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Help I have multiple Cosmetics menus in my inventory..

Drew Akise

Level 2
Yea this is kinda bothering me and I am trying to see if anyone can help me, normal player or staff. I have two unnecessary ones, one in my inventory and one in my offhand... Please help me if you can! It would mean a lot.



Level 17
Ok so either you donated and did ./hat or this is a glitch but idk if this is fixable I have like 10 in my inv to so its not you and also I bet somehow you can get rid of them but...


Level 21
if you're the rank "famous kid" I believe you can clear your inventory. If you're not that rank, I really don't know what to do at this point. :l


Level 17
if you're the rank "famous kid" I believe you can clear your inventory. If you're not that rank, I really don't know what to do at this point. :l
/\ what he said about that idk what really to do either for me and I'm a fundraiser ++ so yeah maybe you can once again get ducks or tozokyo to help but maybe try doing ./clear or ask staff to do that on your inv but yeah


Level 23
There was a way... but I don't remember how..... Is it the enderchest or the cosmetics? or non cosmetics items??? Because you can move them freely without restrictions


Level 23
Both the same you know... also I have the problem with the chest part
1. Do /hat with your enderchest (if you have one enderchest that is wrong positioned in the hot bar)
2. go to where you it was originally at (hot bar again and Must be EMPTY)
3. Replace the the EMPTY slot with something moveable (pencil, book and quill, etc.)
4. Do /hat to replace it with the enderchest


Level 23
Well then Ofda for me and I should of done that but I cant now because reasons that I wrote on,, But yeah I would do that but yeah GAME BROKEN but thank you for helping me also for the person who did need help you should try doing what he said
is the chat broken or something? Can everyone else do the commands? My charger for my computer is broken so I can't go into the server anymore ;(;(

Drew Akise

Level 2
Thread starter
Thank you guys for responding to this and helping me! I will try to use these and see how it goes :D

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