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Denied Himori's Chef application


Level 18
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: BanterIsAnEgirl (This IGN will be changed once I am able to.)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Yes, I do have discord! My discord is Viva#0999

How old are you?: I would rather not say

What is your time zone?: EST

Describe your activity on the server:
Well, I am on basically all day, but my schedule is dependent on if I have work the same day or if I also have school the same day. If there is something important though that I have to attend, I will take some time off work or school to go to it.

Have you ever been banned: No, I have never been banned and I will try and keep it that way.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes I do understand

School Employee Role you are applying for?: I will be applying for Chef

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

A chef is a professionally trained cook who is there to provide a dish for others, chefs are people that prepare food to satisfy others hunger
needs. Chefs are a more professional cook that have more responsibilities than a regular cook would.
A school chef especially, is meant to help the students throughout breakfast and lunch so the students can stay active, healthy, and well fed during the day.
Chef's are
meant to satisfy the person eating their food, meaning they need to cook meals the best they can so the person who is eating it can enjoy it.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
In general, I have experience with DetailRP, FearRP, PainRP, MedicalRP, and many more.
I have been roleplaying for a solid amount of time meaning 6 years in total
I've been roleplaying, yet I still may not be the best at it, I am trying to get as good as I can at it.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: Accepted Denied Denied

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[18] [Grade-12]


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
My character would firstly take a deep breath then let it out before kindly asking the student to calm down and refrain themselves from being disrespectful towards myself. If the student refuses to listen, I will ask one last time since I only give one extra chance seeming as I don’t tolerate this type of behavior, since it is very disrespectful. If they don’t listen STILL, I will get a principal or such to have a small talk with the student although if they aren't available I will ask a
councilor or the receptionist to deal with them since I would like to have a peaceful shift.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
She would try to intervene and raise her voice asking them to stop before they will get detention or have to have a chat with the principal/dean or any of the vice members which could lead into a detention and/or suspension, yet if they still don’t listen from there I will try and get them away from each other so no one else is able to get themselves hurt, if I can’t get them to stop I will get other faction members to help me get the students fighting away from each other so no further damage can happen.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
She’d first walk up to the employee and would ask them to stop and act their age as some child might copy the employee’s
behavior since they are thinking that it’s okay to do as an employee is also doing it so they may think it should be okay for them to also do. She would then tell them that what they were doing was inappropriate as if they didn’t already know, yet if they don’t listen I will report them to a higher up in the school.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
When Himori is in the break room with either herself, or other employees. She acts calm and polite to her fellow co-workers when they are near her in the break room, she also would offer help to them if they do need any. If Himori were to be alone in the break room she would just sit for awhile enjoying her break and grab a book from her handbag and read to herself as she enjoys book series that are action and such, but she would sit and read there until her break is over and then she would get straight back to work.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/Me Would grasp the pan and a packet of bacon as she poured oil all over the pan, whilst turning the temperature to the highest heat until crispy on one side, she’d then carefully flip the bacon over as she then put the heat to a middle temperature.

/Me Put her gloves on. She’d grab the pork and would slap it onto the cutting board. She would then grab a sharp knife and helf the pork tightly , as she held the pork then began to cut it into small pieces and covering it in seasoning.

/Me Would plop a bowl onto the counter whilst grabbing a bag of rice and pouring it into the bowl. She’d then grab a packet of pre-cut veggies pouring them into the bowl along with a bit more rice, whilst adding a small proportion of rice to the bowl she would also be mixing it with her hands.

In-Character Section

Full Name: Himori Ki

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss

Preferred Name: Miss Romi, Miss K.

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Religious Denomination: Christian

Marital Status: Single

Academic Degree: Bachelor's Degree in Culinary

Year of Graduation: 2016

Major(s): Culinary arts

Minors: Arts and Safety

Nationality: Japanese and Canadian

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: Korean


Himori Ki was born in Osaka, Japan with her parents, grandparents, and a very large number of siblings.
Himori was a very interesting child. when she was very young, she disliked many things a regular child around her age would enjoy, although like many kids did- she loved baking and cooking with her parents since she could make anything she wanted to with an endless amount of possibilities to make. Himori liked to play with her little sister and brother though since she was always really close to them, on the other hand, she never really talked with her elder siblings since they all disliked one another from the fact they used to prank each other a lot, but one of their pranks went further than it should have. When Himori turned 6 her parents and grandparents were debating on moving to somewhere else in Japan since they wanted to change the area from where they lived at the moment, they were also thinking of moving outside of the country but remembered the fees and expenses that would be. Not even a year later, her parents decided to sell the house and had planned on moving to Karakura, Japan as a surprise since she had family there that she never got to meet before because of her parents not having enough money to move over there. After a few weeks Himori’s house was sold and the next thing you know a few days later she started packing her stuff since the following week, she would have to move out and go to Karakura, a beautiful place in Japan is what the locals there say. The following week she had all of her belongings together ready for them to be put away so she could take a plane to Karakura. The next day she had to wake up at an early time of 5 am since her plane would depart at 7 am but that airport was a 40 minute drive away so she had to hurry with her family into the car to get there quickly. After Himori arrived in Karakura, the first thing she did was rush to see her family she never saw before with her family trailing behind her, after she met them, Himori’s family and her went to their new house and started to unpack everything and set up her room nicely since her parents got her brand new furniture as a gift for her new house. A few years later, when Himori turned 13 her parents decided to let her cook and bake on her own as she wasn’t allowed to use the stove or oven before then since her parents never wanted her to incase something happened, like, she burned herself, burnt the food, or even started a fire. From what Himori went to school for, she loved when there were culinary classes since, of course, she loved cooking and baking since there were endless possibilities to make, with everything in the kitchen she felt like she was in her own world being allowed to make anything she would want to as long as she had the ingredients. Once Himori was 17 she started teaching her younger siblings how to cook delicious meals and make sweet treats so they can be able to do cooking and baking themselves incase their siblings, parents, or grandparents were not home, her siblings told their friends how Himori was teaching them how to cook and bake so they asked Himori if she could also teach them, altogether she had 7 kids in one room trying to bake sweet treats and cook small meals so they don’t waste food. Himori, is now 18, still living with her family since she knows if she ever moves out she would dearly miss them so she stays with them so they don’t miss her either, making sure they are always together no matter what. She still helps others younger or older still learning or haven’t learned to cook meals and sweets so they know what to do in case someone isn’t around to help them out. Himori is now always with her friends outside of school hours and roams Karakura spreading positivity to others who seek her.

Motivation for Joining KHS: My motivation for joining KHS is that I love cooking and baking, and overall helping to feed others when they are hungry since normally others can be in a mood when they don’t get food.
My motive is also that I have always loved cooking and baking so I feel like this would be a good chance for me to improve even more than how
I've done so far in life, meaning, I would like to improve further from how I have been doing, so this would be a great chance for me to have.
I myself am a foodie so I love making new foods and treats that look amazing and taste even better from the looks, even if they don’t look very good they could taste amazing, and I have done both. From making foods that look amazing and taste amazing and foods that look okay but taste amazing.
I make food as a pleasure of being able to please others with delicious and healthy meals, snacks, and treats, making sure their body stays healthy while eating since having a healthy life is key to following dreams depending on what they are wanting to be in the future, just like me, I always wanted to be a chef and I am following that dream as much as I can.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate: N/A

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
You should accept me over other applicants as I have experience in cooking/baking and being a chef in general.
I have a lot of experience from making a small breakfast to large feasts, also from little cookies to huge wedding cakes.
I have always had experience in the kitchen since I started cooking/baking at a very young age meaning I have a lot of experience with ovens, stoves, microwaves, mixers, and much more.
I can deliver the expected rules and work expectations and dedicate my career to this job and put all the effort I can into it so I can reach every expectation that is needed for having this as my job.


Additional notes about your application: N/A

Do you have any questions?: N/A
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Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying, however, your School Employee application won't be accepted today.

After carefully reading through your application, I have found a few errors that could be improved upon should you decide to re-apply:
Unfortunately, there's no longer a position open for Chef as another applicant has been chosen for this role. Nevertheless, thank you for taking the time to apply.

The School Employee faction has now reached its capacity (25)
If you wish to work within the school, I recommend applying for Teacher or Professor! Or wait until another spot opens up.

DM me on Discord if you have any questions regarding your application: @KimiNoUso#9999

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