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GuttedValentine Shrine App♡


Level 21
IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your discord username?:


What is your timezone?:

Pst :D!

Describe your activity on the server:

I am a very active player. I am on almost daily, unless I need to focus on school exams.. I'd rate me being active a 7.5-8 out of ten.
I am often on Nobara Heddo, my cheerleader character, or Sunako Kirishiki..
I engage heavily with the sports faction, constantly getting my character into silly drama. Prior to this, I was very involved with ems for I was the clinical lead psychiatrist. I can play both a very serious character, and then a silly one.. Below is a good overview of my schedule..

2 pm - Whenever12 pm - 4 pm.. 8 pm - 1 am2 pm - Whenever12 pm - 4 pm.. 8 pm - 1 amWhenever.12 pm - Whenever
2 pm - Whenever

I'd like to note I am a FULL TIME university student, studying law.. So my schedule does get quite packed often. Finals, midterms, exams and study groups tend to get in the way.. BUT, I would simply put in an inactivity log if that is the case! This occurs once every other month to give an okay estimate on how my school works!

List your current roles on the server:

Grade-12 cheerleader!
I have a college b tag, alongside an adult tag..!

Link any previous applications:


What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?

I am applying for maiden!

What is your motivation for applying?

This faction has ALWAYS interested me (my friends can confirm me stating 'waiting for Shrine apps to open' for quite some time.) The shrine is already one of my favorite places to roleplay at, so getting to work there icly seems interesting to me.
I know quite a lot about the religion already, so being educated on it even more will be really fun to me. I've only ever been in one faction.. and that was for over 1.5 year, so I want to expand my rp. I'd like to meet new people, bring my characters to grow with the new rps that come my way. The shrine is much different than ems, and from the short times we would interact with one another.. My interest only seemed to grow.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
I know quite a few things about this religion.. My best friend is Japanese and heavily follows these beliefs, so he has taught me everything when it comes to learning about it for YEARS now! (Shoutout to Josh/Shinjigami!) Forgive me if any information, down below, is wrong.. I'm just going with my memory, but as always.. I'd love to be corrected, and be educated on my errors!

'What is Shintoism'
Shino, the way of the Gods, is a very popular religion within Japanese people.. and MAINLY old Japan culture. The gods in this culture are called Kami, in which the people pray to. These are spirits that fall under many catergories in the universe, believing that their kamis are everywhere around them: wind, rain, mountains, trees, rivers and fertility.. OVERALL, the very important concepts in life are being wrapped around people as their beliefs state it is the kamis!
After a person's kami, they fall under these categories.. Turning into Kami, themselves, and surrounding their family within the world too.
Of course, there is a Kami they believe is.. 'the most important', which is the Sun Goddess Amaterasu! A lot of the roots to this religion falls under Buddhism.. !

'How to pray?'
When learning about this, I remember thinking 'two-two-one.'
Two Bows, Two Claps, and a Bow is the gist of it.. But even thing, things fall a little more deeper. You bow, deeply, twice.. Going all the way down, before praying to Kami. You go on to bring your hands together, in a praying-formation, before clapping twice and ending it with a bow again.. AS YOU FINISH!
You hold down the position before lifting yourself up to end everything with that final bow.

The Shrine is known to be a place of peace and tranquillity, which includes the people too. People tend (and should) dress very modest, and appropriate. People believe all you do is clense your hands before entering, but I am pretty sure there is more to cleansing before entering the shrine. Of course, you wash your hands.. Alongside, you must wash your mouth, head, face..
I remember there was an exact technique you had to follow.. Your left hand, then right- Or something along the lines, but can't quite recite it word for word. People tend to forget, in srp, to wash their mouth, but that is a very important thing when it comes to cleansing.

What is the reason for cleansing? It is to 'purify' yourself as you enter, signifying purification!

'Tori gate'
The tori gate is something almost everybody knows, as a few lay in Srp.. Most everybody is aware that you must bow before going through one, but why? What does it mean?
The Tori gate goes on to be a symbol for leaving the dull, and passing into sacred. You are entering a place where Kami are welcomed and encouraged to spend time at, in hope they will travel through the people there.
They represent the physical and spiritual world, connecting the two for a short moment and allowing the spirits to feel welcomed.. Just like the cleansing, they are a symbol of purification which is why a person MUST bow before entering it.. You want to be respectful, just as you wash your face/mouth! At the end of everything, respect is one of the bottom lines a person must follow when being in these areas.


Priests: A kariginu is worn by priests, usually.. I'm not aware how it is on srp, but I know that in real-life Shinto culture, priests have quite a wardrobe. Weddings, funerals, shrine outfits.. A list of options is practically given to them!

Maidens: They wear a white robe with a hakama.,. Which is just a red skirt!

Red and white: The famous word of the application 'purity.' These two colors, that are mainly worn by maidens, showcase that. In shintoism, the color white goes on to symbolize/mean purity.. Which is the main reason for Maidens wearing it!

There is a lot more I know, but a lot I still would love to know/understand. I am very much willing to learn more and more about this religion as it is something I seek weekly when visiting my bestfriend and his family. Playing two religious characters has created for the outside knowledge I know on this, to be used in roleplay. (#NobaraHeddo moment!)

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Character Full Name:

She appeared rather serious for a moment, before allowing her smile to grow. The two different colors to her eyes creating a contrast to the emerald laid on her finger, as she raised her hand to cup the side of her face.
'Natasha Vari-' She'd pause again. 'Natasha Kirishiki. A pleasure to meet you.'

Character Title:

Her Russian accent took over the answer; Hissing through her teeth as her posture was fixed, indicating her care to appear professional.
'Lady Kirishiki or Miss Kirishiki'

Character Age:
Eyes widened at such a question! You should never ask a lady for her age- Oh right, this is an interview. It's okay here, I guess.. Humming as the simple question struck her, she'd answer with
'I am twenty-six'
A widow at age twenty-six? How sad!

Character Marital Status:

Hummed again as she figured out a way to answer this question. The emerald ring still glued onto her ring-finger as she tapped her fingers against her cheek. A long and dramatic sigh escaped her before stating,
'I am a widow.'
If her brothers were here, they'd clap knowing she was not continuing the 'I am married and loyal to my dead husband' act! Although she answered honestly, her gaze had fallen down to the wedding ring as she placed her hand onto her lap.

Character Nationality:
Glanced back up as the question was asked. She still had manners, meaning she WILL make huge efforts to look at somebody when they are speaking to her!
'I am Russian-Japanese.'

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):

Pursed her lips. She'd tilt her head while brushing away her bangs, clearing the view to her eyes.
'I fully graducated medical-school. I have a major in psychology, with a minor in Biology. I worked at the hospital for quite some time as a psychiatrist..'
The mention of her old job was upsetting her, which was evident to note by the scrunch to her nose. Kirishiki made efforts to remain as professional, but no good memories were brought to her mind.


Growing up the youngest of four siblings, she always felt like quite the dark horse in her family. Her mother appeared to be just as irresponsible as her older sister when choosing awful men to claim the title of 'father.' Perhaps this went on to build who she became as an adult when meeting a hitman who worked as a detective. Learning about such a 'hobby' only to find out, she had it all wrong.
Being a Kirishiki involved being heavily lady-like and modest, which she was not.. Quick with comebacks, and insults whenever things didn't go her way for a short while. Her husband taught her that... Her friends, back in Russia, would argue that being a hitman against evil mafioso crime-leads still means you're an evil person. Perhaps they had a point, death is death and no one but the one behind the cause could change that. Moscow Russia was not an easy way to get away from this, as half her family was involved in the crime clinic the Kirishiki lead had created.. But not many were aware.

Instead, Natasha Kirishiki focused on her schooling and love. That was the only important thing to her; Sevastian Varishikov and her future with him. Although he came with an 'intense' job, he was just as in love with the ginger, as she did him, or perhaps even more.. Showering her in gifts and poems, doing all he could to be the cause to her smiles.. Orange lilys surrounding the house as he planted some monthly to symbolize her beauty.
Good thing she was able to finish med-school before he passed, right? Like all good things in this family, it had to come to an end. Perhaps if she was ten, or even seven, minutes earlier.. He would still be here. The only way for a mafioso to fully put an end to a hitman's life is to take away what matters most in their world to them. Natasha was the bullseye on the dartboard that was missed as the dart hit the closest thing to her. No ambulance could reach them in time, but she still tried...

Her mother approved him. Her brothers approved. Her sister approved. Sevastian was able to make Natasha feel anew, as if the title she carried did not matter. The doctors coming out with clipboards and files, 'There is no family we can speak, so love is here.. Love is next in line, Miss Kirishiki-Varishikov.'
If his vows didn't leave a marking to her, perhaps she would have healed by now.. The decrease to the heart rate on the monitor was not beeps showcasing the decline, but instead it was a way to tell the time to the end of something.
THERE WAS NO WAY her ring could be removed. She promised to love him forever, and that promise will remain till her last breath... Nothing or no Tokugawa could bring a change to this.. Right?. . Right?Screen Shot 2024-09-16 at 1.48.44 PM.png



How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

She may seem a bit... moody at times, but in reality.. Kirishiki adores the idea of making friends. She is easy to talk to, outgoing, a bit 'silly' but does all she can to appear professional and lady like. RESPECT is a huge thing with her, so she bites her tongue down when an insult is headed her way.. (Unless you're Aleksei or Raikou Kirishiki!)
Welcoming the guests and engaging in convos, she does her best efforts to include all in. Natasha had spent so many years alone, that she longs to speak to others..
Shrine Grounds
A bright smile, perfect posture, and a soft tone to her voice. No need to raise her voice at anyone anymore, she keeps a proper look to how she presents herself. Following every rule there is to the religion; Bowing, praying, manners and kindness.. Natasha is somebody very easy to talk to, she remains respectful to everyone and her environment. Dressed appropriately for work, and ready to make tea for the many guests..

As mentioned, she will welcome all of them right away. Standing usually at the center-entrance, ready to greet or guide anyone. . Her goal is to make sure people are comfortable to ask for help/guidance if needed. She wants the environment to be welcoming so that people continue to come and practice the religion Shinto. Even without the need to pray, she wants to keep it as a respectful place.. The peace people want when going off-duty is what she will help provide with her conversations.

Just like everything, she will continue to be respectful. Natasha wants to engage in platonic relationships with the shrine-staff, getting to know them and their stories.. Without judgement, she longs for friendships who aren't her brothers or cousins. She demonstates these feelings by making an effort to say good morning to them, daily.. Asking how their day was, and offering to listen on the hard days (She's a great listener, after all.. She was a psychiatrist.)
Ready to attend whatever she is seeked for, Natasha is eager to work. A request is given to her to help with a task, she won't say 'no.' Helping others with whatever they need, she is a team-player always.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?

Imagine a group of teens coming in and out of the hospital, weapons and screaming.. Insults and bickering in the lobby. Natasha Kirishiki had to keep herself composed through all of that always, right? This is no different...
Approaching them with that smile she so-famously wears, she's ready to speak in a soft-kind-hearted tone. Asking them to, 'Please respect the grounds and buildings laid upon here. You are in a very pure and important place, so I ask of you to stop this behavior.'

Sometimes people aren't willing to listen to the kind demands, but even then.. She won't rely on yelling and creating a harsh tone to her voice. Many would argue that she's easy to walk on, citizens won't listen if she keeps that behavior up.. But easily,
'If you are not willing to listen, I can speak to my higher-ups to get a blacklist started for what is going on here. I do not think that is something either of us would like, considering I adore when guests come and spend time in a beautiful and peaceful place here. We all deserve ease once in a while, and I don't want to take such an environment away from you like this, so this is your final warning.. Pleaase and thank you.' Ending the demand with a bow, showcasing respect.. SURE! Not every human deserves respect, but she often found that when you spoke to someone with such, they'd return it almost immediately..

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?

There is no doubt that Kirishikis are a religious family.. That has been known for a while now, specifically following the Shinto practices..
After losing the love of her life, she's longed for that connection she felt with him.. Turning to religion for comfort. She finds her husband to be in everything around her; The water symbolizing his eyes.. The peace they brought to her life, but the waves splashing harshly as he grew with anger.
The wind blowing through her hair, stating he is still here.. He always is, perhaps thats why she loves winter so much?

The hospital was a beautiful job she will forever treasure, but even after a while.. A person must begin a new adventure after realizing they no longer can help others when they are not at peace. Kirishiki is ready to accept the new chapter to her book she calls life as she begins to bring herself to a new environment. New people, new scenes, new everything. This job will be much different than what she spent all those years studying for.. But perhaps that is good. Perhaps this is what she finally needs to grow as a person.

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