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Level 0


What is your Minecraft Username?:


Past warns/kicks/bans?:

None, and I plan on keeping it that way!

What is your timezone?:

EST (Canada)

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:


Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending): - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED

Describe your activity on the server?:

I could find myself on SRP for about 3 hours minimum if I’m not with friends and nothing is happening ICly wise. However, if an event or such is happening, the maximum I would be on would be 5-6 hours a day.

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:

Of course, and I will try my best not to let this happen..!


What is the student council?:

The student council is a group made up of students specifically chosen to not only represent the school itself, but also keep fellow students in line, and propose new ideas that will benefit the school. They are well-respected students, and actively make sure school regulations are up to date.

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):

A friend of mine had just recently got into the college council and suggested that I should join the high school council, as it is a great way to expand my connections and my RP as well!

What does the school council of Karakura do?:

The school council of Karakura carries many responsibilities on their shoulders. For example, they regulate the school on the daily. This can be shown as multiple members of the council are often seen stopping arguments escalate into fights in a calm, collective manner. The student council is also responsible for proposing new ideas for the school, such as events and upgrades to general facilities. They are role models for the students in Karakura as they represent the school itself.

How would you describe your work ethic?:

If I were to describe my overall work ethic, I'd say I'm a very picky and determined person. When given a task, I'd rather not procrastinate and get it over with, making sure it is up to par with my peers and my overall standard. This would be beneficial if I were to be on the student council as I would complete my tasks diligently.

What interests you the most about the student council?:

The thing that first drew me to joining the student council was how organized everything was, compared to the standard SchoolRP you’d get on the daily. I liked how responsible each and every member of the council was and decided to apply, hoping to also join the council.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:

I have had some cases of CombatRP and GangRP, however it was short-lived and I eventually got bored of it, noting how toxic half the people were. I would consider myself alright at DetailRP and quite enjoy doing it, as it brings a new aspect into roleplay itself as you can perfectly describe your character's body language and such.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:

I would obviously say something about the idea, as it is not benefiting the school nor any of the facilities. As a member of the council, you are expected to submit ideas that will either help out students in certain situations and just improve the school itself in general.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?:

I would attempt to gather as much feedback as possible, as I believe constructive criticism is a good thing and means there’s always room for improvement. After the meeting, I’d work on my idea, and if it doesn’t work out the second time, I’d move onto another idea.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:

I believe that there are always pros and cons to each idea that is put onto the table. But as members of the council, we should always keep the meetings civil and organized, so presenting ideas would be easy and simple. So, I would intervene and talk to both parties, explaining how arguing won’t get us anywhere, and that it is useless to argue with one and another. Worst-case scenario, I would tell a higher up about the argument.

A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?:

First and foremost, I would attempt to gather as much evidence as I can about the councillor bullying fellow students and such. After I’m certain I have enough evidence to accuse the individual, I would take the matter up with either an SLT, or one of the presidents in the council. No matter the situation, students apart of the council are expected to represent the school, and not bully fellow classmates.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:
I would try to talk it out separately between the two, as it is affecting both their work ethic and the overall mood between the two. As fellow members of the council, they should act friendly and respectful towards each other, as they have to work together to make sure school is a peaceful place for both students and school staff.

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?:

I would first take a photo of the individual, and approach them, attempting to stop them from abusing their powers. They are on school grounds, and that type of behavior is unacceptable. If they still won’t budge, I would go to a SLT about the person abusing their powers, and leave it into their hands.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:

I would wait until they finish saying what they suggested, making sure that I wouldn't just blurt out how I didn't agree with them, and calmly state my opinion about theirs. I would also attempt to find other members that feel the same way, making sure that I had a valid point over their opinion. I'd watch my tone, as they are my higher-up and is a highly respected figure in the council.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?:

“...It’s shameful to admit, but I don’t have many friends, however- as a hypothetical, I would instantly deny their request because of many reasons. Detention is given out to people who have broken school rules and shown disrespect to not only their classmates but the school faculty as well. I believe if you are given detention, you should reflect on your actions, and using others as a way to get out simply because detention will "waste your time" is a terrible way to avoid confrontation."


Character Name:

Romeo Avellino

Character Gender:


Character Age:


Character phone-number:

(+81) 152-092-464

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality:

Romeo is an energetic and truthful individual. Because he had just recently moved to Karakura, his Japanese is not the best, and he ends up creating misunderstandings with how he pronounces certain words, giving off the wrong idea. He believes in peace and has a keen mindset, saying violence is never the answer to anything. Although he’d slack from time to time, he’s a very determined person and will plow through whatever task is given to him.

Character appearance/attire:

Romeo would be an Italian male standing at 6’5 with long, shiny, blond hair. He’d have light grey eyes however he wore darker contacts to make him look less intimidating. Accompanying this, he’d have a sharp jawline with white teeth and charming dimples. His hair would always be seen in a loose ponytail as he’d never leave without tying his hair, as he thought he looked too “wild” without his hair tied. Romeo’s casual attire would usually be a loose tan cardigan accompanied by a white undershirt and dark jeans. In school, Romeo would always keep his uniform ironed, although he’d occasionally have to change clothes if he fell into a urinal. . .

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

“There are many reasons which separate me from other applicants seeking to become apart of the student council. One example of this could be my will-power and determination. Although I'm not the smartest individual, I make up for it with my ability to excel in any task given to me with ease."

Why do you want this position?:

"The reason why I applied for student council is so I can work on myself and meet new people. I believe by joining the student council, I will be able to experience new situations and grow as a better person. I have also promised many that I will grow up to become someone they can look up to and rely on, and I think joining the student council will be a great decision in the future."

What interests you the most about student council?:

"The main thing that interests me the most about the student council is how reliable and respected each member is. They are independent and great leaders; and by joining the council, I believe I too will be able to become a reliable role-model to other students."

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
"Because I am relatively new to the school, I can give advice as a newcomer, informing fellow councillors about flaws that could be found in both the atmosphere and the school itself. I consider myself very sociable, and would find it easy to communicate with fellow students when asking for recommendations that could make school a better place for both school staff and the students that attend!"

[!] At the back of the application would be a drawing of Romeo, wearing a shirt that branded, "I <3 COUNCIL" and his signature, clearly indicating he drew this himself..
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