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Henry M. Hamilton Biography | TwerkingJesusRP


Level 10
Henry Kawaguchi Hamilton
View attachment 40225View attachment 40227

"No matter how hard life is if you stop halfway up the mountain you will never see the view when working hard and fighting to the top you reach your destination of your dreams"



208.4 - 281.7 lbs

Skin Color:
Light skin

Eye Color:
Emerald Green and Ocean Blue

Hair Color:

Date of Birth:
January 20th 1984

Place of Birth:
Gran Canaria, Spain

Sexual Orientation:
Child Henry
View attachment 40228
Henry is a tall male standing 7'5 which is 226.06cm!
Henry's birth hair color is apricot ginger along with a white/blondish streak in his fringe.
Moving on to Henry's face, Henry has freckles spread over his nosebridge to his cheeks.
His eyes were not real, they seem to be glass eyes with the eyecolor blue and green.
His fringe is covering a.. familiar name, a carved name was carved in his forehead saying
'BAKUTO' with scars around the carve. His whole face under the make up he was wearing was a burn mark hidden!, On his eyelid there is a scar leading under his eye. On his cheek is a scar leading to his jaw.
Moving on to his lower body, Henry has two tattoo sleeve's on both arms. On the right arm was a tattoo showing a blue rose with red roses around it! On his left arm was shown a red rose with green leafs and thorns, under the tattoo was the Bakuto logo
Henry's personality is.. special. Henry experienced a lot of trauma during the time he was in Bakuto aswell as dealing with his own mother. His backstory is aswell dark but depressing. Henry has difficulties moving on from the past fearing they will return as a future consequence,even when being told "henry its the past.. calm down its over now" he still fears it. Henry is seen around at most times really calm but when being on high ground or reminded of the past it could trigger his PTSD. Considering his past as child, He experienced alot of trauma which i wont go into details, but it lead him to have OSDD-1B! Henry seems to be switchy at times along with a personality change and tone change! Which means a alter is fronting. When a alter fronts the voice do not change, only the tone which could be a higher pitched tone, childish tone or a deep tone. Henry is getting better with his own mental health since hes been getting therapy of his second favorite psychiatrist named Reina Hamasaki. His top favorite number 1 psychiatrist is ofcourse his older brother, Estes Matsuzaki. Henry appreciates Estes alot! Henry over the time being during his therapy he got prescribed with medication for his PTSD and Imsomnia which did show a big change! Henry seems relaxed around, Henry was already a big teddybear but now he is even more of a teddybear! Henry has been showing more smiles often and less unhappy when he took his meds, Henry focused more on the important things distracting himself from his past and focussing on moving on. Henry's even more shown to be happy when he met Sonchai Singto and developed feelings towards him. Henry still shows at time fear but having his husband around easily calms him!
Alters Info

View attachment 35543Kwan/Orangehead


Hiroto is a 38 alter who stands at height 8'6 and is ratherly formal. He is rude and mean but can be caring and very sweet at times when needed. Hiro is there for everyone especially for Henry. Hiroto is one of the 3rd eldest Alters who is there for him. Hiroto has a british accent when he speaks. Hiroto's pronounces are He/him


Ichiro is the pure happy and positive alter whos 25 years old. He helps Henry with calming down and cheering him up when times need to! Ichiro's pronounces are He.Him!


Chei... Chei was Henry's granddaughter as she was the child of Ethan Hamilton, Chei is a strong woman aswell as she doesnt let anyone walk over her. She beats the shit outta you.. you got warned..


Kurai... starved himself until his death and appeared later on as alter. He doesnt appear much tho.. so his info is pretty much vanished..


This alter is... pretty annoying. He is an annoying teenager who loves pulling up jokes and never be serious. Infact. He roasts.. He roasted one person before.. Never letting him front again! for now..


Inzangi is.. Henry's ex husband who appeared a while ago. He never fronts or speaks because of how shy he was. Henry remembers Inzangi's whole personality and knows Inzangi always hides behind him. Cute!~


Hikaru is one of the eldest alters at age 2000! Hikaru is a very positive alter who rarely fronts due him being too busy with dealing with the alters!


Denki is a... weird but special alter whos the eldest currently! Denki is 2001 years old.. Who is just very very.. stupid..


Ayumu.. is the hyped Alter. DONT. LET. HIM. FRONT. If Ayumu fronts he will instantly start running around repeating every damn word..Ayumu is the happiest alter around. Ayumu is 38 and Hiroto's twin!


Daisuke is the youngest alter at age 14! He never fronts just to keep Henry's reputation ratherly.. to adult! Daisuke just always stands next to Henry with the other alters remaining himself!


Daichi is together with Daisuke one of the youngest at age 14. Daichi doesnt front because he feels afraid to being unable to stop fronting so he remains next to Henry!


Oh god where to start with this idiot.. Hes a weirdo but funny.. Hes 17 and just very cringe


William is one dumbass who is just like Henry, He rarely fronts now because he doesnt know how to not front. William is the most idiotic but lovable person you would meet


Nicole is the rich girl who loves herself and no one else although, She is a very lovable person. Nicole likes to mess around with people but she can be very mean


Rikka is a teenage female standing the height of 4'0. She is a sweet sweet shy girl who enjoys spending time with her surroundings. Although when meeting new people she hides behind the ones she knows!


Yui appeared not long ago. She is based on an actual person but.. It stays a secret who.. Only our beloved Henry and his ex husband know!


Ichika is based on a person Henry met long ago. Unfortunately they died and Henry found out! So Ichika appeared


Chris appeared much later after his death to keep Henry company and safe. He is based of Henry's son but got his life taken away after leaving a gang

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by excessive amounts of inattention, carelessness, hyperactivity (which evolves into inner restlessness in adulthood), and impulsivity that are pervasive, impairing, and otherwise age-inappropriate.
It is a sub-type of Other Specified Dissociative Disorder type 1, where the members of the system are differentiated from each other but do not experience amnesia of events between the members. They may, however, experience emotional amnesia - remembering the event that happened, but not the associated emotion.
Hyperacusis is when everyday sounds seem much louder than they should.

Misophonia is a disorder in which certain sounds trigger emotional or physiological responses that some might perceive as unreasonable given the circumstance. Those who have misophonia might describe it as when a sound “drives you crazy.” Their reactions can range from anger and annoyance to panic and the need to flee.
Gigantism Disorder
Gigantism is a rare condition that causes abnormal growth in children. This change is most notable in terms of height, but girth is affected as well. It occurs when your child's pituitary gland makes too much growth hormone, which is also known as somatotropin


The fear of Hights
The time Henry was still fighting around alot it used to be in very high places where he nearly died several times. Ever since Henry quit fighting he has been terrified of hights with the thought of being thrown off or pushed off. Henry's most common spot to fight was Tower Roofs. He had avoided death plenty times and noticed all those times he was so lucky that he convinced himself to quit and never fight again. If Henry is back on high spots he will turn pale and unable to move out of pure fear.​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"If i'd ever be high up.. I would be too scared to move.."
The fear of small tight spaces
Henry had a lot of past trauma in his life although he moved on from most there are some fears in his life he prefers avoiding. Henry has been locked up a lot going through several pain. I am not going further in detail because it might trigger some people with this topic. In any way, ever since much happened in his past which involved small spaces, Henry hated it ever since and feared small rooms.​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"Small spaces.. reminds me of bad times.. But.. when im alone with someone who calms me down.. It feels.. safe, more comforting.."
Fear of Being Alone
Henry was left alone very many times and bad consequences happened to him. Ever since Henry left Bakuto and survived the week of hell he has been terrified of their return aswell terrified for being attacked without noticing. Henry is shown alone sometimes but thats what other people see, what Henry sees or well know hears since he is blind is his own Alters! Henry doesnt feel alone when his alters are around him. He thinks they are actual people around him when they are out of mindscape! Even though they are hallucinations Henry thinks otherwise!​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"I dont like being alone... I.. have been backstabbed too many times.. ive been attacked.. too many times."

Fear of trusting others
Henry has been trusting his former lovers alot around along with his friends. Henry has been backstabbed plenty of times now where it lead to him being attacked. Henry doesnt trust anyone anymore near him in fear of betrayal which leads to the next fear below.​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"You never know.. the ones who are the closest to you.. can backstab you the most.. and hurt you.. you never know who to fucking trust.."
Fear of Betrayal
As explained above, Henry has been left alone, backstabbed alot and attacked for it. Henry was recently set up too where it lead to him being attacked and left alone. Henry doesnt trust anyone anymore near him even the ones who are the closest to him he fears them.​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"I.. dont trust him anymore.. I dont trust anyone anymore.. everyone betrays.. Even the ones you want to spend their last time with.. betrays you. Love.. betrays.. I dont want anyone.. anymore.. or anyone near.."

Fear of Attaching himself to another
As repeated, Henry lost a lot of people in his life that it is starting to get to his break point where he will be afraid of attaching himself to someone else and lose them again by murder, fights or being abandoned by them with no goodbyes or any signs that they are alive or not. This aswell includes the fear of Abandonment where as repeated he is afraid of losing people by the same reasons.​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"My last former lovers.. either got murdered.. or passed away.. I divorced one because the relationship wasnt healthy.. but upon thinking there were so many ways.. of how we could have fixed it.. I haven't thought through of that.. and never even gave the chance to even notice.. a change.. The murder of my own kids.. my former lovers.. my family.. it hurts.. I dont want to attach to other people or interact.. But its unhealthy not to.. I wish.. I could go back in time.. and fix the mistakes I have done.."

Separation Anxiety
Separation Anxiety is the fear of being away or separated from your loved ones or friends or even family!
In Henry's life he lost so many people including people literally dying on him or found dead. Henry's former lovers either disappeared in his life with no goodbye's or any news about them or they died. Ever since Henry was left alone he was afraid of losing people. He clings on people. Has difficult times letting them go to either work or somewhere else causing them to separate!​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"So many people.. have left.. Unknowing if they are alive or not.. They never returned.. it fears me.. to lose another person.. without being able to say goodbye.. or hearing anything from them!.. I have found a bracelet recently with the name "Carino" on it.. Up on the past i had received a bracelet and it was exactly the same.. so i instantly recognized it when i found it.. knowing it was from.. TeddyBear.. I never let go of it along with the panda because it reminds me of him.. I miss him so much.. I hope he is okay and safe.. along with being healthy and well.."

Alters Info

Katsumi is a shy alter, if he fronts hes has morely a quiet soothing tone and seems to be a calming person and sadly due his shyness he doesnt enjoy speaking at front. Katsumi is a 20 year old alter who is very calm and speaks whenever he doesnt feel afraid to do so. Katsumi's pronounces are He/Him!


Luca is in a triplet, with the same personality as Katsumi and Lucas. Although they are triplets they are recognisable. Luca is less shy than Katsumi and actually active in talking! His voice is higher pitched and he is shown to be always positive, Luca's pronounces are He/They


Lucas is a bit more shy than Luca but more talkative than Katsumi, Lucas only talks when he needs to and only fronts when hes ready to do so.


Kwan is Henry's ex husband who appeared as his alter when Henry thought Kwan died, Luckily the real Kwan is alive! Kwan's personality is very positive but.. Hes an orange addict!! He enjoys annoying henry by licking the orange and placing it back. Recently Kwan was unfortunately announced officially dead.. The heartbreaking news.. Luckily.. Alter Kwan stayed and didn't change a single bit! Kwan's favorite nickname for Henry is Gingerhead. Henry's favorite nickname for Kwan is Orangehead.


Ethan Hamilton appeared When Henry got told he passed away, Ethan the real one seemed.. to have just been on a long long vacation.. Although in the time the real Ethan was gone, Alter Ethan kept him company and on his positive side! Ethan's personality is very sweet and golden hearted! We love him! Ethan's pronounces are He/Him! as for his age is 24 years old.


Michael used to be Henry's child who.. suddenly disappeared, Michael is the age of 18 and his personality is quite amusing! Michael looks up to everyone quite literally because some of the alters are way taller! Michael is a very calm alter but doesn't appear much..


Lucifer is a passed away child of Henry.. Lucifer used to be a energetic child who asked 24/7 for Henry's either way he'd steal them.


Harvey used to be Henry's child until his passing.. He was a hyped energetic child with his bestfriend Niko who turned out to be his adoptive brother later! Both of them passed away


Yume was Henry's daughter in the past but unfortunately passed away and was found dead by Henry as he found the body at the beach.. Ever since he found her dead body.. henry was scarred for life


Niko was kinda emo.. Harvey's bestfriend and they always caused problems. .Its sad they passed away considering they were very kind just troublesome! Henry doesnt mind they appeared as alters!

Liam is the youngest alter who doesnt know.. how to front. He can be triggered but he remains silent due to him being so young. infact if he fronts expect Hiro to take your kneecaps and take over to front.

Mafuyu is a very shy alter but very sweet, he isnt afraid to front like the other shy alters but hes just very nice and polite. Mafuyu is also easy to fluster and hes into males so women u dont got a shot.

Masato is the selfish alter who doesnt give a fuck about anyone besides Henry, Masato is very stubborn and annoying to deal with. If he fronts expect to be roasted like Harushi did to someone..

Diana is a lovable person who is a female standing 4'11. Diana is not afraid to yell at you when shes irritated or getting irritated. Diana is the person who is.. very stubborn yet lovable, Diana is also Hiroto's twin!

Denise is a very smart talented female who studied every book out. She ratherly nerdy and if she fronts she would be most likely reading history books or science books any books you name it!

Noah is a new alter who is currently 4 years old. Hes Liam's little sibling and is a new child of Hiro's. Liam and Noah are both toddlers who sometimes front when they want to!

Oscar is literally the sweetest alter you can meet! He is Henry's father who sadly passed away! He is very british and literally everything makes him happy and proud! give this man a high five and u already make his day!

Henry's Favorite Quotes
[Adult] Ethan Hamilton
"If one of us dies.. we die together.."

[Adult] Katsuro 'Kwan' Tsukumo

[Adult] Hiroto "FIVE" Hamilton
"Henry dont point your burrito at me thats a threat. Dont point your burrito at me thats a weapon. I'll call the cops!! DONT POINT YOUR BURRITO AT ME- NO STOP!!"

[Adult] Eli Zennix
"Henry.. You gotta learn how to stand up for yourself.. Call the cops dont let people bother you. Either way its your decision all i can do is give my advice. take it or leave it"

[Adult] Lenard Hanazono
"The only way for you to feel better, is by crying it out. So come here and let it all out do not hesitate and let it ALL out. it'll keep the pain and emotions away for a while."

[Adult] Lenard Hanazono
"Stay around me. They wont do shit to you when you're around me. So You will be staying with me."

[Professor] Aoi T. Quinn
"You're GAWJUSS!"

Nephew Figure
Min Z. Domínguez

"You and Liz are so close to me! its been how long since i know you all...a year or 3? time sure flies by!"

Son figure
Kokoro T. Fumiko
"I adore you!!!!! you are so adorable you wholesome child!!!"

Son Figure
Ezzelin Corsetti
"You helped me alot through the most hardest times.. Even when i dealt with depression i thank you so much for that.. Never change.. I love you so much Bestie!"

Ex-Step daughter
Akari Daimaru
“Although you know how to handle Hiro, You can be scarier than him! Its funny! I will be always here for you and please hide Kwan’s oranges!!”

Ex Husband
Sonchai Singto

"Please dont leave.. i dont feel alone around you.. You brighten my mood and make me smile everyday feeling wanted and loved.."
"You wasted my time. . Why did I love you. Cheater. ."

Ex Boyfriend/Enemy
Lev U. Elyon
"I love you so much Lev.. You dont know how much i want to smother your face in kisses.. With you.. I dont feel left alone.. I dont feel left out.. You comfort me so much.. im so comfortable around you.. I love you so fucking much.."
"Why did i ever fucking trusted you.. Backstabber.. Why did i even love you.. I dont even wanna spend the time you have left anymore.. I just wanted it before you pass away and being able to say Goodbye.. FUCK YOU."

Ex Husband
Hiromichi Fujimiro
“I… dont know how to start, We had ups and downs.. and im unsure if you are even alive.. but i do miss you TeddyBear..”

Ex Husband
Inzangi Grey

“Your disappearance wont be forgotten.. I will miss you forever and being with you was a heaven time.. although i dont know where you went.. or if you’re even still alive.. But I do care about you”

Best friend
Haru Saito

“You have always been there for me at times I needed you.. And I am so greatful for that. I will always be there when you need me bud”

Best friend/brother figure
Eli Zennix
“I love you for everything, you always stood by my side to help me at times i needed you, I am so happy that we met at the first day we started working together! I will always be there when you need me!”

Vegas N. Williams


Isaac Green

"You small little bean, i love you bestie!"

Fukui Saki
"Omg you are my gay bestie and i will fucking love you queen. Never change girlll"

Daughter Figure
Mee Jaibatsume
"You... are fucking terrifying.. I love you though even though you are scary it wouldn't change.. and.. STOP APPEARING BEHIND ME ALL OF THE SUDDEN!!"


'Lenard' Hanazono
"Although you are cold towards others, you are always here for me and I am so thankful for that! You can be scary towards students but aswell as for adults but you have your reasons! Love you Bestiee!"

Yuuma Ena Daitan
"We had too much between us. Misunderstandings but yet.. we stay together. At times.. I was able to protect you.. But now.. i have no idea where you went.. If you're alive or dead.. But i do remember.. You stay in my heart if you aren't out there anymore.. Bestie!"

Mazikeen Smith
View attachment 35559
"You are always so nice towards people! saved so many lifes and risking your own life for others putting them above yourself, I appreciate you for always being here and saving others lives, Love you!"


Aoi T. Quinn
"Remember the day.. on the roof top.. you and I in the moonlight..Im glad that even after everything..We reunited maybe not as lovers again.. but as bestfriends as we used to be.. i appreciate you so bring my confidence up like usual! Never change.. and remember... YOU'RE GAWJUS!!"


Kumiko Quinn
"I still dont remember much of you.. but, even if i was afraid of you in the past.. I hope we can start over.. I will promise not to hurt Aoi.. and im sorry for everything.. You are a good person.. Or in Aoi's words a GAWJUS PERSON!"

Niece Figure
Credit to the Art: Ko#2476

Caitlyn Allen-Hozumi
View attachment 37315
"You are so adorable, im so glad you and Hiroto made up and noticing hes really improving! He will make you proud like you make him proud. We all love you!"

Brother Figure
Kuro Z. Sakura
View attachment 37427

"we should definitely talk more.. You were always a sweet person to me and i miss you alot!"

Virgil Hermoso
"... we needa talk more fam"

Favorite Bear

"You are such a teddybear!! i love you!!"

Dude 10/10 bio

Adoptive brother/Fav person

Estes Kawaguchi
"You have a golden heart man, You cured so many people mentally as well as for physically. We all are proud of you and what you have become! You are always strong and confident of helping others in need, you deserve everything!"

Ex Boyfriend
Katsuro “Kwan” Tsukumo

“I love you for infinity and beyond, im so glad we got back together! I will hide my oranges from you though! My kids dont need to accidently eat your licked oranges! My orange head! Man.. i hope you are watching over there.. I love you so much Orange head.. I will never forget you.. Spending time with you was amazing.. Unfortunately.. our last time together was the hardest.. I love you my orangehead.. I will make you proud..”

Ethan Hamilton
“Although i thought you were dead for a long time.. I missed you a lot and im so glad you are back.. If one of us dies we die together!”

Celeste O’Sullivan Hamilton
“Although you can be a bitch, i love you alot and you will stay my sister forever. I love your hugs but please STOP TACKLING ME!!”

Twin brother
Victor Yakovlev Hamilton
"I dont remember much of you.. but i miss you alot.. We havent seen eachother in years and last time we had a fight before you left.. I love you and i hope you know that"

Izuke Takahara Hamilton
“You stay my little sister and i love you rat MWAH!"

Aoife "Calico" O'Sullivan
"I fucking love you, although you ignore me a fuckton and i dont know why.. I love you!"

Tahomaru 'Yuhn' V. Hamilton
"I am so glad i was able to inspire you Little one! I may be not around on school grounds anymore, but ill always be around town and in ur heart. Im always here if you need someone to talk to or need advice or private tutoring, or even someone to look up to. Im always here Little one im a call away."

Yuri Kurabu
“I rarely see you at times… but i do love you!”

Adoptive Mother
Fei Kurabu
“Its been a while Mother.. But times faded away and we grew separate.. Im glad to be raised the way you wanted.. but i chose a different path.. I love you tho!”


Sammy 'Dallas' Hamilton
"You are so much like Chris.. that it feels like hes still here.. please dont ever leave or get in trouble.. i cant handle loosing another child.. I love you so much Alli please.. never throw ur life away.."

Blood Mother
Helen Hamilton
"You are a bitch that i dont like, Fucking Ursula lookin ass. How bad I want to punch you so hard in the tit u wont breath for a week. If theres a list of people I DESPISE, you would be the first one on the fucking list

Adoptive Son
Kyle I. Hamilton
"You are my son and my bestfriend, You are so damn wholesome and supportive. Never change!!"

Adoptive Daughter
Asami Hamilton
“You are an Ex Bakuto member like me! but times have changed and i chose the right path! just make sure not to trigger flashbacks! Love you tho!”

Misaki Luck Hamilton
"You are just like Kasumi... but im glad you're still alive.. We must never forget Kasumi.. Papa loves you and will be there for you.."

Rosabella 'Bee' Hamilton
"You are such an aggressive girl with still a grudge for Ethan.. Hahah!.. Just dont murder him.. I wanna keep my baby alive.. like the rest.."

Ji-Jae 'Monika' Ukiyo Hamilton
"You fucking terrify me.. Appearing behind me like Mee.. Although.. You are here for me.. and very caring.. but please... STOP DOING THAT!!!"

Adoptive Son
Yato Hamilton
“When i first adopted you, you were my innocent little boy! But as time passed by you have grown into a real business men! I am so proud of you Yato! I love you!”

Chei Hamilton
"I am so glad to have my baby girl back... Never change.. and never leave again.. I love you Mi Vida"

Nari Hamilton
"Its been a while since i last saw you.. But you have grown up so fast..! I miss you and i hope you are okay"

Yumane Hamilton
"Its been a while since i last saw you.. But you have grown up so fast..! I miss you and i hope you are okay"

Michael Hamilton
"We had such a strong connection.. but with all my heart to say.. I will miss you so much.. You might be gone.. but never gone in my heart.."

Kasumi Lynn-Hamilton
"Im sorry i failed.. to find you.. I failed to protect you my dear.. Papa loves you with his whole heart and i hope you know that.. I hope you are safe up there watching over us all.. May your soul.. rest in peace my dear.."

Yume Hamilton
"You made me the proudest dad alive.. when you entered the football team.. Good times.. results into an ending eventually.. I hope you have a good time up there.."

Lucifer Hamilton
"You and I both know. I HATED your attitude."

Kurai Hamilton
"Gosh.. this is painful.. You starved yourself to death.. didnt told me.. I will miss you so much mi vida.."

Harvey Hamilton
"At times.. i tried to save you my baby.. but.. you have come to an end.. which you wanted.. Please be safe up there.. and have fun mi vida.."

Nicholas "Niko" Hamilton
"you were annoying asf but i freaking adored you.. Why did u make it to an end.. Take care of Harvey.. since you both are best friends.."

Jack Hamilton
"We didnt had a strong connection.. but u were.. my child and i am so gratefull i got to raise you.."

Amber Hamilton
"God.. Hiro and Ruth were such bestfriends.. But good times lead to an end.. stay safe up there.. I miss you Mi vida"

Yamaro Hamilton
"You are such a adorable bean..! i love you so much and you helped me around just as much as i wanted to help you around! You make me so proud!"

Akira Z. Hamilton
"why did you.. step out of life.. it wasnt worth stepping out.. I'll miss you forever.. Stay safe up there in the stars.."

Ichika 'Ichi' Hamilton
"We havent.. seen eachother in so long.. Where are you.. Are you.. still alive.. I hope so.. I miss you.. I hope one day.. you return again.."

Rezuki Hamilton Misono
View attachment 41948

"I love you so much my little star! Please Forgive me for being mad everytime.. i just want you to be safe and morely mature and happy again.. I love you!!"

If I forgot you or forgot to add any Hamilton's, Reply so I can update it!


Level 60
Thread starter




Level 17
my baby boy♥️♥️(he’s a 7’5 scary grown man)
Henry Kawaguchi Hamilton
View attachment 40225View attachment 40227

"No matter how hard life is if you stop halfway up the mountain you will never see the view when working hard and fighting to the top you reach your destination of your dreams"



208.4 - 281.7 lbs

Skin Color:
Light skin

Eye Color:
Emerald Green and Ocean Blue

Hair Color:

Date of Birth:
January 20th 1984

Place of Birth:
Gran Canaria, Spain

Sexual Orientation:
Child Henry
View attachment 40228
Henry is a tall male standing 7'5 which is 226.06cm!
Henry's birth hair color is apricot ginger along with a white/blondish streak in his fringe.
Moving on to Henry's face, Henry has freckles spread over his nosebridge to his cheeks.
His eyes were not real, they seem to be glass eyes with the eyecolor blue and green.
His fringe is covering a.. familiar name, a carved name was carved in his forehead saying
'BAKUTO' with scars around the carve. His whole face under the make up he was wearing was a burn mark hidden!, On his eyelid there is a scar leading under his eye. On his cheek is a scar leading to his jaw.
Moving on to his lower body, Henry has two tattoo sleeve's on both arms. On the right arm was a tattoo showing a blue rose with red roses around it! On his left arm was shown a red rose with green leafs and thorns, under the tattoo was the Bakuto logo
Henry's personality is.. special. Henry experienced a lot of trauma during the time he was in Bakuto aswell as dealing with his own mother. His backstory is aswell dark but depressing. Henry has difficulties moving on from the past fearing they will return as a future consequence,even when being told "henry its the past.. calm down its over now" he still fears it. Henry is seen around at most times really calm but when being on high ground or reminded of the past it could trigger his PTSD. Considering his past as child, He experienced alot of trauma which i wont go into details, but it lead him to have OSDD-1B! Henry seems to be switchy at times along with a personality change and tone change! Which means a alter is fronting. When a alter fronts the voice do not change, only the tone which could be a higher pitched tone, childish tone or a deep tone. Henry is getting better with his own mental health since hes been getting therapy of his second favorite psychiatrist named Reina Hamasaki. His top favorite number 1 psychiatrist is ofcourse his older brother, Estes Matsuzaki. Henry appreciates Estes alot! Henry over the time being during his therapy he got prescribed with medication for his PTSD and Imsomnia which did show a big change! Henry seems relaxed around, Henry was already a big teddybear but now he is even more of a teddybear! Henry has been showing more smiles often and less unhappy when he took his meds, Henry focused more on the important things distracting himself from his past and focussing on moving on. Henry's even more shown to be happy when he met Sonchai Singto and developed feelings towards him. Henry still shows at time fear but having his husband around easily calms him!
Alters Info

View attachment 35543Kwan/Orangehead


Hiroto is a 38 alter who stands at height 8'6 and is ratherly formal. He is rude and mean but can be caring and very sweet at times when needed. Hiro is there for everyone especially for Henry. Hiroto is one of the 3rd eldest Alters who is there for him. Hiroto has a british accent when he speaks. Hiroto's pronounces are He/him


Ichiro is the pure happy and positive alter whos 25 years old. He helps Henry with calming down and cheering him up when times need to! Ichiro's pronounces are He.Him!


Chei... Chei was Henry's granddaughter as she was the child of Ethan Hamilton, Chei is a strong woman aswell as she doesnt let anyone walk over her. She beats the shit outta you.. you got warned..


Kurai... starved himself until his death and appeared later on as alter. He doesnt appear much tho.. so his info is pretty much vanished..


This alter is... pretty annoying. He is an annoying teenager who loves pulling up jokes and never be serious. Infact. He roasts.. He roasted one person before.. Never letting him front again! for now..


Inzangi is.. Henry's ex husband who appeared a while ago. He never fronts or speaks because of how shy he was. Henry remembers Inzangi's whole personality and knows Inzangi always hides behind him. Cute!~


Hikaru is one of the eldest alters at age 2000! Hikaru is a very positive alter who rarely fronts due him being too busy with dealing with the alters!


Denki is a... weird but special alter whos the eldest currently! Denki is 2001 years old.. Who is just very very.. stupid..


Ayumu.. is the hyped Alter. DONT. LET. HIM. FRONT. If Ayumu fronts he will instantly start running around repeating every damn word..Ayumu is the happiest alter around. Ayumu is 38 and Hiroto's twin!


Daisuke is the youngest alter at age 14! He never fronts just to keep Henry's reputation ratherly.. to adult! Daisuke just always stands next to Henry with the other alters remaining himself!


Daichi is together with Daisuke one of the youngest at age 14. Daichi doesnt front because he feels afraid to being unable to stop fronting so he remains next to Henry!


Oh god where to start with this idiot.. Hes a weirdo but funny.. Hes 17 and just very cringe


William is one dumbass who is just like Henry, He rarely fronts now because he doesnt know how to not front. William is the most idiotic but lovable person you would meet


Nicole is the rich girl who loves herself and no one else although, She is a very lovable person. Nicole likes to mess around with people but she can be very mean


Rikka is a teenage female standing the height of 4'0. She is a sweet sweet shy girl who enjoys spending time with her surroundings. Although when meeting new people she hides behind the ones she knows!


Yui appeared not long ago. She is based on an actual person but.. It stays a secret who.. Only our beloved Henry and his ex husband know!


Ichika is based on a person Henry met long ago. Unfortunately they died and Henry found out! So Ichika appeared


Chris appeared much later after his death to keep Henry company and safe. He is based of Henry's son but got his life taken away after leaving a gang

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by excessive amounts of inattention, carelessness, hyperactivity (which evolves into inner restlessness in adulthood), and impulsivity that are pervasive, impairing, and otherwise age-inappropriate.
It is a sub-type of Other Specified Dissociative Disorder type 1, where the members of the system are differentiated from each other but do not experience amnesia of events between the members. They may, however, experience emotional amnesia - remembering the event that happened, but not the associated emotion.
Hyperacusis is when everyday sounds seem much louder than they should.

Misophonia is a disorder in which certain sounds trigger emotional or physiological responses that some might perceive as unreasonable given the circumstance. Those who have misophonia might describe it as when a sound “drives you crazy.” Their reactions can range from anger and annoyance to panic and the need to flee.
Gigantism Disorder
Gigantism is a rare condition that causes abnormal growth in children. This change is most notable in terms of height, but girth is affected as well. It occurs when your child's pituitary gland makes too much growth hormone, which is also known as somatotropin


The fear of Hights
The time Henry was still fighting around alot it used to be in very high places where he nearly died several times. Ever since Henry quit fighting he has been terrified of hights with the thought of being thrown off or pushed off. Henry's most common spot to fight was Tower Roofs. He had avoided death plenty times and noticed all those times he was so lucky that he convinced himself to quit and never fight again. If Henry is back on high spots he will turn pale and unable to move out of pure fear.​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"If i'd ever be high up.. I would be too scared to move.."
The fear of small tight spaces
Henry had a lot of past trauma in his life although he moved on from most there are some fears in his life he prefers avoiding. Henry has been locked up a lot going through several pain. I am not going further in detail because it might trigger some people with this topic. In any way, ever since much happened in his past which involved small spaces, Henry hated it ever since and feared small rooms.​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"Small spaces.. reminds me of bad times.. But.. when im alone with someone who calms me down.. It feels.. safe, more comforting.."
Fear of Being Alone
Henry was left alone very many times and bad consequences happened to him. Ever since Henry left Bakuto and survived the week of hell he has been terrified of their return aswell terrified for being attacked without noticing. Henry is shown alone sometimes but thats what other people see, what Henry sees or well know hears since he is blind is his own Alters! Henry doesnt feel alone when his alters are around him. He thinks they are actual people around him when they are out of mindscape! Even though they are hallucinations Henry thinks otherwise!​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"I dont like being alone... I.. have been backstabbed too many times.. ive been attacked.. too many times."

Fear of trusting others
Henry has been trusting his former lovers alot around along with his friends. Henry has been backstabbed plenty of times now where it lead to him being attacked. Henry doesnt trust anyone anymore near him in fear of betrayal which leads to the next fear below.​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"You never know.. the ones who are the closest to you.. can backstab you the most.. and hurt you.. you never know who to fucking trust.."
Fear of Betrayal
As explained above, Henry has been left alone, backstabbed alot and attacked for it. Henry was recently set up too where it lead to him being attacked and left alone. Henry doesnt trust anyone anymore near him even the ones who are the closest to him he fears them.​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"I.. dont trust him anymore.. I dont trust anyone anymore.. everyone betrays.. Even the ones you want to spend their last time with.. betrays you. Love.. betrays.. I dont want anyone.. anymore.. or anyone near.."

Fear of Attaching himself to another
As repeated, Henry lost a lot of people in his life that it is starting to get to his break point where he will be afraid of attaching himself to someone else and lose them again by murder, fights or being abandoned by them with no goodbyes or any signs that they are alive or not. This aswell includes the fear of Abandonment where as repeated he is afraid of losing people by the same reasons.​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"My last former lovers.. either got murdered.. or passed away.. I divorced one because the relationship wasnt healthy.. but upon thinking there were so many ways.. of how we could have fixed it.. I haven't thought through of that.. and never even gave the chance to even notice.. a change.. The murder of my own kids.. my former lovers.. my family.. it hurts.. I dont want to attach to other people or interact.. But its unhealthy not to.. I wish.. I could go back in time.. and fix the mistakes I have done.."

Separation Anxiety
Separation Anxiety is the fear of being away or separated from your loved ones or friends or even family!
In Henry's life he lost so many people including people literally dying on him or found dead. Henry's former lovers either disappeared in his life with no goodbye's or any news about them or they died. Ever since Henry was left alone he was afraid of losing people. He clings on people. Has difficult times letting them go to either work or somewhere else causing them to separate!​

[!] A voice recording of Henry M. Hamilton speaking [!]
"So many people.. have left.. Unknowing if they are alive or not.. They never returned.. it fears me.. to lose another person.. without being able to say goodbye.. or hearing anything from them!.. I have found a bracelet recently with the name "Carino" on it.. Up on the past i had received a bracelet and it was exactly the same.. so i instantly recognized it when i found it.. knowing it was from.. TeddyBear.. I never let go of it along with the panda because it reminds me of him.. I miss him so much.. I hope he is okay and safe.. along with being healthy and well.."

Alters Info

Katsumi is a shy alter, if he fronts hes has morely a quiet soothing tone and seems to be a calming person and sadly due his shyness he doesnt enjoy speaking at front. Katsumi is a 20 year old alter who is very calm and speaks whenever he doesnt feel afraid to do so. Katsumi's pronounces are He/Him!


Luca is in a triplet, with the same personality as Katsumi and Lucas. Although they are triplets they are recognisable. Luca is less shy than Katsumi and actually active in talking! His voice is higher pitched and he is shown to be always positive, Luca's pronounces are He/They


Lucas is a bit more shy than Luca but more talkative than Katsumi, Lucas only talks when he needs to and only fronts when hes ready to do so.


Kwan is Henry's ex husband who appeared as his alter when Henry thought Kwan died, Luckily the real Kwan is alive! Kwan's personality is very positive but.. Hes an orange addict!! He enjoys annoying henry by licking the orange and placing it back. Recently Kwan was unfortunately announced officially dead.. The heartbreaking news.. Luckily.. Alter Kwan stayed and didn't change a single bit! Kwan's favorite nickname for Henry is Gingerhead. Henry's favorite nickname for Kwan is Orangehead.


Ethan Hamilton appeared When Henry got told he passed away, Ethan the real one seemed.. to have just been on a long long vacation.. Although in the time the real Ethan was gone, Alter Ethan kept him company and on his positive side! Ethan's personality is very sweet and golden hearted! We love him! Ethan's pronounces are He/Him! as for his age is 24 years old.


Michael used to be Henry's child who.. suddenly disappeared, Michael is the age of 18 and his personality is quite amusing! Michael looks up to everyone quite literally because some of the alters are way taller! Michael is a very calm alter but doesn't appear much..


Lucifer is a passed away child of Henry.. Lucifer used to be a energetic child who asked 24/7 for Henry's either way he'd steal them.


Harvey used to be Henry's child until his passing.. He was a hyped energetic child with his bestfriend Niko who turned out to be his adoptive brother later! Both of them passed away


Yume was Henry's daughter in the past but unfortunately passed away and was found dead by Henry as he found the body at the beach.. Ever since he found her dead body.. henry was scarred for life


Niko was kinda emo.. Harvey's bestfriend and they always caused problems. .Its sad they passed away considering they were very kind just troublesome! Henry doesnt mind they appeared as alters!

Liam is the youngest alter who doesnt know.. how to front. He can be triggered but he remains silent due to him being so young. infact if he fronts expect Hiro to take your kneecaps and take over to front.

Mafuyu is a very shy alter but very sweet, he isnt afraid to front like the other shy alters but hes just very nice and polite. Mafuyu is also easy to fluster and hes into males so women u dont got a shot.

Masato is the selfish alter who doesnt give a fuck about anyone besides Henry, Masato is very stubborn and annoying to deal with. If he fronts expect to be roasted like Harushi did to someone..

Diana is a lovable person who is a female standing 4'11. Diana is not afraid to yell at you when shes irritated or getting irritated. Diana is the person who is.. very stubborn yet lovable, Diana is also Hiroto's twin!

Denise is a very smart talented female who studied every book out. She ratherly nerdy and if she fronts she would be most likely reading history books or science books any books you name it!

Noah is a new alter who is currently 4 years old. Hes Liam's little sibling and is a new child of Hiro's. Liam and Noah are both toddlers who sometimes front when they want to!

Oscar is literally the sweetest alter you can meet! He is Henry's father who sadly passed away! He is very british and literally everything makes him happy and proud! give this man a high five and u already make his day!

Henry's Favorite Quotes
[Adult] Ethan Hamilton
"If one of us dies.. we die together.."

[Adult] Katsuro 'Kwan' Tsukumo

[Adult] Hiroto "FIVE" Hamilton
"Henry dont point your burrito at me thats a threat. Dont point your burrito at me thats a weapon. I'll call the cops!! DONT POINT YOUR BURRITO AT ME- NO STOP!!"

[Adult] Eli Zennix
"Henry.. You gotta learn how to stand up for yourself.. Call the cops dont let people bother you. Either way its your decision all i can do is give my advice. take it or leave it"

[Adult] Lenard Hanazono
"The only way for you to feel better, is by crying it out. So come here and let it all out do not hesitate and let it ALL out. it'll keep the pain and emotions away for a while."

[Adult] Lenard Hanazono
"Stay around me. They wont do shit to you when you're around me. So You will be staying with me."

[Professor] Aoi T. Quinn
"You're GAWJUSS!"

Nephew Figure
Min Z. Domínguez

"You and Liz are so close to me! its been how long since i know you all...a year or 3? time sure flies by!"

Son figure
Kokoro T. Fumiko
"I adore you!!!!! you are so adorable you wholesome child!!!"

Son Figure
Ezzelin Corsetti
"You helped me alot through the most hardest times.. Even when i dealt with depression i thank you so much for that.. Never change.. I love you so much Bestie!"

Ex-Step daughter
Akari Daimaru
“Although you know how to handle Hiro, You can be scarier than him! Its funny! I will be always here for you and please hide Kwan’s oranges!!”

Ex Husband
Sonchai Singto

"Please dont leave.. i dont feel alone around you.. You brighten my mood and make me smile everyday feeling wanted and loved.."
"You wasted my time. . Why did I love you. Cheater. ."

Ex Boyfriend/Enemy
Lev U. Elyon
"I love you so much Lev.. You dont know how much i want to smother your face in kisses.. With you.. I dont feel left alone.. I dont feel left out.. You comfort me so much.. im so comfortable around you.. I love you so fucking much.."
"Why did i ever fucking trusted you.. Backstabber.. Why did i even love you.. I dont even wanna spend the time you have left anymore.. I just wanted it before you pass away and being able to say Goodbye.. FUCK YOU."

Ex Husband
Hiromichi Fujimiro
“I… dont know how to start, We had ups and downs.. and im unsure if you are even alive.. but i do miss you TeddyBear..”

Ex Husband
Inzangi Grey

“Your disappearance wont be forgotten.. I will miss you forever and being with you was a heaven time.. although i dont know where you went.. or if you’re even still alive.. But I do care about you”

Best friend
Haru Saito

“You have always been there for me at times I needed you.. And I am so greatful for that. I will always be there when you need me bud”

Best friend/brother figure
Eli Zennix
“I love you for everything, you always stood by my side to help me at times i needed you, I am so happy that we met at the first day we started working together! I will always be there when you need me!”

Vegas N. Williams


Isaac Green

"You small little bean, i love you bestie!"

Fukui Saki
"Omg you are my gay bestie and i will fucking love you queen. Never change girlll"

Daughter Figure
Mee Jaibatsume
"You... are fucking terrifying.. I love you though even though you are scary it wouldn't change.. and.. STOP APPEARING BEHIND ME ALL OF THE SUDDEN!!"


'Lenard' Hanazono
"Although you are cold towards others, you are always here for me and I am so thankful for that! You can be scary towards students but aswell as for adults but you have your reasons! Love you Bestiee!"

Yuuma Ena Daitan
"We had too much between us. Misunderstandings but yet.. we stay together. At times.. I was able to protect you.. But now.. i have no idea where you went.. If you're alive or dead.. But i do remember.. You stay in my heart if you aren't out there anymore.. Bestie!"

Mazikeen Smith
View attachment 35559
"You are always so nice towards people! saved so many lifes and risking your own life for others putting them above yourself, I appreciate you for always being here and saving others lives, Love you!"


Aoi T. Quinn
"Remember the day.. on the roof top.. you and I in the moonlight..Im glad that even after everything..We reunited maybe not as lovers again.. but as bestfriends as we used to be.. i appreciate you so bring my confidence up like usual! Never change.. and remember... YOU'RE GAWJUS!!"


Kumiko Quinn
"I still dont remember much of you.. but, even if i was afraid of you in the past.. I hope we can start over.. I will promise not to hurt Aoi.. and im sorry for everything.. You are a good person.. Or in Aoi's words a GAWJUS PERSON!"

Niece Figure
Credit to the Art: Ko#2476

Caitlyn Allen-Hozumi
View attachment 37315
"You are so adorable, im so glad you and Hiroto made up and noticing hes really improving! He will make you proud like you make him proud. We all love you!"

Brother Figure
Kuro Z. Sakura
View attachment 37427

"we should definitely talk more.. You were always a sweet person to me and i miss you alot!"

Virgil Hermoso
"... we needa talk more fam"

Favorite Bear

"You are such a teddybear!! i love you!!"

Den 'Wick' Celestiasume

"at first i was horrified of you. You and Mee were always the most horrifying yet goofiest duo. As time passed by though you two split up which is unfortunate.. We bonded and spoke to eachother where i came to the point.. i dont have to run away anymore. I will always be here for you when you need someone to talk to, im a call away! And please.. try not to hurt Mee, she may do shit to you but no one deserves death!!"

Kumiko Z. Yamada
"ive known you for a while and we havent seen eachother in ages.. I hope you are doing well and still consider me as your friend after all...!"

Adoptive brother/Fav person

Estes Kawaguchi
"You have a golden heart man, You cured so many people mentally as well as for physically. We all are proud of you and what you have become! You are always strong and confident of helping others in need, you deserve everything!"

Ex Boyfriend
Katsuro “Kwan” Tsukumo

“I love you for infinity and beyond, im so glad we got back together! I will hide my oranges from you though! My kids dont need to accidently eat your licked oranges! My orange head! Man.. i hope you are watching over there.. I love you so much Orange head.. I will never forget you.. Spending time with you was amazing.. Unfortunately.. our last time together was the hardest.. I love you my orangehead.. I will make you proud..”

Ethan Hamilton
“Although i thought you were dead for a long time.. I missed you a lot and im so glad you are back.. If one of us dies we die together!”

Celeste O’Sullivan Hamilton
“Although you can be a bitch, i love you alot and you will stay my sister forever. I love your hugs but please STOP TACKLING ME!!”

Twin brother
Victor Yakovlev Hamilton

"I missed you so much Victor.. Im so glad we reunited.. I am so glad to have my twin brother back.. Our last fight caused us to break apart.. But as we always did in our past.. we always came back together.. As a team.. And i am so glad to have you back.. I love you so much and please stay with me.."

Izuke Takahara Hamilton
“You stay my little sister and i love you rat MWAH!"


Aoife "Calico" O'Sullivan
"I fucking love you, although you ignore me a fuckton and i dont know why.. I love you!"

Tahomaru 'Yuhn' V. Hamilton
"I am so glad i was able to inspire you Little one! I may be not around on school grounds anymore, but ill always be around town and in ur heart. Im always here if you need someone to talk to or need advice or private tutoring, or even someone to look up to. Im always here Little one im a call away."

Yuri Kurabu
“I rarely see you at times… but i do love you!”

Adoptive Mother
Fei Kurabu
“Its been a while Mother.. But times faded away and we grew separate.. Im glad to be raised the way you wanted.. but i chose a different path.. I love you tho!”


Sammy 'Dallas' Hamilton
"You are so much like Chris.. that it feels like hes still here.. please dont ever leave or get in trouble.. i cant handle loosing another child.. I love you so much Alli please.. never throw ur life away.."

Blood Mother
Helen Hamilton
"You are a bitch that i dont like, Fucking Ursula lookin ass. How bad I want to punch you so hard in the tit u wont breath for a week. If theres a list of people I DESPISE, you would be the first one on the fucking list

Adoptive Son

Kyle I. Hamilton
"You are my son and my bestfriend, You are so damn wholesome and supportive. Never change!!"

Adoptive Daughter
Asami Hamilton
“You are an Ex Bakuto member like me! but times have changed and i chose the right path! just make sure not to trigger flashbacks! Love you tho!”

Misaki Luck Hamilton
"You are just like Kasumi... but im glad you're still alive.. We must never forget Kasumi.. Papa loves you and will be there for you.."

Rosabella 'Bee' Hamilton
"You are such an aggressive girl with still a grudge for Ethan.. Hahah!.. Just dont murder him.. I wanna keep my baby alive.. like the rest.."

Ji-Jae 'Monika' Ukiyo Hamilton
"You fucking terrify me.. Appearing behind me like Mee.. Although.. You are here for me.. and very caring.. but please... STOP DOING THAT!!!"

Adoptive Son
Yato Hamilton
“When i first adopted you, you were my innocent little boy! But as time passed by you have grown into a real business men! I am so proud of you Yato! I love you!”

Chei Hamilton
"I am so glad to have my baby girl back... Never change.. and never leave again.. I love you Mi Vida"

Nari Hamilton
"Its been a while since i last saw you.. But you have grown up so fast..! I miss you and i hope you are okay"

Yumane Hamilton
"Its been a while since i last saw you.. But you have grown up so fast..! I miss you and i hope you are okay"

Michael Hamilton
"We had such a strong connection.. but with all my heart to say.. I will miss you so much.. You might be gone.. but never gone in my heart.."

Kasumi Lynn-Hamilton
"Im sorry i failed.. to find you.. I failed to protect you my dear.. Papa loves you with his whole heart and i hope you know that.. I hope you are safe up there watching over us all.. May your soul.. rest in peace my dear.."

Yume Hamilton
"You made me the proudest dad alive.. when you entered the football team.. Good times.. results into an ending eventually.. I hope you have a good time up there.."

Lucifer Hamilton
"You and I both know. I HATED your attitude."

Kurai Hamilton
"Gosh.. this is painful.. You starved yourself to death.. didnt told me.. I will miss you so much mi vida.."

Harvey Hamilton
"At times.. i tried to save you my baby.. but.. you have come to an end.. which you wanted.. Please be safe up there.. and have fun mi vida.."

Nicholas "Niko" Hamilton
"you were annoying asf but i freaking adored you.. Why did u make it to an end.. Take care of Harvey.. since you both are best friends.."

Jack Hamilton
"We didnt had a strong connection.. but u were.. my child and i am so gratefull i got to raise you.."

Amber Hamilton
"God.. Hiro and Ruth were such bestfriends.. But good times lead to an end.. stay safe up there.. I miss you Mi vida"

Yamaro ??
"You are such a adorable bean..! i love you so much and you helped me around just as much as i wanted to help you around! You make me so proud!"

Akira Z. Hamilton
"why did you.. step out of life.. it wasnt worth stepping out.. I'll miss you forever.. Stay safe up there in the stars.."

Ichika 'Ichi' Akamine
"We havent.. seen eachother in so long.. Where are you.. Are you.. still alive.. I hope so.. I miss you.. I hope one day.. you return again.."

Mikuri Hamilton Misono

View attachment 41948

"I love you so much my little star! Please Forgive me for being mad everytime.. i just want you to be safe and morely mature and happy again.. I love you!!"

If I forgot you or forgot to add any Hamilton's, Reply so I can update it!

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