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Accepted High School Council | Tatsumi Kubo

General Information

What is your Minecraft Username?:

What is your timezone?:

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Link(s) to all pass and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

French Language Application [ACCEPTED]
Chinese Language Application [ACCEPTED]

Third Language Slot Application [PENDING]

Describe your activity on the server:
I am typically active on the server, coming on usually later in the day (after 3 or 5 pm depending on my availability). While I take up my time on SRP with casual roleplaying, having a role to fulfill can make roleplaying more investing than it was previously, keeping me invested and expanding my horizons regarding my writing.
Generally available after 5 PM CST (unless stated otherwise)Generally available after 2 PM CST (unless stated otherwise)
List your account and roles on this server:
[Grade-12] Tatsumi Kubo
[Rabbit] Yuebing 'Bingbing' Cai
[Grade-12] Roxanne Hou

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
I am aware, yes.


What is the student council and what do they do?:
The student council leads a connection between the average student and the staff at the school, being able to lend assistance to both teachers and students alike. They serve to help the student body and keep morale up, along with making sure the students stay in line. The student council strives to make the school a safe place for students - both physically and mentally by mediating issues among them. They also hold the authority to give out detentions and warnings for misbehaving students.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
Mostly the chance to experience a new roleplay type, as I stated earlier, as it might help expand my writing and character creation. Being a student who is heavily involved with the school, such as handling events and coordinating students, seems like a dynamic and interesting way to roleplay. Not to mention, one of my friends is pressuring me to apply (although it was more like a push to do something I was already considering).

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
I am aware.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
President (College & High School):
Presidents of the student council - across high school and college - represent the entire student body and oversee the student council. Holding the highest rank in the council, they have to exude leadership as they hold the final say on decisions, keep an eye on other council members, and keep a level head in tense situations.

Vice President (College & High School):
The vice president is the second-in-command to the president, assisting the president with similar things and mostly taking on the same job, although they are more closely linked with the councilors. However, the vice president will take over charge in the president's absence during important functions.

Councilor (College & High School):
Councilors work underneath the president and vice president, keeping a closer eye on the student body and relaying information from students to higher-ups (i.e. faculty, the president, and vice president). Councilors must stay respectful and unbiased to keep their work steady, holding up to rules for themselves and others alike. While being on the student council, they still represent the students as well, playing a major role in the behavior of the students.


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

Tatsumi would simply pull the student aside, calmly reminding them that their current behavior could lead to detention and not to disrupt the assembly further - or another way to say they'd give the student a warning. If the student continues to cause a disturbance, after some time, Tatsumi sees no other route than to give them detention, as it's clear only a direct consequence will fix their behavior.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
Tatsumi isn't one to chase, nor to fight, usually lingering around others and being more intimidating than anything. Not wanting to be winded over a needless chase that could end up messier than wanted, Tatsumi would take a visual note of the student's appearance (that they could see) and relay the information to a higher-up, along with the location they ran off towards.

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
A part of Tatsumi would be fascinated with the artwork, taking note of it. Art is a form of expression, it could be seen as the student's way of reaching out for help. Along with verbal outbursts of threats, it shows perhaps a disturbed, struggling mindset of the student. Tatsumi would approach the student cautiously, reminding them that they need to respect teachers and students alike. He'd gently ask the student if they want to talk to someone, professionally or simply have a chat with Tatsumi regarding their current state. Depending on their response, the guidance will be received (either going to a teacher or counselor, talking it out with Tatsumi, or going to SLT or other staff if the student lashes out [possibly leading to detention, suspension or expulsion]).

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
Even if the protest was silent, Tatsumi doesn't hold the power to agree or disagree on the matter, even if Tatsumi wanted to. Tatsumi would bring the students' concerns to SLT. Depending on SLT's response, there are two ways it can go: Tatsumi relays the information of their protest is allowed as long as it isn't disruptful nor leads to violence (essentially if they're okay with staff being present during the protest to ensure everyone's safety), or telling them the news about the denial of the protest happening.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
Tatsumi would feel immediate shame and guilt for whatever actions he might've done. He'd talk it out further with the teacher or receptionist to see where the error lied, once figured out (and proven) Tatsumi would apologize immediately and wholeheartedly, promising to never repeat the same mistake. However, if there was a line of miscommunication, Tatsumi wouldn't be hesitant to advocate for themself, while still remaining respectful towards the staff member.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):
For The Arts [fair]:
For most students, the older you get, the more creatively drained you become. Focusing on things like school, jobs if a student has one, relationships and so much more leads to one not focusing on hobbies as much as they could when they were younger.

A solution to this could be found in a fair dedicated to the arts - ranging from writing, theatre, music, and art. Booths will be located both inside the gym and outside on the field depending on the activity. Writing, theatre, and art will be located on the inside while music and photography will be outside (if the weather allows).

Booths will include pamphlets about each topic, including the history behind it, different periods of each form of work, and revolutionary artists involved in the craft. At the end will include resources students can use if they ever want to indulge in this new form of self-expression.

They will also include free activities to do at respective stations, such as painting/drawing sections for art, improv and scripted sections for theatre, disposable cameras for photography, writing sections with prompts, and music practicing stations (to prevent sickness and shared disease, instruments like drums, guitars, and other non-wind instruments will be used).

The point of the fair is to reawaken the creativity in people and to have fun - it should be remembered that while the event is lighthearted and not meant to be taken to perfectionism, it is to be respected and taken seriously nonetheless.

Halloween Haunter:
Halloween is a fun time of year for all with the candies, parties, and costumes. Why not bring that spooky cheer to school?

On Halloween Day (or prior depending on scheduling), a minor festival will be held. This will include similar activities to a fall festival, like apple bobbing or a maze - however, it will include other fun activities that aren’t from that previous event (think of it as an extension).

A haunted house ran by students is always a classic when it comes to student-run activities. Of course, faculty or a council member should be present to make sure no one gets injured just in case, or frightened to the point of passing out. It should also stay non-physical, only scaring the person - not grabbing them, pushing them, or other physical assaults.

A corn maze would be available. There would be normal things, like dead ends and scarecrows littered about. If approved a staff member or council member will walk around the maze in an attempt to scare others (but not bring them harm).

A pumpkin decorating station would be available, including the necessary things to carve and decorate pumpkins, overseen by a teacher or other staff members to make sure no altercations break out.

A costume contest would be advertised, encouraging the students to dress up for Halloween to receive a prize (up to the council and faculty to work out what sort of prize). The winner would be determined by a selected few of judges.

Food stands would be present, including Halloween-themed/fall foods - caramel apples, pumpkin pies, cherry pastries in the shape of witch hats, black cat cookies,bone-shaped bread sticks and marinara, amongst other foods that aren’t just sweets to keep it balanced. Drinks would include water (always), coffee, and hot teas.

Personal Information
They'd pick at their painted nails, eyes wide with curiosity as they spoke, his tone soft, crackling rhythmically like the sound of a broken mirror shattering,
"Tatsumi Kubo."

He'd tap his finger against their leg, posture curved over with their lanky frame,
"Everyone says I'm a guy, so I must be."

He'd look away, still tapping his finger -- his face was overshadowed by his long hair, but a burning blaze could still be seen in his eyes.
"Eighteen, born April 16th at 6:00 AM - making me an Aries, a fire sign, first of the zodiac.."

Phone number:

How would you describe your personality?:
They'd stop moving, only gently swaying their head back and forth as they thought, his expression unmoving,
"I've been told I'm curious, perhaps bold when it comes to my actions because of that curiosity. But I don't see that as a bad thing - curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back, they say - and I've been brought back from the dead several times."

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture) [art is done by me - Luminosityspecter]:

He stood there, his head tilted to the side as his hair flowed behind him, his complexion almost ghost-like. His lips and eyes were stained black with makeup, his nails chipped and clearly chewed on, his cuticles picked at. Despite that, the look in their eyes almost seemed welcoming, a bonfire that doesn't judge those who it stares upon.
tatsumi kubo.png

To be noted:
Tatsumi is lanky with their build, having little to no real muscle mass and is tall with a slender face.
They carry an omamori on them at all times.
Tried to dye their hair previously without bleach, but it faded almost immediately, leaving only some red behind.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
Tap, tap, tap.
"I observe people, it's what I've always done. I pick up on their fidgets, the look in their eyes - some say I'm a human lie detector, but that's going too far... Lie detectors aren't accurate, after all. I suppose my observations can lead to different outcomes other potential applicants might not go towards, or I'm just like everyone else. I can talk things out with others and mediate well, I believe. Perhaps pick their brain, ask them why they behave as such... The more information, the better."

Why do you want this position?:
Tatsumi hummed, his gaze turning thoughtful - the heat behind them settling into a dim fire.
"Teachers always tell students to participate in school-related factions, such as clubs or student council. I mulled over the thought for a long time, wondering if I could fulfill that heavy role, and I believe I can. The student council is to know, is to see. What else can you do with information but to act on it? If you don't, you'll be left unsatisfied, unfulfilled... A devastating path."

What interests you the most about student council?:
A small, sly smile would creep across his face, almost lighting up a bit.
"Interacting with others, seeing their reactions to school-related activities. What makes them joyous? What brings them down? Why do they react the way they do? I suppose the power that comes along with the role upkeeps my... Research into the student body, assists with my control in the area of keeping them happy and safe. You could say they're subjects to my further understanding of humans, how the mind works, emotions - but that doesn't mean I don't care about them. They're meant to be kept safe and unharmed, and heard as well."

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
"It's wonders what a small conversation can do to help understand a person better and have them calm down, use the right words and they'll listen to you - respect you. That doesn't apply to everyone, however, but I understand how to handle that accordingly and without violence. I want to be someone that my peers can turn to for a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on, even if I've been told I'm... Unsettling, my heart is always in the right place, I believe. I think I handle myself well, with honor - honoring my family, friends, the spirits that walk amongst us - and the student body should do the same. Perhaps I'm the person to give that advice, to be that role model."
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Level 248
Council Lead

Thank you for applying. Congratulations on your application being accepted. Please ping @[Dean] gotsnapped in ⁠#help channel in KA Discord for your roles. If you have any questions, you're welcome to message me at @jawhyla on Discord.

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