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Here may you see the tyrant, Madara Volkonsky. [Outdated]


Level 30
Proverbs 17:17
"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity."

Music you can listen to while reading

Disclaimer: None of this information should be used in roleplay unless given confirmation, otherwise this is simply for documentation on the character. Additionally, all of this information is now outdated and more relevant information will be added at a later date


RP Name
Madara Volkonsky

Full Name


'Mad' 'Rosé' 'Uncle Madara' 'Brother Madara' 'Oppa' 'Big M' 'Tyrant' 'Yad' 'Gaichū'

Name significance/meaning
The name "Madara" comes from the Japanese culture where his family has roots in "Madara", which relates to the values of "aggression"
and "professionalism". Both values that are rooted into the way Madara lives his life.


He, him



March 1st 1997

Never gonna happen.


Religion belief
Protestant Christian

Novgorod, Russia




Physical Appearance
Madara Volkonsky's appearance would be heavily influenced by his families genetics. He would be quite tall, standing at 6'2ft. and having
a muscular body build that's usually covered by his shirt or jacket. His sharklike dark blue eyes peer into the his surrounding as he perches his face into the faces of his enemies.

Eye Color
Dark Blue

Hair Color

6’2 ft / 187.96cm

160 lbs./ 72.57kg

Body Type

Character Voice

There would be a non-visible scar underneath his hair on the back of his head, and a couple cuts and bruises on his knuckles and hands.

Left handed/Right handed/Ambidextrous
Right handed

Medium/long-length, Messy with a fringe at the front.

Clothing Style
In Serious occasions
His main clothing style in serious occasions consists of a suit, neatly tied together onto his skin to reveal a slight physique that shows off his figure from outside of the shirt. His white suit shirt being tucked in into his pants with the cuffs of his shirt remaining fixated onto his wrists. His shoes freshly polished from all possible dirty and his suit dry cleaned to ensure that its properly assorted to give off his professional look.

In normal/usual occasions
He would be seen wearing a black fur jacket with pockets and a patch on the right arm without a hood, additionally he would wear a black denim shirt beneath it being held up by his suit pants that equipped with a chain belt and pockets on both sides to store items. He would be seen wearing his signature black fedora whist wearing this attire to pull the entire style together. On special occasions, he may be seen wearing other jackets or suit shirts in public while continuing to wear his suit pants.


Extrovert or Introvert

Extrovert / Quite Sociable

Understanding in psychology ++++
As the delver into the human mind, one of his his most renowned and worked on skill is the ability to understand the person that he is being confronted with. In a short while he is able to determine the severity of the situation he is in as well as break down each aspect of the person he is confronting. He tends to get into the feeling and emotions of the people to get an answer that he wishes to receive and give himself enough information to work off, this work is to get to know his opponents movements, mindset and possible weaknesses he could exploit to gain the upper hand against them. However, Madara also uses his skills in psychology to benefit others in need, understanding the feelings and struggles behind their actions to determine the best possible way to counteract that and either help or break them.

Leadership ability +++
Madara uses his abilities in guiding people to become a leadership figure for both his family and the people he participates with. Madara was known to lead his younger siblings around and take care of his family when he was little, making sure to raise them better than he was raised as well as giving them insight into how cruel the world could be so they could grow up prepared for it. He also used his adapted skills in leadership to land him quite a few leading positions in gangs back in the day, breathing a new life into crime during that time while helping to guide his gangs to victory.

Strength +++
Madara is known for using excessive force to attack anyone who stands against his family or friends. This blood driven path leading him to gain massive amounts of strength in multiple categories when he started off in the crime world. His physical strength pushed him to brutally leave his victims near death and quite paralysed from shock, each of his devastating blows etching their way into the bodies of those who had enough confidence to face him. Eventually succumbing to the onslaught of Madara's brutality.

Awareness ++
He has taken the time to train under a supreme tutor to learn the ways of battling without using the stress of the mind. Due to his family ties in Japan and Russia, Madara was able to venture to a temple to learn the ways of fighting using only his own perception and instinct and not be held back by the stressful actions his mind is made to prevision before making a move, he became more of a stable fighter that used his instincts to his advantage when dodging attacks from his opponents. He even learned to sense the presences of danger such as a flying fist to his head and body with his eyes closed but this skill is yet to be polished till perfection so mistakes may occur. His perceptive nature allowing him to gain one extra upper hand and play his trump card to ensure he comes out on top.

Short Temper --
Madara is prone to loosing his temper under extreme cases of annoyance. He loses much of his abilities to restrain himself from lashing out on the individual on the other end pushing him to his limits. He can be heard swearing quite frequently when he's frustrated and speak in Russian even he's furious, letting out his anger on whomever is in his way, family or friend.

Lack of Mental stability --
Despite Madara being able to control his mind to completely stop thinking and base his attacks on instinct, Under intense stress, Madara is prone to being emotionally tormented by his surrounding contributing to a low self esteem and lack of control over his emotions, often getting mad at the wrong people. This also is contributed to the PTSD he gained from events related to the death of other or near death situations.

Lack of fear -
Despite his lack of fear being both a pro and a con, his reliance to run away and his 'die by the sword' mentality has kept him from reaching safer outcomes in battles. He never backs away from a fight and always attempts to end things in his favour but this mentality has both scarred him into being prideful and never backing off. This comes as a risk to Madara, It puts him into dangerous situations with the possibility of death or arrest with the perks that he wouldn't back down from a fight.















Each member will be listed with either [Alive], [Decreased], [Missing] to show their current status in Karakura.

The Volkonsky family
The Volkonsky Family lore as told though the perspective of Camila Volkonsky, told to her by Vova, who planned on concealing the real events that got the family to what it was now.

A widely recognised and esteemed family in the town of Karakura. With an innate charm and grace, they create new connections and friendships, fostering a sense of warmth and camaraderie wherever they go. Their unwavering commitment to nurturing these relationships not only bolsters their own reputation but also enriches the lives of those fortunate to be a part of their circle.

``` ```

Dmitri Volkonsky, a man of resilience and fortitude, was born and raised in the vibrant city of Moscow, Russia.
His life was as good as it could be, except for constant arguments between his mother and father, but those were often behind closed doors.
Things had gotten out of control and the parents relationship and their arguments became physical.
This had his mother looking for a new job, away from a husband she was now divorcing.

Dmitri’s mother had found a job in Japan, taking her children with her. It was a hard decision on her, and she left it up to her children.
The children seeing the abuse had decided to come with her.

In Karakura, fate intervened, and Dmitri’s path crossed with Akemi Yamagashira, a kind-hearted and spirited woman. They quickly discovered their shared love for eachother and simple joys of life. Their connection blossomed into a deep and abiding love, and they decided to build a life together.
As their bond strengthened, Dmitri and Akemi welcomed a beautiful son named Vova Volkonsky into their lives. The joy and wonder of parenthood filled their hearts, and they reveled in the simple pleasures of watching Vova take his first steps, hearing his infectious laughter, and witnessing his insatiable curiosity about the world.

As the years went by, Vova Volkonsky, the son of Dmitri and Akemi, grew into a remarkable young man. In time, Vova found his own path in life and started a family of his own.
He welcomed his son Madara into his life, loving him dearly. Vova carried a heavy burden of stress and personal struggles. Life had dealt him a tough hand, and unfortunately, it sometimes affected his relationship with his beloved son, Madara. In the midst of his own battles, Vova unintentionally made things difficult for Madara during his childhood.

But as the years passed and Vova gained a deeper understanding of himself and the impact of his actions, a change began to stir within him. He longed to mend the bond with his son and make amends for the hardships he had unknowingly caused.
As Madara grew older, he too began to understand the complexities of his father's struggles. He saw the genuine effort Vova put into healing their relationship, and it sparked a newfound empathy within him. Together, they forged a bond that was stronger than ever before.

The Volkonsky family's story serves as a reminder that even in the face of hardships, love and forgiveness have the power to heal wounds and bring families closer together. It's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of understanding.

[!] A massive thank you to Camila Volkonsky for writing the family lore! [!]

Dimitri Volkonsky [Deceased]
Madara's original father and the father of Vova and his brothers, he was a strict but gifted old man to continued the legacy of Volkonsky with his children.
--There is no quote for Dmetri, Madara has no recollection of his existence.--

Akemi Yamagashira [Deceased]
A mother who took valuable time to care for each of her children, she birthed and nurtured her children to grow up during the toughest times and took care of them when they grew up.
--There is no quote for Akemi, Madara has no recollection of her existence.--

Father figure/brother
Vova Volkonsky [Alive]
An extremely hardworking man, who carries the weight of the family on his shoulders. He is the main instructor and father figure of Madara after his parents passed away.
"I guess the old man did one thing right, he raised a fucking badass."

Mother/parental figure
Airi Volkonsky [Deceased]
A respected woman, letting off a valiant attempt to helping Volkonsky family that was recognized by Madara. She has his undying respect for being responsible enough to try and help him when he was going though things.

"I'm sure you didn't make me as happy as you did father but you were truly the mother I wanted."

Older brothers/uncles
Dal Volkonsky [Missing]
The eldest brother to Madara, Raised though pain and strife and finding happiness in multiple women with whom he was able to raise a child of his own. Kidding, he doesn't know they exist.
"Uncle dal really knows his way around the party life, sure could use him on my off days."

Tora Volkonsky Hanjo [Alive]
The brother/uncle that Madara has had the most fueds with, a man with an equipped sense to crime that rivials his own gang under Madara's lead because of a disagreement, their relationship is still rocky.
"I learned Forgiveness is a lonely road. "

Tyrone Volkonsky Takada [Alive]
The only brother/uncle of his to work within the school faculty currently, Their relationship experienced a few bumps due to disagreements with how the family should be treated above his job.
"Family before everything Uncle, there ain't no two ways about it."

Biological siblings to Vova
Povredit' Volkonsky [Alive]
Although not his actual oldest brother, He always showed Madara the feeling of getting into trouble though mischievous ways. His specialty is Tresspassing into private properties.
"Pov, you really can't stop speedrunning getting into jail if you can help it, can you?"

Gavriil Volkonsky [Alive]
Another troublesome brother that in the spirit of Povredit' Volkonsky, likes to Tresspass into private properties and cause as much trouble as possible for entertainment value.

"These houses need more security, its just too easy."

Denisa Drakos Volkonsky [Alive]
His eldest biological sister, who for some reason got the long end of the stick being taller than anyone on the family, Madara sometimes wonders if this is why she looks so ----.
"Really sis, and what did my girlfriend ever do to you?"

Camilla Volkonsky [Alive]
A polite, elegant and friendly person, Madara often smiles thinking back to the fond memories they made in Karakura together when they are apart. He is glad to have her as his sister and sees her no differently regardless of how she looks.
"Since when has time gone so fast sis, I miss the old days."

Yuiko "Yui" Volkonsky [Alive]
Yui holds a special place in Madara heart for her innocent and innovative mind and need to be spoiled, she sometimes drives him mad with the amount of attention she requires but still takes the time to care for her gently, unless she tackles him.
"Hey Yui, do you want uppies to the 11 7 for ice cream?"

Adopted siblings
Adrik Volkonsky [Alive]
Adirk, despite not being a biological brother to Madara is the closest adopted sibling to being an actual brother. His loyalty and commitment to being by Madara's side makes him a valuable asset in the most intense situations.

"You wanna try and get detention again for the hell of it?"

Mikhail NR. Volkonsky [Alive]
When all is said and done, Madara can always rely on Mikhail to push forwards and commit to the family. Both as a member and a desirable criminal when it comes down to it. He's a trusted member of his circle of crime.

"Whats good lil M, you wanna head to PowerPoint and mug some peeps?"

Chō Volkonsky Ketsueki [Alive]
A valuable member of the family, known to show a serious professional public image to help the outlook of Volkonsky while also enjoying the company of their fellow brothers and sisters.

"Sister, is there not a time where you'll relax for a bit instead of holding the Burden of secrecy?"

Marianna Volkonsky Russo [Alive]
A calm personality that lights up the mood in intense situations, a member of the family that Madara holds deer to his heart despite not being able to interact with them much due to his busy schedule.

"If only I had more time to enjoy your company sister, hopefully one day this is to change."

Ryu Von Moltke-Volkonsky [Alive]
One of the last adopted siblings, having placed their heart into Volkonsky coming from a past in Tora's side of the family but not sharing the same unloyal stance as him.

"Till we meet again Ryu, I'm always going to be here if you need me."

Cielo Volkonsky-Markov [Alive]
One of his most memorable cousins, Cielo is a fun and confident member of the family who strives to make the best out of his situation. Madara respects the effort that he puts into his work and commends him for his actions.

"You do well, cousin. Perhaps we can join forces one of these days."

Tatyana Volkonsky [Alive]
The daughter of his brother, Tatyana Volkonsky has gained Madara's respect for their hard domineer and outlook to discover their identity as a Volkonsky. The past keeping hold on them as they venture to find their father, Dal.

"You may carry the name of another in your mother, but by blood you are a Volkonsky."

His friends/affliations
Individuals that helped him get to where he is today, though strife struggle and interaction. Each of them cementing some sort of impact on Madara's life.

Huntah H. Lee [Alive]
Madara's current girlfriend, one he likes to keep close to ensure the safety of while making sure that she feels the comfort of his soothing nature while Madara gets irritated by the constant pestering properties that Huntah possess.

"Huntah I will be with you always, no matter the place or time."

Brothers in arms
Res Minori [Alive]
A stocky but well dressed individual that over long term involvement, has gained the trust and admiration of Madara though his participation in Family/Friend ordeals that resulted in him becoming a valuable ally.

"All of you Minori's have proved very useful, you especially Res. You are a fine asset."

Deno von Moltke [Alive]
A well educated man with whom Madara shares knowledge of gangs and the lifestyle that it brings, Madara holds a lot of admiration towards Deno for his constant growth in gang involvement and how he's always someone to call upon in a sticky situation.

"You've brought me much prosperity in this industry, I wont forget it."

Lucifer I. Kagenouta [Missing]
His loyal associate in his dastardly deeds both within and out of the school grounds, Madara has fond memories of Lucifer and himself causing trouble in the early days before his sudden departure, Madara last interacted with him in the sewers.

"I wish we could go back to the good old days brother."

Akira V. Santos [Dead]
An early compatriot that helped Madara in his early stages of his gang involved years, helping with jumpstarting much of his work while juggling the constant evasion from KPD, Eventually Akira succomed and was struck down by a firing squad, his crimes and death having been talked about in the news, broadcast to the whole of Karakura.

"I feared the worst was to come, but you knew the risk was well worth it to sacrifice everything in battle."

Obito Minori [Missing]
A silent, organized criminal coming from the roots of the Minori Family, His insightful ask questions later approch helped Madara with gang activities while he was under Ketsueki. Outside of gang involvement, Madara viewed Obito as a playboy who without the interaction of his craft in violence would fall down a rabbit hole of questionable unidentified "Females". His current whereabouts are unknown.

"We did pretty good huh, wish it lasted longer but sometimes come to an end quicker than most."

Gang affiliations
Sasin [Disbanded]

Yamagashira [Disbanded]

Rokuhara [Disbanded]

Kyoakuna [Disbanded]

Ketsueki [Disbanded]

Mefisuto [Ongoing]

Gekido [Lead]


The Characters I played

Sin Minori [Alive]
Only described by the swift and elegance of a man coming from the Minori Family, Sin Minori was always a bubbly character and crashed at Madara's place when he had no home to rest at, helping to grow a bond that reached further than just an acquaintance but more as a valued friend that Madara could rely on.

"A life of sin began with a slight push, didn't it sin?"

Vivion Minori [Missing]
Vivion never striked Madara as the strong type, but he sure showed his usefulness when It came down to teamwork, using his outnumbering advantages to take down his opponents alongside his family members. His whereabouts are unknown.

"Quite an observation you have, using numerous people to disadvantage another."

Nagato Ketsueki Yamagashira [Missing]
His mind was on the gang life but his heart was on fueling his Playboy persona, aggravating both parties as he was a friend of Obito Minori, both of them in their early years using their own techniques to overcome their opponents. Often crashing at Madara's place while bringing newer woman to his sofa. His whereabouts are unknown.

"Get your mind out of the gutter and focus on the mission."

Vanoss Salamanca [Missing]
A little on the dim side, but showed promise in his abilities that by the time of his disappearce, wasn't fully explored. Madara can fondly remember his younger years in Karakura but Vanoss slipped slowly through the cracks and his little early achievements were soon forgotten. His whereabouts are unknown.

"Vanoss Salamanca, can't say I remember him? Do you have a picture?"

Hunter H. Lee [Missing]
The brother of his girlfriend, Huntah. Hunter was a quiet yet young and fashionable lad who hasn't delved into any gang involvement, he simply used his words to defend his own honor aswell as talk his way out of disagreements.

"An introverted lad like yourself shows promise when it comes to defending yourself using words, maybe learned an alternative way of convincing another to submission."

[W.I.P] More to come in time.


Chapter l | Origins
Madara Volkonsky was born on March 1st, 2006, in a small town called Novgorod, located in the vast and picturesque landscape of Russia. Growing up in a tight-knit community, Madara experienced the beauty of Russian culture, its rich history, and the warmth of its people. From a young age, he displayed an inquisitive nature, always seeking knowledge and understanding of the world around him. As a child, Madara Volkonsky was exposed to diverse perspectives through his parents, who were renowned scholars in the fields of psychology and philosophy. They nurtured his intellectual curiosity and encouraged him to explore different subjects. Inspired by their academic achievements and a desire to forge his own path, Madara Volkonsky developed a profound interest in the human mind and behaviour but used this as an advantage to do terrible things later on in his teenage years.

In 2020, when Madara was 14 years old, a significant turning point occurred in his life. His parents, recognizing his thirst for knowledge and the potential for a global perspective, made the decision to relocate to Karakura while putting him in language classes to help with his Japanese as well as learning a bit of Korean along the way. They believed that the unique cultural environment and educational opportunities in Karakura would shape Madara's future in a profound way. Moving to Karakura was both thrilling and challenging for Madara. Adjusting to a new language, customs, and traditions was initially daunting. However, he quickly embraced the experience, immersing himself in the vibrant Japanese culture. Madara's determination and adaptability enabled him to overcome the language barrier and develop strong connections with his Japanese peers, thus learning Japanese in the process before going to Karakura highschool once he turned 15. He spent his 15th birthday in a dark room in Vova's old apartment, a single cupcake and a candle with the only heat from the very lighter he kept since Russia engraved with "Mark of Truth". This sparked a new understanding of abandonment in Madara's heart forcing him deeper into a violent blind rage that left the apartment completely trashed. The sleepless nights started here as the days passed and he kept moving forward, seeing the crossroad and finding out that money wouldn't neglect him like his family did, this obsession driving his ambitious nature that soon forced him down a darker path in the future.

На мою голову была возложена бесплодная корона.

Chapter ll | A long ways away
With a deep sense of purpose and armed with a diverse skill set, Madara Volkonsky now stands at the threshold of his high school journey in grade 12 at age 18. He envisions a future where he can contribute to the betterment of society, using his expertise in psychology, business, and human sciences to advance currently day systems however his life takes a dark turn once he gets introduced to the gang life, having been raised up in a poor area in Russia, he was overtaken by the will to go into a more aggressive approach in school and around Karakura’s streets, using the abilities he has learned through his life to his advantage, Thus coming to present day where he remains as a single soul but in the background works as a merc under the name 'Yad' for a little while. This new identity is one no one know about as he wears a orange one eyed mask to conceal his identity. This drove Madara into eventually push himself away from everyone around him, causing him to continue striving to make a living from the gang life, hoping from gang to gang to keep his thirst for the blood stricken life invested into his mind.

Бескрылый ангел, я не умею летать.

Chapter 111 | An act of sin
*A page ripped straight from the history books, the only information needed to be found icly though conversing with him directly.*

Семя греха, посеянное глубоко в сердце

Chapter llll | An Armed sense of justice
A sound of a chair creaking would echo throughout a hollow pitched white room. Madara was conscious, but only enough to see the predicament that he was in.

Sequenced beeps could be heard ringing in union with eachother which reveals that its coming from a IV machine. Three masked individuals with their identities concealed behind their soulless shell of a mask, eyes perched onto Madara as if he was a means to an end. One of the masked men, a tall silhouetted figure stood dawning a black balliclava, his eyes pressed onto Madara as if he was holding a grudge. Tubes connected to the IV swaying against eachother as Madara squirmed around after coming back to his senses. That same masked man would grab a tray of equipment, holding up a syringe before stabbing it into a small bottle of a unknown sedative mixer.

A tap of a syringe would fill the echoed void as a pacing heartbeat can be heard from the chest of Vlad as he nearly stumbles off the chair he is retrained to. The syringe would be punctured into both of Madara's eyes, ensuring the sedative could reach his brain and give him hallucinations of the implanted memories. Madara had become a soilder in arms towards the masked individuals that pushed his mind to break, he was completely obedient.

Madara's action once a 'TRIGGER' word is mentioned:

/it &f[&4&l!&f]&r his pupils would dilute in an instant. His head vibrating and pulsing to the sound of the phrase, his heart rate going off the charts as he falls beneath his own minds collapse. His vision would darken until it was an empty nothingness, soon bright flashes of what seems to be a white room would follow in a static noise flashback with his facial expression falling blank as he stares on in his emotionless gaze.

Является ли то, что я вижу, тем, что есть?

Chapter V | The calm before the storm
A ringtone would be heard playing out before abruptly stopping, a familiar voice can be heard from the other side.

Tora: Yad, we need to talk urgently.

Yad: I'm listening, what is it that you'd like to discuss?

Tora: I need to tell you something but it's better to say it face to face.

Yad: Understood.

The call would drop, no further sounds would be heard. Until the sudden meeting went sour resulting in Madara attempting to attack Tora in his sinister sadistic aggressive flurry of punches. Tora fearing his end and running away, forcing Madara to recall HIS gang to capture him.

The ringtone of his gang members would individually be heard playing out before they were able to pick up the phone, a abnormally aggressive Yad would be on the other end.

Yad: [+] Whilst thunder crashed to the sound of rain drops [+], "heheHEHEHAHAHA, it's karma.. he betrayed us, that disloyal fuck. No time to waste this needs to happen NOWW!! Come to Sector Iota quickly, hahaha.. he's fucked."

His horrific screeching laugh reaching deep into their eardrums as rain and thunder are heard crashing down onto his phone's microphone.

The call would end before they could even mutter a single word, his controlling message sends you onto a energetic rush towards Sector Iota to meet up with him.

Лояльность – это ложь, сделанная умным глупцом

Chapter V1 | Among the beast
After the sadistic Yad informed his fellow gang members about the betrayal of Gekido's founding father, Tora V. von Moltke or better known under his Allias Karma at Sector Iota, each member was as shocked as they were mortified by the sudden exit Tora planned to take but stopped in thought as Yad pressed on and ordered each one of them to rush into the swaying trees on the night to hunt down a frightened Tora. The manhunt had begin.

After a while of fruitless running and near exhaustion, he was found rushing down into sewers by three members of the hunting party, Yonni, Yaroslav and Vladislav who persuaded him down into the lower level of the sewer system, cornering him and pushing him down to the ground, pinning him to secure their victims fate. Yonni left to find Yad walking aimlessly in the middle of forest before informing him that they had found him, and with a sinister grin on his face, Yad had tracked down his target.


There stood each of them surrounding Tora, his expression turning to a frightened and sorrowful gaze as his heart raced a plethora of piercing beats as the sound of Yad's footsteps approached in a timed Agonizing rhythm that rang into his head, his fate was already being sealed as Yad ordered Yaroslav to swing his metal bat into Tora's unprotected skull. His intimation gaze being the last thing Tora witnessed before his head was brutally smashed to the ground with a powerful rageful strike from Yaroslav, Tora barely holding onto consciousness as he fell onto the cold floor below.

Yaroslav: This is what happens, when you betray people like us.

After the first strike, Yad's smile turned to pure burning passion to eliminate Tora himself but reframed, giving the order to Vladislav in hopes of finishing the job. However, Vladislav didn't strike but instead sat down besides Tora not uttering a word to anyone. Yad was at first confused by his gesture but it was short lived as it turned to anger and he was close to pushing Vladislav out of the way because of his insubordination and Finishing it himself, however he quickly handed it towards Yonni, confident that he would finish what Vladislav couldn't bring himself to do.

Yonni after quickly studying the situation, decided to force his hand out to Tora, sending a haymaker towards the side of his head while muttering under his angered breath.

Yonni: More is thy due than more than all can pay.

Intern slamming Tora's head into the side of the sewers wall. Tora was down for the count and having lost all of his consciousness towards the aggressive blows showcased by the gang members he betrayed, it was quite symbolic to Yad as he knew that this would serve as both an example of his members Loyalty to him but also as a way of determining the outcome of the situation, declaring himself the leader of Gekido while in thought.

He pulled out his knife with quick succession, pulling a piece of Tora's shirt around the collar and etching in sinister writing, "II Loyalty" into the side of his neck before swiftly forcing his knife into his lower abdomen, hoping to cut into his skin and puncture his liver but missing by mere inches before forcefully ripping the knife out while laughing in his sinister sadistic tounge. Still in shock Vladislav was completely immobile as blood gashed closer and closer to him before giving into his fear and remaining still.

Each member left one by one leaving Tora to bleed out onto the cold wet sewer floor beside VladIslav as they encouraged him to quickly follow alongside them, not a single word being muttered towards their rushing orders, they couldnt waste being comprismised so they decided to leave him there, presuming they had killed Tora once and for all as they rushed down into the cavernous sewers to find an alternative way of escaping the maze like structure. Before splitting of into their own separate ways, they had decided to meet up at Sector Iota to discuss further actions to take after escaping the crime scene. As Yad exited to the rushing light of the moon, he displayed quick thinking when he heard loud police sirens coming towards his direction, stealthy avoiding them while swifting moving towards Sector Omega for a debrief with his associates.

After all members made their way into Sector Iota, Yad was already preparing to discuss further actions to take to ensure the security of Gekido in the events that Vladislav was captured, his whereabouts were unknown at the time of this meeting and it was suspected by Yui, Yonni and Yaroslav that he was going to rat out each member of the gang to the KPD, but Yad had a plan for this and he knew that he needed to keep the moral of the gang high to ensure complete control over every event that he planned on manipulating to go into their favor, and as the night seemed to bleed to sunrise, There was only one thing Yad was sure about as he stood surrounded by his loyal associates, he was the leader and he had played most fouly to get the position by taking it from the evergiving Tora as pride infected his mind making him inpure to the actions he decided to take to remove Tora by force. After the cold night turned to dawn and the members of the Gekido were dismissed, he slowly relinquished his alias as Yad, rather calling myself by the bone chilling name "Tyrant" to express his change in power, referring to himself as a cold hearted killer in his own blood stained hands approaching his bloody mask.

Увидимся в адском пламени

Chapter V11 | We'll meet again
A smile, grinned with the urge of excitement and sinister practice was ected upon 'Tyrnat'. His deep expression lingering as his watchful eye burrows itself into the sight no other could bare witness. 'Karma'. A sight forever confinded into the mind of 'Tyrant' blissfully taunting him as the deep cuts became healed scars upon 'Malibu' left arm, reminding 'Tyrant' of one possible man who could have done the deed, a man believed.. no presumed dead by everyone who bared witness to his beating and swift but sloppy execution. He was indeed back, and 'Tyrant' grinned at the fact that he let him go without finishing the job. Now, his own ambition drove him to find a time, a place and unite the members of his beloved gang, Gekido for another collaborative effort to stopping him once and for all.

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Chapter Vll1 / Here may you see the tyrant, Madara.
A few days had passed, until Madara was able to assert his men to uncover the traitor, Tora having fled to the beach.

There we stood, faced with 5 members of Tora's allegiance outnumbered but pride infected.

It was quite a sight to see, Tora standing just a couple feet below us as we porched ourselves onto higher ground. Tyrant already know of the situation and whispered to his men to let him take Tora down himself as he instructed the others to find their places in fighting the other side. First there was small talks, then it burned into a violent fire with punches being thrown on both sides. Pain voicing the empty beach atmosphere as thunder and lighting crashes down onto the battlefield.

There is was, first blood with one member from the opposing side being Ko'ed first, then as the night continued on, the rage induced brawl turned slow and dark as one of our members, Mortis feel victim to the countless blows to their head, leaving them unconscious. Still at a disadvantage, another would fall from the opposing side leaving us closer to victory but that was a short lived bout as Malibu would be circled and taken out without mercy. Tyrant was able to witness it all, seeing his men fall one after another as it was only 3 of us and four opposition remaining. Thought the pain and strife, Tyrant and Tora had been trying to one up eachother in every possible moment to gain the upper hand on eachother, both succeeding as each of their blows hit one another exchanging an fatal amount of blows to eachothers skulls.

However in the mist of their battle, Malibu was taken down while being targeted from all sides, the sight of his unconscious body being the last sight Tyrant would witness as he was soon surrounded from behind by another opposing member, weakened and badly damaged to the point of exhaustion, he gave out his final breath before being swiftly knocked out, his slight fixating onto the fight going on between Pyrex and 2 opposing members right behind Tora's cunning smile towards Tyrant. Then, a yell broke the barbaric screams of the battle coming inches from its end. The commissioner having found us, called for backup as each of the members fled from the scene, all of the Ko'ed members from Gekido being able to flee the oncoming heat and hide out.

The battle had reached a disappointing conclusion for both sides as it was left undecided since Gekido still stood strong in the face of 3 members of Tora's legion.
The battle was not won, but the war brewing.

Война неизбежна

Chapter Vllll | Armistance
Yet to be told.

*NOTE [This isn't yet a completed biography and just a updated placeholder, the family and relations will be added respectfully when considering the members to include. Additionally all artwork seen isnt mine. Thank you for reading though it.]*



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Level 30
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Updated. If you know me icly enough to be considered a friend or ally, Dm me or message me here to be added to my affiliates/friends.


Level 104
I spent 10 days locked up in your basement, you really need to do some cleaning down there.
Its dusty as hell.
I love you ♥
wowww i even left u our best dusty mattress and hay bale for a pillow down there especially for you... you ungrateful bitch :(

I love youuu ♥


Level 30
Thread starter
wowww i even left u our best dusty mattress and hay bale for a pillow down there especially for you... you ungrateful bitch :(

I love youuu ♥
Bruhh you had me held up there like I was an animal, a normal bed on the first floor would've sufficed don't you think.

I love you ♥

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