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Denied History Teacher [x2]| MinisterFudge


Level 19
Community Team
Event Team
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: MinisterFudge

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): crystallizedgene

Do you have a microphone?: Yes and I'm happy to use it as appropriate.

How old are you? (Optional): 20+

What is your time zone?: GMT+10

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I do not intend to go inactive or be pulled up for activity issues.

Describe your activity on the server: I am on occasionally (every other day) and stick around usually for a couple of hours. I am a [Grade 12]. I very much enjoy using the library and submitting or writing books and attending the more interesting classes, particularly the more theoretically heavy humanities.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
No appeals

What is your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Grade 12. No other roles


What subject are you applying to teach?: HISTORY; I would generally teach about Modern History (e.g. French Revolution, The Bubonic Plague, English/French History, the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, The Russian Revolution, the 1975 Australian Constitutional Crisis) or about the study of history as a whole. Also, I can also teach about less scandalous church history as well (e.g. The Great Schism, The Reformation, Vatican II, etc.).

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?: I simply have so much I want to teach about, history-wise. That is to say, I am holding on to a lot of information that I would not need to necessarily always revise, it is ready to go! Ready to be converted into a lesson plan. I have seen how classes on the server are generally taught and can confidently say that this is something I can and, indeed, want to do.

I am not a stranger to teaching in a roleplay environment and very much would like to see if I can be of any assistance here. Realistically, out if all the factions that exist it is really the teachers and professors that get the benefit of interacting with the widest array of players: classes of some 20 or so people, routinely. This is to say nothing of interactions in the school outside of the classroom too, so it is very much those interactions that motivate me to apply as well. More opportunities to engage with players on the server in a great bulk in this very particular context of teaching is very attractive.

I would also like to add that I've been emotionally and spiritually inspired by this relevant YouTube channel: @historyteachers. I hope to bring this level of enthusiasm to teaching history on SRP.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?: Yes, and I suspect it will be very thorough and I will actively look for written guidelines and confirm I have read them (outside of the information available on the forums). I will be hopefully not too overly cautious with what I do so that I can make sure that I avoid falling afoul of the faction’s guidelines as best as I can. The importance of doing this is, one might say, abundantly clear to me.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
The logs exist so teachers are able to provide evidence of their activity and teaching. It is important and necessary for the server to operate because a school needs teachers who teach in order to function (an uncontroversial statement I am sure). They are also important as they assist in making sure teachers are paid ICly by the school and make sure teachers teach no more than 4 times per OOC day as dictated by server rules.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

  • Phones are to be on silent: To prevent disruptions, students may be told their phones should be on silent. Especially when they present a disruption to class (ringing, playing music, games, etc.).
  • Students should not engage in academic misconduct or plagiarism of any kind as this weakens the integrity of Karakura High as a whole.
  • Students must not engage in general misconduct, they are to behave themselves in an orderly way, keep their hands to themselves, and not disrupt class so that their peers may learn from the classes they attend.
  • Students should make an active effort to learn by engaging in active listening and asking appropriate questions, not being afraid to provide an incorrect answer and instead seeing this as an opportunity to grow academically.
Moreover, students should generally raise their hands to speak in a class and this should be explained to students at the beginning of every class where it is necessary and appropriate to do so (which is most of the time!)

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I do recall experience very early on in my teen years on some Minecraft roleplay server but it was so immensely long ago as to only warrant a single sentence in this application.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, I used to be a Gamemaker (event staff, effectively) on a now-defunct Garry’s Mod Server (Hogwarts RP). As one might imagine, that server in particular had a very similar tone to this one in that it was a school.
It seems right for me to disclose that the server rules in that now defunct community were relatively straightforward in the sense that, being a Garry’s Mod server … all RP jobs had their own set of rules and this, combined with general rules was relatively straightforward. The rules on SRP are arguably more complex and I should be ready to accept this and pay close attention during any training I may receive in the event this application or any future applications vis-a-vis this faction are accepted.

Outside of the things mentioned above, there is now the 'experience' I can be said to have here, which consists most notably of being a student and beginning to explore the nuances of 'GangRP' rules and the varying clubs/sports and what people get up to in those areas.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description:
The Head of Department, as the name suggests, is the teacher responsible for a specific subject taught at Karakura For example, there's an HD for English and an HD for History. Each department has its designated HD which manages those teachers working in that specific department. They are the go-to person for collaboration and assistance with hosting or managing classes; particularly (but not necessarily exclusively) classes in that department.

↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Qualified Teachers (QTs) are highly trained and officially certified educators. They have completed their training and possess extensive knowledge on effectively handling various situations and conducting classes. They are experienced teachers who often remain in the profession for an extended period. This experience puts them in a good position to provide help or guidance to those teachers who are newly qualified or unqualified.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) are recently hired teachers who ‘passed their training’ as detailed below. They must meet activity requirements and teach classes. Although they now have the freedom to structure their classes as they see fit, they are not yet qualified teachers. With time and experience, NQTs progress and develop their teaching skills. As a result, you will see more Qualified Teachers in the future.

↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:
Unqualified Teachers (UTs) are newly hired teachers who, upon getting ‘a proper introduction and training for their role’ are presently undergoing training; they ‘cannot host a class until they’ve passed their training’. UTs cannot conduct classes until ‘they’ve passed their training; during which they receive feedback and assistance’. UTs generally spend their time preparing for lessons and learning about their role, powers, and responsibilities.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.


Teachers (IC) have the potential to earn up to ¥500,000 per month. NQTs begin with a base salary of ¥350,000 upon completing 10 classes, while QTs have a base salary of ¥400,000. For every additional set of 5 classes taught beyond the minimum requirement, teachers receive an extra ¥50,000 added to their paycheck until they reach the maximum amount. Teachers are limited to teaching a maximum of four classes per 24 hours (out-of-character 24 hours).

Teachers (OOC) are widely known for just making abysmal pay (albeit, often the job has other good benefits like superannuation, job security etc). This will vary depending on which country is under discussion; the OECD provides a marvelous break-down that I will link here:

Interestingly, it seems as though Australia is ahead in the OECD in terms of the annual salary of teachers starting out at the upper-secondary level, being at 46 987 USD.


(IC) To facilitate roleplay on the SchoolRP server generally, but specifically to perform a specific role unique to them which is teaching students in character on the server through Grades 7-12. College students by contrast are taught by professors, an entirely different role. To this end, they plan lessons in advance and show up to classes early to actually host them. Outside class their role involves upholding their duty of care; ensuring student welfare and assisting particularly newer students. Of course, teachers have personal lives and responsibilities; but their role as an educator may undoubtedly influence their hobbies and what they do in their spare time (e.g. reading, professional development, grading, and lesson planning outside school hours). Teachers need not come up with an entire syllabus on their own: their goal is to inevitably help students perform well during an inevitable examination. So, they may see fit to reach out to their colleagues to understand Learning Objectives; what students actually need to be able to do, know and understand. This can assist teachers in preparing lessons (and incorporating opportunities to reward students in class).

(OOC) It is sufficient to say the role of teachers is to prepare students for life after school: in the workforce and to get a job. Though psycho-social development is also part of a teacher’s role, they are not just there to help students become good citizens and learn basic skills conducive to most employment; but to be good and healthy people. It’s why we teach things like P.E., philosophy, and, indeed, history.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
As stated elsewhere, teachers are important to a SchoolRP server because they fulfill the role of educators within the virtual school environment. Obviously, teaching classes is generally their role but it seems to me insufficient to point out the obvious that 'SchoolRP would hardly be a 'School' if there were no teachers in it'.

To this end, I've drafted a list explaining the various contributions teachers bring to any SchoolRP environment:

  • Facilitating Lessons and Marking Student Work ('the obvious'): Teachers perform in-character classes and by doing this they contribute to creating a realistic school environment where students can engage in immersive roleplay experiences and potentially receive reward tokens.
  • Maintaining IC and OOC Boundaries: Teachers can use their authoritative positions to help ensure that their students and others distinguish between in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) chat.
  • Enforcing Roleplay Rules: Teachers play a role in upholding roleplay standards and encouraging proper conduct among players. They can also report breaches of SchoolRP's rules, contributing to a fair and enjoyable roleplay environment.
  • Creating Realistic Learning Experiences: Teachers contribute to the authenticity of the school setting by delivering engaging lessons they actively plan beforehand and in so doing they may well help students prepare for exams held every 3 months.
  • Promoting Character Development: Through interactions with students, teachers can contribute to the growth and development of characters within the School environment by, for example, acting as a mentor or guide and creating opportunities for students to explore their characters' personal and academic journeys in and out of classes (NB: As classes can only be performed 4 times per OOC day it may often be the case this is done outside of class).
Enhancing Immersion: Teachers bring a layer of depth and richness to SchoolRP by playing the role of educators. They contribute to the overall atmosphere of the school, collaborating with other players to create engaging and realistic scenarios that foster character development and social interactions. This is to say, it is simply nice to see teachers going around and doing teacher things outside of classes. On this last point, I want to expand beyond a mere list because I do think it is important that teachers do not all teach in totally identical ways. The different teaching styles and personalities of the varying faculty characters are important because to not have that diversity would make the school environment very bland and unenjoyable.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
Karakura High School operates on the MoSCoW system, which categorizes requirements and tasks into Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Wouldn't or Would Have, allowing for effective prioritization.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

The most striking thing about Alois would have to be the fact that, whenever it is possible, he wears the attire of a Catholic Priest: cross, white collar, and all. Otherwise, he would wear the next best thing: formal attire, all black with a white collar. His height is average, standing around 5’5. His appearance is benign enough, with brown eyes, brown hair, and a pale complexion as a consequence of spending a great deal of his formative years cooped up in a Basilica; a gilded cage. Indeed, this causes him to be very quick to latch on to feedback and join conversations when invited. He sees his colleagues as opportunities to learn. Even in Rome, he was always an active listener when visitors with more life experience than he shared their stories.

As a result of certain newsworthy events he lived through, he is very cognizant of building stable and cordial rapport with younger people and sees their trust and respect as things to be earned. He sees students as co-creators and active collaborators in the rich processes of learning and educating. He hopes to instill criticality in students and present as many opportunities for intellectual engagement in his classes as practicable. This hope and general attitude towards young people is reflected in the way he speaks with them compared to other teachers. While capable of laying out expectations and being serious, he is inordinately polite, ending requests with 'please' and thanking students for their contributions. In the rare instances where he expresses strong measures of disappointment, this will manifest speech that is more direct, curt, and devoid of pleasantries.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Alois would approach the gang and clasp his hands together. He would beseech them, exclaiming that they “now must be rid of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from thy lips”. He would of course go ahead and explain the school’s rules on swearing and misconduct, but he wouldn’t just treat this as a formality and walk off. He would encourage the delinquents to bear with each other and forgive one another if any of them had a grievance against someone. These teachings all being very biblical in nature, but Alois would omit that fact and simply try to instill virtue in students that the Karakura SLT would approve of.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
The only reasonable thing to do in the midst of such anarchy is present an ultimatum to students: resume their seats (if applicable) and remain silent or be removed from the class. Such drastic action should not be presented as a demand, but an explanation. Alois would politely explain that he has much to share and there is much work to be done, but it can not begin if they can not “be strong and courageous, and do the work”. Of course, discipline may be necessary but it is no good either to mollycoddle or abuse students; an attempt surely must be made by educators to provide a positive, relatable, inspirational example to students. That would be Alois’ view, of course. He very much wants students to follow the ‘Golden Rule’ (John 13:34) but would never explicitly phrase it that way. Partly out of fear of being fired but mainly because it is a classroom and not a sermon.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Alois may be spotted on occasion engaging in silent prayer with a rosary or preparing lessons for students. At other times he is whimsically engaging in philosophical debates with colleagues about how young people are best educated. Having been raised in a country with arguably the vastest collection of literature in the world it is not surprising that Alois has developed a love of literature and is very much ready to share that love with his colleagues. He particularly enjoys comic operas and musicals, his favorite of the latter being Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street by Hugh Wheeler.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Context: Meeting students at the beginning of class
/me Made deliberate steps towards the chalkboard before writing his name ‘Mr. Candelaria’ on the board, with the date on the far right and ‘JMJ’ on the far left. “Greetings students, I am your history teacher and you may call me Mr. C if you’d like, yes, like Santa Claus. I am here to deliver you the gift of a good education in history. I’m looking forward to working together. Now, let’s all sit down. Be sure to raise your hand if you have any questions”
[LOOC] : To raise your hand, do /me raises hand AND/OR /rh.

Context: Leading a Class Discussion
/me He would reach for some chalk and write ‘Liberté, égalité, fraternité’ before turning back towards his class and nodding sagely.
“Can anyone guess from these words here what glorious event we are going to be examining today? Also, bonus question: Can anyone tell me what events most historians regard as ‘beginning’ or having ‘kickstarted’ this event?”

Context: Initiating a class activity/assignment
/me He would look at his students all holding their empty notebooks clapping his hands loudly and staring out the window into the heavens.
“Now my friends, having learned everything I told you, we shall travel to the past in our MINDS and engage in an exercise of living history. Please put yourself in the role of any figure in France living during the events we’ve discussed and write from their point of view; a diary entry. Try to stress facts about the event we discussed.
[ could include the Storming of the Bastille, execution or trial of Marie Antoinette, and the desecration of Notre Dame]

Context: A student gave an incorrect account or answer
/me He would smile, shaking his head left and right.
“I'm afraid that is the wrong answer, but thank you for trying. Let us all never be afraid to glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; character; and hope! Now, does anyone have the right answer?


"I do not hope to enter the Academy for the promotions, the superannuation benefits or so I can be at the tennis courts early. I'm doing it because I hope to help you kids".
- Alois addressing his pastoral group upon completing his Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
Alois Candelaria was born to a Nun and Bishop in Rome, delivered in the Sistine Chapel within the Vatican City State in utter secrecy. The authorities in Rome decided against making any public statements on the birth to prevent controversy, a fact Alois only learned in his early teenage years.

The official story promulgated by the Roman Curia was that he was found abandoned in St. Peter's Square and accompanied by a letter. Alois was raised as a ward of the Holy See; being appointed as a citizen directly by John Paul II. He went on to become a Priest. It was only after his ordination in Rome that Pope (Emeritus) Benedict XVI disclosed the truth directly to Alois during a highly emotionally charged confession. This led Alois to have a crisis of faith and, needless to say, left a great impression on him. However, having been raised within the confines of the smallest country in the world led to Alois suffering in silence for a great part of his life.

Alois was not entirely alone though, and met visiting folks on a daily basis. His job in the Vatican involved acting in the capacity of a tour guide and pastoral advisor for visiting school students (typically from nearby Italian High Schools). Aside from this, most of his life within the Vatican city-state was monastical and involved tending to the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery. On one fateful day, members from the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery happened to visit Rome and shared much information about the people of Karakura and the lack of the Church’s presence in the town. Alois shared this encounter during his loathed but routine visits with Benedict XVI. Consequently, he woke up one day to find he had received orders from the Apostolic Nunciature to Japan. He was ordered to go forth and evangelize in Karakura!

Alois has spent many years in Karakura, having arrived in 2016. However, his crisis of faith only grew worse as repeated (and shamelessly malicious) letters from Rome expressed disdain at his lack of progress in securing ‘a presence’ for the Church in Karakura. This failure, combined with the cautions he received from Pope (Emeritus) Benedict XVI for spreading heresy online (advocating for a type of ‘liberation theology’) led to him eventually being defrocked. Alois continued to evangelize, however, even retaining the title of ‘Father’ and refusing to surrender his cassock. He continues to provide pastoral services and religious education to young people in Karakura.
This led to Ratzinger pushing successfully for his excommunication in 2022.

Alois' formative years and tiresome history with the Church have developed him into a person with a great fondness for candor, honesty, and truth. It has also, understandably, caused him to be mindful of coming off as ‘preachy’ to anyone he speaks with.

Alois has managed to secure further education online to qualify him to teach at a secondary school level. His pastoral group celebrated this feat and is hopeful he will go on to teach history. History: a subject infamously fought over by bureaucrats and public figures all vying for their chance to teach ‘the real history’ and, as Alois sees it, committing the most dreadful sins of whitewashing, mass epistemicide, and working in concert with capital to deny people a proper understanding of their history! He hopes to instill in students criticality so they might be able to better identify manufactured consent and concocted narratives. On a more personal note: he wants young people to not suffer lies easily. If there is one thing he wants the youth of Karakura to be able to do, it would have to be to do exactly what he failed to do early in his life: refuse to participate in their own exploitation.

In-Character Information
SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Alois Candelaria
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. OR Fr.
Given Name(s): Alois
Preferred Name: Alois OR Fr. Candelaria

Age (Minimum is 27): 33
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Christianity
Marital Status: Not married

Nationality: Vatican
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):
Academic Degree: B.A Catholic Theology, Master of Divinity, B.A. Education (Secondary)
Year of Graduation: 2013 from Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Major(s): Biblical Studies
Minors: Theological Studies

Native Languages: English
Other Languages: Japanese, Latin

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Y

Additional notes about your application:
Some components of this application (on purely factual matters, e.g. teacher trivia) have been borrowed from a prior application of mine. If this constitutes plagiarism or some other infringement; please immediately notify me so I can shove all of my responses back into my head, shake it up a little, and see what other responses I can generate.

Do you have any questions?: None that have not already been confidentially forwarded to the appropriate person via the appropriate channel(s) as explicitly authorized by the respective person. I am still hopeful for a response.
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Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application

  • Extremist characters are not wanted as educators for the school.
  • If wishing to be a history teacher, please do proper research into the servers lore, as you made incorrect statements about the lore in your application.

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.

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