players online



Level 13
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:



Describe your activity on the server:

I have been playing on SRP for around 2 and a half years, I have around 15 weeks of playtime, on the server I am pretty active I play on the server at least 2 hours every day, maybe 6 at most, I do baseball though, I have practice on Tuesdays, from 4pm to 6pm, but days other then that I will most likely be available, I get out of school at 4:15 everyday other then Tuesdays, During the weekend I am on the most of the day, I play a most of 12 hours a day, at least around 6 hours, and during summer I am on almost all of the day.
What is your motivation for applying?:
My journey towards wanting to join the KPD began back in 2022 when I first stepped into the world of SRP. Initially drawn to the thrill of combat RP, I spent hours trying to understand its intricate workings. Despite my efforts, I found myself hesitant to fully immerse in Gang RP due to its demanding nature of constantly requiring permissions for almost every action. This obstacle only strengthened my resolve to pursue a more direct approach to combat RP, leading me to set my sights on the KPD.The idea of being a part of the KPD has always been one of my top motivations on the SRP server. The prospect of fighting crime and being a member of a team that makes a difference on the server excites me beyond measure. The KPD not only offers the opportunity to engage in combat RP but also provides a platform to forge meaningful connections with others who share a similar passion. My admiration for law enforcement extends to my love for live-action police shows. These shows not only serve as a source of entertainment but have also played a pivotal role in sparking my interest in the workings of law enforcement. I am eager to translate this enthusiasm into action by roleplaying as a dedicated KPD officer on my favorite server.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?


This is the very first role of the KPD this role is for the newly accepted members of the force, the Police cadet is usually supposed to be at the front desk of the KPD building, assisting people who have questions or problems they need to be solved and sometimes might accompany a patrol officer on patrol.

The Patrol Officer's role involves patrolling Karakura making sure no crimes are being actively committed. They are also able to perform arrests and pat downs if needed to do such, the Patrol officer is the second-ranking in the KPD faction.

The Police corporal is the third rank in the KPD faction, The police corporal can answer dispatch calls. The Police Corporal also supports Karakura by patrolling just like the Patrol Officer, the Police corporals also may assist with training.

A police sergeant is the 4th ranking in the KPD main division. A police sergeant supervises those below them the police sergeants should set a good example for those under them, as well as doing their other duties, such as finishing department paperwork, and sometimes working directly on the streets of Karakura.

A police lieutenant is the 5th and final ranking in the KPD main division. As a police Lieutenant, you must make sure and verify that all lower ranking KPD are following all of the rules sometimes being in charge of certain people making sure they are not committing police brutality but also making sure they are doing what they need to be doing whether it is police patrol, filling out paperwork, etc.


Police Detective constables are the first rank in the Detective division the police detective constables are people who are training to become a fully-fledged detectives, they may also begin interrogations. They can do the same as a police sergeant or police lieutenant , but they have more freedom.

Police Detective Inspectors are the second rank in the Detective division, the police detective inspector can command lower rankings and most should always set good examples for the lower ranking in the detective division, the police detective inspector may also fully invest instead of beginning interrogations, this means the Police Detective Inspector has more freedom in doing interrogations

A Police Detective Chief Inspector is the third rank in the Detective Division, The Police Detective Chief Inspector is expected to supervise lower rankings setting a good example by being able to do every the lower ranks can do they also inspect such as the name implies the lower ranks making sure they are not causing any trouble or breaking any rules.

A police Detective Superintendent is the fourth and highest rank you can be in the Detective Division, they are just in charge of everything and everyone in the Detective Division including the investigation work.


The Police Captain is the second highest ranking in the higher ups and overall, the Police Captain deals with high-priority problems, also being in charge of training the troops and keeping things organized and up to standards with regular problems in Karakura, if you are the Police Captain you have a large amount of responsibility you are holding.
The Commissioner is the highest ranking in the higher-ups and the entire KPD. They Mostly deal with carrying out many tasks involving employing tactics whether it's breaching into an apartment penthouse tower or whatever the case, carrying out promotions involving boosting the reputation of the KPD or someone else, also creating the meetings for all of KPD to join together and communicate whether it's about training how they are fitting in, etc, They also organize everyone with everything trying to help everyone they possibly can fit in with the new adjustment.

Handcuffs- Handcuffs are used to prevent criminals from causing any harm to any others by restraining the wrists, or to detain whoever and whenever, all officers should possess at least 2 pairs of handcuffs on duty.

Baton-The baton is a tool to inflict pain and fear upon whoever it is being used on it should not be used as a toy or just to hit someone.

Badges- A badge is a form of identification, the badges all have a certain number on it the number on the badge is known as the officer badge number, and whatever rank they are, every officer should have a badge and a badge number.

Radio-The Police Radio is a very important device needed to communicate with another officer if or when there is harm or a conflict it is usually worn on the right hand. The police radio is also used if someone needs backup.
There is different codes you are meant to use while communicating on the radio which makes it an extremely important tool for communication
10-4 means "Understood."
10-8 means "Responding."
10-12 means "Situation paused."
10-16 means "Void situation."
10-19 means " Returning to the station."
10-20 means " Whats your location."

Breathalyzer-A Breathalyzer is used to determine the amount of alcohol that has been indulged in, every officer should have at least 1 Breathalyzer available at all times on duty.

Glock-17- A glock-17 is a pistol only used in dire situations like if you are being attacked by armed assailants and you need to use it for self-defence. This gun is only provided to higher-ups and detectives sometimes to be given to sergeants.

Crowbar- A crow bar is usually used to pry open nails or doors, this includes raiding apartments we know have something illegal, only certain granted ranks are allowed a crowbar.

X26-TASER- This is an Electric device that shocks whoever it was shot at, it causes them to be stunned for a certain amount of time, All officers should have a taser available.

Pepper Spray- Pepper spray targets the eyes of whom it is directed inflicting a lot of pain, temporary blindness, and irritation to the eyes, this is only available to rank corporal or above.

Riot Gear- This is police equipment suited to protect and support officers, it provides an extra layer of protection, Riot gear is mostly used to events such as raids against gangs etc, it should only be worn when attending a dangerous call.

Police Bike- The Police Bike is a very high-speed Vehicle that enables officers to respond to calls faster than usual and arrive extremely faster than the regular "cruisers" due to its large amount of speed it is excellent in high-speed chases, the police bike is only owned by detectives and Corporals and higher.

Police Cruiser- The Police cruiser is identical to the bike just not as fast, though the cruiser has some better qualities than the Police Bike, such as allowing more people to ride it at once so if it is a multiple dispatch call everyone can arrive together which would be much better the each arriving 1 by 1, the police cruiser should only be possessed by higher-ups and Detective Inspectors.


Luminol Spray- A spray used to detect blood or dents in a weapon or on the weapons surface.

Body Camera- A camera that is on 24/7 works almost as a CCTV and is meant to stay on the KPD officer at all times, it can catch crimes and if you need evidence of corrupt officers or evidence of any crimes being committed and chases, you can break a body camera with 2 blunt hits or 1 stab to the camera.

The Karakura Police Department must ensure the safety of the Karakura Residents or citizens. The main way to ensure the safety of all Karakura citizens is the CCTV. The CCTV has protected many of Karakura's citizens' lives, and has proven to be very well in court while filing lawsuits, or finding criminals who have committed crimes such as assault, and even murder. One of the best and most common ways to keep Karakura safe is by the patrol officer who patrols Karakura making sure everything thing is peachy and creamy. These Patrol runs are mostly always with more than 1 person to ensure the safety of the Patrol officers because you have to keep KPD safe as well. Now if KPD finds someone committing a crime

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

However, the KPD plays a crucial role in maintaining order and safety within Karakura. By actively patrolling and responding to incidents, the KPD ensures that citizens are protected from the potential harm and chaos that can arise from unchecked gang activities. This not only adds a layer of realism to the roleplaying experience but also creates a dynamic and engaging environment for players. The relationship between the KPD and gangs can be compared to a yin-yang balance. While gang RP is an important part of SchoolRP and is definitely going to always have a presence, the KPD's efforts help keep it in check, ensuring that it does not overshadow other aspects of the server. This balance not only adds depth to the roleplaying experience but also highlights the importance of law enforcement in maintaining a safe and enjoyable virtual community.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I do acknowledge that if I am to skip a training I will be punished

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
"My name is Craig Johnson.. Craig Johnson II."
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
Feb 14th, xxxx
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
"I am a Male He/Him."
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

"I have a Masters in Criminal Justice."
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Korean, and Mandarin
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Craig is a pretty average guy standing at 6'0" and 190 his muscles are decently toned, but not too noticeable, but if you get to know him you would realize he is a very complex man, he is very quiet, not very social, but he connects with those struggling within the community due to the struggles he had to overcome during his childhood. Craig maintains formal attire at all times which is quite odd, but he likes to stay professional during all encounters he is expected in. Craig has a lot of compassion for justice, he listens to everything he is a good listener, and whatever he is told he remembers, Craig is compassionate about helping the community out in whatever needs they have.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

In professional environments, Craig is known to be a man of not alot of words even in a casual environments. He maintains a calm and composed demeanor, speaking only when necessary and never interrupting others. Craig is respectful of his colleagues and understands the importance of listening before speaking. He only speaks up when asked to, needs to communicate with someone, or when he has a question, and even then, he does so politely and with consideration for others. If he feels the need to contribute to a conversation, he will request to do so in a respectful manner.

composed demeanor, but he may speak a little more than he does in a professional setting. He remains respectful of others and understands the importance of active listening. Craig is still known to be a man of few words, but he may contribute more to conversations in a relaxed setting. His feelings towards others caring for them remains unchanged, . In his personal life, Craig enjoys activities that do not involve much communication with others he is not comfortable communicating with, such as reading, hiking, and spending time with his family. He values his relationships and makes time for those who matter most to him.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

What's your character's backstory?

Craig Johnson II, born February 14th, xxxx also known as Valentine's Day. Craig was born in the heart of New York to two loving parents named Craig Johnson is father, and Chen Xiao, Craig, and Chen met in China while Craig's father was at a base in China where they almost immediately fell in love, they moved to New York they were a happy couple and Craig was a happy adolescent, Craig made friends at daycare and school no problem, Craig liked to explore the wilderness and have fun with his said friends until one day... Craig had to move away he was devastated but he was too young to understand why they had to leave, his father was in the military. Craig was only 4 years old and sobbing he and his family moved to China, Craig was sad for a little while due to having to leave his friends but in China he didn't fit in he was a Mixed child Black and Chinese, and he didn't fit in everybody else looked the same but him, he didn't fit in anywhere... There was one good thing that he had while in China Grandma Xiao, who was the person he loved the most at the time due to his mother and father always working and not being home, Grandma Xiao was always home and taking care of Craig, she fed Craig, cared for him, and even bathed him during his young ages. His parents began falling out of love due to not being able to spend much more time together, and soon separated, He had to move with his dad due to his mom now having the proper living situation for him. Craig had to leave Grandma Xiao the only person he ever truly loved. Craig now only 5 years old his father wasn't the same after the separation, his father became an.... Alcoholic, Craig's father was discharged from the military due to his alcoholism, which didn't help Craig his father began hitting him causing multiple scars all over his body even though Craig was 5 years old he had to mature fast, Instead of his father feeding him, he feeds himself and his father, they lived in an extremely scummy apartment with roaches crawling around it would affect any other kid but Craig was used to it at that point, Craig hadn't has been to school in a while, due to his father, but his father received a notice that he needed to put Craig into school, so he did. Craig went to school and was extremely quiet and always was sleeping, while everyone was having fun, Craig was thinking about what he was going to have to eat for dinner that day. This was Craigs life for a while, everyday Craig got home his father was usually passed out, but one day. He got home and his father was extremely drunk, slurring all of his words, and said he was going to cook for Craig. He began cooking some noodles, but for some odd reason he had a disgusting smirk on his face, while Craig sat at the table thinking maybe his life was going to get a little bit better, he was extremely mistaken... His father turned around with that disgusting grin still on his face, craig decided to ask his dad a question.

Craig sat there waiting for his dad to bring him his noodles... "Dad, are you almost done with the noodles."
Craigs dad turned his neck slurring his words..
"Craig be patient."

His dad paused for a burp
"I almossert done."
Craig sat there patient...
Craigs dad turned around with a steaming hot pot
"Hey Dad, are you done..?
Craigs dad walked toward him with the steaming hot pot..
"Hey, dad what are you do-"
Craig was about to finish talking before he felt steaming hot boiling water burn his face
Craig screamed in pain covering his eyes

"Whats wrong son..."

Craigs dad succumbed to his drunkness and passed out
Craig passed out
Craig woke up in the hospital with a wrap around his head, covering his eyes. The doctors asked how Craig was feeling and he said he was lost and asked what had happened. They told Craig what had happened to his face. The doctors unwrapped Craig's head wrap letting him know he has been in a coma for 1 month. As they were unwrapping Craig's head wrap they handed him a mirror which he picked up, He looked into it and was horrified some of his hair was gone in the front of his head and he had a large scar on his eyes, he thought he looked like a monster. Craig was so shocked he passed out once again, when he woke up his mother was there, the woman he had not seen in 2 years. He was shocked. She greeted him but he did not respond, she was here to take him back to China with her family, she didn't seem like she loved him and treated him as some stranger she didn't know, she was talking to Craig extremely formally. Craig did not like that, he didn't like HER she left him with his dad. After he recovered which took around 2 months he got out of the hospital and flew to China. He was not excited about it, the entire plane ride he did not speak nor look at his mother, he looked Broken, once they arrived in China he attempted to run away but his mother caught him, she explained to him I'm not happy your here and your not happy I'm here, let's just pretend we enjoy each others company. Once Craig arrived he remembered something, he remembered the only person who ever brought joy to his life, Grandma Xiao, He ran to her and hugged her, but she was getting so old... She didn't remember him, he found out Grandma Xiao had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, the once joyful old grandma Craig remembered was now a sad old lady who didn't ever conversate with anyone. Craig was 7 years old and felt like he had nothing to live for but he discovered something new that the world needed... justice would need justice it needs heroes, Craig didn't want to be one of those childish heroes, he didn't want a cape, he didn't want to be publicly known as a hero, he just wanted to help people, Craig began studying Korean, he didn't have any friends they all saw him as a fatherless outcast, Craig didn't know what happened to his father after he did what he did, Craig thought maybe he went to jail, maybe he died, maybe he ran away. Craig didn't care though, his father did that because he wanted to he was or is a sick old man, and that was what was in Craig's mind. Craig began studying law enforcement even at a young age he was at, he was still an outcast but he did not care, he watched Chinese police shows, and was learning Korean since he had so much spare time, this was Craig's life for a while, Craigs life was boring up until he reached Junior Highschool, He was in 8th grade and he was 14 years old at the time, he was still an outcast, he was quiet, nobody really bullied him they just did not mess with him at all, Craig was also practicing martial arts online, by the age of 14 he knew Taekwando, Boxing, and Kickboxing, he was not the best at those martial arts but he wasn't bad at fighting either, Craig was slightly bigger than the others due to being african american and Chinese, and most of the others being Chinese. Craig was around 5'7 and the others were around 5'5. Craig did not pay attention in class thought, though he was still somehow passing, Craig was by no means dumb, he was pretty smart, he was just uninterested in the subjects they were teaching at his school, he was a part of his school safety patrol team though, he was still focusing on justice, but he got more realistic, he didn't want to be a "hero" he wanted to be a police officer, he said where ever he ends up in the future his will focus on being a police officer until he is one. Craig was sitting in his math class one day, with his head down, when the teacher left the classroom and he watched a girl being harassed by two of his classmates at first he did not think much of it until it got a little extreme they started getting weird, at first it was just talking, but then it got physical and they started grabbing her by her arms and pulling her, Craig did not like what was going on so he told them to stop in a firm voice with a straight face. They were not intimidated by Craig due to him usually being quiet so they told him no and continued, he asked them one more time, and they said no again, and he then said what happened next was not my fault, he squared up with the guys and he got hit with a nice left hook which caused Craig to bleed from his lip, he then got angry and threw a bunch of hooks forgetting everything he learned which caused he to end up losing the fight, he learned something extremely valuable that day, never overestimate yourself or underestimate someone, he then realized that even if they are smaller then you if its a 2 on 1 the group with 2 has the advantage no matter the size difference, the teacher had come into the room asking what had happened and breaking up the fight. Craig the boys and the girl were all sent to the office, Craig ended up not getting in trouble due to the girl backing him up but the boys had connections in the school so neither parties ended up being punished. After this his mother decided he would not go to school for the rest of the school year due to him having good enough grades to tank the rest of the year.

Craig is now starting Highschool he is a freshman and is 5'8 now he is still planning to go to college and get a degree in Criminal Justice, so that all of the work he had been planning for would finally come true. Craig began taking his studies seriously because he knew his mother did not have enough money to pay for him to go to college so his only option was to get a scholar ship. He had a 3.7 GPA during his freshmen year, he was really focused on his grades, he studied a lot as well, he did not have any friends due to his weird behavior he behaved like a lot of Asian households dream son, but he was not his mothers dream son, everyday when he went home his mother was never there as expected but Grandma Xiao was he greeted her everyday but she did not know who he was, this was there daily conversation when Craig arrived at home.

Craig opened the door taking his shoes off before placing them in the shoe cubby inside of his house
"Hello Grandma Xiao, how are you today."
Craigs Grandma sitting in the dining area sitting on a mat at the table
"Hello handsome little boy what is your name, and my day is going great today."
Craig due to him being used to this responded
" My name is Craig Grandma."
Craig would then walk away saying one last sentence as Grandma Xiao would sit there watching the Tv mumbling about stuff
"Bye, Grandma see you later."

Little did Craig know... This would be his last time talking to Grandma Xiao, Craig woke up and said Hi to Grandma Xiao and then went off to school that day as if it was a normal school day, little did Craig know this would be the day Grandma Xiao passed away. Craig was in class when the front office said "Craig Johnson please report to the front office." Craig wondered what they were calling him for but he couldn't think of anything, his mother would never pick him up early from school and his grandma wouldn't either, Craig was clueless on why they were asking for him to come to the front, once he arrived everyone in there had a somber look on their face, He questions what they wanted from him, they all apologized for his loss, and explained his Grandma had passed away earlier that morning, Craigs entire world was shattered, she was his only family member that he loved, and she had passed on now. He felt like he had nobody, but that motivated him even more, He wanted to become a police officer to fill that hole in his heart that place his grandma used to take up, but now she is gone so he is going to solely focus on studying, maybe he will make some friends on the way, he has been quite lonely for a while now.. Craig began trying to make friends but he had no luck, due to his face multiple people were afraid of him, due to his scar, he could not make any friends his entire freshman year he was focused on studying and gave up on making friends for the year, and he finished the school year with him having a 3.7 grade point average which he was proud of. That summer Craig asked his mother if he could transfer schools to get more social and make friends, she did not believe what she was hearing, Craig was never the social type, so why was he trying to be social now...? He did not respond and walked away expecting his mother to decline his request. A little later that month right before school started, his mother left a uniform on his bed and a note which said "After lots of thought I decided it would be best for you" The note had a drawn on smile on it. Craig had snickered and grinned, this was the first time Craig had smiled in a long time, he laughed really weirdly he sounded almost like Kawhi Lenoard, maybe things will start getting better for him and his mother.

Craig was 15 years old at the time and is now going to a private school in China. It was Craigs first day he was getting ready he still talked to his Grandma even though she passed away he would talk to her ashes in a vase, but on his way to school he met two people siblings actually, John Wong and Anna Wong, Craig met them while walking to school and they saw him in the same uniform as them, and decided to say hi to Craig, Craig greeted them back, and asked if they wanted to walk to school together, this is where their friendship started he was in the same grade as John but Anna was a Junior while John and Craig were Sophomores, they asked if it was also Craigs first year at the school and Craig said yes, once they arrived it seemed extremely luxurious, and Craig wondered how his mother ended up paying- for it, but he put that in the back of his mind. Craig was set on making plenty of friends this year, and Craig was already off to a great start, everything was going good a little to good for Craig... He made the Basketball team, and the Baseball team. and became extremely popular nobody was giving notice to his scars or anything. Craig had felt like he had got what he finally deserved in life before one sudden phone call during the summer, a time he was expected to relax and have fun with friends.

Craig Picked up his ringing phone

"Hello who is it..?"

A raspy voice spoke through the phone

"Craig, its me you fath-"

Craig yelled into the phone

You could hear craig on the verge of tears

"Craig, you do not understand i'm better now."

Craig unfazed began speaking again

"I do not have a father...."

Craig hung up the phone before his father could finish his sentence.

Craig was a little shaken up from the short conversation but he tried to forget about it, he decided to go ahead and hang out with some of his friends, which is what he did. Craig was grinding the entire summer just having fun, working out trying to get more fit and muscular, he was pretty scrawny. By the time Craig needed to go back to school, he had gained a little bit of muscle but his appearance didn't change drastically. Craig was ready for school and he was locked in he was still studying day and night to become an officer wherever he ended up, his Junior year went by pretty fast, it was almost the same as last year but he made a couple more friends, he made friends even with his personality. He was focusing on school and friends at the same time, that year was his breakout year, and he became way more popular and made way more friends everything was just improving year by year even his relationship with his mother was getting better as well. He played baseball and basketball his Junior year and did pretty decent he wasn't a starter but at least he was getting some playtime. He was living his life, he even forgot all about his conversation with his father previously, and just like that his junior year was over he had took all of his tests and still had a grade point average of 3.6, Craig believed if he wanted to get a scholarship he would have a better chance if he did community service, so thats what he did over summer.

It was now Craig's senior year, the year most call the easiest of Highschool, Craig was now 18, he had quite a lot of friends, life was spectacular actually he had a job, he was just living his life, he focused on his studying about being a officer, and after a long but not to hard year he was about to graduate, he recapped on all of the hardships he had faced and wondered how he could help others get through something like that as well, Craig ended the year with a 3.8 grade point average which also caused him to have the highest gpa in the entire class, which made him the valedictorian, when he was walking up onto the stage in his white gown when they called his name he almost got teary eyed due to thinking on the past and what he had to do to get where he was right now, he then began talking, he was not reading a speech off of a paper, he was just letting his heart speak and letting the words flow as he would continue talking, after he was done with his speech everyone in the auditorium began clapping and cheering and Craig walked off the stage. Craig ended receiving a scholarship, he ended up moving to the dorms and went through college thats a story for another time.. After Craig finished college he was a new person, and he believed he was ready to become a officer, and moved to Karakura and applied to be a apart of the KPD waiting for a response to this day.....

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
Craig gave a response almost immediately due to its simplicity
"No, You cannot and will not own a pocket knife in Karakura."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
5 medical items that do not require a prescription include
Multivitamins➜¥3,500| Maximum purchases are 5
Iron Supplements➜¥2,500| Maximum purchases are 3
Melatonin,➜¥3,000| Maximum purchases are 3
Wooden canes➜¥7,000| Maximum purchases are 2
glasses.➜¥4,000| Maximum purchases are 2

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Craig would sit pause for a second lost in thought his mind scrambled he then spoke
If I was to see a trusted co-worker of mine I would not panic I would hurry to turn my body cam and then rush in attempting to break to two up and ensure that both sides were fine, if my attempt failed, I would indefinitely call for back up while attempting again, I would keep a mature demeanor during the onslaught, due to it being something extremely serious, no matter how angry an inmate can make you should never use force due to anger, that is what I believe, I would then report the altercation to higher-ups."
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Craig would sit there for a second looking lost placing his hand on his chin rubbing his chin hairs
"I would have 2 scenarios, scenario #1If it is to be one assailant, I would radio for backup and rush in before backup arrives, attempting to assist my co-worker, if I cannot get the assailant off of my co worker by the time backup arrives, I would ask for some more assistance in getting the assailant under control. scenario #2 This scenario would have more then 1 assailant maybe 2 or maybe 3, First I would radio for backup and make sure my co worker would be fine while I am waiting for backup if backup does not arrive fast enough and my said co worker is getting assaulted badly I would attempt to help my co worker, waiting for backup to hurry up and arrive.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Craig sat there for a second tapping his feet on the floor repeatedly
"First be confused for a second due to trusting every last one of my co workers and never suspecting something like that to ever happen but if this was to occur, I would make sure my body cam was on and investigate the situation not to much, but just enough to back myself up if anything was to go south, I would also show the bodycam footage to a higher up and let the higher up handle it due to me not being a high enough rank in the KPD to do anything about it."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Craig would sigh before give his response
"If a criminal even attempted to bribe me I would
immediately fine the perpetrator without a response."
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Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied on the basis of reputation.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
While we loved your application we suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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