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Haru's Police Thread


Level 4
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name): HaruSanRP

Previous bans: None

Describe your activity on the server: 7 Hours - Depends if I have school Though.

Which timezone are you in?: PST

Do you have Discord?: Yes!

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]: No. . .But i'm looking forward to buy headphones!

List your current and past applications: Journalist Application, Russian Language (Sorry, Couldn't find the applications of Websites)

What is your motivation for applying?: I wanna be a police, So I could help. Stood up for people, that are getting Ganged on.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?: Yes!

What are the Police ranks?: Um. . .Cadet- You have to train the new police's!

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?: Haru always is on a look out for those bad people from ganging on someone, Or someone being mean to a nice person.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?: It help's people be safe from gangs or bad people, Making sure the town is safe and sound.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes!

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role? Yes!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]? Yes!

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations? Yes!

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how they looks, what makes them unique? Haru is a polite person, He

What they're like on and off the job?: On Job (Haru had Long Sleeves with black pants and a button blue T-Shirt. He had coffee in his right hand) Off Job (Haru had a Frog PJ, Which he calls "FROG GANG". He also sometimes wear a proper clothing, Like

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?: Haru would be a adult then, He also probably would be married to a Kind, Responsible man.

Haru was born in 2003 in the city of Russia, with two loving parents who raised him well. As he was going up Haru noticed it was tough for his parents to afford the home they were living in. Eventually, they had to sell their home for money and live in a nice apartment instead. He ended up having to change schools and lost some of his friends from moving. Haru was 13 at this point and was forced to go to a new middle school where unfortunately there were a lot of bullies. At a young age Haru was bullied a lot, sometimes he would go home in tears to his parents. His parents would make calls to the schools to tell the bullies to stop but they never made any effort to do so. Eventually after a few months Haru’s parents decided to send him off to Karakura Japan to start over with school and new friends. They even were so kind and caring to pay for Haru’s home in the town. When Adrien was flying over to Japan, he was so nervous and felt like he had butterflies in his stomach cause this was his first time flying alone with his parents. He landed in Japan safely and took a bus over to the town of Karakura, it took him some time to get settled in at his new home. Haru had one thought on his mind which was his parents back at Russia, he couldn’t help but feel homesick and alone. The next morning came and he went to school feeling shy and nervous, he was stressed about people being just like the kids back at his old school. It was totally different though, everyone gave him warm smiles and waves as he walked by them.
No one said a word that was disrespectful or rude, he knew immediately it was going to be different. Eventually, he came to his second class of the day and met a wonderful teacher named Momo, she was the best teacher and did nothing but comfort all her students. Haru decided to stay after class to stay and talk to her cause he felt like he could trust her. He told Momo about all his struggles with being away from home and being bullied at his other school. Momo took Haru in her arms and gave him a warm and comforting hug, telling him everything is going to get better. Adrien is now a highschool student with a kind heart. People trust Haru cause he is a very caring, friendly and down to earth person with a huge heart.


SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name: Haru Missy Lincon

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): Haru, Rui, San, Lin.

Preferred Name: Haru

Age: 18

Gender: Male

IC Phone number: 313-894-921

Religious Denomination: Catholic

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Asian

Current Location: U.S / San Francisco

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: 4 Years

Working Experience: Officer

Academic Degree: Criminology

Year of Graduation: 2015 (I dont really know-)

Major(s): N/A (Dunno Is Minor And Major is Required)

Minor(s): N/A

Native Languages: English

Other Languages: N/A


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game-Name): HaruSanRP

Time spent on SchoolRP: 7 Hours - 8 Hours

Describe your activity on SchoolRP: Run, Make friends, School

Which timezone are you in? PST

In-Character (IC) Section

Character Name: Haru Missy Lincon

Character Age: 18

Character knowledge of Law: N/A

Characters IC phone number: 313-894-921

Is your character over 2 months old OOCly? (Required): No

Is your character affiliated with any gangs or illegal activity?: No

Does your character carry a criminal record, if so, what?: None

Do you understand the general information regarding interns? (Listed under the #Internship channel in the KPD disocrd): Yes!



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