taken loads of inspiration from the shopkeepers. I am not one to favorise so there is no specific store that comes to mind that really stood out. My general inspiration for applying would be that ever since, as mentioned, my first SRP years I have been dreaming of owning my own icly shop. I am filled with loads of ideasf for shops and so on but one stood out and even made more sense than any other that I tried to evolve from a simple thought. Gairo-tō. Ever since I aquired the adult role I have noticed that there are a place for everyone: College/Highschool kids have the school, GangRP:ers, faculty, EMS, KPD and so on have their respective occupations. Yet, the adult tag is slightly meaningless. Do not get me wrong, adults in reality have the ENTIRE map except for the school. But, since it is so big it is hard to mingle or meet new people. The shop will not only be for adults. Anyone can come in but at times, only adults may come in to mingle. Perhaps it is an far-fetched idea, but if the atmosphere is right then it might be an pretty good idea, no?
What is a shopkeeper? What does the role bring?
“The shop faction is a faction filled with independent individuals who are in charge of maintaining their own In-Character shops In and Out of Character.” - From the shopkeeper format.
A shopkeeper is in charge of their own shops, as stated. They make discord servers and are very cunning when it comes to business and customer service. It is a plus if they can build too. They should be universally kind and welcoming. Icly a shopkeeper can have standards depending on the character. I am applying with my one and only adult character. His personality is a piece of the store. Oocly they should be able to explain how to use the website (the panel) and be able to send creative and alluring ads. They should be trustworthy and someone you can rely on to respond. They should have a plan for their shop and follow the rules and complete their quota. Being able to stock is also important.
The role also brings opportunities for both employed and unemployed. The unemployed have a range of stuff they can buy and in return for their money they get their item. The employed get money and therefore they pay tribute to the other shops and the shopkeepers running their shop. It is not about rivalry. Every shop has its theme and its budget. Simply by working at another shop the other shops benefit because they can then use their paycheck to buy from other shops. It is a business circle. The role brings inspiration too. A really successful shopkeeper inspires others to be like them one day. A shopkeeper brings content to SRP. Karakura feels more like a real life city with the shops and active employees. The system is really fun once you get the hang of it.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:

The shop owner

“Be the reason someone smiles today.. or the reason they drink. "Whatever works.”
Who is he?
Kwon Tae-Hoon’s backstory
Kwon Tae-Hoon, 35 years old
Kwon, or mostly known as Hoon, was born in South Korea. He was raised in the slums of Seoul which seems dark and gloomy on the outside. But in reality it was a hierarchy-run slum. The apartments were built in a wall-like fashion and could only contain about 1-3 people. Sadly around 5, even up to 8 people were living in these apartments and that pushed the apartments over their capacity which led to damages and leaks. The government refused the less-wealthy peoples' call for help so they repaired it on their own with planks and rusty metal plates. This created a family-built hierarchy due to how close everyone was. The streets were run by gangs and violence was frequent.
Age - 5-10
Despite all these horrible factors Kwon was raised a happy little boy. He often saw the good in things and smiled in an innocent way, lighting up the way as he walked past all the old and tired people. His mother had one rule. She told Kwon; “Don’t lose your face.”
At that time Kwon did not know what it meant but he thought it was connected to his mother smiling all the time, so he simply copied her. His favorite toy was a plastic bike that he stole when he snuck into the park behind the richer schools. The richer kids had toys beyond Kwon's imagination; trucks that could scoop up sand on their own, spades that were not used to eating food too. .they had a separate spoon for that, dinosaurs both huge and small. In his eyes they had everything he could imagine but he had his plastic bike and he was happy enough. While he sat and stared at all the kids playing with ‘luxuries’ one kid had snuck up on him. Kwon was startled at the sudden introduction. The bow, the state of name and the serious face. Kwon blinked in a confused shock but his face lit up; “Uh, my name is little shit!” The kid that had approached him became just as shocked as him; “That’s not a name.” Kwon’s smile faded and his eyebrows furrowed, “That’s what everyone else calls me! Except for my mom! She calls me Kwon.” The humble child’s lips spread into a smile, “Your name is Kwon then! What name your parents gave you, is what you are named. Want to play with us?” Kwon’s eyes lit up and he nodded. He learned that not everyone was bad and that there are even people that should even be protected.
Age 10-20
After secretly playing with the richer kids for a few years he was caught by one of the richer parents that got too nosy. They found out where he was from and when he returned to the park to play, no one was there. No toys, no friends, just the now mushed up excuse of a pile of sand they had called a sandcastle the other day. Kwon returned the day after and the day after that day, no one was there. He walked with hazy steps home and looked gloomy. His mom, not pleased with this, grabbed him by the arm, “Kwon Tae-Hoon, don’t lose your face. The rich will never see us as people and that’s final. Now go out and make some value to you.” What his mother meant by that is that she wanted him to join the gangs. They had good income compared to the job that the women did. They only accepted males and had a list of those who were not a part of them. At the age of 18 he joined a gang called “The Snakes”. It was a simple loan shark gang with a twist since they were kinder than other gangs who had high pressure and standards, almost suffocating dedication to violence and work. The snakes slowly died off and Kwon was moved to one of the suffocating gangs. The mightiest and most violent gang wanted him due to his ability to spread some type of joy and welcomeness. This was needed due to the work the gang was carrying out. They did everything from security to body guarding to murder and loans. Kwon quickly climbed the population-ladder due to his trustworthiness and ability to stay calm in situations.
Age 20-30
As an appreciation for being such a trustworthy worker Kwon was granted the ability to be tattooed by the best tattoo artist the gang had to offer. The thought of permanently doing something to his body scared him and he denied it in the most humble manner possible. Unfortunately, Kwon did not have a choice and was strapped to the bench where he underwent 8 hours of tattooing, indicating that he was now owned by that gang. The design on his back was gorgeous and the leader would tell Kwon to walk around with thinner clothes so he could spread fear around the gang members. The tattoo was of different flowers wrapping around a dragon. The tattoo had a beautiful dancing motion, indicating that Kwon (the flowers) was dancing with the gang (the mighty dragon). Despite this horrible action Kwon still kept his face, even in front of his crying mother who devastatingly had realized what she had done to her little boy.
Tattoo on Kwon’s body

Age 30-35
After the incident Kwon prepared to leave the gang. The leader had a feeling this would happen. The leader liked Kwon and trusted him, he promised to take care of Kwon’s mother. Kwon bowed deeply and slid his left hand towards the leader’s feet. Kwon uttered; “I cannot leave without leaving a part of me here.” The leader nodded and understood what Kwon meant. The leader signaled for someone to bring Kwon a knife. Kwon cut off the tip of his left pinky finger and presented it to the leader. The leader nodded and offered to pay for wherever he was going.
Age 35+
As Kwon stepped on the island of Karakura he took a deep breath, ready to start a new life.
Then he found a pair of leather gloves that he deemed to be “cool” and decided to keep them on.

“Just as shrimple as that.”

The name of the store
Gairo-tō translates to “The Streetlight”
The name was decided after the idea was created. A shop that only wakes up at night. It is supposed to be seen as a beacon for people. Somewhere they can walk during the darkest of nights. Where they can find comfort. The name is unique and easy to remember. Short and simple. The name fits the shopkeeper too since he is all about simplicity and strictly says what is necessary. It is plain and grown up too, to some extent. It does not have the same soft chime and f.ex: Tokki-yo, Sayonara, Okinasa. It has a more soft and calm tone to it. Most of all, it is memorable.

There will only be a universal bar-apron (for cashiers and bartenders). My shading matches with my building so it will fit right in I hope!. The apron straps around the employees waist and runs down to their knees. It hangs softly around their necks. A white t-shirt is included:
Front ➟
Back ➟

Back ➟

Interior + Exterior
The interior is light brown with a hint of red, green and blue scattered throughout the shop's roofs and walls. The blue, green and red are supposed to melt into the walls and create a good mix of soft colors. The light brown/orange walls have a mixture of muddy brown which makes it look more like an old vintage bar. It looks less modern and more comfortable with soft yellow/orange lights.
I have built the shop examples on my plot
Exterior example:


Discord / Shop- logo:

What will you sell in your shop?:
Here are the items that the store will offer:
Convenience items
The convenience list might change if the application gets accepted!
Customs are also on the menu of course.
Cheese ~ ¥600 | Butter ~ ¥500 |
Milk Carton ~ ¥250 | Raw Bacon ~ ¥1.000 |
Raw Chicken ~ ¥1.000 | Raw Steak ~ ¥1.000 |
White bread~ ¥650 | Egg ~ ¥500 |
Flour ~ ¥550 | Sugar ~ 550 |
Potato ~ ¥500 | Bento Box ~ ¥3,000 |
BLT ~ ¥750 | Ham & Cheese Sandwich ~ ¥500 |
Checkboard Cookie ~ ¥250 | Green Tea ~ ¥5.000 |
Tomato ~ ¥500 | Onion ~ ¥500 |
Alcoholic menu
The alcoholic menu might change if the application gets accepted!
Customs are also on the menu of course.
Bacardi 8 Rum ~ ¥9,000 | Grey Goose Vodka ~ ¥9,000 |
Fireball Whiskey ~ ¥12,000 | Sake ~ ¥8,000 |
Korean Soju ~ ¥7,000 | Bombay Sapphire Gin ~ ¥10,000 |
Mugi Shochu ~ ¥11,000 | Cotton Candy Vodka ~ ¥12,000 |
Sōbetsu Whiskey - 10,000¥ | Hennessy - 7,000¥ |
Crystal Shochu ~ ¥12,000 | Akori Gin ~ ¥11,000 |
The “miscellaneous” might change if the application gets accepted!
Watergun ~ ¥20.000 | Spray Can ~ ¥20.000 |
Frying Pan ~ ¥5.000 | Spatula ~ ¥5.000 |
Future custom items
A fishy friend filled with creamy vanilla ice cream and sweet bean paste.
Design below:

A bubbly minty, sweet and bitter alcoholic drink. It comes in either a bottle or in a can. Named cleverly with the letter “ō” at the end to symbolize the connection between the custom item and the store.
Designs below

Occasionally Gairo-tō will host a ‘special opening’. During this special opening the seatings will be open (aka, the bar + seatings by the windows). The security will be deployed too. This event will be adverted somewhat like this:
[ #1 - Pilot advert for: Lights on! ]
Lights on! - The bar and seating are open at Gairo-tō! Come on down and get yourself a drink with your buddies.. SITTING DOWN? WHAAAT? The seats are limited, so hurry up and get yourself a spot. Located at xx,xx,xx
[ #2 - Pilot advert for: Lights on! ]
Lights on! - The booth is open at Gairo-tō! Come get yourself a drink or convenient stuff! We have everything from alcohol to toilet paper! Or maybe have a drink with the pals. Located at: xx.xx.xx

How many employees do you plan to have?:
I plan on having 3 cashiers plus one additional cashier running the bar during normal openings. During event openings a duo of securities will be deployed.
Overall I plan on having 1 owner (me, duh), 3 managers, 12 cashiers (maybe 14) and 6-10 securities.
How do I plan on hiring them?
I make applications using google forms and icly ads, of course.
Owner [1/1]
Owner - Gtohx{@Gtohx}
Business owners are responsible for daily operation of the business, growth, stability and to make sure it is a good work environment amongst the staff. An owner should be reliable and trustworthy. In this case, the owner's name is Kwon.
Managers [1/3]
Manager - SkellyFace {@Manggo}
Managers are like the owner’s right hand. A manager should be trustworthy and kind. A manager should help out with openings and report directly to the owner if any major problems occur. If the problems are minor they should have the ability to fix it themselves.
Cashiers [0/12]
방문해 주셔서 감사합니다!
“Thank you for visiting!”
A cashier is the front of Gairo-tō and should be kind and well dressed, respectful and understand the panel. There will be instructions for the ones who are not familiar with the panel.
Security [0/6-10]
Since the bar opens from time to time and there will be alcohol present I will hire 6-10 individuals who work as security. They will be responsible to keep watch inside of the shop and outside of the shop. They will work in duos each opening. They will have outfits too:

! OBS !
The customers do not need to show ID to get in but they need ID to buy alcohol from the bar. If anyone causes trouble thanks to the alcohol or their own harmful intentions the security guards will step in and take care of the mess.
/*You may leave this blank*/
Additional notes about your application:
Individual shop applications:
These applications are listed from earliest to latest
I have never been fired, unfortunately the shops always close down when I get to know the staff the best.
Flora Bust : Cashier
JOI-KON : Cashier
Tokki-Yo : Cashier/Manager
Ryuketsu : Chef
Yūdokuna : Cashier/Manager
Hanatokoba : Cashier
Yeobo : Cashier
Koribureku : Cashier
Okinasa : Cashier
Joyoung : Manager
Do you have any questions?:
None at the moment!
Take your time by the way! I am in no hurry at all.
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